The following EA game codes are ONLY available in North America.
The Games are Compatible with iPhone 3GS and beyond, iTouch 3rd gen and beyond, and all iPad gen.
Directions: Enter iTunes then select "Redeem" to enter code. This can be done on the device or PC of course.


  • Code 1: W3J967WPPRPP

Mass Effect™ Infiltrator

  • Code 1: APLW6P3LXRHA
  • Code 2: AJY7JWELNN4M
  • Code 3: EA64NYPA6JFE

Skate It by EA

  • Code 1: YL69JF36K6LJ

Mirror’s Edge™

  • Code 1: WF4PMK7FXN69

That's all folks. Thank you for playing.

Edit: Ninja's strike again! Closing topic ^_^

12 years ago*

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Thanks, but my app store won't load D:

12 years ago

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They've all been redeemed. D:
Thanks though!

12 years ago

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Darn too slow again. Thanks though!

12 years ago

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Already redeemed

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ElvisPrime.