Chrono Trigger is boring, they re-released FF7 last summer, the ones after that are "too new", and I already own the greatest Final Fantasy game on it's original console (Final Fantasy IV), so I'm good.
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Chrono Trigger is boring
No it's not. There's a reason that game's been re-released on PS1, NDS, iOS, Android. It's just one of the greatest and timeless RPG of all time.
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It gets multiple releases because silly people keep buying it. :P
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Yeah, for £6.99 or whatever the equivalent of that is if you have a different currency. I pay less than that for most of my Steam games though, which is why I haven't purchased it on Android, maybe it it went on a sale of some sort. Square Enix generally charges quite a lot for their mobile titles imo. Look at Final Fantasy Dimensions, £13.99 for a damn Android game lol.
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Chrono's $10 and FFD is $20. Insanity. Apparently Chrono has an issue where if someone calls you while you're playing, you get reverted back to the last save spot and lose all progress since then, so I'll be passing it up. FFD seems really interesting, but I can't give them $20 for it.
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LOL so if you play without airplane mode turned on you're fucked...and apparently FFD is underrated as well, it's supposed to be good. But I'm just not paying that amount for an Android game ever in my life.
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Hah, exactly. Chrono has a ton of bad reviews for that exact reason. Sorry, but if my phone doing its phonely duties is going to kill my game, then I'm not going to bother playing that game on there. :p
Yeah, FFD sounds really interesting, but that price tag kills me.
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Also, I keep seeing comments on their game's pages that you have to be connected to the internet or something? Something about a license check, not sure exactly, but if that's true you wouldn't be able to enjoy it on airplane mode. I'm not entirely sure what's going on there but if my assumptions are right, you'd just have to deal with your game cutting off when someone calls :S
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Agree on Chrono Trigger (I've never gone much further than gaining magic during most of the times I've forced myself to play it), disagree on Final Fantasy (I'm a fan of V and X myself).
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For all we know XV will end up being the long lost Versus XIII
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Then go ahead by all means, it's up in the description now, decided to create it and see if it takes off or not
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You're late, FF VII & FF VIII are coming to Steam... eventually
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I've seen those rumors many times but I want actual confirmation. Also not just those two, though those would be the easiest since they were both released on the PC already, I'm saying they should also bring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and even the Tactics games, and 9
Edit: Hell even 10, 10: 2, 12 and all the 13s. Why not.
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The only confirmation we have so far is that the steam database entries for both games get updated at least once every two weeks lately, FFVII was re-released/bug-fixed on the SE store last year, and that FFVIII has been confirmed for an HD remaster coming soon.
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That's good then I guess, but still, since the first 6 are being re-released on every format, Steam should be one of them wouldn't you agree?
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never cared for final fantasy, but considering how a lot of people love the old ones, i will sign it.
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However, I'm not entirely sure how these petitions work I mean, do you have to contact the person it's aimed at beforehand and agree on a number of signatures you need or could a petition just be made out of the blue and just sent when done?
Let me explain how petitions work in 3 simple steps:
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Well I guess but fuck it, lemme just try and see what happens
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But Earthbound is being released for Wii U VC later this year.
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I don't have a link, but he's right, it was said during one of their Nintendo Direct streams if I'm not mistaken, Earthbound is coming to Virtual Console, only on Wii U though I think
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How in the hell would it make things harder for indie JRPG makers?
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I thought you might see more people going for the classic games rather than the newly made ones, it was just a thought that came up in my head
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I didn't see an option to pick a number of signatures needed, it just picked 100 by itself
Edit: Nvm found it, how many do you reckon I should ask for?
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You can buy final fantasy 7 for pc from the square enix page
with achievements and cloud storage just like steam, i don't know why they don't bring the game to steam, also i don't know why they made final fantasy 13, 13-2 and 13-3 if 13 is a bad game and with bad sellings
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So that one should definitely come to Steam then, I mean it's basically ready.
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I kinda expected a bit more enthusiasm and support from the Steamgifts community but oh well. If you do like the idea, please sign and share. I don't really know how else to promote it.
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petitions are quite useless most off the time but good luck anyway
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Thanks :P I'm quite shocked though at the lack of support for this one, it sounded so good in my head
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Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, GameSpot forums, Final Fantasy forums, Steam forums and of course right here on Steamgifts
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Well they did recently release FF7 on pc to their personal store page so bring it to steam would be a huge boost in sales to that.
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Sure would and 7 & 8 are apparently coming to Steam, it seems, but I'd also like to see the first 6, and Tactics
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FF7 has been on PC since 1998, FF8 since 2000. They've had a long time to get it onto Steam. I know there are steamdb entries for both games for the last three months, so at least it's finally going to happen. Here's hoping they don't cock it up somehow.
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the original pc release of ff7 was a buggy mess though. The one they recently put on their store they fixed that and added some new stuff.
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I beat FF7 3-4 times on ps1, FF8 3 times (or something like that, you can get a lot faster to the ending with gameshark kkkk), and FF9 2-3 times. Now I see that only FF8 got a history that would not need a sequel, it is absolutely complete, and is the only game on the series I've seen that doesn't make a cliche love story with tons of "hugs", FF7 "ends" with stars (until you turn off the console ¬¬), FF8 ends with a kiss and the flying garden going through the skyes at night xD
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They should just go back to making these good Final Fantasy games rather than focusing on crap like creating Deus Ex on iOS
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Well 7 & 8 seem to be releasing on Steam, according to the links people have been sharing. But there is no word on whether any of the other classic Final Fantasy games & the Chrono games would release on Steam. Therefore, I would appreciate a signature, just to improve the chances of it happening :)
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72 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Yamaraus
Basically, I think Square Enix needs to bring all their classic Final Fantasy games, along with titles like Chrono Trigger/Cross, to Steam. Clearly it's not impossible since Sega is bringing their Sega Genesis games to Steam. But yeah, if these games can be released on the iOS Appstore and the Google Playstore, there's no reason Steam shouldn't have them. Here's the link to the petition if anyone wants to support it.
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