Interestingly this is in breach of steam TOS: "It is not possible to discount a product by more than 90% or less than 10%."

I am not complaining though, if legitimate 90+% discounts are allowed that weren't artificial (caused by a price hike before the sale) then I'm a happy man

2 years ago

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indeed, can't really tell Valve's stance with bundles (on the one hand you can set bundle discount percentage and would be weird if you heavily discount it's content, that you should check outcome percentage, and bundles should be "rewarding" for customers: on the other hand a lot asset flips use bundles to sell their games dirt cheap per piece)

2 years ago

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this a cause of an additional bundle discount cumulated with the app's individual discounts
bundle offers -15%, there are 2 apps at -10%, you pay 100% + 90% + 90% of 3 apps that is 93.33% of each app or a 6.66% discount off the whole package. the total discount is 21.33% an the price is rounded down after the discount to 2 decimals

2 years ago

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also for me is -93% cause the discount is calculated based on owned apps

2 years ago

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Weren't there some free games before? Isn't 100% discount also against TOS?

2 years ago

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I believe it is allowed to make giveaways at "100% discount" from time to time. I'm not sure if you need Valve's permission, you probably do.

2 years ago

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If you review the page that OP linked to, it shows that no single item is more than 90% off - So they're in TOS, if that even matters.

Given that the base game is the highest retail cost and the highest individual % off compared to DLC, it drives up the overall % off when summing up the base price of everything ($68.39), and comparing it to the sale price of everything ($4.06).

2 years ago

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Rephrased: It's not below 90%, since the bundle itself isn't in any way ever reduced below 90%. The bundle itself just has a lower base price (reflected by its discount) to begin with, and the displayed discount factors that in to entice customers. Packages also offer similar discounts, but don't have a similar way of displaying the combined discount element. So if a package goes 90% off, it's actually ALSO going above 90% total discount, if the package is a typical one and cheaper than the individual prices of the items within it. In fact, some packages are over 90% cheaper than all the DLCs combined, even without any discount on the package.

Basically, the bundle discount is an illusionary discount reflecting the fact that the bundle- as a type of package- is a cheaper option than individual purchases, and thereby doesn't relate to the 90% discount element. That said, putting up a bundle with only a single item in it, and an added discount included, would presumably still violate Valve's policies, as it undermines the very idea of a package/collection/GOTY/complete edition/etc being discounted for the sake of being such an edition, and instead tries to exploit a lower price for a single item.

Sorry that I'm not in the state of mind right now to phrase all that more intuitively..

TL;DR version, it's not actually below 90% because packages are always inherently discounted, and that inherent discount isn't factored into any package on Steam, be it a bundle type or standard type.

2 years ago

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Interesting... would you say deluxe editions can then also go higher than 90% legally such as this case:

2 years ago

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i have all from the bundle what i wanted, but with this price i will buy all of it :D

2 years ago

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They fucked it up.

View attached image.
View attached image.
2 years ago

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Adding another game to the cart and then removing it (with Just Cause still being in the cart) fixed it for me.

2 years ago

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Removing didn't work for me. I ended up adding a cheap 39 cents game and voila it worked for me.

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

2 years ago

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I kinda would have tried this game if the discount actually worked. Not interested in any hassle though, the series doesn't interest me that much anyway.

2 years ago

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This is really the Golden Age of gaming.

2 years ago

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Is it worth it if I enjoyed Just Cause 2? thinking of refunding the Obscure collection and buy this instead

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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yeah, I agree with Geralt

2 years ago

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Seems like a steal

2 years ago

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that game was bundled so many times that even -84% is not a good deal

2 years ago

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That was my thought, as someone who doesn't own any of the content yet. For those not especially valuing the extra vehicles in the XXL edition (versus the XL edition), and not owning any previous content, it's a slightly high price for the XL edition (ie, the full story content version), given precedent.

However, my personal considerations aside, it's worth noting that the XXL edition was only ever bundled once (that I'm aware of, and can find info on), in a 2019 Humble Monthly. The XL and base game have been bundled in additional sales, leaving XL and XXL content missing for many bundle purchasers. Being that this IS a Steam Complete-the-Set-Bundle that's being discounted, those lacking the XXL content could presumably still benefit from this offer, getting it for what's likely a much, much cheaper price than they'd find in bundles (barring XXL going tier 1 or similar) given how DLCs are rarely bundled and almost never bundled at favorable prices.

Meanwhile, those just wanting the base game would maybe be better off waiting for another bundling, given SquareEnix west's obsession with bundling their games. (Though SqE-W has been purchased by another company recently, but given the constant 90% discounts that company has been doing, the dynamics seem to have only shifted further into the direction of ceaseless steep discounting.)

TL;DR version, it's a great deal for those wanting to complete their DLCs, but more of a hard sell to those still looking towards purchase the base game (with or without DLCs), given the reasonably high likelihood of continued bundling/discounting and of comparable or better pricing.

2 years ago*

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TL;DR version, it's a great deal for those wanting to complete their DLCs, but more of a hard sell to those still looking towards purchase the base game (with or without DLCs), given the reasonably high likelihood of continued bundling/discounting and of comparable or better pricing.

Totally agree. Although I don't think we'll see a better price as zero. 😉

2 years ago

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It's a good deal if you're wanting to play the game though.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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You can just watch the storepage to reach the tags (and reviews)?

Action, adventure?

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by RoaringTides.