Allright, I noticed that there are some people (from my friend list) who gave away games on SG, but simply don't care if the winner did or did not activate his game. I wonder what is the general opinion regarding this (ignoring the rules for a second) - reason why I created the thread.

Another thing: how do you feel about people who win a recently bundled game, and a week after that give away the whole respective bundle? For example: I entered for a lot of Hospital Tyccon giveaways (which is / was on my wishlist) and later I realised that it's in the HB. Would someone have minded if I won it, activated it, bought the bundle and gave it away? I know it's not against the rules, but it doesn't seem "right", to me... somehow!

PS: Since all you care about is giveaways, here are 3 bundled games:
PPS: No puzzles, just an anti-bot protection. at least I hope so

9 years ago

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Do you mind when the winner does not activate your gift?

View Results
Yes, but only for non-bundled / higher value games
Yes, no matter the game

Well, I DO care. I've won great games here that I enjoyed playing, so someone just for his gain, taking away someone else's possible enjoyment, something like that. Also, I believe it's against, uh, guidelines.

9 years ago

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I also believe that we should only enter for the games we want to play, but it's hard to enforce this.
PS: It really is against the rules.

9 years ago

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I do mind regifters, but purchasing a copy after the fact and giving it away is nothing like regifting in my opinion. Thanks for the GAs :)

9 years ago

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Just did this with a group giveaway... there were not many who entered, and I was interested, but since I was taking away another's shot at it if I won, I told myself I'd do another giveaway if I won this particular game, and lo and behold I won, so I slung another copy up, potentially giving one of those few another shot with the same rules applied to my giveaway. ^_^ I would've bought it probably anyway, so in the end it works out for everyone. Win/Win!

9 years ago

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i care about regifters here since they exploit the cv system. it's also selfish to enter a GA if you know you won't even play that game.
the only way to keep sg in order is to follow the rules here, so everyone using this site should follow and respect them.

now, outside sg things are different for me. i could gift a game to a friend and if that person ends up not liking it, they are free to trade it or even turn it into profit and use that money later and get something they will enjoy more.

9 years ago

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No, it's not my deal anymore

9 years ago

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I'm not sure. I'm inclined to say that I do mind, no matter the game, and I voted as such. The problem, however, is that although I think that my gift should go to someone who actually wants it, there is no guarantee that the winner actually does want it. If they did not, and regifting was permitted, then they could simply regift the gift in the chances that someone else who wants it might win. Punishing those who regift may deter regifting, but it may also put the user in a position of redeeming a gift they don't want. Of course, if a user doesn't actually want the gift, they shouldn't enter in to win it. But what if they do?

Ultimately, I think prohibiting regifting is better than allowing it for a number of reasons, but I wish there was a more effective way at preventing regifting, or at least one that doesn't involve the threat of punishment.

9 years ago

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But what's inside the cube?

9 years ago

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Traditional regifting (winning, not activating, gifting it) is bad, punishable, etc.
Winning something then buying the bundle for it... I don't think it's bad, plus absolutely not a common thing. Not really the best thing to do, but at least wins a game, gives a game. It's kind of a happy accident, I think. With lots of bundles running for a week, it can happen that one wins a game at it's start, but later decides to still buy the bundle for the other game, or the game was so good that he wants to give it away.

9 years ago

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I haven't witness regifting, but I'm a fairly new member :)
I guess I don't care about it too much... But there are rules to keep the website clean, so let's follow them.

I never check if the winners of my giveaways activated all of their games for example.
I just give the key, follow the rules and expect people will do the same. But eh, there is always people to try and cheat.
It's kinda sad people can't just enjoy giving and receiving without trying to exploit the system...

9 years ago

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i don't like regifting, but i am not one of the maniacs here who demand perma-bans left and right for stuff like this. ;)

9 years ago

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Lol regifting :S..... but maybe i'm considered one of them cos i make 5 of the same game that i won cos i wanted people to play multi-player

9 years ago

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Regifting = when you win a game and instead of activating it, you create a giveaway of it. You have no record of not activated / double wins according to sgtools: click1 & click2

9 years ago

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Ohhh.... :)) huhuhu

9 years ago

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It doesn't matter if it is part of the rules/guidelines. Every game I gave away I did with the intention for people to play and to enjoy it.. And I EXPECT people to enter only for games they intend to play and are interested in. If they regift it they have clearly no interest in it and took away the chance for anyone else interested to get it. It is just a despicable mindset and should not be ignored or approved. Also most of the games i gave away are favorites of mine so it is even more annoying.

As for the second part: No, there is no problem with that. In my opinion it is not even an ethical problem since the one giveaway and won and "took out" of the system has been replaced by the same game from you so nothing is lost. Also people sometimes give away a game they won before because they really liked it. I did it for atleast one game.

9 years ago

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"Another thing: how do you feel about people who win a recently bundled game, and a week after that give away the whole respective bundle? For example: I entered for a lot of Hospital Tyccon giveaways (which is / was on my wishlist) and later I realised that it's in the HB. Would someone have minded if I won it, activated it, bought the bundle and gave it away? I know it's not against the rules, but it doesn't seem "right", to me... somehow!"

There's nothing wrong with that. How are you meant to know what you'll buy in the future? No-one would mind even if you didn't make a ga for it. Plus, how would they know you've got an extra copy now?

9 years ago

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How bad is it that I couldn't actually figure out the puzzle in the first minute.......

9 years ago

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Yes, I don't like it when people regift games that they've won. Doing so is just rude to the people buying the games to give away from the start imo. Though I don't usually check if the winners of my games have a habit of doing so, but when it's a game that I've donated to a friend to give away, then I sit here like a hawk, checking everyone who enters the giveaways for any kind of rule breaking.

9 years ago

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I do mind because it goes against the spirit of the site.

If I give and join giveaways on GameMiner or Playblink, I don't care about getting an extra copy for trade or having the winner not activating the game. These sites are about giving stuff with no strings attached and I expect others are doing the exact same thing.

On Steamgifts (and Steamcompanion) you are expected to enter for games you don't have for your own account. That's the spirit of the site and entering for something you don't want for yourself is merely taking chances away from someone who do want to play the game.

As far as making a new GA for a game that you won, it's totally okay to do so. People actually do it all the time, whether they bought an extra copy because they really like the game and they want to share it with others, or simply because you ended up buying a bundle the game's in. Heck, I've been entering for games I had in inventory because the copies I bought were meant to give away. (If I really want a game, others sure do.)

9 years ago

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I've won some bundle games here and there, and then get the entire bundle later... mainly trying to get a particular game in the bundle, but if it doesn't happen and the bundle nearly ends, this is the reason I do so. I like to try for games I might be interested in at some point, and I even will enter into giveaways that I don't really think I'll ever play. It's all about the randoms anyway, usually, so in a lot of cases, I'm sure there are other collectors that want a +1 and might or might not play something down the road. I have a huge backlog I'll get to, but it's going to take a long time for various reasons, health being the main one.

I give because I want to, and there should be no strings attached! This is the art of giving freely... but I can understand how others might feel insulted by the practice of regifting, since there is a system in place, and regifting also can potentially drag the whole level system down by level 0's collecting and then regifting things to gain levels, not spending any real money to get there... so on that side of things, yes I do sort of have an issue, but as far as my giveaways go, there are absolutely no strings attached. Once it's yours do whatever the hell you want with it! ^_^

9 years ago*

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Yes, I mind. I'm giving games to be enjoyed by the winners, not to so that the winner can profit by gaining CV.

No problem with a person winning a game then buying it and giving it away immediately afterwards. Don't even care if they have a copy in their inventory when they win as it could be earmarked for something already, like a giveaway to a specific group or a trade.

9 years ago

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Well, I definitely care what giveaway winners do with their wins... :) People who don't activate a game didn't read the Steamgifts Guidelines and should probably read it before something bad happens... :) Plus, if they don't want a game, why did they try to win it? :)

Once upon a time I won a Dark Souls, and it was so much fun that now I make Dark Souls giveaways myself from time to time... :) Think I gave away a Dark Souls 2 as well, but my memory's a bit hazy on that part... :)

Also slowly accumulating copies of everything I've won in the past, just in case... :)

9 years ago

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They bother me in theory...

I've never personally noticed anyone regifting, so it's like asking if it bothers me when Sasquatch craps on my porch. Well, yeah, I suppose that would be horrible, bUuuut...

9 years ago

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Yes. I blacklist for it, and report if I find out a winner regifted my game or another game they won. Mind you, if they activated the game and then give away another copy, I don't care. I'm totally fine with that. That's paying it forward or something like that. But if you win a game, don't activate it, and give it away, it's like you want CV for something I gave you more than the game. Someone probably wanted and would have played that game, but you used it to game the system. Good job.

9 years ago

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Since you just described everything I would have said, I'm just gonna agree with you.

9 years ago

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Not so much morally, i mean, you won, you do with the game what you want; but, it generates a lot of unnecesary traffic and giveaways on the website.

9 years ago

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I had the same issue, I entered on Dragon Age Origin gibways, and I won and activated. The next day, I found out it was on humble bundle and did a gibways.
I had a few options:

  1. Tell my gifter to reroll and give him my game: He gets CV only
  2. I make my own gibways : He gets CV, and I get CV
    selfish? yes.. I don't care about CV, but I would rather pick a win/win than a win/nuthin any day of the week, no matter what the price was. on this case, a tiny amount of cv.
9 years ago

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That is not regifting though.
You activated the game you won. Then you bought the game [or bundle] yourself. So there's nothing wrong with that. Just wait a few days and then create a giveaway for it.

9 years ago

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Yes that would be fine. You would pass the Steamgifts tool test.

9 years ago

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