Cheap ways to lengthen the amount of time needed to finish the game.
Caution: Minor spoilers ahead
There's one section in particular where you're supposed to find an item. To do that, you had to talk to one person. Oh, that person didn't have it. He sends you to person B, who also doesn't appear to have it. Maybe person C has it? Guess what, he doesn't. Person D, maybe? Person E? And finally, Person F.
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Got it. Reminds of the beginning of Claptraps Revolution BL DLC. Collect 25 components. Nope not enough. Collect 50. Still not enough. 75 more. And so on and so forth
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Well, at least with that quest and the Braaaaaaaaaaains quest from the first BL DLC, they were optional. You could ignore them if you chose. It sounds like the problem here is that you can't advance at all unless you do the needlessly convoluted fetch-quest.
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I understand that, but it felt really really cheap. Most of those kinds of quests only have up to 2, maybe 3 red herrings. But this one was just ridiculous. Add to that the FF7 2-second-load-screen gag you had to sit through for every single area change. You can presumably bypass that with an item (I didn't buy it yet), but still.
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The game relies on it being a nostalgia trip to work. You have to have played the old school RPGs and Action adventure games to really enjoy it. Also, ignore Metacritic, it's a terrible system that props up bad games, and destroys perfectly good games. The Haunted : Hell's Reach was utterly destroyed by this even though it's a really good and difficult co-op game.
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I feel like metacritic is usually pretty reliable, but has its fair share of problems
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More than its fair share, I would think. MC only evaluates score based on review sites, and the quality and accuracy of reviews from the more popular review sites like IGN and Gamespot are a joke. They weigh the score unevenly based on which site it came from, and they don't give a way for users to downvote or upvote bad reviews. This system screams "Here's our sales-driving opinion, whether YOU gamers, that we're selling to, like it (the game) or not!"
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There's also the problem of many reviewers not finishing the games they were charged with, or the fact that said reviews are written by ONE person with no checks made to their own bias.
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I have to disagree - I didn't like The Haunted at all. It's was a boring, formulaic survival shooter.
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80 is not a low score on metacritic. Also, I find it more helpful to look at metacritic user reviews than critic scores and deciding whether it's the game for you from there.
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I read the reviews for the complaints. If someone has a valid complaint to the game then I'd like to know what it is. Even The Last of Us had some valid complaints about it. Combat was pretty basic and the enemies didn't respond to your allies at all.
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It's more like a nostalgic exercise for the genre. The fun parts are the gags ans resemblances with other titles (hahaha, a Diablo dungeon, hohoho, a city with 2D pre-rendered background), it's a bit dull and symplistic if you're looking for it only as a game. On the other hand, I have fun with it but I'd buy only for 3€ or similar (my case with keys) or/and if I raised playing those games.
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It's fun for one run, not sure how much replayability there is. It's also pretty short and a somewhat shallow. It's more of a testament to the evolution and different styles of of RPG games and has very little back story.
I suggest you pick it up on sale if you liked Zelda/FF/Diablo games. Don't expect to be mind blown but the game pokes fun at those games it mimics and it's still entertaining.
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It's good if you grew up playing 2D and 3D games RPGs from (primarily Zelda, ALTTP and FF7). If you did not, I can see it getting annoying, quickly.
Do not expect a grand storyline or even a long game. From what I remember of Sips' playthrough, it lasts no longer than a couple of hours.
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This game is just a huge waste of time, fighting every few seconds in a dull random encounter. Enemies give no challange and there's barely any difference between them beside how they look. Sure, I enjoyed the game references and that kind of stuff, nothing particulary remarkable or amazing but the whole 'nostalgic trip' isn't worth the trouble in my opinion because it's too little compared to time you have to waste clicking shit that doesn't matter at all. There's no chance to loose, you don't need to think or have any kind of strategy. It's not mindless but often fun clickfest hack & slash style either (however, there's one level you play like in one, in a matter of gameplay it's just as unfun like the rest), most of the time it's pointless in jRPG style which takes additional time (oh look! Encounter! Oh look! Same animation over and over you can't skip! Oh my, you just won a battle you'd have to be brain-dead to have any trouble with, let's celebrate!). If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be annoying.
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It's fun for the first 30 minutes or so, when you're getting upgrades left and right. Then you start running into the world map, where you literally get attacked every 3 steps or so. Getting from one location to another is ridiculously tedious - the random encounters were added just to lengthen the game. So essentially go get from the first cave to the town, expect at least 10 to 15 battles. This gets annoying really quickly and will never stop until you get to the end of the game.
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I really just found out about the game two days ago. I really like the idea of the graphics/play style evolving as the game progresses. I've heard the game doesn't have much of a story, but that wouldn't really bother me if the gameplay is really fun. I realize that it got a 61 on metacritic but one of my favorite games of all time, Borderlands 1 got an 80 I believe. Thanks in advance for the help!
Edit: Does the game have gamepad support?
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