Those that know me know that I love Sonic the Hedgehog. Thanks to a recent bundle, I am also enjoying Dust: An Elysian Tail. When my husband noticed, he told me that they are considered furry games. I know plenty of cartoons that can count as furry, but the above mentioned are the only games that I know of. Can anybody recommend me some other furry games to try?

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Nice list! Haven't heard about Lugaru since one of the ancient HBs?

10 years ago

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Furry games? That's seriously what he calls them? lol

10 years ago

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Blinx: The Time Sweeper if you own an xbox, Starfox series, Okami, shelter and I guess Skyrim

10 years ago

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I don't think Shelter counts, seeing as how the character is actually an animal and not a Furry.

10 years ago

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Same with Okami.

10 years ago

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Well, Skyrim gives you the option to play as a Khajiit. I prefer to play as an Argonian myself though.

10 years ago

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The furry Argonians are truly the worst...

10 years ago

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What do you mean? Reptilians are bad-ass!

10 years ago

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They're not "furry"... o_O

The words that your husband is looking for are "anthropomorphic animals".

Furries are humans in suits pretending to be animals, not animals that behave like humans.

10 years ago

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Exactly this. Considering how popular anthro animals are in media (Mickey Mouse, Looney Toons, Ducktales, Rescuers Down Under, Starfox, Sonic, etc) I'm surprised anyone views them in a negative way.

As for games; the aforementioned Ducktales, Mickey Mouse (Castle of Illusion) and Starfox are options. As well: Animal Crossing, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Earthworm Jim. Lots of good stuff :)

10 years ago

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Considering how many good people I know happen to be furries, I'm surprised you view them in a negative way by default. Nobody said "These games are furry, so they must be terrible", you were the first one to add a negative association. :P

10 years ago

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Ah, I supposed that's true. It just seemed to me they were being dismissed as such by OP's husband.

I may have read the situation wrong, but if OP's husband doesn't even really know what a furry really is, there is a better chance that the term was used negatively than positively.

10 years ago

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OP Husband sounds pretty dismissive/arrogant/un-knowledgeable/incapable or knowing what furry, or anthropomorphic animals are.

10 years ago

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Dear god, Animal Crossing. Why did you have to bring that up.
Now the OP will never escape.

10 years ago

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On the other hand, if you're looking for a game with real furries - Super Mario Bros 3 and any other game in the series that uses the animal suit powerups qualify ;)

10 years ago

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Haha, you're correct.

The raccoon suit comes to mind immediately and somewhat the Tanuki suit, although I'm not sure if the Tanuki is actually an animal in Japanese lore. o_O

P.S. I freaking LOVE SMB3, it's one of my all time favorite Nintendo games, I can still pick it up and play it for hours without getting bored!

10 years ago

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Tanukis are actual animals, if that's what you're unsure of.

10 years ago

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No, "furries" are anthropomorphic animals. The people you're thinking of are known as "furry-lifestylers", because they try to live as though they literally were furries even though they aren't. They are referred to as "furries" either as a metonym or as an in-character description - both of these typical usages are dependant on the primary literal meaning of the word being anthropomorphic animals.

10 years ago

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There is no sub-genre of this topic. Furries, when typically discussed or thought of is as you described above. Not another term for "anthropomorphic animals".

10 years ago

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Shuffle Puck Cantina has a character named Furry in it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Dunno if furry but highly Sonic-like: have you tried any Klonoa game?

10 years ago

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I loved that game as a kid... Shame no one I knew seemed to have played it.

10 years ago

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I had a demo of the second one and played it lots of times. Never found the original game though =(

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Same priced as the steam version at least in EU might be 4.99$ in us since its 4.99eur here.

10 years ago

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considered by him i guess

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

10 years ago

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thanks, now LittleKuriboh's furry cover of "pokerface" is ringing in my ears...urgh.

anyways, try out Don't Starve then.
what you say? it's not a game with furrys? well, then you didn't downloaded the characters "Komeiz", "Sollyz", "Wulfi", "Micheal The Fox" or "Haruz" on the workshop.

also, Super Mario Bros 3. the furriest of all games.

10 years ago

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Jolly Rover and Sam & Max.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by undox.