So, the question is, will it be considered "calling out" or not?
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid it might be considered "calling out" by some mods :/
And will it make you angry to see such comment in your legit giveaway of Masterpiece Edition?
Certainly wouldn't make me angry ;) If I had a legit copy of the actual Masterpiece edition, I'd understand that one simply has to wonder in the flood of these "fake" giveaways.
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Hmm, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid it might be considered "calling out" by some mods :/
Well, I hope mods will read this thread eventually and clear things for me.
Certainly wouldn't make me angry ;) If I had a legit copy of the actual Masterpiece edition, I'd understand that one simply has to wonder in the flood of these "fake" giveaways.
Thank you for understanding!
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It will only work if giveaway creator is reading comments AND doing things wrong not intentionally. Otherwise I will get nothing or simply "No". Only way to deal with such abuse - is making winners acquainted with the rules, but I have no idea how to do it without breaking rules by myself.
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Jeha but the winner might read that as well and wonder why he doesn't have the DLC.
If you really want, you can go through here:
Check the winners, often they already left a comment stating that it's the wrong version. Otherwise (if the winner marked recieved) You can leave a message on some of their old GAs (if they have some, otherwise check their old wins for Thank you comments) asking them to check and mark accordingly.
But thats a lot of work.
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You're not allowed to imply anyone before the GA and the seven days after that have ended, and even then it's up to the winner and support to deal with that - there's always a chance that the GA is legitimate and the person that created it hasn't even heard of the game being free. Of course, there's ways to suggest things without really speaking them out though, but I personally wouldn't do so because I don't wanna pester someone that is gifting something legitimately and with their best intentions. Some people like to refer to the guidelines and a quick info about the game being free, but like I said, it's up to everyone themselves how far they wanna carry it. Just don't accuse anyone of any wrongdoing beforehand, that's not only against the rules but very rude.
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You see, my intention is not to imply GA is fake, I just worried that some users, new to this site, may not know what to do if they got "wrong" game. But I have no idea of how to tell them about it, other then in giveaway comments, as most of them don't read forum too... And yes, I understand it can be seen as implying a fake GA, that's why I ask for advice here instead of spamming comments already)
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Well, people sometimes do mistakes.
But if it is possible to get 23 (bundled) CV from a free key either by accident or by actually wanting to abuse the system, only because some people do not check their wins, is pretty bad, don't you think. Especially for the multicopy GAs out there.
Some winners actually notice and don't makr recieved, others don't.
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Well, that answers for my second question - some legit giveaway creators will get angry at me... sigh....
But, if you think it's bad, do you know better way to prevent abuse? Or do you think that CV abuse is a thing we should not care at all?
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I shouldn't do that if I were you. It's simply not your business (my opinion of course). In your comments you talk about winners (newbies) not aware of what to do if they don't get the right game. But you are talking as well of "cutting down the CV exploitation".
If your problem is that you pay the games you give and don't like what others do, just check first a way to accept it because there will be always a way for others to do what shouldn't be and calling out them will never give something good. Again, it's my opinion.
If you do it, check your blacklist counter to see if it's a good idea...
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But it is our business. SG is community driven in many ways, and mods are already overloaded, so user awareness about rules is the only way to prevent abuse. My main intent is to tell newbie winners that they must check what they got, and what to do in case they got something wrong. Problem is - I don't know how to do it without making it look like a calling out. Only way for winner to see my message is to put it in giveaway comments, but some giveaway creators may feel offended, and that is bad and not my intention. That's why I made this topic, to hear other people ideas about possible solutions. Just ignoring the problem is easier of course, but I'm unsure that this is a right thing to do.
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So much fun here, one answer and I got a blacklist. yahoooo!! \o/
I'm aware there is an active community here with lot of feedbacks but SG isnt driven but it's community. It's driven by one guy who defines and changes rules as he wishes. Asking community about this change just give you just sensation of choice but don't give you the power. Power belongs to CG and the SG team. But it's another debate certainly.
Whatever the real reason of what you intend to do, you are trying to do mass prevention without any adapted tool. You can't check each new giveaway of this site and put a comment. If it's a problem, SG's Team has the power to do it but putting for example a warning message. In fact it's already done. It's just the rules/FAQ. Any new customers (because we are always customers of a system) has to read and accept it.
I remember when I first joined the site. Despite FAQ/rules, the system was hard to understand. Do we have to complete the rules by a warning message on each giveaway? Not sure it's our (customers) role.
But you do what you want of course.
And to really answer your question: the best way should be to warn SG's Team about the problem (but they are for sure already aware of this) for them to use the right tool.
Best regards,
have a nice Christmas week.
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Personally i don't like when i make a legit giveaway and someone write useless comments in this giveaway. Want to warn winner? Wait till he mark giveaway as recieved and pm him - he can change it to "not recieved" and contact support. Fake giveaway? - ok, 5 days suspension for Masterpiece abuser xD
Just checked archive, all this "Its a fake", "its free!", "free on humble bundle" comments ducks
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what does your comment has to do with this discussion?
only those think they suck, who ga free stuff ;)
Can you explain that`? or u just wanted to make a joke and failed?
Please, don't answer to this message, I'm not interested in continuing this conversation
Merry Christmas 🌲
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Constructive information is by definition not useless, and the commenters would have no idea if the information would be constructive or not if you don't give them indication one way or another. As far as this specific topic, such information can assuredly be quite useful- informing entrants about free promotions and the risk of giveaway deletion, and GA creators of site rules. If you want to avoid people offering their comments, just be clear in the giveaway description about the legitimacy of the giveaway, and/or your commenting preferences.
It's unreasonable to put responsibility on other people for their response to your own lack of communication. That'd be like saying "Potluck dinner!", not giving any further information, and then getting bothered when people bring their own food to the potluck. A lack of clarification means people will infer their own interpretations, and the offering of (potentially) constructive information is generally appreciable- ergo, like bringing food to something labeled as a potluck, you have to assume some number of people will do such, unless you inform them that there is no need to, or further, that you actively don't wish them to.
On another note, it'd be Misleading Giveaway, which is only 3 days. Just to be precise on it. :P
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The calling out rule is way overblown on SG, IMO, but I think tactfully asking the GA creator if this is from the Humble Bundle freebie is okay. Some will be annoyed reading comments like that, and some legit GA creators might be also. But I think most won't. Some GA creators are making an honest mistake (albeit born out of not knowing the rules) and are happy to avoid a Not Received by having their mistake politely pointed out. If you scream, "fake GA! I bet this is from Humble freebie!" then yes, you'll probably get a short vacation.
If in doubt, though, don't make the comment.
Also note that all version of Layers are on the bundle list, so I wouldn't worry too much about some users getting some extra CV.
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Personally, I think it's trying to help somebody fix their (possibly honest) mistake. Creating a GA for a currently free game is against the rules anyway I believe (even if the Guidelines haven't been updated). It's not like you're reporting them to the SG mods.
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You mean, turning "Don't betray trust" into "Support abusive power dynamics", as a parallel to "Don't attack GA creators" turning into "Don't give information at all"? That's a difficult comparison to make, but I appreciate the surface similarities of it.
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I feel like you're tangenting the topic, but I'm too distracted by pie to care. :X
Nothing is impossible when it comes to pie.
Also, I think I'm in desperate need of a mug or plate or t-shirt or door mat or house with that slogan on it.
attached image
Love the recipe concept, but I'd likely use more egg, prepare the eggplant differently, and include parmesan, I think.
Or maybe I'll just go for a quiche.. I wonder if I can work eggplant into that..
Clearly, #NothingIsImpossibleWhenItComesToPie ;P
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So, the question is, will it be considered "calling out" or not?
Yes. It's against rules to attack the legitimacy of a giveaway. You can make an informative comment about the rules for the sake of the GA creator, in a "Hey, just a friendly heads up, but if this is actually X giveaway, then you should know that it's against site rules to post a giveaway incorrectly. If you've got this marked correctly, I apologize for troubling you" way; however, you cannot make any comment which assumes invalidity by default. Logically speaking, offering advice for a winner on the premise of the GA being invalid, does assume such by default, and thus is against site rules.
However, if you want to sneak in advice for the winners, you can do so under the umbrella of informing the GA creator- eg, "If this giveaway doesn't match the exact game you have listed, then the winner will have to mark Not Received, or they'll risk a suspension." The key elements are to be respectful, and not to assume invalidity. So long as you do that, you can pretty much offer any unsolicited advice on the topic you'd like.
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Thank you for suggestion of the message template. Of course I don't want to imply giveaway is fake, just tell winner(and maybe creator) about rules they might not know about.
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It's actually more helpful to the GA creator than to the winner IMO. If the GA creator makes an honest mistake (it's not that hard to pick the wrong pack when you see only one available in the list, you just pick that one thinking that must be yours), they can't notice it until after the GA is over. Some are also not quite aware of obvious rules (I've seen a bunch of "DLC" GAs that would state "hey btw, this is for the main game but I couldn't find it in the list so I entered DLC in the form"). The winner, on the other hand, just has to check if the game they get from the key matches the game linked at the top of the GA. And can mark as non received later even if they marked received by mistake.
So informing the GA creator isn't an "umbrella" IMO, that's possibly the main value of posting such comments, particularly if you try to focus on obvious cases (ie only post that in GA created by users who appear new). Often, when I comment in such GAs, the creator ends up deleting the GA before it ends, saving them a lost slot as well as a troublesome ticket. And it does inform the winner as well indeed.
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Well, that's another problem. We are on SG, so we discuss SG rules violation. How to handle HB rules violation is up to HB.
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I have no input to really offer here on the actual subject, but I will just add that it's cool you decided to ask what the community thought before diving straight in. It's always a good sign when you're actually considering the rules and the general feel of things. Always nice to see a little extra consideration even where it may just be erring well on the side of caution. <3
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So, I see a lot of "Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition" giveaways around here, and I wonder if they are actually for free game from humblebundle (base game without dlc, not masterpiece edition). I don't want to insult legit gifters, but I want to cut down the CV exploitation. It can't be checked via sgtools, as it is a DLC, so only way to prevent abuse - is for winner to make sure they got correct game pack. So, I thought about writing a comment in those giveaways, something like "Only mark as received if you've got a game with
DLC, otherwise require DLC from giveaway creator and mark as not received if he refuses to provide it", or something like that.So, the question is, will it be considered "calling out" or not?
And will it make you angry to see such comment in your legit giveaway of Masterpiece Edition?
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