Are you going to see it?
Creating a Ghostbusters universe franchise.
Billion dollar idea: "yes, ghost aliens! "
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"I also think there is a problem with the fact that there are women this time"
It wouldn't be a problem if that movie in the trailer looked well and funny... but it doesn't... it looks horribly. We have a lot of movies with females as main stars and people don't complain about them, Resident Evil for example (well maybe they complain a bit about newer parts).
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But the trailer shows it as if its trying to create situation comedy with everything the ghostbusters would have to do on a daily basis.
A parody would have to be an exageration of the original movies. If its a parody its not trying hard enough
Edit: also every characters fits in a stereotype which is also common for a sitcom....or we could just call this a chick flick
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Well they did say more like a parody not a full out parody.
I think what they where trying to say is it is more akin to a parody then an actual Ghostbuster movie.That does not mean that is how i see it i am just saying i would not take that as them meaning it is a full on parody.
This was a a terrible idea for a lot of reasons though imo the biggest one i was worried about was adding the women and not because i have anything against them but just weird giving the past franchise.Though by the looks of things that was the least of there worries lol.
This is a cleary just a cash grab and now they will ruin what was a pretty good franchise.They should have done more to work with the Harold Ramis to get a true Ghostbusters 3 even if it had new people they could have done cameos of the originals.I am not saying it would have been a smash hit but surely it would have been better then this?
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pretty clear why people "dislike" it.:
Ghostbusters EPIC FAIL!
won't watch, much like any other
recent cash-grab re-boot
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Well, everything that hints at plot hints that they're mostly recycling ghostbusters Ii with a gender-swapped team. Not even trying to come up with new personalities and different role distribution: nerdy girl is Egon, black girl is Winston, Fat girl is Ray, last girl is Peter. Oh, and buff diude is Janine. I'm surprised they didn't replace Slimer with a pink blob wearing a bow tie on it's forehead.
The complete lack of originality is really disappointing
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Poll needs a "breaking news slowpoke" option. The gender-swap has been known for a long while now (and forbes already made a rule 63 joke back in 2015. All of the teasers the past year, leading up to the trailer, have been bad. How could anybody have expected better from the actual trailer?
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Does anyone else find those scenes at 2:11 - 2:22 a bit racist with aw hell naw & let the powers of Christ compels you?
Why not also give her a bucket of KFC while she's munching on a watermelon in the other hand. Jesus.
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Actually thats the level of awkwardness that would drive me into watching this movie.
Though the character is already racist enough for me to chuckle
i remember winston was being trained in the original movie, but he didn't seem like the average guy, he was trained in martial arts or something and he had a voice/opinion inside the group he certainly wasnt a loud black woman archetype.
On the trailer, they didn't bother to give her a purpose in side the group, like this girls are really smart but you...nah, you know the hood
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Not really? That's just Leslie Jones. It's what she does. She practically created the stereotype. The character. Just like McCarthy's chubby, socially awkward white girl. Dumb comedies like this just rely on simple, overused stereotypes. Heck I think all the characters fit one. It's not racist, it's just the type of humour. And it does it to everyone...
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Like others have already said, those who're saying most people are bashing the movie because of the female leads is false. Anyone who is bashing the movie for that reason is stupid; I myself have no problem with an all-female Ghostbusters team. I think that's awesome!
But, apart from that, nothing seems to be original about this film. The jokes aren't that funny either. That's why it's getting such a negative reception, and rightly so.
I want to be interested and excited in this, but I just can't.
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I was mildly interested in it. It was never a "must see" in my mind, but one that I might have considered watching if it ended up looking good. Then the trailer was released...
It looks like they're trying to more or less re-tell the story of the first Ghostbusters movie, but in a far far more obnoxious way.
Last thing I heard from it, all the actors were trying to distance themselves from the movie as much as possible. That's usually a really bad sign. It happened with Fant-4-stick as well, and we all know how that movie turned out.
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If you try to PC something I love, I'll PC your career by never supporting you.
F**k those who change and destroy our beloved childhood heroes.
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If you take a film series like Ghostbusters and choose to reboot it with an all-female lead cast, that isn't someone PCing it. There's a reason why the P in PC is politically.
The studio is making a business decision. One where they create/revive a property using female leads. There is no political pressure, or even a pre-emptive blow against political pressure, that made the studio choose to use only female leads.
You could argue that the choice is conscious, or deliberate, or meant to play to a certain crowd, or whatever, but in order for it to be PC it necessarily requires that this is being done in response to or in anticipation of a backlash, rather than say because McCarthy and Wiig have demonstrated the ability to lead comedy films.
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I do. Most people that use the term don't, though.
Mere inclusiveness, or merely making decisions that involve, prioritize, or target people other than straight white Christian males isn't "PC culture". This is a mischaracterization that is used in order to attack such efforts.
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Nice edit. I nearly missed that. And is that a strawman argument I see? Because I don't think that's quite what Asperyules was talking about... I'll make it simple for you.
According to Wikipedia, "political correctness" is used to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society.
Now I think everyone here knows that, including Asperyules. It's a pretty simple thing. What happened was that you thought Asperyules was referring to the term, but he wasn't. He was quite obviously referring to the culture that comes of it. The aptly named 'PC Culture' ...And what does culture mean? It means "the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society."
And in this case, it isn't that this film just happens to "involve" people "other than straight white Christian males" (...that's oddly specific?) but the current wave of studios unnecessarily changing the gender of popular male figures, and making a film out of it in the name of equality; but for the purpose of getting free promotion and the ability to make a quick and easy, sub-par cash grab.
And I'm sure Asperyules can attest to speaking of this.
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There is no strawman. My point hinges upon the idea that choice to remake a previously released work with a female cast should not be characterized solely within the framework of being PC. Such a characterization leaves no room for a valid reason to choose to cast the film with females leads outside of the PC framework.
As I said, McCarthy has demonstrated an ability to do well as a lead in a major comedy film, and Wiig has an acclaimed comedy film in her recent past as well as well-regarded work in smaller, indie type films. McKinnon and Jones are current SNL members. Wiig is an alum. McCarthy has hosted several times. The association with SNL and the background in writing and performing sketch comedy are what these women have in common with the leads of the original film, minus Hudson.
It's like, all square are rectangles, but not all rectangles are square. The so-called "PC Culture" falls under the umbrella of inclusiveness, of progressivism, of redress of disparities between genders, ethnicities, and so on, but it does not define it.
If your cynical take on the casting for this film is that it has everything to do with an unnecessary change "in the name of equality," for the purpose of "free promotion," for a "quick and easy, sub-par cash grab," then nothing I say is going to change your mind.
For me personally, just because someone decides to do something in a different way than the first time around, that does not make it PC. To describe the world is such a way undermines a person actually valuing diversity, or an attempt to tell a story differently, or with different people, or just having a different point of view. And it relegates everything to an unnecessary otherness that is inherently inferior.
People talk about PC a lot. They talk about it like it is a disease. They talk about its ills. It isn't the disease. Its ills aren't the disease. Its ills are a side-effect of the cure. The disease are the social evils we have always had. The cure is our progressive attitudes, our attempts to ensure all have rights and privileges. The Constitution said that all men were created equal and all had inalienable rights. Then it became necessary to redress the idea that some men weren't men, and then that men should have meant anything other than humankind, and so on, and so on.
The mistakes; the foolishness; the hubris; the hypocritical exclusions; the stifling of discussion; the recriminations; the accusations; the senseless policies; the toneless initiatives; the exploitative and inauthentic appeals to diversity; the tokenism--these are the unfortunate side-effects of the cure. But they aren't the disease.
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I'm just confused where the inspiration came from. Not only did someone try to reboot and old movie but the twist was remove all the actors that everyone loved (and are still alive) and replace them with other actors that are meh and seem awkward for the part. To me it seems less of an attempt at a good movie and more of a PR stunt mixed with gender equality. I don't want this to seem like I am against gender equality or anything because I am all for it. This just seems really weird. It's like the idea of making an all female expendables movie...
Edit: plus everything they have show so far looks like COMPLETE garbage
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If they had casted real female comedians like Sarah Silverman I might have given it a fair chance but Melissa McCarthy, seriously ?
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all these reboots have been pretty meh for me, Jurassic World, SW:TFA, they all are retelling of the first movie, with barely any effort put on them. This one just looks a bit more lazy...
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yeah, this is entering the hole comic book mentality, where different authors and artirst recreate stories over and over again, but since comic books are cheaper they give opportunities to new authors because of the relative low price of failure.
Movies they are going to minimize risk as much as posible, that means casting know actors, getting box office hit writers and directors and try to make the less risky story they can, and they gonna follow this pattern until it stops making them money.
They have every right to make them, thats how this world works, but i dont have to watch them.
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Batman had a good reboot with the Nolan trilogy. Also, Jurassic World was a sequel, they even talked about the events in the original movie. It was utter garbage (though I suspect that it was at least in part due to them cutting out a lot of stuff, considering the strange time jumps that happens in it).
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I'm pretty interested in the new movie. Some of the cast is really funny like Melissa Mccarthy. Although probably people hate it because it is a reboot similar to The Amazing Spiderman and they saw the original Ghostbusters when it came out. I feel the exact same way towards the Amazing Spiderman because I had seen the original one when it first came out.
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The first 30 seconds of the trailer are pretty good.
Judging by the rest of it, the movie will be a cringe-fest though.
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206 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ViToos
So.... Yesterday Sony put out on the internet the official trailer for the Ghostbusters reboot. Its not only a remake, its a reboot-sequel when the ghostbusters are female ones.
Reading about it there is a lot of hate because nobody has faith on this movie, plus the fact that today nothing is original and its about sequels, prequels, remakes, the same but different vs different but the same.
I also think there is a problem with the fact that there are women this time, but I don't have the information and the level of english to debate about the sexist issue.
But, again, the trailer looks like garbage, it has the record of the most disliked trailer on youtube, which is pretty sad and its another crap made by sony. Here you go:
What do you think? Sorry, no GA :(
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