It can be worse. It can be Uplay bundle, or even bundle not about games at all
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Honestly, I wouldn't mind a UPlay bundle, if it had games I didn't already own. I guess I'm just not that picky :l
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I don't mind non-steam bundles, i would like to see GOG bundle if it will sometimes ever happen, or even Origin. It's because i have a bad track with UShit and i don't want to deal with it more than i need it. That's one (but not the only one) of the main reason why i didn't buying new Ubisoft games anymore.
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Also, for me, the non-Steam stuff means stuff I need to find a use for myself, because it can seldom be traded. I'll gladly buy a bundle of Steam games that I only want 1/2 or 1/3 of if I think I can get good value for the rest. BTA-tier Steam games are a commodity. But if they're DRM free, or for some platform that seriously reduces their trade value, I can't treat them the same way.
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Phahaha, you're an Inquisitor too!? Why didn't someone notify me of this!? xD
GOG bundle oooooh, yes, pleeeease!
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Dammit, i was close to become a bundles Nostradamus!
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So? UPlay bundles mean Ubisoft games and most Ubisoft games are fucking sweet. People who hate UPlay games out of some stupid, misguided fan-boy loyalty towards Valve or who still consider UPlay as being a hindrance, even though it and Steam have EXACTLY the same core functionality and in some areas it being quite a bit better than Steam (many areas actually), are fucking MORONS!
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Thank you for calling me fucking moron, you are so sweet person. People like you encourage me to ignore Ubisoft products even more.
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Yeah, I didn't specifically call you a moron... It's funny that you felt attacked by the insult regardless. Shows I'm right :-p.
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for chastising a company for choosing to sell THEIR products on whatever platform THEY SEE FIT. Valve doesn't own a monopoly on selling games and NO ONE is obliged to give them a percentage of their earnings just to make stupid Valve fan-boys happy :)). But Ubi does it anyway, just to make you happy. Yet they make it so the ones who are stupid enough to purchase their games on Steam have to automatically use both clients, thus exposing you all as the moronic twats you are. Not saying they're not douche-bags for doing that (cause it's Ubisoft we're talking about here), but accepting this situation just as long as one client is Steam, rather than just using the games on one client is HILARIOUSLY stupid :)).
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I read your previous post as you mean that everyone who didn't liked Uplay is morons. I didn't like Uplay not because it's "not Valve or Steam", but because i think their client is utter garbage and i don't want to deal with it anymore. As i mentioned before - I don't mind other clients, because i didn't have any issues with them, instead of Uplay. You said and continue saying a lot of offensive and insulting stuff, and it's YOU acting like a fan-boy, claiming that everyone who don't like Ubisoft and Uplay is stupid, morons, douchebags and etc. Stop acting like a dickhead and learn to respect others opinion.
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Me..a fan-boy...funny!!! I like most of their games, but Ubisoft is a company made of dicks and I literally just said that. Once they had their own client, they could have just went the EA route (can't believe that EA is actually the good example in this case) and just stop selling their games on Steam altogether. Instead they came up with this HORRID UPlay starting up from Steam bullshit to promote their (back then) shitty client. And people actually fell for it, they actually started buying games that require two clients running them AT ONCE. This is just ind boggling to me. They may be cunts with great games, but they're still cunts for doing this. it does however speak volumes about the average IQ of the Steam user :)). Time passed however and Ubisoft improved their clients SUBSTANTIALLY through patches up to the point that it now runs better than Steam 90% of them time. it was complete and utter garbage at first, I'll give you that, but now it's almost as good as Origin (which, sorry, but is 10x better than Steam :-p). And as cunty as they are, Ubisoft actually has a FUNCTIONING user tech support you can call upon when you have problems. That is something I can't and could not ever say about Valve.
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From all your text I can only deduct bla bla bla , If you like Ubisoft is good if you don't like also good ... stop trying to sell your point, I respect your opinion but I have to disagree PEACE
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This isn't about Ubisoft at all. This is about people being so stupid they prefer to run two clients at once, as long as one of them is Steam, which I find to be hilariously stupid. It's like wearing a designer made minx coat in the middle of summer, when a T-shirt alone, even if not a high brand one can always do just as better. Not my fault you're a lazy idiot who can't read 6 lines and so you assume things that aren't true...or even relevant if they were... And I'm not trying to force anything. I'm expressing an opinion. If said opinion happens to insult a lot of people who do this practice... I couldn't care less.
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You really are boring but you know what I like to debate with those kind of people. "Not my fault you're a lazy idiot who can't read 6 lines and so you assume things that aren't true...or even relevant if they were" LOL this is what it seems you like to think, If I was so lazy as you seems to know I wouldn't have said anything about you , think a little before you even make a remark, if I was lazy I would have probably said something that was in contradiction with you but I didn't." who can't read 6 lines and so you assume things that aren't true" <-- this also has no mining at all, how can I assume something if I don't read what you say, see if you think a little you have found that what you said makes no sense now moving one.
"And I'm not trying to force anything. I'm expressing an opinion. If said opinion happens to insult a lot of people who do this practice... I couldn't care less." What do you know , if this is an opinion which I know and said that I respect but don't agree this means that this "And I'm not trying to force anything" two can be an opinion so been an opinion which in fact is my opinion also would mean that you may really try to force or not this on us but the fact would still remain that this wall of text that you wrote has no meaning for the wast majority of us which be the way was my point PEACE.
So for you to understand what I meant by all this is simple if you would like some people to adopt you opinion even if you are right or wrong learn first to be polite or try to learn how to explain what you want to say. You can take my advice or not :V
Hmmm I knew something was strange so you are from my country LOL .
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Soooo...let me get this straight, you did read what I wrote and yet you still summarized it into "bla, bla, bla I'm an Ubisoft fan". I'm sorry that just means you're fucking STUPID and we have nothing further to discuss. Well, wtf am i talking about here? Of course you're stupid... You're actually trying to defend the practice of using two clients at once. Yeah...bye, I'm done. Keep your impracticality and your unwavering loyalty to Valve, expressed by the need to have absolutely all of your games lodged in their client. It won't make you any less of an imbecile in my eyes. Also, why do you care what I think about you?
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LOL You are calling me STUPID, hmmm a couple of my teacher would want to disagree with you and you know what one of them is a computer designer and also the director of a branch from Ubisoft but I may or I may not be stupid who knows :V.
"From all your text I can only deduct bla bla bla , If you like Ubisoft is good if you don't like also good ... stop trying to sell your point, I respect your opinion but I have to disagree PEACE" this is what I wrote and this is what you think I wrote : ""bla, bla, bla I'm an Ubisoft fan", did I said you are a Ubisoft fan , no I didn't. I only said that that you don't know how to make your point without using words like stupid , and what did you do next , you called me stupid, I don't even need to defend my self because you are making a good job yourself in that subject.
"So? UPlay bundles mean Ubisoft games and most Ubisoft games are fucking sweet. People who hate UPlay games out of some stupid, misguided fan-boy loyalty towards Valve or who still consider UPlay as being a hindrance, even though it and Steam have EXACTLY the same core functionality and in some areas it being quite a bit better than Steam (many areas actually), are fucking MORONS!"
Ubisoft game beeing sweet LOL ok that's an opinion which not every body has , if you like an every year mediocre AC then that is what you like . I don't know what you know about steam but you are wrong about Steam an Uplay having the same tools, I got a 10 a week ago on my paper for Ethics and Laws based on Steam (but I am stupid) so I think I know a lot about steam.
And who is in the wronging that games from steam made by Ubisoft have 2 drms , steam I don't think so , a secound drm wasn't need but this is Ubisoft that we are talking so it didn't surprise me.
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i think more of the point of people not liking uplay,origin and the rest are the fact that we already have steam accounts before they made these and they fracture our library's over multiple accounts and clients while there was no need for it other then greed and causes unnecessary issues.
for example my wifes been wanting Alice Madness for awhile now on her new steam account so i grabbed her a copy last week on steam,,i go ahead and install it through steam and when she went to launch it later in the week it asked for a key to activate it we entered the key given through steam and it says it cannot be activated at this time and closes itself down,
we then have to go and download origin on her system to activate the code there and it works but still wont let her play the copy from steam so then we have to uninstall the steam copy and download it through origin so she can play it...
considering we bought it on steam and can not even play it through steam is pretty silly and one of the many reasons people hate origin,uplay,ect they all make crap like this happen and has nothing to do with being a fanboy of steam its more about making people use something they dont want to use for no reason.
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You mean like Valve making you use Steam? They could just offer DRM free like GOG does, but they don't.
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I love me some Ubisoft Games.... I buy them on ps4 though so I don't have to deal with DRM to death. I remember many many moons ago when the draconic ubiDRM made their products unplayable on pc - I havn't attempted to play any pc versions since.
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like some already said thank you for calling me a moron as for why do i hate uplay is for the simple reason i didnt managed to run any of the games i have in there without having to bypass some sort of problem so yeah i have a damm problem with uplay if it had its shit pulled together i would have no problem goin back to the games i have there
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Are you excited for that sweet sweet bundle?
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Steam sale is near, so i couldn't care less about bundle
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Well, the Lifehacker Humble Bundle wasn't very bad.
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Yeah, it could be a uPlay bundle. Not games, as there are quite a few good Ubisoft games, no, just uPlay. Just the client. :D
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Humble Bundle Android Bundle without Steam keys :P
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Well maybe for some. Odds are it would be a re-bundle, or at the very least half of it would be re-bundled. I'd assume they'd have Titanfall in it as a new game which isn't very appealing. SimCity seems like an obvious tier 2/3 game too, already have it as well.
There are some EA games I'd like, but if Origin does have another bundle, I doubt they'd be included.
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A Bundle with one interesting thing among a pile of meh.
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The Trashy Free Games Bundle Includes all free games from years before
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My guess is maybe a bundle with Daedalic games, and that elephant game... Tembo the BadAss Elephant (or whatever it's called)
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Bethseda Bundle :)
Tier 1 ($1): Fallout Classic Collection,DOOM BFG Edition,Elder Scrolls Oblivion,Morrowind
Tier 2 (BTA): Skyrim Legendary Edition,Fallout 3 GOTY,Fallout NV Ultimate,Dishonored GOTY,Wolfenstein: The New order, The old blood, Evil Within
Tier 3 ($10): Fallout 4 + Seasonpass, DOOM Preorder
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If I bought an unbundled game there is a very high likelihood that it'll be in a bundle within 30 days and that I'll feel remorse. It's the rules.
edit: I recently bought Tembo The Badass Elephant & Sonic Lost World... So: Sega bundle confirmed?
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+1 for Papers, Please. Been watching some playthroughs and really want it. Already got The Stanley Parable.
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