Alright, so I thought I'd be fun to do one of those themed giveaways that everyone else seems to be doing, and also considering this is a gaming website, I figured we could nerd out on some games.

So here's my elevator pitch. List your top ten games of all time - give a blurb on each if you want, give one away. Then we discuss.

I'll go ahead and start (Counting down for maximum impact)

  1. The Last of Us

A case could be made that this game has repetitive game-play, that the stealth systems don't make sense when Ellie is running right out for all the world to see, that it's attempt to make you feel the brutality of the world you live in withevery human life you take is undermined by the countless hoards of enemies that are thrown at you.

But who gives a shit - this is the FINEST story and characterization a video-game has yet delivered. The characters are nuanced and subtle, and that ending, oh it's perfection. Add in the fact that I think it's pretty damn fun to play, and beautiful - especially on PS4 w/ 60 FPS, and I'd say it's a masterpiece.

  1. Mass Effect Trilogy

This is cheating, I acknowledge that, but to me they function best as a trilogy, not as individual games. If I HAD to pick one I'd say 3, but it's my list and my thread - so I don't. While me and my friends in college were running through these, I remember us discussing how everyone's games were turning out differently - I'd be like"Oh what you're with Tali? She has chicken legs that's dumb" and my Bro'd be like "Whatever dude she's the best," and then I'd have Sheppard do Miranda, but by the end of the game realize that Tali totally is the best, and I messed the whole thing up, and then I'd dump Miranda and relish in her salty tears in Mass Effect 3. Anyways, the point being that the time it seemed like these games were unfolding into an unbelievable web of choices and consequences, that everyone's game would be a unique snowflake. In hindsight, this is, of course, total bullshit. But what's important is that when you're playing it is you really FEEL like this is true. I may have other games listed higher on this list, but Mass Effect has the characters I care most about.

  1. Final Fantasy Tactics -

An amazing blend of game-play and story, with a legendary awful translation. Which was great, because the story was so full of twist turns and double crosses, that it was already nearly impossible to tell what the fuck was going on. I love this game to pieces - I love how these adorable little Pixel art isometric baby men murder each other with crunchy sound effects. I love the systems, and how you can basically break the entire game if you know what you're doing (Calculators uber alles). I even love that damn Wiegraf fight scene, even though I saved there on my first run as a kid, and had to start the whole game over, which I'm pretty certain is a common fate.

FFT was GOT before GOT was GOT.

7.Persona 4-

I bought this with a Vita, and was 100% positive I would hate it. I did not, I played the whole thing in a week straight, my thumbs getting carpel tunnel holding the Vita in my oversized clown hands, grinning like a lunatic the whole time. It's not the best story, it's battle system is good but not great, bosses are just damage sponges, but it's so charming, likeable, and compulsively habit forming. It was like Civilization level "One more turn" but this one more turn might mean my teen boy avatar might end up on a date, rather than Ghandi nuking me.

  1. X-Com -

The new ones - these are getting harder and harder to rank. Everyone has their own little X-Com stories, where they name their characters after their friends and families. I never understood this, because they die all the damn time - and it's depressing to watch your girlfriend or best friend get shot down by a Thin Man for the 80th time. I ended up naming my characters stupid names at random. This led to me screaming "NO NOT STALIN" when my burly Russian Mustache Man would be shot in the face. No other game can say that. Also it's stellar, there's that too.

  1. The Witcher 3 -

Last of Us might have the finest overall story of any game, but the Witcher 3 has the finest writing. So many moments in this, Bloody Baron obviously, but smaller ones as well - the Pig Town, the political tension, Dykstra. It also came along after I played Dragon Age Inquisition and had become pretty much disillusioned with the giant open world RPG - and showed that every little quest in these games can have meaning or relevance.

  1. Planescape Torment -

Witcher 3 has the finest MODERN writing then, a distinction I just made up. But there is something to be said there all the same. Really Planescape Torment is more of an unbelievable choose your own adventure fantasy novel than a game - but it's writing, it's writing is (you can't see it but I did that stereotypical Italian thing where you kiss your fingers). It's just so clever, and so imaginative. More games need to be made with the realization that you don't have to follow the same standard Tolkien esque RPG background. (On this note, I would literally (not literally) kill for an RPG set in China Mielvielle's New Corozan world)

  1. Dark Souls-

I'm not going to get into Dark Souls - you know how you feel about Dark Souls if you have played it. You likely know how you feel about Dark Souls even if you haven't played it, or at least you think you do. I thought I did - and then I played it. I was wrong.

  1. Mother 3 -

Of all the games listed here, I would imagine this is the one the least people have played, and that's a shame. This is a masterpiece of a game, it's a Studio Ghibli film slanted and shoved into a gameboy advance cartridge. It's weird, funny, exciting, brilliant, and touching - oh god is it touching. I have never cried at a videogame until I played this game, and then I could not STOP crying. It's all broad strokes stuff, none of it is particularly refined, but so are fables and fairy tales, so are the best children's books and movies. I urge anyone if they played Undertale, or the original Earthbound, or like JRPG's - download an emulator, find the translated copy, and play this game.

  1. Fallout New Vegas:

I mean, it's just the best.

8 years ago

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Deus Ex 1
Final Fantasy VI
Ground Control + Dark Conspiracy

The rest are in random order and tend to change.
Baldur's Gate 2 with mods
Fallout 2
Planetary Annihilation with the Escalation mod
Still Life 1
Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome
XCOM 1 (the original)
Age of Empires 2 with Forgotten Empires (didn't try AK yet)

Despite them being mostly 5-21 year-old games, I don't despise modern ones, but they often feel falling into two categories:

  1. Completely sanitised corporate game with every small detail meticulously planned but little "soul" in it. It is a great product but their creators couldn't put any personality in them.
  2. Random indie game that is adding so much personality it is almost pretentious in this regard, especially if it gets picked up on YT/Twitch and suddenly it is the best game ever. (Just to make myself popular again: the "Souls" series is a great example, with the added bonus of copying itself now seemingly infinitely, yet people eat it more up than CoD copying itself.)

Of course there are plenty others (good old cash grab hack jobs, the casual game scene, and so on), but the market/video game media seems to be dominated by those two.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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My list:

  1. Deus Ex : Human revolution - Director's cut
  2. The Secret of Monkey Island
  3. Grim Fandango
  4. Half Life 2
  5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  6. Assassin's Creed II
  7. Half Life
  8. Batman Arckham Asylum
  9. To The Moon
  10. Age of Empires II
8 years ago

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  1. Borderlands
    Best FPS ARPG I've ever played (though I haven't played the Pre-Sequel yet, maybe one day when I have enough money).
    The graphics, gameplay and music are all top notch and really immerse you in a comic-book graphic style dystopian hunt for the vault.
    I've clocked a lot of hours on this one

  2. System Shock 2
    After playing the original System Shock when I saw this come out I had to have it.
    When I played it I loved the (at the time) awesome 3D graphics and the gameplay wasn't too bad.
    The major reveal approx 1/3 of the way through really grabbed me.
    The only problem was that one of the things that I really enjoyed about System Shock they took out of System Shock 2, being the puzzle element doing things like rewiring a console to power an access bridge or a door while still having to watch out for assassin cyborgs.
    Still an awesome game.

  3. Total Annihilation + Expansions + 3rd party unit pack - TAUCP
    After playing Warcraft and Warcraft 2 I played this and it blew me away.
    Unlimited units in a group
    Build queue
    Patrolling paths
    Unit building queue
    More units than WC 1 and 2 combined!
    No it didn't have a story but I wasn't playing it for the story.
    Absolute classic

  4. Sword of the Samurai
    I am yet to find a game close to this.
    Be a Samurai working your way up to Shogun of Japan
    I used to spend many hours on this on my 386 and still occasionally pick it up for a gaming sesh or two.

  5. Minecraft (PC)
    If you don't know Minecraft you've lived under a rock for the last 5 or so years.
    Still one of the best sandbox games out there with an insanely large modding community.
    Worth the real world currency to buy it.

  6. Portal 2
    THIS I play for the story!
    I thought GLaDOS was good in Portal 1, but the voice acting with the initial levels, Cave Johnson, Wheatley, and GLaDOS had me in stitches.
    If you like puzzle games and love good humour, Check. This. Out.

  7. Half Life 2
    Single player FPS at its finest, with a few puzzles mixed in.
    I usually play this through once a year.

  8. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
    The best couch co-op game at the moment.
    Pilot a ship through levels saving cute bunnies and rescuing the galaxy from the anti-love mosters.

  9. Hearthstone (PC and Phone)
    I used to play Pokemon TCG and Magic: The Gathering, so I do like card games.
    Mix that with characters from WoW (ex player) add awesome cards, card art, and gameplay and you have a recipe for an amazing time!

  10. System Shock Enhanced Edition
    I got a demo of this on a demo disk from a magazine back in the 90's and when I heard the sound card setup sound clip ("Look at you hacker ..." etc.) I knew I had to play this game. 1 hour of gameplay later and I was at my local game store looking for it.
    Now the graphics are terrible but the gameplay more than makes up for it.
    I love when genres cross and this was kind of a Survival/FPS/Puzzle hybrid with an antagonist AI you will love and hate.
    For me - Shodan>GLaDOS>HAL 9000
    This was rated #4 in C+VG Magazine's list of best computer games of all time and the "Best Computer Game That Nobody Knew About".
    It deserved much higher grossings if only they put more into marketing it could have been rated one of the best games ever.
    Definitely deserving of my #1 spot.

There you go, I hope you enjoyed it!

8 years ago

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Remake of SS1 is on the way, so hopefully it'll get the praises it deserves.
Assuming it won't be messed up.

8 years ago

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I intend to comment on everyone's list, but just had to poke my head in here to say that

Portal 2 barely is outside my Top Ten (Top 20 for sure) and is hysterical - especially Wheatley.

System Shock is absolutely incredible. I played it just last year for the first time, having never touched it before, and I was shocked at how well it not only stood up to the test of time, but also was better in a number of ways than all the FPS' that have come since. Doom I and II are great as well, don't get me wrong, but how System Shock didn't get the same level of love at the time is beyond me. As talgaby said, the remake is coming ( and looks really good!) so hopefully with that, plus it being bundled recently, it'll get the attention it deserves.

8 years ago

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Fallout 3
Heart of Darkness
Dark Souls series
Gone Home
To The Moon
Spec Ops The Line
Final Fantasy VIII
Pokémon Emerald
Devil May Cry (the first one)
Gears of War

More or less :v

8 years ago

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baldurs gate
ff tactics
tactics ogre
diablo 2
warcraft 3
front mission 3
tony hawks pro skater

8 years ago

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  1. The one, the only, the king: Skyrim
    (No matther what game comes out next, this will be my favourite game for ages :D )
    Games under Skyrim have no order
    1. Football Manager
      (I'm a big football fan)
  2. Borderlands
    (Had so much fun playing the series)
  3. Batman Arkham Asylum
    (made a huuuuge impact)
  4. Bioshock Infinite
    (Damn you Mr. Devitt)
  5. The Binding of Isaac
    (bought it with steam wallet leftovers for like 0.66€ and played it like 100h/made me hate spiders)
  6. The Stanley Parable
    1. This War of Mine
      (loved the atmospheric design/Still cant survive till Day 10 LOL :P )
  7. Hitman Blood Money
    (still I consider it's the best from the series, didnt play the latest tho)
    1. DotA 2
      (not really a GOOD game. since I stoped playing it, I'm a better person)
8 years ago*

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I don't think I got a top ten... But.
Witcher 1,2,3
Trine 1&2
DA: Origins...
No particular order here.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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At my age it is too difficult to restrict yourself to 10 games. And I wouldn't really want to put the games in a ranking.

But I do know that there is the ONE best game. And its name is: Chrono Trigger

Some other games that make me all excited thinking about them:
Hearts of Iron II
Counter-Strike 1.6
Virtue's Last Reward
Master of Orion 2
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy VI
Baldur's Gate 2
The Last of Us
Persona 4 Golden
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Fallout: New Vegas
Anstoss 3
Planescape Torment
Diablo 2
Super Metroid
Neverwinter Nights

8 years ago*

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Chrono Cross > Chrono Trigger. Just sayin', no hate.

8 years ago

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I doubt that even 5% would agree with that opinion. :-P

8 years ago

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  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J

I don't see any point for making top xx. They are good for brainless masses. It's that same like with films or music. It's impossible to make any games top that would make any sense. They have 90% of subjective influence.

They are only good for making controversy/trolling and "war" type of discussion.
Well but this is only my opinion.

BTW. Nobody will read it anyway so...

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8 years ago

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"They have 90% of subjective influence."

Yeah, that's why it's YOUR top ten. Not a universal top ten. Considering it's a personal top ten for everyone, it's 100% a subjective influence - did you read the original post and or/the title of the thread?

8 years ago

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I just wrote this overall, because I don't have any top. I have too many good games to make them categorise somehow. For me it's impossible to decided what should be in my top 10. No to mention how decided what game should be higher and what lower.

8 years ago

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  1. Undertale
  2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
  3. EarthBound
  4. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  5. Deus Ex
  6. Shadow of the Colossus
  7. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
  8. Dark Souls
  9. Deadly Premonition
  10. To the Moon

The Last of Us is mediocre IMO. Mass Effect games are great and Fallout New Vegas is at least fun without mods. The rest on your list is still in my backlog.

8 years ago

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I'm right there with you on the Mother 3, FO:NV, Planescape Torment, and Mass Effect. Waiting for a good price on Witcher 3, and want to play The Last of Us if I ever get a Playstation. Maybe I'll borrow a friends or something.

  1. Duke Nukem 3D - blew my adolesecent mind. Much nostalgia, still enjoy playing Dukematch online.
  2. Mother 2 (Earthbound). Def my fav. SNES game. M3 was great also. Can't wait for the Mother 4 fan game.
  3. Deus Ex. Oh man, this game is so good. Great cyberpunk fiction, one of my fav genres. Human revolution was great too, looking forward to the new game also.
  4. Chrono Trigger. My Second fav. SNES game. Great story, characters, action, and music Frog's Theme ftw!
  5. Minecraft. The pure amount of potential this game has is astounding. More hours spent than I want to think about, especially with Tekkit mod.
  6. Diablo 2. I had to pick this one purely based on how many hours I spent on Don't play so much anymore, currently enjoying Grim Dawn a lot.
  7. Bioshock. It was a tossup between this and Infinite, but I enjoyed the story on this one a little more.
  8. Life is Strange. My top game of 2015 by far, the story is amazing. I've really gotten into story based games lately, and I love the Telltale games but this has been the cream of the crop.
  9. Worms: Armageddon. A blast to play online or with friends. Best of the series IMO.
  10. Chip's Challenge. - Another one I used to play all the time back on my Win 3.1 PC. Great puzzle game.

Honorable mentions: Metal Gear Solid, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3 Arena, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, System Shock 2, Max Payne 3, GTA V, Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Dying Light, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Metro 2033, Towerfall Ascension, Dishonored, Portal 2, Half Life 2, Final Fantasy X, Age of Empires, ok I'll stop now =/

8 years ago

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ME trylogy, Gothic 1 & 2 and KOTOR 1 &2 :D

8 years ago

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Fallout 4
H1Z1: Just Survive
Estranged: Act I FREE
How to Survive
Faceless FREE
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
The Forest

8 years ago

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Greedos is that even a word? xD

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8 years ago

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1.) Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne
2.) Halo 3
3.) Halo 1
4.) Rising Storm
5.) Dawn of War Soulstorm
6.) Rocket League
7.) Witcher 3
8.) Ori and the Blind Forest
9.) Trine
10.) Rayman Legends

Also throw Medieval 2 Total War in there somewhere, way too hard to rank those games. But Warcraft 3 is definitely my #1 hands down.

8 years ago

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1) Super Mario World (SNES)
2) Sensible World of Soccer (Amiga)
3)The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
4) Tetris (Coinop)
5) Doom 2 (PC)
6) Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
7) The Secret of Monkey Island (Amiga/PC)
8) Impossible Mission (C64)
9) Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
10) Sonic (Megadrive)

8 years ago

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I reeeally apreciate your list (and your awesome GA) so here's my list, with no order I'm sure I forgot something...

The Last of Us: It's just amazing! One of the most beautiful stories of all time
Grand Theft Auto V: I really like San Andreas, but the missions and the envirement of Five is just stunning
LEGO Batman: I just had played it so many times, I-I don't know why
Worms 4: Mayhem: Ok, it's the shitty 3D game, but still awesome
Shadow of the Colossus: It's Shadow of the Colossus. Period.
Super Mario Galaxy: I cri everytim
The Simpsons Hit 'n Run: GTA-like in Springfield. 10/10
Bully: I beated that game about 10~12 times. I just love it.
Batman Arkham Trilogy: Alright, 3 games, but still valid, right

8 years ago

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1.) Ace Combat PS2 trilogy: The holy trinity of games for me (I'll consider them as just one because meh, and man, are they similar). If I'm a big fan of flight simulators and aviation today, it's because of these arcade games. Perfect soundtrack, story, and great gameplay.

2.) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: My first videogame addiction, and oh, the cheat codes...

3.) Age of Empires 2: To me, this reigns as one of the most genre-defining games I know of. I still remember of the first time I played it, at a distant cousin's house almost a decade ago, and how I thought Joan of Arc was Pocahontas because of her unit pic :P

4.) Fallout 1 and 2: (Once again, I'll consider them as 1 game because... idk) I first played these gems only six months ago, and now I love the entire series (although I don't see myself buying Fallout 4 any time soon, it seems like a disgrace to the series).

5.) ArmA 2: I'll put it here because of DayZ mod, and the countless days and nights I would spend playing it with a friend. Oh, those were good times, of running around in the darkness looking after food, and cowering whenever we heard player made noises...

6.) Fallout New Vegas: A direct consequence of my liking of Fallout 1 and 2.

7.) Super Mario World: First played it on some old cyber cafe on a real Super Nintendo, and when I finally got a GBA, it was the only thing I played for months.

8.) Sonic the Hedgehog 3: How can you not love this game?

9.) Minecraft: Used to love this game, but now I don't even play it anymore. Still, the unlimited possibilities of things you can build, and some awesome lan parties make me fond of this game.

10.) Kerbal Space Program: Started playing it back when it was still on 0.15, and when I first played it, I realized it was the materialization of everything I wanted in a space sim. Not as hard and realistic as Orbiter, but every landing on another planet or moon brought a sense of achievement.

8 years ago

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Oota Goota Solo?

8 years ago

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I got addicted to games when I was 3-4 years old, so I've been playing games my entire life (I am 23 now). Played so many amazing games during this time that it's simply impossible for me to make a list of 10 favorites.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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To be honest I hate toplists. Just feels wrong for me to say 'this is place 3 is better than playce 5 when they're completely different games. So don't give too much about the following order. Except for first place. : )

  1. Terranigma
  2. Shenmue
  3. Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
  4. Dragon Quest Monsters
  5. Final Fantasy Tactics
  6. Donkey Kong Country 2
  7. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
  8. Stardew Valley
  9. Chrono Trigger
  10. Gothic 2
  11. Super Smash Bros Melee
  12. Super Mario Bros 3
  13. Walking Dead: Season 1

Sorry, I'm no good at this. Love all my little children. ;_;'

Oh, also thanks for the giveaway of course. : )

8 years ago*

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not in order because my taste varies a lot.

diablo 3
dragon age origins
fallout 4
half life 2
mass effect 1
metro 2033
stalker - soc
this war of mine
witcher 3

8 years ago

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