-awaits the flood of no game users who near beg to be the one-
And no thanks for me. :P
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Why thank you. Your own avatar is nice as well. And acts as a reminder that I still don't have one of the best GBA games.
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I could do alien colonial marines for you or something else too, sent you friend request to discus
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I might caution you... do you think it's the smartest thing in the world to hand over your username and pass to someone so they can activate their machine on the okay to share list? Especially random internet people? Be cautious is all I'm saying.
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Oh, I didn't know that... It's just for the beta, right? It's kinda stupid if you need to give people your password to enable this feature... Even because they will be using their account to play your games. You should just need to toggle some kind of permission.
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no its not in the beta anymore. why would be stupid to log in in someone else machine first? its called family sharing, nor random stranger sharing
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I didn't say it was stupid to log into another person's computer, but to give your password to somebody else. Of course, you're not supposed to share your account, regardless if it's with a stranger or your brother. And I kinda remembered, on their FAQ, they said there would be 2 ways of sharing: authorizing a device (so, anybody using it would be able to play your game) or authorizing an user (so he would be able to play your games). Just did my research and didn't find it anymore (also found the notice that it's available to everyone), so they either update the FAQ or I was mistaken.
Anyway, I think it makes sense, since they only want it to be used by close people sharing computers.
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Here, found it! They changed it, then:
Family Sharing is enable in one of two ways: You can either locally authorize a device to share via the Account tab in Settings, or respond via email to a user's Steam request to share your previously installed games.
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at bottom of said link
Update: It looks like Valve has updated the page recently, which significantly changes how sharing works. No longer does it state that users can authorize sharing through emails. It appears that it must be done locally and physically on a computer. That's a bummer but also not too surprising. You can check the updated guide at the same. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3784-QLBM-5731&l=english
aka logging in on a computer is required to authorize it
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If I would be a bad person and applying for this Family Sharing with the OP, I would set up a Keylogger first on my PC to grab his credentials when he logs in with Teamviewer / VNC / whatever to get access to his account.
@OP: Don´t do it. ~98% of the Internet is not as honest and generous as you.
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What games do you have in your library? o_O
P.S. My system specs are in the "View more info" section of my Steam profile.
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We share about 150 games.
You do have a few games that I would be interested in playing.
Maybe I'll sit this one out and let someone else who doesn't have so many games already on Steam take you up on your offer though.
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Are you sure you are ready for the horde?
No thanks for me, it's a grand gesture you're doing. xD
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I'm too apathetic to work out how to use family sharing, but best of luck finding a worthy partner :)
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I was going to say I would but I looked at your games list and we own almost the same games it seems lol. So not me sadly. D:
Your request is quite odd. Why do you want screen shots/videos? :P
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You have quite the collection there. If you want, i may be able to...help? If you're looking for advice on upgrading however, asking around should be easier (at least for me, and it's less risky for you as well)
The specs:
Gigabyte G1.Sniper M3
I5 3570k 3.8GHZ
2x4GB DDR3 1600MHZ Kingston HyperX Blu
Sapphire Radeon 7850 OC Edition 2GB (975/1350)
XFX DD Radeon 7970 (currently being RMA'd, and using the 7850 as a replacement)
2TB WD Caviar Green HD
1TB WD Caviar Green HD
1920x1080 resolution.
Also, if you want to try something from my library, feel free to let me know. I've never tried this family sharing thingy yet.
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11 games of yours that I dont have and want to play.
Metro LL
JC2 modded
Bioshock Infinity
Asrock z77 extreme 3?
Intel i5-3570k
Gskill 8GB DDR3-1600
MSI twin Frozn GTX670
OCZ Vertex 4 ssd (not used for games, so a moot spec)
Resolution is only 1680x1050 though.
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My laptop sucks plus i can only play offline with this university internet. So i will try to complete my some of my games now. :)
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Meh. Not counting ones I already have, you've got maybe... two or three games I'm mildly interested in. So it's not really worth it to me.
Good luck finding someone though.
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OOO OOO! Pick me! MMMMEEEEE!!! I'm a sexy mofo. I like short walks on the beach on the way to the donut shop. My favorite color is pink. I like tight pants and shaving my legs. We'd be so perfect for each other! :>
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mmm, I don't even have time to finish my games, or the games I currently have access to via Steam sharing. I'll have to pass.
Although you have some really really tempting games. I assume you're looking for ideas on which games to tackle next off the back-log, we share a few games I could screen.
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You have some pretty sick games, brah. i don't usually get many games cuz I don't have a job and am not someone who got any allowances, so i often cant afford to buy games. But i do have fraps and play have some fun with my friends on games i do own.
Intel core i7-4770
Radeon HD 7570 (2gb)
12gb ram
1 tb hard drive
1920x1080 resolution
its not the best rig for gaming, but it works with most games on near max setting with 45-60 fps all the time.
Edit: I'd love to atleast get a shot, and if i don't meet your expectations i wouldn't mind at all if ya took me off your list (I mean it is your choice who is on it anyways) =D
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It's not really worth it. I authorized my partner (whom I live with) so he (with like a 10 game library) can access my 200+ games. But a lot of the games he wanted to play don't work because of GFWL/other DRM and whenever I play any game in my library he gets kicked from whatever he's playing. I know these are things that are meant to happen, but unless you're sharing with someone who doesn't use their account much (or is in a timezone where you can play while they sleep) and you KNOW the games you want to play will work, there's not much to gain from family sharing.
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All you gotta do is either join the apathy coalition OR add me.
All I ask in return is screenshots of gameplay or videos with settings set to max if possible.
Almost forgot, post your specs if you want to be considered
EDIT: I appreciate everyone's honesty and modesty in this thread. So, I decided to do a giveaway for 2 copies of One Way Heroics.
Thanks everybody for your input
After careful consideration I've selected 2 users who I've known for a while here in this forum but thanks for posting your specs everyone.
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