Well, I bought Skyrim for about 25 Euro in Poland, while on Steam it's for 60, so pricing is more of Valve's fault, but sure, throw shit at everyone around...
Oh, sorry, I can't buy Skyrim on Steam in Poland, because it's region restricted:) Only retail (but with Steam key).
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W przedsprzedaży? Być może.
Ja kupiłem kolekcjonerkę za 260zł, więc mam te 2 DLC +beczkę rumu (pustą, ech...) i kilka innych gadżetów.
Nie podoba mi się parę rozwiązań w Risenie 2 (grałem w betę/demo, które wyciekło jakiś czas temu), ale gra powinna się rozkręcić.
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Okay riptide, we all know that pricing of game in each country depends on average income - that way it's affordable.
As you may know, that's why prices in, for instance, Poland are smaller that in Germany. But there's a catch - it's most likely that each country's version will be region restricted, so you can't bypass that difference (there are other factors, but this is the most important imo).
Steam is a different matter - here the prices are somewhat divided into 4 regions - EU, USA, UK and Australia. That means there are only 4 variants at most. Downside? Region restricted sales, high average price and no physical copy available.
That's why you should buy games in retail, because in the end you'll get digital AND physical copy, plus any additions to the latter (T-shirts, artbooks, mousepads etc.)
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Prices are lower in Eastern Europe because cracking video games is practically an industry (the number of Russian cd-key resellers is a good start). What was decided, and nobody can tell you if it's wrong or right, was that prices would be a lot, lot lower for Eastern European countries.
I ran the numbers a few weeks ago... an average Russian can buy 200 more Skyrims per month than an average USian (provided they live, work, and buy in their respective countries). Let me clarify that this is an average. It means that, somehow, everyone makes this salary.
Video games are still marketed as a luxury in the whole world except in Eastern Europe.
German video games are usually heavily censored, so the best thing to do is try and order a physical copy from another country.
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The only fact that bothers me is that the preorder with what they're advertising as free DLC is more expensive than a regular edition without the DLC.
edit: Also if you check the Coming soon section of the Steam page with this url: http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=de it'll tell you the price on Steam is the same for Germany (49,99€) as most other countries in Europe.
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Can't you preorder Risen 2 at your local distributor or something? IIRC all of preorders, regardless of origin get those 2 DLCs free.
Of course Skyrim's price is the same for European countries (at least civilized ones - hello USSR!), I wrote it before how Steam pricing works. But know that I, coming from Poland, can't LEGALLY buy Skyrim through Steam, because it's not available in my region EXCEPT IT IS IN RETAIL STORES and I can activate it normally.
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You can preorder, but I'm not sure if the distributor has the DLC deal in place. They usually publicize it but I don't see any ads for it. There's the usual 5% discount but that's for all preorders. Also, The Temple of Air is exclusive to the Steelbeard's edition which is also exclusive to some countries - I know German speaking countries get it: GErmany, Austria and Switzerland. Preorderers are only entitled to the Treasure Island DLC.
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Deep Silver REALLY got me riled up with their pricing policy and the decision to chop up the game and sell it in pieces.
So let's look at some prices for Risen 2:
German prices @ Amazon.de
German Steelbeard's edition: 89,99€ German Collector's edition: 55€ German Standard edition: 39,90€
Steam PREORDER with DLC on Steam: 49,90€
Now we get the DLC FREE with the preorder, right? Why is it then 10€ more expensive than the German standard edition?
What I want to know is whether the DLC included in the German standard edition? Because it's 10€ cheaper than the English preorder. Or do the Germans get special prices?
If it isn't, Deep Silver are f***king their customers' arses raw because they are effectively paying for the DLC with the preorder.
Also, take into account that the only edition that seems to have Temple of Air DLC seems to be the Steelbeard's Treasure edition.
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