Well, I just are listening Todo Cambia
Todo cambia
Mercedes Sosa
Cambia lo superficial
Cambia también lo profundo
Cambia el modo de pensar
Cambia todo en este mundo
Cambia el clima con los años
Cambia el pastor su rebaño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia el mas fino brillante
De mano en mano su brillo
Cambia el nido el pajarillo
Cambia el sentir un amante
Cambia el rumbo el caminante
Aúnque esto le cause daño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia el sol en su carrera
Cuando la noche subsiste
Cambia la planta y se viste
De verde en la primavera
Cambia el pelaje la fiera
Cambia el cabello el anciano
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Pero no cambia mi amor
Por mas lejo que me encuentre
Ni el recuerdo ni el dolor
De mi pueblo y de mi gente
Lo que cambió ayer
Tendrá que cambiar mañana
Así como cambio yo
En esta tierra lejana
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Pero no cambia mi amor
Compositores: Julio Numhauser
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Jalkovälisi on mammonaa
Pankkikirjasi kirkkoveneitä täynnä
Miltä nyt maistuu raha ja valta
Kun luitasi keräät lattialta?
Enkelit tyhjää ruumista valvoo
Sieluasi pikimustaa
Ja siihenkö aioit luottaa
Että maailma lisää sinunlaisia tuottaa?
Polkusi tervaat, uhraat henget
Isän, pojan, ja nyrkin nimeen!
Raskaan metallin Rambona juoksen
Yli Sumatran synkän yön
Sinut rautakangella seivästän
Ja kyrvällä naamaan lyön
Minä olen Nykänen, Frederik ja Halme
Murhamies, sekä Olof Palme
Antennissa lähetys muukalaisten
Foliot hattuun ja oliot vittuun!
Petturin perseessä kengän jälki
Vasikan otsassa luodin reikä
Jos kana ei muni, eikä kukko laula
Seurauksena katkeaa kaula
Menköön kaikki, lähteköön järki
Kaulaasi kutittaa veitsen kärki
Pienellä ranneliikkeellä
Ei huolet paina eläkkeellä
and no, i dont know what any of that means
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In commemoration of Five Finger Death Punch's new album, I'll leave this one here.
Five Finger Death Punch - Sham Pain
I never cared about the money, never really needed fame
You'd think it would have changed me but I've always been the same
My label tried to sue me, TMZ tried to screw me
Blabbermouth can fuckin' suck it 'cause they never fuckin' knew me
Everybody seems like they're waiting for me to die
Talk shit behind my back, can't look me in the eye
They say I'm overrated, that I should've already faded
Gave a shit about it all because I love to be so hated
All in all it's a good life
I got what I want
I can't complain (I can't complain)
I'm living the good life
A toast to you now
It's all sham pain (it's all sham pain)
I barely get to eat and when I finally get to sleep
I get drug out of bed for another meet and greet
I shake the hand of every fan, put on a happy face
Spread so fuckin' thin I'm all over the place
I hate riding on the bus, I hate flying on the planes
Sedate myself just to kill the pain
I have no life, forgot the hope
The whole thing's turned into one big joke
All in all it's a good life
I got what I want
I can't complain (I can't complain)
I'm living the good life
A toast to you now
It's all sham pain (it's all sham pain)
I mean no disrespect but I ain't picking up the check
Taking selfies on your phone while you're breathing down my neck
It's getting pretty fuckin' old, and I'm almost nearly done
I'm glad that you were happy as you talk to number one
I'm living the good life, a toast to you now, it's all sham pain
All in all it's a good life
I got what I want
I can't complain (I can't complain)
I'm living the good life
A toast to you now
It's all sham pain (it's all sham pain)
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Fly like the wind...
Fly in a blimp...
It's a man, why you gum chewing with us?
One more time you are confiscated as a talisman and woman...
As a woman, as a woman...
One more blimp, Wonda...
The maaaan...
Celebrate, my name is Tonowoman...
And Razz is someone...
One more time tonight someone!
We are going onward!
Anyone there?!
Feeling gay...
Feeling gay...
Feeling gay...
Feeling gay...
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Five brothers who left Arkansas
Set out to find the gambler
Who murdered their pa
Five brothers and three in their teens
Gotta find the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
They heard of him in Houston
And his trail was leadin' west
He'd left there many months ago
And so they couldn't rest
Five brothers and three in their teens
Gotta find the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
New Orleans
The sun was hot as fire
And the nights were cold as steel
Hate was strong and youth was wild
And so they couldn't feel
Five brothers and three in their teens
Gotta find the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
His trail led to the Badlands
And the desert promised death
The gambler's odds were different now
He treasured every breath
Five brothers and three in their teens
Close behind the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
New Orleans
When first they saw the killer
He was by the waterhole
Five rifles rang out through the night
They killed the gambler cold
Five brothers and three in their teens
Finally got the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
The desert is their keeper now
For this a traveler said
That poison lived within the hole
Now six of them are dead
Five brothers and three in their teens
Lay beside the man
Who killed their pa in New Orleans
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