How does this even make sense? What giveaway? And what has he even said about anything concerning any giveaway? And how does the "you don't care" part even make any sense? You've lost me, 100%.. ??
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Don't tell me you get confused THAT easily?
I never said anything about a giveaway (yet), but from his reply he's not winning it. For two reasons; 1. He assumed I was trying to trade something on a site I'm well aware that is all about giving games away (I know, I've gifted $400+ games away already, none of which are bundled games). And 2. Linking to SteamTrades when I've obviously already mentioned that I was trying to trade it over at ST.
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... You not being able to effectively express yourself through the english language and refering to something that doesn't exist yet and you've not even mentioned once before (the giveaway) doesn't make my confusion anything but understandable, rather than laughable or something for you to patronise me over with your little "Don't tell me you get confused THAT easily?" remark.
You're not going to win the giveaway. And don't tell me "you don't care", you care.
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Oh wait, that's right, I haven't said anything about any giveaway yet, therefore my reference to "the giveaway" is nonsensical and moot. So, the "you don't care" part also makes no sense, as it can hardly be referring to this imaginary giveaway which doesn't exist or hasn't been mentioned before yet. So, it must be referring to or reacting to something else, probably something you said. 'specially since it started with "And", further making it look like I'm moving on to a new topic, other than the giveaway. But wait, you said nothing to make me go "don't tell me you don't care, because you do".
Sorry about the confusion.
(I hope you see my point now. Try using empathy more to see things from anothers' perspective first. Just because you have something planned in your mind, doesn't mean others will also understand references to such and further comments on it that make perfect sense to someone who has knowledge of what you're talking about. We're not fukkin mindreaders.)
That said, sorry about the failtrades. I dig they can be annoying as all fuck.. Try some other trading sites from now on instead; the community on ST is, indeed, filled with lowballing, scamming, english mangling miscreants and weirdos.. But you already know that, now :P. Here's a link to a post on the steam forums where they list a number of decent trading sites, should help some in future trades :) :
EDIT: Just looked at your giveaway and fuck man, that many entries? Goddammit man, probably the most are people that either a) scour the forums for giveaways, enter all, read nothing, or b) have scripts to do so for them. I'm not even in your giveaway as I don't play guitar but damn man, sorry for you. I hope you won't have to go through 50 re-rolls man... And still, nice giveaway, 'thanks' in name of the legit entries in it :)
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Yeah, I might have to do something about all those "probably-not-read" entries. I'm in the talks with support about it all but it's a bit hard to come to a conclusion as it's a special case with all the pre-requirements before you can play the game.
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I'd be surprised if the rules were approved. Perhaps it would be better to delete this giveaway and make a private one. Then make a thread on the forums asking people to provide proof before you give them the giveaway link.
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We'll see what they decide. Perhaps I'll have to delete it and create a new due to the high amount of people that probably don't have the equipment.
You can't really provide proof before getting the key either. Sure, you can take a picture of your guitar (or just take it from Google) but most users don't have the required cable. That's why I set it to one week for the winner to purchase one and send me a picture of it all.
Having a guitar doesn't mean you'll buy the cable, which is why I want proof of only the winner after the giveaway is done.
We'll see, I'm hoping I'll get a final decision soon.
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Can't believe support might be giving you issues about your entirely reasonable, and understandable, rules and requirements, btw. What a bunch of balls. What's their stated reason for not just directly approving them?
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I don't think support has stated anything yet. It's just that this giveaway could take months to resolve. I doubt more than 5% of the current entrants even own a guitar. And less than that would be willing to buy a cable within 7 days.
By the time this giveaway ends, I expect several thousand entries, with maybe only 50 actual qualifiers. That's A LOT of rerolling that would need to be performed.
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True, true. But they can allow these rules anyway as they can always delete the giveaway later, if more than 1 or 2 re-rolls are required. I see no problem with that, as the rules are a one-off, so they wouldn't be setting any kind of precedent that might lead to future issues.
Although, yeah, the best would have been a check on people before they get into the giveaway to begin with, sure. Something like a private link and an itstoohard puzzle. Maybe that will happen anyway, now.
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A private giveaway after answering a couple of questions from itstoohard.com is most likely how it'll be done, yeah.
I was honestly hoping that people would actually only join if they'd be able to play the game. I mean, sure, some people like to have a lot of games in their Library (I do, I've bought games I still haven't played), but a non-working game? Never crossed my mind.
That's obviously not the case here, most people enter without reading the description, some enter anyway, and a few actually have/are prepared to purchase the things you need. And that's a real problem.
So basically, as soon as the rules have been officially approved, that's what I'm going to do.
They're not giving me any trouble though, they just want the majority of the support staff to voice their opinion on the matter since it's a special case. And pretty odd rules (buy this, take photo of yourself, send to me!).
All of the staff that has replied to my ticket so far seems to agree that the rules are fair since the game actually require special equipment and that it wouldn't be fair to those who actually own the right stuff, if someone who didn't would win.
And I want to give the game to someone that'll actually be able to enjoy it.
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Also, replied (with a quite lengthy comment) to your comment on the giveaway. With some salient points, too.
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Its steamtrades. People try to give free keys and coupons for 60$ just released games.
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I traded mine for very well conditions (far better than 15$). But since the cable itself is very expensive, the game+cable retail bundle is the cheapest and easiest solution for the most people I guess. Btw. I really like the game. Just hoping the additional song DLC's will be on sale sometime (Not sure if they will ever be).
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Oh, the retail bundle is the cheapest, sure. I wasn't trying to trade it for a 50€ game though, I just thought 12-ish was a bit low-balling.
I get why their tracks are expensive though, I mean, sure - Rockband has it cheaper, but they're not really the same. The "regular" songs are 1€ each (?) and their "pro-songs" are 2€ each (?). Then again, Rockband has a lot more current customers which gets the price down compared to Rocksmith. Or something like that. :)
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Oh, I wasn't comparing to Rockband or Guitar Hero (Don't have them). But imo 3€ for one song is a bit overpriced. I saw some song bundles with a pack of Indie-Classic Rock etc. songs for 12€, but they seem to be removed. And for the retail: The cable here is 30€, the retail 60€. Since you only want to trade if you can save money there, there's no big range (In comparision with the 50€ you made). And the demand seems very low, too. Maybe you should convince a friend to pick up a guitar and the game ;)
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2 coupons, Puzzle Agent and Bloody Good Time for your Skyrim!
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Fortix for your Skyrim?
On a slightly more serious note I do have an active trade thread now. 8D
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I offer Dota2, 6 keys for Fifa 2010 on Origin and some expired Beta key I've got. I can also add coupons!!!
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The worst part is that the people with the Fifas, Dotas and beta keys spam every, but every thread in existence with those offers o.o
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I've seen people spam the same offer on every thread, then when someone accepts they tourn around and say they weren't interested in what's being offered in the first place.
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It's just common curtesy to answer offers, even if it's just to say that you're not interested in them.
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I do have a guitar. I also used to enjoy playing guitar hero but I pretty much quit cause I realized I'd rather get better at guitar than guitar hero, also my former housemate jacked my game and controller. So yeah, I'll have to check this out at some point.
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The community is awful, I've spent some time reading what they try to trade for what over there. Although that's hardly any different from many abusers from here, so I guess it's the same everywhere.
That game interests me, as a guitar player. The only reason I haven't gotten it yet is cause the cable+game together are quite pricey, and without knowing the inner workings of it there's always the chance of it not being good and a waste of 70€. I'd get the cable for sure though, if I had the game. Sadly I don't have anything to trade you for it, I don't really keep an inventory around.
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I've actually met a few really cool people over at ST, but they are a very small minority :)
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You know no one is forcing you to trade. If no one wants your game or thinks your game is worth much you'll get low offers. If you don't like the offers you don't have to accept them, try again in a bit and hopefully there will be more interest.
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Not too sure about the prices of rocksmith in particular, but I've heard on some trading chatroom that there were people with extra codes or something... If only I could remember what the conversation was about.... But yea, one of the guys there got it for $10.
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I have the cable and the ps3 version, but would prefer the steam version
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Here's the giveaway for the game: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0W3aF/rocksmith
Please note that there are special rules that apply in order to win the game.
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Because of a misunderstanding. Two support said "excellent idea" and "go for it" while a third said "not yet approved". I've edited the giveaway as "special rules approval pending" but one should keep them in mind and not just enter "because one can" since one still need the required equipment to play the game.
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I actually am interested in the bass part of the game, since I think it'll be a nice motivation to practice more, but the $30 cable that apparently comes with a special driver, so it basically is useful only in the game, kind of pushes me away at any price.
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Some people over there are some really strict "businessmen". Once they EVER see a game on sale for say, 5 bucks (let's say this game is usually $30 at a normal price), they won't ever trade it for anything that's not under the value of $5. To all those people I can only say: grab your time machines and get it for $5 when it's on sale, because that game still costs fucking $30 if you wanted to get it.
Overall, there are many great traders too, so just avoid these type of crowd and trade with people who have common sense.
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Jesus I hate those traders. $60 brand new game is worth $30 because of RU store. I love trading! I wouldn't bother attempting to trade unless the game is on sale then maybe you'll get somebody interested.
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Many thanks for the giveaway .. will be entering as soon as my points replenish ^_^
I don't have the cable yet but if i win i shall buy one
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Man, you're going to have a bad time with this giveaway. More than half of them just entered without reading and others are saying that they will definitely buy the cable if they win (for some reason, i think only 10% will do so)
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rocksmith isnt worth what it costs to but on steam because it doesnt include the cable.
In uk its £35 and to get the cable its £20 so the game should be worth £15 or less on steam
i traded mine for alternative song pack
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Boo, missed the gibway. I have the cable, but I'm very hesitant to fork over as much money as Steam wants for it.
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As topic says, I've got Rocksmith and the best offer I got from SteamTrades was 15$. Really? A game worth 49.99€ and I get 11.79€ as an offer?
Turns out people are not only assholes, they don't play guitar either. So here's for non-guitar-playing-assholes! :D
Edit: Due to the offers I got I've decided to give the game away instead. Please note that there are special rules that apply in order to win the game.
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