Wassup amazing Steamgifters.

Recently I knew that there will be a re-release of Direct11 version of Dark Souls 2 in April, with updated graphics, enriched story plots and so on. Wasn't such a big deal until I've read the part that owners of Direct9 DS2 have to BUY IT AGAIN (maybe with full price) to enjoy the updated version.

That was mindblowing for me as I bought it on Winter Sales, now I'm feeling foolish. F*** You FromSoft.

10 years ago

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Everyone knows from months ago that you have to buy it again if you already have the old, so no mystery, all companies to that, Metro2033/Last Light, Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex Human Revolution, etc. So I see no problem.

10 years ago

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Wishing they will offer a reasonable discount for owners though.

10 years ago

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Of course the old players will get 15% off from the pre-purchase! Not a fact!

10 years ago

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They should give it at least, but yeah it's a lame anyways, when companies to that.

10 years ago

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from what i know with sleeping dogs the discount was 50% if you had the normal edition...thought it didn't had pre-order

10 years ago

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Metro series was on 50 % disc if you had Metro 2033 and LL

10 years ago

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It's a pretty old news but yeah, it's becoming a trend now.

10 years ago

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There are rumors about owners of the dx9 version getting a possible discount for the dx11 version.

10 years ago

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I bought it full price long ago and got 100 hours something so I can't really complain.
From what I've heard the 2 versions will be hosted on seperate servers so it will suck for people who play it for PvP or co-op.
I think best would be if they would just sell it as an upgrade pack for the owners of the vanilla version.

10 years ago

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One awesome point. Sell the pack for about $10 will definitely satisfy my fragile heart.

10 years ago

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The worst part being the DX9 playerbase getting effed by the player base being split. So even if you aren't buying into this, you're worse of because of it

10 years ago

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Couldn't agree more about it dude.

10 years ago

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Is this a joke?

10 years ago

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Is your subject the fact or my opinion?

10 years ago

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The fact, man, the fact. This bullshit has to stop and DS2 is less than one year old!

10 years ago

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I think they just wanted to publish the game by the deadline, and then do the nextgen version after that to gain extra profit. Win-Win situation for them.

10 years ago

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Good, maybe I can buy this version for $5 in the next sale. Don't care about online or cutting-edge graphics.

10 years ago

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Almost 1000 hours in, but I'm not giving fromsoft a single penny from now on :)

10 years ago

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The temptation is real bro.

10 years ago

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I haven't been paying much attention to this, but if Miyazaki takes some control over this re/release. it might be good news.

Maybe not for us that already own and wasted so many hours already, but there is a lot that needs fixing.
I don't mind if we end up with 2 separate servers, because even though I enjoyed DSII, is by far the worst in the series

EDIT: Is there any info on how much will this cost?

10 years ago*

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Japanese prices:

10 years ago

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Luckily I don't have the game. I care about graphics but not about any kind of multiplayer. A discount is a must for stuff like this. Even better, it should be free.

10 years ago

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It should be free on my first thought, second thought was to make a upgrade pack or discount, third thought: f* Fromsoft.

10 years ago

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