I wanted to buy something (Send a payment) and the price is under $1.
Whenever I try to input it in the payment page the continue button is greyed out, the same happens when I pick the send money to friends and family option.
Instead when I input $1 the Continue button is blue and clickable, I don't recall a minimum amount for transactions ever being there, have things changed?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It is an error on the Website, has something to do with the use of "." and "," as seperator of the decimals if i rememer correct.

You can still choose less then 1$ with the Paypal APP for Smartphone or if the Person you want to send the Money gives you an Paypal.me Link.

8 years ago

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I never understood why idiots use commas to signify a decimal place.

8 years ago

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Many countries use comma instead of point for decimal separation.

8 years ago

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I call them the "Lesser Countries". You can tell them, the comma war is coming.

8 years ago

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One of those "lesser" countries took on the entire world for 5 years on two separate occasions.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

8 years ago

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Because in some part of the word commas are actually used to separate integers from decimal.
As in others dots are used to do the same thing.
I'ts not a matter of beings "idiots", just a fact that someone what taught in a way instead of the other.

8 years ago

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I tend to follow the trend of more intelligent individuals, like the 19 and 20th century mathematicians.

As well, more intelligent modern individuals at least follow the basic rules of the International System of Units.

In practice, the decimal point is used in English-speaking countries and most of Asia, and the comma in most of Latin America and in continental European countries.

If you're speaking/typing English, use the proper methods.

8 years ago

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Quoting from the page you linked :

The 10th resolution of CGPM in 2003 declared that "the symbol for the decimal marker shall be either the point on the line or the comma on the line." In practice, the decimal point is used in English-speaking countries and most of Asia, and the comma in most of Latin America and in continental European countries.

So apart from the fact that either way the usage it's correct, it's more like it could be just a typo on the writers end.

8 years ago

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Some countries use different punctuation, some use different currency, a few use different measuring system for no reason (that would be you and me buddy) and even some drive on a different side of the road. Just how things work, doesn't make them idiots, Just another way of doing the same thing.

8 years ago

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Punctuation has nothing to do with digit separators and decimal points. Language =/= Math

Currency is a separate monetary system based on capital. Not like cavemen had dollars. Shells are badass.

Measuring systems are inherently interchangeable/convertible and some are better used for different functions, especially situations where you have to do it all in your head.

Driving on the left/right side of the road was originally determined by the quality available of wagons/coaches (yes before cars). High-quality Conestoga wagons introduced in the 1700s which spread like wildfire had handbrakes on the left rear wheel and in order to see other drivers on the road changed from driving on the left (yes we drove on the left first) to the right. We did all this before some countries that drive on the left even had roads that could handle wagon travel.

...no formal rule of the road was adopted by the new country or any State until 1792. In that year, Pennsylvania adopted legislation to establish a turnpike from Lancaster to Philadelphia. The charter legislation provided that travel would be on the right hand side of the turnpike. New York, in 1804, became the first State to prescribe right hand travel on all public highways. By the Civil War, right hand travel was followed in every State.

The Model T Ford was also only exported right-handed, purposefully to help convert those living in the past.
Concerning modern day, less than 9% of the planet is left-handed, so why drive in cars on roads oriented for left-handed people [originally done so out of a lack of better/easier technology]? That's one thing I'll never understand. You ever drove a car built for driving on the left? I feel less safe operating the damn thing because I'm right-handed so I prefer a car made for being right-handed. Shifting is uncomfortable and operating anything on the center console with my offhand makes driving a lot less safe.

Really though, what's the point of writing numbers like this: 1'234'567,89 (Yeah I'm talking to you Switzerland!) [EDIT: I guess according to the Swiss government "this usage is officially discouraged" so even their own government realizes it's people were being stupid trying to be edgy and throw commas everywhere]
And you know they try to call an apostrophe a damn "upper comma" wtf is up with that?

Edit: added note about Swiss govt.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Skilled horse-mounted soldiers know to put the horse in-between them and the enemy before striking. Why do you think jousting is on the right side? And I think Native Americans knew this continent existed while Rome was squatting in your backyard.

I get it, I do.

Hemiplegic? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class of stroke victims. Too bad that didn't award me with a Gold Star for Satire. (My favorite part is all the random blacklisting from people who take this shit so seriously. xD)

Lay traced the first regulation of one-side-or-the-other to the Chinese bureaucracy of 1100 B.C. The Book of Rites stated: "The right side of the road is for men, the left side for women and the center for carriages." This Western Zhou dynasty rule applied only to the dynasty's wide official roads and was "more concerned with protocol than avoiding head-on collisions." Over 3,000 years later, Lay concluded, "there are no technical reasons for preferring driving on either the left or the right side of the road."

8 years ago*

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All wrong. :(

8 years ago

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PayPal disabled payments under 1.00 USD. Use the trick posted above to circumvent it until Paypal realises this method and stops even that.
Or, if you are group buying, try to convince the seller to send him the agreed-upon sum + 1.00 dollars, which he immediately sends back.

8 years ago

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When this happend about a month ago I was in contact with Paypal support. After few tries they seemed to understand that there was an actual problem and told me it has been escalated to technical department. Timetable for possible fix was unknown. If they even are doing anything about it.

Anyway, I got the feeling this is not intentional. Unless they have since then said it is.

8 years ago

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Payments under 1 USD/EUR are supposed to be allowed, so it safe to think the workaround is a legit fix.
Otherwise, doing such checks client-wise only would be a huge flaw.

8 years ago

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