Obv. I got a litttttle carried away w/ the length of my descriptions. No one needs to feel like they have to write nearly as much.
Also unlike some of the other fine fellows and ladies who handily compile all the giveaway links in their initial post, I will NOT be doing that if people choose to contribute. I want people to actually read what other people are saying about their games.
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please tell me if thats ok for you:
i really felt the same way so i had to do this
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Oh god I cant even imagine my top ten, I've been playing since 1986. If i had to my most memorable though would be
Super Mario RPG, Pokemon Blue, Star Fox, Resident Evil Series, Metal Gear Series, An old game on pc where I had to draw the map based on text description, combat ( the first game i ever played), Ocarina of time, Eve Online, Last of us, Earthbound, witcher series, xcom, Mass effect series, binding of Isaac (platinum god rebirth on ps4 now starting over on pc cause i got tired of waiting for dlc), Rocket league, Kerbal space, FTL, Final Fantasy series homeworld...... I could keep going but they are up at the top just don't ask me what order lol.
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I can't even think about listing my favorites, it'd be like asking a parent to rate their adopted children.
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half life series
Counter strike 1.6 and cs:go
call of duty black ops 1and 2
Crysis 2
Fallout series
grand theft auto
Tom Clancy's series
Hitman series
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Wait what's this about Studio Ghibli and mother 3? Besides the fact I love both, that is.
Is there actually any connection or was it just a comparison?
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No actual relation, comparison - based on the fact that each generally create a colorful world full of adventure and child like whimsy, without talking down or holding back from the more heavy moments of life. Although Mother 3 is clearly a lot weirder, hence the comment that they are a slanted version - maybe crooked would have been a better word choice.
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Ahh gotcha. Yeah I can see that. Thanks for reminding me to play through mother 3 again, it's such a rollercoaster of emotions!
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I don't know about top ten, but here are some of the best:
Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World
such a simple and elegant game to play. One of only a few games that still holds up 30 years later. Still the best introduction to platforming.
This War of Mine
I think everyone should play this. trying to survive is a harrowing experience.
Railroad Tycoon.
A great little sandbox game, More accessible than civilization, and a lot simpler, but just as deep.
The original dungeon crawler. If you can, get the mac version, which has a much better gui. I played this to death as a kid. Everything you see here will be familiar, because these guys did it first.
Wizardry 7/Gold
The greatest old-school (first person, party based, tile based) rpg. The class/skill system is still the best I've ever encountered (you can assign points by leveling up or by just using the skill). You're on a question to find a number of items, and there are other adventurers trying to find them too, so if it takes too long, it's gone, and you need to find out who has it and where that npc is. Then catch up before the npc is gone. likewise, those NPCs may hunt you down to find your items.
Honorable mention to Wizardry 8, which was a fine swan-song for those kinds of games long after people stopped making/playing them (and before Legends of Grimrock revived the genre)
Planescape Torment
I really wanted to put Baldur's Gate (I or II) on this list. It's a better game in almost every way. But Planescape Torment is a better experience. If you don't know why, just google any of the thousands of articles dedicated to it.
Max Payne
Film Noir in game form
The Walking Dead Season 1
The best choose your own adventure comic book game ever made
shit, I'll think of more later
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Wizardry is good shit - I played the SNES version of it which has a great GUI and monster graphics, but is otherwise the same - it was part of my quest to play any and all critically acclaimed CRPG's. It was amazing how compelling it is to have to map your own dungeon.
I haven't played Wizardry 6-7-8 yet, but they are on the list. The class skill system seems very intimidating though - did you play 6 before 7? Or did you jump right in?
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TL:DR wizardry 7 and 8 have great lore and story. 6 is ok. Gameplay between 6 and 7 is more or less the same.
6-7-8 form a loose trilogy, but story-wise only barely. You can import your characters from 6 to 7 to 8, and the ending of 6 affects your starting position in 7, but that's about it.
I'd jump right in to 7. 6 is ok, and if you liked the earlier games you'll probably like it, but 7 is a world apart in terms of quality (and 8 in terms of gameplay). The class/skill system is the same, but with a few less options. Really, though, it's far more intuitive than it seems.
it takes on average about 50 hours to beat Wizardry 6, so unless you really want to cover the whole trilogy, you should start with 7
Here's something I wrote about it once before:
Play Time:
Of course, this doesn't include replaying it to choose a different side and to get one of the alternate endings, or to try out a different party mix (11 races, 14/15 classes; party of 6).
7 is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of old-school party-based cRPGs. If you like the old Ultima, AD&D or Might and Magic games (or Grimrock, for that matter), this one beats them all. It's somewhat open-world, in that you can go anywhere at any time, and do everything out of order. . It also has something quite unique, even today. You need to find a number of map pieces. But, you're not the only ones looking for them, and if you take too long, you may find that someone else already took a particular piece, and you then need to track down whoever currently has it - and not only does that npc move around, the npc can also trade it with another npc, or could have it stolen. Which, btw, can also happen to you, and merely asking around about the other pieces can put your own at risk.
8 is a very good swan-song for that style of game, incorporating some modern elements (e.g. movement like an FPS, has enemies that scale, true 3D maps). The story is also very good, and does a better job of blending sci-fi into its high-fantasy setting.
6, on the other hand, is IMO entirely skippable, but which ending you choose affects where you start in game 7, and some items acquired in 6 have special use in games 7 and 8. But really, I only play 6 for massive marathon sessions - and completing the entire trilogy takes months. But if it's your first time playing, you should probably go straight to #8, which is the most accessible for modern-day players. Just keep in mind that perma-death is a thing in this series, so save often.
TL:DR these are great games and you should really play them, especially if you like old-school RPGs. First playthrough, maybe skip #6
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Yeah I need to play them - I love old rpgs - and I loved Wizardry -
I'm working through the GoldBox games as well. Which are fantastic
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I loved the GoldBox games when they first came out. I bought pool of radiance, then realized I couldn't run it, and had to save up to buy a new operating system just to play it. and it was glorious.
tried it again recently. It's ok, but my big issue is with the leveling/grinding: you're fairly useless at low levels, but are capped at a relatively low level (as low as 7, depending on class), so there's a lot of "fight->flee->rest->repeat", and I just don't have the patience for it anymore. (still, more playable than Might & Magic 1)
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Hard to pick, but my top ten is probably (in no real order):
I agree on Last of Us, the story is excellent. I don't think it's repetitive though, but that argument can be made for any game. Other than Last of Us, Dark Souls is the only game on your list I've played, but I like all of your little reviews. Mass Effect does seem really cool, but I don't support EA in anyway, so I'd only ever play if it was free or someone gave me used copies on consoles q:
Thank you for the awesome giveaway, I've always wanted to try New Vegas, despite the reviews. I only played Fallout 3 and 4, but I really enjoy the games :D
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Go in for the giveaway than! New Vegas is the best Fallout, though some may disagree and say 1 or 2 - if nothing else it's the best FPS Fallout.
I've never played Return to Castle Wolfenstein and always thought Postal 2 wasn't worth the time - 2 more for the backlog I guess!
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Well, best FPS Fallout is still a worthy title in my book!
RtCW is an excellent game, one of the best FPS games, period. I plan to do a GA for it eventually ;) haha. And ehh, Postal 2 isn't for everybody. I thought it looked kinda stupid at first, but then I thought I'd try it out because of the controversy behind it - ended up playing for over 80 hours on the Steam port q:
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10? Hmm, not exactly easy when you've been playing games for decades
In no particular order:
Mass Effect Trilogy
Bioshock Trilogy, particularly Bioshock Infinite
Assassin's Creed 2
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Brothers - A Tale of two sons
Counter Strike beta 4-5.2
World of Tanks Xbox
Alan Wake + Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Left 4 Dead
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Every-time I play Brothers a sand storm whips through my house and gets sand in my eyes, right around the same time my wife starts chopping onions. Directly below my eyes.
I know it's pretty dangerous to chop onions in a sandstorm, what can you do.
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Fallout: New Vegas
I could dream of RPGs getting better than this, and in some aspects they have, but as a hole, i feel like this is the best game the Bethesda brand will ever be related to, and the best since....
The Elders Scrolls III: Morrowind
A broken game, that embraces all of its brokenness, no pretensions of epic battles or wanna be epic characters that feel short, just an honest smart story, with an honest and smart world that dosent underestimate the player intelligence, this game is everything Oblivion and Skyrim is lacking, and the fact that is a game on the same franchise makes it that more painful.
Silent Hill 2
talking about games that dont underestimate the player, and hard hitting, complicated and gray story, just like the human condition, i dont like narrative driven games, but this game its so clever, so well made, so well written, so well designed, that i think any video game fan should play it.
Half-Life 2
The father of modern FPS, son of the grandfather of old FPS, there is so much good in this game, as a game fan everyone should play this game, its just a delight.
Simple and quick, easy to understand, hard to master.
Another seminal game, this time for racing sims, there are so many games based on this engine, or inspired by this game, Simraceway, Project CARS, Assetto Corsa, iRacing, RaceRoom... etc etc...
An entire world to build things and adventures into, when i was a kid and didn't understand the limits of what videogames could a couldn't do at the time, i dreamed about this game, now its here and real, and has left a bigger print of videogames that probably any game on this list.
System Shock
what can i say, i like games that challenge the player, force them to get into the world and the rules of it, videogames are not mindless activities like TV, everygame should challenge the players irl commitment and abilities.
Test Drive Unlimited
i felt this game was made just for me, :P, expensive cars, open world to drive them about, simple racing, buy houses, fill them with cars, repeat.
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Another game made just for me, smart lightsaber combat, simple multplayer, mod support, hours of fun for star wars fans, i spended so many hours on this game, visited so many planets, lived to many adventures, become a padawan, a jedi knigh, and teach to a padawan xd..... just heaven for star wars fans.
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On the nose w/ New Vegas - it's not the single best at anyone thing, but as a total package it smokes. I'm PRAYING that they announce an Obsidian backed Fallout at E3 this year.
Also - I have started Morrowind and it's dope, but I haven't gotten around to it yet - too many damn games. Someday
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I don't have an in order list of my favorite games. I feel like doing that puts me in a weird head space (is head space even a term?). I don't really know how to explain why I don't like to do it. I just know there's a lot of games that I really like and I don't really feel like it's necessary for me to rank them. Does anyone else feel the same way about picking favorites? Anyway here's some of my favorite games in no particualr order
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Super Meat Boy
Half-Life 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Zelda Wind Waker
Zelda Link Between Worlds
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Trine Series (Yes, even Trine 3. I loved that one just as much as the others)
Rocket League
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Head space is a term! And used properly -
I had some trouble ranking, and in a week or so I could have them all flop around that chart, except for NV - it's always 1
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(no order, because that's too hard xD)
-Super Mario Galaxy 2
-Spider-Man 2
-Portal 2
-Pokemon SoulSilver
-Garry's Mod
-XCOM: Enemy Unknown
-Left 4 Dead 2
-Mirror's Edge
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OH MAN Super Mario Galaxy 2 is like video game perfection - it was so close to being in at 10 - but Last of Us just gets me with the story.
But the sheer amount of novelty in that game, it's incredible. You never do the same thing twice. I was really disappointed with 3D world (land? whichever the Wii U one was)
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I spent all the free time I could playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 once I got it when I was young. My hands and wrists constantly got red from shaking the wiimote to do the spin move so many times xD.
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Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy VI--Top 3, now and to my death.
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I love all three of those games, especially Final Fantasy VI - when we were kids my siblings and I played that game until like One in the morning on a school night just to see all the Opera. I remember saying "THIS IS LIKE A MOVIE"
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The opera was my favorite part as a kid. I memorized it and used to sing it to my cat lmao
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Hello. First, thank you for the giveaway.
Making a list of top ten games is quite hard, too many great ones!
Here is some of my ten:
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Ooooh interesting, you're the first person I've seen say Icewind Dale 2 as a favorite infinity engine game. Do you mind if I ask why? I started it but still haven't finished it, and I'd like to get a persepctive
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1- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
2- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
3- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSX)
4- Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
5- Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition (PC)
6- Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
7- Chrono Trigger (SNES)
8- Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
9- Resident Evil 2 (PSX)
10- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2)
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I'm amazed at how many people here list mostly older console games, I suppose it's a sign that a lot of Console gamers drifted to PC as time went on (Which I did as well)
Anyways, I love everything on your list, all great :)
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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Wipeout 2097
Civ IV
Doom II
Descent II
Trinity (Infocom text game)
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I'll just say three games because I really LOVED these ones. No PC games though, they're all PS2. (Sorry PC master race! XD)
Dark Cloud 2
Soul Nomad & the World Eaters
Suikoden IV
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No particular order because it's toooo hard but :
Tales of Symphonia (Best Tales of, perfect RPG, best everything :) )
Baten Kaitos (Best RPG of the Gamecube !)
Final Fantasy 12 (My personal best FF )
Don't Starve & Don't Starve Together (Highly challenging but also always fun :) )
Civilization V (One more turn & I quit, I have things to do... well that's what I said 3 hours ago)
Super Mario Sunshine ( Fun, hard sometimes & literally replayable forever)
Borderlands 2 (So fun in Coop)
Zeus Master of Olympus (all my childhood)
Pokemon Blue & Crystal (All my Childhood bis)
Stacking & Grim Findango (Tim Schefer my hero o)
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Here's Mine:
Broke so can't give away any of them and I'm too lazy to add summaries.
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I could not tell you the best (because it's impossible), but I might try to name these, which I am most sentimental with (no particular order):
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Interesting. I like this, it made me think. And I don't think I have a top 10! Plus I have very particular tastes :P So at the top I'd have things like:
1. XCOM UFO defence (geez, played this to no end back in the day, and played it again from time to time as the years passed. Even though it's considerably dated today, to me it's still the best game of all time);
2. Jagged Aliance 2: Wildfire (yup, I'm a masochist. But I think this is a true, amazing jewel. I'd play it all over again if it had different/alternate story lines. Heck, I might play it all over again anyway :P );
3. Arma 2 (I played it sooooo much. I got into it late so the single player campaign had already been somewhat fixed. Still one of my best gaming experiences, despite the game's clear limitations compared to other open-world titles. But then I've played soooo many hours of multiplayer, with good people, good mods, etc. Arma 3 didn't hook me up, and for me it was like an era of my life coming to an end);
4. iRacing (does it count as a game? Best sim racing out there, no real competition);
5. Doom / Doom 2 (this was a game changer, no pun intended. So many dial-up games with my friends on Doom 2);
6. America's Army 2 (not a game I'd recommend today, but for me who like team-oriented, more tactical shooters, it was pretty good and a good predecessor to the Arma series);
7. Wargame series (this fills my RTS needs. It's the RTS I always wanted, the RTS I knew I wanted since I've played the first Command and Conquer. The only thing is that single player sucks. If they had pulled out good story-driven campaigns, then I'd have a proper nergasm and this would be higher on the list);
8. Payday 2 pre crimefest (that's even prior to the first crimefest, that is before they started ruining the game with P2W DLC, imbalance, advertisements, and down right sub-par rushed-out content. I haven't played this proper in 1.5 years and I still miss the good old days, it used to be so much fun. I hate you overkill);
9. Assassin's Creed until Brotherhoods (at Revelations I already started to lose steam, but it was still decent. I'm a nerd for history and realism and that kind of silliness and AC kind of touched base with that side while delivering decent-enough gameplay and fantasy elements. But it's a shame that it's yet another ruined franchise);
10. Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (I had to think a bit more about the 10th, and I thought it had to be a tycoon game. Sim City was a candidate, also such a game changer back in the day and I played the heck out of it. But I think OTTD takes the cake; the original was just absolute genius back in the day, and the open version still holds very well today. I still play it from time to time).
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You may want to consider using * to generate bullet points, instead of 1. 2. 3. (since as you can see, that.. doesn't work too well. You can however fake a proper countdown by using [](blankline.com) in place of actual empty lines, thus preventing them from disrupting the countup.
Of course, with that approach, you can't properly space after the final line of each count, and you force the indent (which you seem to be trying to avoid).
So I'd say stick to * and bolding, ex:
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Yeah as soon as it posted I realized I screwed up - thanks for the heads up - I don't understand how to format anything in this mysterious Steamgifts world.
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Alright, so I thought I'd be fun to do one of those themed giveaways that everyone else seems to be doing, and also considering this is a gaming website, I figured we could nerd out on some games.
So here's my elevator pitch. List your top ten games of all time - give a blurb on each if you want, give one away. Then we discuss.
I'll go ahead and start (Counting down for maximum impact)
A case could be made that this game has repetitive game-play, that the stealth systems don't make sense when Ellie is running right out for all the world to see, that it's attempt to make you feel the brutality of the world you live in withevery human life you take is undermined by the countless hoards of enemies that are thrown at you.
But who gives a shit - this is the FINEST story and characterization a video-game has yet delivered. The characters are nuanced and subtle, and that ending, oh it's perfection. Add in the fact that I think it's pretty damn fun to play, and beautiful - especially on PS4 w/ 60 FPS, and I'd say it's a masterpiece.
This is cheating, I acknowledge that, but to me they function best as a trilogy, not as individual games. If I HAD to pick one I'd say 3, but it's my list and my thread - so I don't. While me and my friends in college were running through these, I remember us discussing how everyone's games were turning out differently - I'd be like"Oh what you're with Tali? She has chicken legs that's dumb" and my Bro'd be like "Whatever dude she's the best," and then I'd have Sheppard do Miranda, but by the end of the game realize that Tali totally is the best, and I messed the whole thing up, and then I'd dump Miranda and relish in her salty tears in Mass Effect 3. Anyways, the point being that the time it seemed like these games were unfolding into an unbelievable web of choices and consequences, that everyone's game would be a unique snowflake. In hindsight, this is, of course, total bullshit. But what's important is that when you're playing it is you really FEEL like this is true. I may have other games listed higher on this list, but Mass Effect has the characters I care most about.
An amazing blend of game-play and story, with a legendary awful translation. Which was great, because the story was so full of twist turns and double crosses, that it was already nearly impossible to tell what the fuck was going on. I love this game to pieces - I love how these adorable little Pixel art isometric baby men murder each other with crunchy sound effects. I love the systems, and how you can basically break the entire game if you know what you're doing (Calculators uber alles). I even love that damn Wiegraf fight scene, even though I saved there on my first run as a kid, and had to start the whole game over, which I'm pretty certain is a common fate.
FFT was GOT before GOT was GOT.
7.Persona 4-
I bought this with a Vita, and was 100% positive I would hate it. I did not, I played the whole thing in a week straight, my thumbs getting carpel tunnel holding the Vita in my oversized clown hands, grinning like a lunatic the whole time. It's not the best story, it's battle system is good but not great, bosses are just damage sponges, but it's so charming, likeable, and compulsively habit forming. It was like Civilization level "One more turn" but this one more turn might mean my teen boy avatar might end up on a date, rather than Ghandi nuking me.
The new ones - these are getting harder and harder to rank. Everyone has their own little X-Com stories, where they name their characters after their friends and families. I never understood this, because they die all the damn time - and it's depressing to watch your girlfriend or best friend get shot down by a Thin Man for the 80th time. I ended up naming my characters stupid names at random. This led to me screaming "NO NOT STALIN" when my burly Russian Mustache Man would be shot in the face. No other game can say that. Also it's stellar, there's that too.
Last of Us might have the finest overall story of any game, but the Witcher 3 has the finest writing. So many moments in this, Bloody Baron obviously, but smaller ones as well - the Pig Town, the political tension, Dykstra. It also came along after I played Dragon Age Inquisition and had become pretty much disillusioned with the giant open world RPG - and showed that every little quest in these games can have meaning or relevance.
Witcher 3 has the finest MODERN writing then, a distinction I just made up. But there is something to be said there all the same. Really Planescape Torment is more of an unbelievable choose your own adventure fantasy novel than a game - but it's writing, it's writing is (you can't see it but I did that stereotypical Italian thing where you kiss your fingers). It's just so clever, and so imaginative. More games need to be made with the realization that you don't have to follow the same standard Tolkien esque RPG background. (On this note, I would literally (not literally) kill for an RPG set in China Mielvielle's New Corozan world)
I'm not going to get into Dark Souls - you know how you feel about Dark Souls if you have played it. You likely know how you feel about Dark Souls even if you haven't played it, or at least you think you do. I thought I did - and then I played it. I was wrong.
Of all the games listed here, I would imagine this is the one the least people have played, and that's a shame. This is a masterpiece of a game, it's a Studio Ghibli film slanted and shoved into a gameboy advance cartridge. It's weird, funny, exciting, brilliant, and touching - oh god is it touching. I have never cried at a videogame until I played this game, and then I could not STOP crying. It's all broad strokes stuff, none of it is particularly refined, but so are fables and fairy tales, so are the best children's books and movies. I urge anyone if they played Undertale, or the original Earthbound, or like JRPG's - download an emulator, find the translated copy, and play this game.
I mean, it's just the best.
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