It's not aimed at casual players, in fact it's not really aiming at any current player base. Google is positioning this for future market dominance, not to compete with existing markets. No one is going to throw away their PS4 to use this service. But in a couple more years, when that PS4 is finally and officially obsolete, Google is betting those people will look at the cost of brand new PS5 or PS6 and decide Stadia is just as good an option with a lot less upfront cost. Same for that current Xbox when it gets over the hill. Same for that newest $800 Nvidia card with they push out drivers that tank the performance of their current $800 video card. I'm no fan of Google, but they have the money to be patient - they plant their flag now, establish their footprint, then wait for people to flock to them starting 1-3 years from now rather than shell out $500-$1500 to update their hardware.
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I´ve used Parsec on not demanding games as host but only few people give some feedback about the quality, short answers like "not bad", "It was ok"... They just hit and run. I never had luck as a client, for me the input lag is terrible. Maybe they just have really bad UL speeds or just my side. Cloud gaming still on diapers imo. I´m very reluctant on what Stadia can do, but then again, I´ve only used Parsec´s free service.
We like It or not, this seems to be the future of gaming.
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LOL! There's plenty of those around.
To be honest, I had no idea what you were even writing about XD.
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Stadia is a streaming service, so the fact that you can play games at max settings and 60 fps on a potato is great. Stadia Pro is more like Origin Access or Xbox Game Pass. Having it gives you access to a certain amount of games plus gives you additional discounts - nothing bad about this also. Stadia exclusive games, however, now that is extremely alarming. I hope they won't go the Epic Store way. Besides, making a game exclusive to a streaming service is somewhat ridiculous at this point.
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True, I mean there's a different visual approach to those two formats. Compression artifacts will be much more noticeable and annoying in a game rather than in a movie, games will have 60 fps, therefore requiring higher bitrate and all. It's a temporary issue, however, until that technology matures enough. So you can ignore that remark. But exclusives in general must die a horrible death.
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Stadia exclusive games, however, now that is extremely alarming. I hope they won't go the Epic Store way. Besides, making a game exclusive to a streaming service is somewhat ridiculous at this point.
They've already announced two so far that I know of, Gylt and Get Packed. Definitely doesn't look as though they're shying from exclusives. Rather, "the Epic Store way" (of being exclusive for one year only) would actually be preferable to the traditional (permanent console exclusives) approach.
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yeah so sad to see that they want you to pay for discounts and free games... what's the point to get them if you already paying money.... where's the discount or free game??.....
4K games??? if you don't have a monitor 4K you are not going to even watch it how should be, 60 fps???? if the game it's caped at 30 fps... you are not going to watch 60 fps....
and the sound??? really they want you to pay to have 5.1 sound??? that's the best scam i saw ever.... so pathetic.
so now you need to buy a 5.1 sound hardware but also you need to pay to them to unlock it....... what a joke is that...
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I didn't expect you to have 5.1 surround sound and 60fps max settings on all games on your $50 laptop that you got from a boot sale.
Since that's the case, congrats dude. Though, others might be less fortunate, so I hope you're a bit less harsh towards them for not getting top-of-the-line hardware for cheaper than most would pay for a PSU. :)
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Ah yes, can't wait to pay a subscription for games i don't own, playing with input lag, getting compression artifacts, monopolizing my internet connection, limiting my resolution, refresh rate and finally getting google to spy on my "own" pc.
Did i mention the terrible energy cost?
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Funny thing, i was a library rat in my young age.
But in all seriousness, do you think it is worth it to get a subpar service, heavily polluting to play games as long as you pay a subscription? Man, games are dirt cheap if you know when to buy them. Hardware prices? Same deal, just don't fall for the shiny new stuff.
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I do have a problem with streaming services (mostly the infrastructure not being up to par everywhere even in first world places), it's just ... the subscription service itself is an amazing option. Games being dirt cheap is relative, and to be honest Origin Access' 30$/year for currently 199 (known) games is something that is very hard to beat.
For example I don't plan to get any of the single player games (individually, maybe even pass it in bundles) because I know that I have an option to play them. I just don't know why people condemn these services so much. 5$ for a month, 10 for two to surely finish any single game - one can get their money's worth in a single day. (Unravel's historical low is 5$. Or get it and everything else for a month. A Way Out pays for 3 months). These games are not something people want to replay all the time - of course there are people who play Battlefield for 1000 hours or replay a game every 3-4 months, they benefit from buying those. But for most of us who only plays most games once, it's great.
I didn't intend the library question as an attack, it just boggles my mind how libraries and renting books is viewed as a great thing, cheap entry into entertainment and learning and nobody is campaigning against it because they have to return the books. ( 1 year Origin Access or 1 year "sub" for my capital's biggest library costs almost the same, they generally null out after 2 games/books used)
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There is the steam benefits tho. Another platorm? Gonna be barebones again. Also you can pass on steam or hell... physical copies.
It's more about the idea behind it than the actual service that i cannot stand. Even for free i wouldn't bother.
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Also you can pass on steam or hell... physical copies.
You can't do that with a Steam one, and most of physical copies are just steam activation codes or downloaders, with all kinds of DRM. Things aren't as simple as they were two decades ago :\
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You can give your account as an heritage. Not a subscription (that would be pointless)
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I was one of the pre-release testers of what is now called Stadia. I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey streamed to my PC through my Chrome browser.
It was a great experience.
Not aimed at casuals - aimed at a change-up of the hardware/streaming relationship. Previously, you need expensive hardware to play AAA games - Now you need a very fast internet connection. Don't know if Stadia will succeed. But with UK and US rolling out 5G internet, there is a growing market that could use it.
The ability to stream the game to all your different devices is quite amazing. I can play at home, jump on the train and continue my game on my phone, then continue it again at work (when my boss is not looking).
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I´m confused. Was the pre-release test a more hardware dependant? I ask this because of your sentence "Previously, you need expensive hardware to play AAA games".
I did a test with a streamer several months ago. We played Mother Russia Bleeds on Parsec. The input lag wasnt bad at all, but since the game runs at 60FPS and has some really fast moves when using the "Nekro" syringe the screen turned very blocky or pixelated. This was at 720p on a 40/40 DL/UL connection.
So I´m really curious on how Google will manage these kind of issues. Parsec is too smalll compared to them.
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I'd never sign up for cloud gaming myself. I see the concept itself as utterly devastating to quality gaming experiences. Not to mention Google being a terrible company I have no intention of financially supporting directly. But I'm in the minority who wouldn't sacrifice quality for convenience. Cloud Everything is coming, going to have to adapt. I am personally interested to see Microsoft and Sony's answer to this, especially with the recent news that Sony is considering using MS Azure to host their own streaming infrastructure. If they can actually compete with Google there's a chance cloud gaming won't be total shit.
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It's not bad but it's not great. If you don't have a PC, it's cool since it's seems all the games have to ones that can run on PCs since their server farm is you guessed it, PC! So it could be cool but ANY lag will be a bummer.
Also, no real reason to get "Pro" unless you have a 4k TV. Since the base one is 1080P 60 but.... its the buying games part.
You have to buy them through THAT service.
Not sure how the $10 per month will work, will they rotate the games or will it be like Netflix where you play ANY of the games?
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Like Gothemasticator above, I was a pre-release tester on a late build of Stadia. It was terrific, a nearly-seamless playing experience for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Whether it's successful or not is up to the marketplace. Whether it's worthy or not is for players to decide, and I thought it was excellent, at least while the range of players was limited. I don't need the service, as I have more than enough games to keep me busy for several hundred years at least. But for people who don't want to get trapped in owning a giant backlog and want the play-anywhere experience? It's exactly that.
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The fact that they want us to buy a console and its not globally available for me shows that they don't care much about it. Also another streaming so called gaming service are not really that big of a deal for me. So let's see how that one fails.
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in my eyes it is a totally pointless thing but obviously games as a service / games on demand is the next big thing after loot boxes to rake in the big cash while taking as much power as possible away from the consumers.
not gonna happen.
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the next step it's pay to others for watch them play a game, with an extra monthly subscription to have audio enable and another extra subscription to have the audio of the guy/girl playing the game.
on top of that add more extra subscriptions to be able to donwload the video or play it at 720 or 1080 resolution etc..etc...etc...
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Have they fixed the latency problems that killed previous game streaming attempts ?
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I hope they don't succeed. Then again, Netflix, which basically the same, is winning.
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the tool where you pay for what you already have for free!!!!
Do you live in a country where 2070s grow on trees?
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no... i live in a country where the discounts for games are for all the people and not only for the people that pay a subscription
i live in a country where the free games are for all and not only for people that pay a subscription
i live in a country where the 5.1 sound it's "unlocked" by buying hardware, and not by buying hardware plus a subscription
i live in a country where the resolution of the "gameplay" it's based again in what you choice and not unlocked by paying a subscription
and you?? you live in a country where you pay for breath?
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Nonsense. It's a service that lets you game in 4k without spending $1200+ for a dedicated hardware. And it's just another service, nobody is forcing you and nothing else will change.
Besides is not even out yet to judge its quality. You just sound like a brat.
i live in a country where the 5.1 sound it's "unlocked" by buying hardware, and not by buying hardware plus a subscription
Yeah, right, it's not like most people use cheap stereo headphones anyway.
. i live in a country where the discounts for games are for all the people and not only for the people that pay a subscription
I also suppose you live in the same country where Origin Access, PS Plus and Live Gold exist since they all offer extra discounts for subscribers.
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yeah thanks goddness we can hear a 5.1 sound without a compatible 5.1 sound hardware!!!!
wait.... we can't!!!!!
but... if i already have them (hardware) why i should pay another time for use them???.......
can you start using your little brain to think before write nothing???
but wait.... so i will can play with the 100% of triple AAA games for just 10$???? omfg!!!!! then how the hell the game companies will win enough money to pay the creation of the games?? WoW!!!!
see if you use the brain just a bit, you will see how dumb it's pay for this service, and because people that pay for this things, we get poor and bad "new" systems and tools and hardware and software and games, because that dumb people pay for anything and right now the people that really want quality are a really low % of the actual player base around the world, because that high % are just casuals that play games a few minutes every day.
but that's another history and we aren't discussing that here.
just want to say that you should start using your brain a bit, just a bit to think about things before defend them or not defend them, don't be the tipical fanboy or hater.
thanks for your time reading this :)
have a nice day
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I AM using my brain. It's another subscription service among countless ones, we don't even know the full lineup yet, not even how it well it performs anyway. Yet you're accusing me of fanboying.
see if you use the brain just a bit, you will see how dumb it's pay for this service, and because people that pay for this things, we get poor and bad "new" systems and tools and hardware and software
If YOU would use your brain a little bit you would know that, despite Netflix being a very cheap subscription service, their original shows often have good ratings and quality standards. This paragraph is an ass pull.
now the people that really want quality are a really low % of the actual player base around the world, because that high % are just casuals that play games a few minutes every day.
Stadia isn't even out yet. You're, again, pulling this stuff from your ass. For what we know, the service could just fail like Onlive did before without "influencing" jack shit.
just want to say that you should start using your brain a bit, just a bit to think about things before defend them or not defend them, don't be the tipical fanboy or hater.
Hey, you're totally right here.
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why you compare this stream system about videogames where only a low % of population in the world play games with NETFLIX where a millions of people use it for watch TV series and films.
you can't compare stones with water, the same way you can't compare videogames with TV series and films.
about the second point people don't want quality that's a fact, people only care about graphics and cinematics, they doesn't care about the content (talking about videogames), people going to see 10$ for all the games they want, but the thruth it's that you are not going to see any triple AAA new game besides 2 or 3 exclusives to this "plataform", oh and it's obvious that you shouldn't expect a lot of good games as "F2P user", maybe one or two in specific weeks etc....
idk how old are you and how many time you play games etc... but anyone old enough and that play long enough years playing games, can have a very well idea on how this system will work with the actual info we have, after all it's business, they don't make Stadia for free, they expect win money, and if they give you the best games for free you don't buy his services, simple as that.
and they are selling services that are totally abusive even if it's cheap at 10$
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Judgement releases on Stadia first and only later releases on PC....but at least we know it's coming.
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Sounds like Stadia is a candidate for the Google graveyard
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Wow i already readed about this thing.... now with this amazing "tool" you can buy games!!!! yess!!!
but... but... here don't finish the fun!!!
now you can also pay for play in better resolutions that you already can do for free!!!!!
Wow!!! is that true??? yes it is!! amazing eh?? i can't wait to pay for it!!!
but wait!!! there's more!!!! now you can even pay for get specific discounts on games!!!! Yaiii i can't wait to throw my money to get discounts!!!!
but wait!!!!! there still more and more!!! now i can even pay for get sound 5.1!!!! i already have for free but heyyy why not pay for it???
but wait!!!!! there's still more!!!! do you want free games??? yaiii i want!!!! ----> then pay for this also!!! you don't pay you don't have free games!!!!
welcome to stadia pro!!!! the tool where you pay for what you already have for free!!!! buy only on google store!!!
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