There used to be only too much of scamming between users when I was new to steam/steamtrades. But these days it has increased a lot. People have found new ways.

I get atleast 5-10 phishing invites daily. These invites come whenever i bump my tf2op trades. Are they some sort of bots? I report them everytime to steam support but even if one single person falls for it, it seems bad.

Now a days, people dont need to scam by not giving items, even steam gifts and steam keys which are activated (even if they go first) are getting revoked. No idea why or how. Steam support should do something about this. Now I feel unsafe even trading for steam gifts. I dont know what to do. Some people have been adding me asking for REALLY low prices for their games. I almost fell for it, but I feel bad for new users. How are they doing all this ? Any idea how this could be solved? I really feel unsafe trading nowadays. There have been no cases of tf2 keys getting revoked till now and I hope that continues :(

10 years ago*

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I just avoid all that crap. I only trade cards.

10 years ago

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I don't trade anything - 0 invites in a day :-D

10 years ago

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Trading saves a lotta money man :O

10 years ago

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Only 5-10 phishing invites? You're lucky :P

10 years ago

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I only come online for 1-2 two hours a day, so...

10 years ago

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Hard to believe especially when your recent gaming activity alone is 38 hours in 2 weeks...

10 years ago

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Yeah, I also idle my dota2 sometimes, for like 5-6 hours

10 years ago

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I remember people selling humblebundles bought with stolen cards

10 years ago

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Ahhhh.... Good times :)

10 years ago

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I get around 5 a day. No doubt because I display my most valuable items on my profile, but I won't let beggars influence what gets displayed and what doesn't. Thank god there's no limit to block lists.

Also, trading items is completely safe. Anything that disappears can be un-traded and you will get your original items back. Steam gifts are more risky, but still relatively safe as long as you are using the Steam trading window. Agreements made through third party services (such as paypal), is where the risk increases.

10 years ago

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I get around 4 and I don`t even have very good items =/

10 years ago

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Just be alert at all times, it's pretty easy to spot scammers if you get the hang of it. Always compare profiles and check links they give. If they have too low rep and you are scared, don't trade. Better to take precaution.

It's the internet, trust no one. NO one.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yeah I'm getting a lot of phishing links and it's really annoying.

  • I also have an impersonator and he's been actively scamming, changing their profile picture and name a few minutes after I changed mine, and he's successfully scammed a few people, targeting newbs so they didn't even bother to check my real profile... added -rep on my SteamTrades I've had to track down to remove too, sad times indeed
10 years ago

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aren't you the guy who sold ultra-cheap humble bundles which got revoked after some time? and now you complain about other scammers? really?

10 years ago

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Checked his Steamtrades profile, nothing yet.

And some scammer just left a negative profile on my page.

10 years ago

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Whats your problem? I never scammed anyone. Do u even see a single negative rep on my ST profile? pfft...

10 years ago

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you know exactly what i mean. you made the thread where you asked how all these people can sell BTA humble bundles for way less than the normal price (which is impossible except the bundle is stolen, since humble bundle doesn't have regional pricing). then you wrote that you have discovered how they do it and you did it yourself. and you wouldn't tell anybody how this works. as we know now, these super-cheap humble bundles were definitely stolen, because many were revoked (even from steam account) and the humble bundle guys made an official statement about it.

and btw, i actually remember that you had some negative rep on your profile (only 2, i think). you obviously did something to get it removed.

10 years ago

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I have started using the "Report User" button in Steam.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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The steam messages are apparently coming becuase you're in the same group as the bot, so they can message you

as soon as you bump the bot adds you or joins a group you're in, sends the message, and leaves.

If someone gets phished they become a bot too. It's like a goddamn zombie invasion.

Do your part - screencap, report to steam, then report the phishing link to google. Kill a zombie today!

10 years ago

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Hmm... I was offered 10$ on paypal for some TF2 stuff. My very quick research seemed to look that was totally overvalued for the items...

Didn't even try to pursuit it...

10 years ago

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I'm really lucky, only gotten scammed once and 0 phishing links.

10 years ago

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Put a notice in your ST topics that you require people to post a reply, otherwise you will ignore their steam invites. Works for me, although there are a ton of people that don't read and you'll have to click that ignore button (it actually feels kinda good after a while).

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by STAB.