Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?
You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration. If a friend is interesting in joining giveaways, they'll need to register for their own account.
You have to activate it.
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Why did you enter the giveaway, if you do not want the game.
Read the FAQ & guidelines. There is a whole point about "Can I win for a friend?".
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Yeah, and cool kids get permanent suspended real fast ...
Edit: Or on many, many new blacklists.
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Beside the rule, you might also want to read
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Actually, cool kids do read the rules. If you don't, you'll have no chance to become "cool" on here because you'll get banned pretty quickly or people will dislike you for not following rules. Believe me, the only people that think it's cool to not follow the rules, are people that don't follow the rules themself...
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There is no such thing as being cool from the inside, coolness must come from the outside, from those whom don't participate in this wonderful community, which are those whom you reffered, so being banned is cool, as long as you share and don't take the hit alone, it's a community effort, not a rulefull gamble;
If that made sense, pretty sure it didn't
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many ppl got permanent suspend bcz can't read the rules...
Yes... can't read..
so, is that cool ?
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Its against the rules. You have to activate the games you win, and you can
t regift or trade them.
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why eneter a giveaway if you dont like the game in first place? wth dude? :p
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It's like Christmas gifts from close relatives, you gotta hang on to them, or you're an asshole.
Except, in this instance, the individual in question already asked 'Hey, what do you want for Christmas?' and you replied with 'The ugliest sweater possible so I can throw it away.'- so you're already well along to achieving that title. :X
The correct thing to do here would be to write on the giveaway "I no longer have interest in this game, please reroll it." so that someone who actually wants the gift can have it.
Or you can come across as contrary, rude, and selfish- but then, as with any social expressions of the sort, expect people to regard you less favorably due to such actions, as well.
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enters giveaway for stuff he doesn't want
complains about getting stuff he didn't want
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According to ArchiStatistics there is 100% chance that you'll enter less giveaways from now on for creating this thread.
According to the same stats, there is approx 68.43% chance that I will enter less giveaways from now on as well :3.
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Ask the GA creator to re-roll so that someone who wanted the win can have it and refrain from entering giveaways for games you are not interested in from now on.
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Sorry to sound like an old nagging mother, but how do you know you don't like it if you haven't even tried it?
If you aren't sure you'd like it, don't enter. Points are a dime bag a dozen here.
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Let's say that the gift of the giveaway is a pink tutu.
If you hadn't participated in the giveaway, nobody would have forced you to wear your pink tutu.
But since you have participated in the giveaway, everyone is expecting you to wear your pink tutu. But what will the giveaway creator will think if he sees you giving away his pink tutu? He'll get mad, because it was a special pink tutu, just for you.
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Tutus are good for you, especially when they're offered as a gift to you from your loved ones. <3
To conclude, Gorduuu must wear his pink tutu. >:(
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now do us this pleasure - go here: scroll down to BlackList numbers and tell us how much did you just win :)
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Does not like the game but still enters.Wins said game then ponders giving it to a friend.Then wonders if it is wrong to re-gift.
It was bad from the start and the only excuse was I had spare points am "too cool" to read the rules.Reminds me of those people who are offered an item for free and when asked if they need more they say sure I will take as many as you will give me.They never give a thought to others who may actually want it
Yet people still look at my views of bans and such for not reading rules as harsh and this is one fine example of itThey admit to not even reading the rules.
Still even not reading the rules they should not have to ask if itis it okay to re-gift.After they said they read forum post about it being wrong and they still want confirmation if it is okay.So why did you even make a thread about this.Did not reading the other post confirm it is not allowed.Did you still not read the rules?
Common sense and a bit of logic should alert you to that being wrong and there are rules on websites and to read the F.A.Q./Rules.I guess these days we throw logic out the door.I guess since this is the internet that no real life logic applies and we just use "internet logic" which is makeup rules as we go.
You deserve a ...
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It seems like throughout this thread your tone has been playfully flippant, but I don't know if everyone is gonna take it to be as awesomely cool as you might expect. In the end, your first notable contact with many in the community has been, "hey, can I be an ungrateful prick?" and then upon being told to RTFM, "haha, I'm too cool for school wink."
So it comes off like just one big smirking shitpost, I think.
Maybe make one post of more than a sentence where you indicate that you appreciate the help you've been offered and both understand and intend to comply with the rules. Without easily misunderstood humor.
And then close the thread.
And also consider retiring that Youtube link as a response to being told what the rules are after you explicitly seek advice regarding them.
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+1 OP seems to think he is a very cool guy, while in fact this kind of behaviour will only lead to people disliking him. If you ask for help, at least have the decency to respond in a normal manner and show some gratitude to those offering help. They're not obligated to help after all.
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I guess that, because people like me, the brazilian internet community looks so toxic in the internet, i am sorry if you feel that way, but this is humoristic, it by default will break the normative rule (i don't remember the real name of the norm, but i know that it is a scenics art concept), which will be wrong by default. So i won't be closing, if this is the end for me, so it'll be, i was supended defending a cause
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Nah, I'm not gonna judge Brazilians based upon your thread.
It's just that humor doesn't always translate, and ultimately your post announces that you didn't read the rules. People don't like that, that's all.
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This is why I only enter games that I'm really into. I have had a guy say "wtf, your account has X amount of time and you have won only X games? You're pathetic!". I said to this person that I'm not pathetic, I won't enter a giveaway for a game that I'm not interested in, I would rather give somebody else a chance to win something they like.
Gorduuu, you should do the same! If you have spare points, look for more games that might catch your eye and don't go the one's that you could care less about! Let other people have their chance at winning something they might like.
I usually don't just put people that don't activate my gifts on my blacklist, I report them. I did that on one of my last giveaways 'cause I noticed the winner had won several gifts but he hardly activated any of them, including mine. So I reported the account and now it's permanently suspended. Was the game something extraordinary? Maybe not but there could have been someone interested and didn't get the chance to win cause of people like you, entering games they don't like.
Next time, think before entering. Also, you should ask the giveaway maker to do a reroll.
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At least you marked as received, I'm having a bit of trouble with that on my last batch of giveaways. Which has stopped me from having more giveaways. Hurts the community. So,personally I'd be less inclined to Blacklist someone like you rather someone who doesn't mark as received and then doesn't redeem. I'm new though, so I understand everyone else's frustration with this.
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Worth noting that it's actually intended to mean "Received & Activated", so it's actually considered more problematic for someone to mark it as received without activating it, than leaving it unmarked [as after 7 days and no response from attempts to contact through Steam, the GA creator can simply get it force-marked as received, or rerolled, as is more suitable].
While it may be more problematic to a new GA creator, with limited slots, to be left hanging for a week, for anyone who has passed that threshold, a user incorrectly marking giveaways simply emphasizes an intent to deceive the GA creator and misuse their win.
As for your specific example, I'm a bit confused. If they haven't received it, and haven't redeemed it, then it's possible something came up in RL and they simply haven't been able to give it attention. A passing nuisance of getting the giveaway rerolled seems far less stressful than finding out someone ungraciously handled your gift. But, well, to everyone their own considerations..
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Ah, you're right Sooth. I didn't take that into account. I wasn't necessarily saying they were not going to or that it's even been that long. I guess my point was more so with the problem of not being able to post more giveaways due to them not saying redeemed. I see your point though.
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Well you can always write a ticket so the mods mark your gifts as received. The only "problem" is that you have to wait 7 days (if I'm not mistaken) to do so and show proof that you tried to make the winner mark your gift as received. I've had to do that on a few occasions :(
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That's alright, It had only been a little while, I was mostly using that as an example.
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The original question was ok. But did you read the answers the OP then gave?
Seems like someone thought behaving like a smartass is funny or cool.
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I won one giveaway, but i don't really like the game and i am trying to see if one of my friends want it, so i won't be activating for a while.
I marked as recieved and everything, but i just archived, same as i did in my indiegala games, am i wrong in doing so? It seemed to be a negative thing, as i read in the discussions of these sites
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