No. I stopped being fed up with them after Battlefield 3. I bought Battlefield 4, thinking it'd be good, but no, I dun goofed up on that purchase. After that, I boycotted everything EA, & continue to do so.
Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.
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If a game series has a bad game it's ok, happens. If it has 2 in a row, they should take some measures to stop that. When it's 3 shitty games in a row, it's the consumer's fault.
Never played BF, not talking about EA specifically, look at the AC series, they started off well, but man...
There are also games which took measures.
But there are also some franchises that grabbed a momentum and actually nailed it, like Burnout, CoD (not in my opinion, though), HoMM (Yes, I like them all). On EA's side, there's FIFA, but really, what can go wrong when the game is pretty much the same since '07? They even release it on PS2 with updated teams only, proof you pay 60€ a year for team updates... Ok, I know they improve some mechanics and add boobs, but is that really worth 60€ and not an update?
But buying a shitty game full price without double checking, I never understood how can one waste money like that...
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People need to stop complaining about Witcher 1's combat. It's not objectively bad. It was possibly the best gameplay you would find at the time and even today. It was rhythmic and it took actual attention to understand it. Scratch that, it was simple to understand.
EDIT: I meant gameplay, not graphics.
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That's a matter of opinion. I believe that the combat in The Witcher was awful and pointlessly designed myself.
Simple to understand, perhaps. But I still think it was badly designed overall.
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It wasn't bad though. It was well made for how the game played and what's implied as the Witcher's fighting style(s). It also included diversity in combat so you couldn't just run in with the OP meteorite sword and yell 'gg'.
Obviously there are opinions to it but it's not objectively bad.
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Alright, maybe it wasn't bad, but it still felt, I don't know... Forced. Like the developers weren't sure how to make the combat system creative or less straight forward, and kinda failed at it.
Then again, that's just how I feel about that game in my personal opinion. The fact that I disliked the combat system doesn't necessarily means that it's bad. :P
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Yeah, it was definitely forced. I'll admit that. I enjoyed it because it just flashed by me.
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The game is more than ok in all terms, but combat is objectively repetitive. It might not be THAT bad, but it's the same over and over.
Still, a game with combat that bad is above above average, considering it got mostly 8.5+ ratings and became a classic of our times and started a franchise (or at least started the financial support)
Also, that game is pretty much the only reason we have GOG. Combat vs Steam 11/10
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Yeah, it's repetitive, I can admit that. I think it's more about how you get past each 'segment' of combat since the whole game isn't constant fighting. I rarely ever used the signs. I just... Couldn't get into them. The repetitive combat is definitely my fault since half the game I just rushed into combat and clicked like a crazy person.
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EA's logic -> cash cows will pay for anything, remove content and release DLCs on Day 1.
As soon as there are literally cows who keep on the same pattern and support EA's logic, they will continue to serve craps.
As for me, the last game i bought was BF3 Premium (worth its money!!!). I will get ME 4 and probably the new SW game a year after their release, probably during a 50% OFF sale but i certainly won't buy any DLCs.
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The best thing about EA is how they handled Burnout Paradise, if you buy The Ultimate Box you get ALL THE DLCs... installed, you need to activate them with money, but EAs servers for Burnout Paradise are closed, so GLHF.
"Downloadable content" should be something you download and then add as content to game (you know, DOWNLOADABLE... CONTENT...), not something that is in your game folder and needs to be activated with moar money.
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To be fair to EA, they didn't call the extras DLCs. They just call them Packs.
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You should play Ultima 7. In that game you need to find 3 evil artifacts (which happen to be shaped like EA's original logo) in order to stop the false prophets Elisabeth and Abraham from allowing a malevolent deity to enter and enslave the world.
Richard Garriot was not too happy about working for EA.
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Worst business practices, best customer support. Get your sh*t together, EA
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I believe only ppl buy from them cuz they have too, and I dont blame them, Like if mass effect 4 comes out, many ppl will wanna play it, forced to deal with EA sadly>>>>>> AND THIS PRETTY MUCH SUMS IT UP PRAISE GABEN
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At this point,I'm not even sure who I want to suffer more:EA for being utter cunts and butchering a ton of video game series I loved or those millions of fucking idiots that keep fueling their corporate wheel with their "disposable income",supporting their bullshit all the way.
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wow, compare COMPANY games to INDIE? gj man just dont breed
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you can always close your eyes, hell I hate a lot of indie crap, but you can block anything indie
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I don't get this comment. If a game made by an indie developer is not as good as that from a major publisher, then why would you play it? They are not really cheaper (AAA games tend to drop in price fast enough to end up in an "indie" price level), so that can't be the reason. All games compete for your time, so you should obviously go for the best ones.
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hahaha, wait you're serious? example AAA game Skyrim or GTA 5, very open world, no indie is like them, and random indie game The Forest, no AAA game like that, it's pretty obvious
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Yes, I am serious. If an indie game can't compete in terms of quality with AAA titles, then there is really no reason to play them. Do note that I do play indie games, and a lot of them are as good as, or better, than most AAA games. If they were not, I would quite simply not play them, as that would be a waste of my time.
Also, in terms of "open world", that is not all that uncommon in the "indie scene". Check out the games by Spiderweb for an example. Not the prettiest games around, but they make up for that with quality writing, which in turn makes them as fun/rewarding to play as Skyrim and its ilk.
And a simple question for you: If an indie game is not as good as AAA games, why would you play them? Again, price can't be the issue, as AAA games drop in price fast enough that you can pick up a ~1½-2 year old game at a similar price to an indie game.
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I honestly feel like people are hating EA for the sake of it at this point. They are so unhappy with the state of gaming and their own lives that they want to put the blame on EA.
Lets take Witcher 3 for instance:
CD project RED decided to delay the game and was praised because they wanted to make the game more optimised. EA would get ton of shit for doing that.
They still released an unoptimised game, that runs like crap on AMD or any Nvidia cards that aren't 900 series. EA would get lynched for that.
They promised 16 DLC that have so far been: shaving beard(or dynamic beard or whatever), one costume for a character and one sidequest. EA would be accused of withdrawing content from the game.
The worst thing is that CD project RED broke experience gain from quests in the last patch. You get no experience for doing some quests(depending on your level i think) and they haven't bothered to fix it in the last week. They claim to have the fix but won't release it alone, but are waiting to release it as a part of 1.05 patch. Can you imagine the unbelievable amount of shit EA or Ubisoft would go through if they broke the experience system yet Valve and a few other companies are praise even when they fuck up.
When Bethesda releases a buggy game that requires a dozen mods to fix it its considered the best game in the world and anybody that disagrees shall be fed to the dogs.
I'm not defending EA, Ubisoft or an other game company, they all have their fair share of flaws an mistakes, some more then others, but there are many others whose mistakes are overlooked or even praised. If you want the company to not grow to be EA, poke them in the ass while they are small indie devs so they will never think about doing that again.
TL:DR Other companies are crappy too, you just look the other way.
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HL2 is crappy? NO, Valve CHECK.........Bethesda, hell if you make such an open world game then yeah there will be bugs you gotta accept that and you can always NOT buy, now Witcher 3 haven;t been a month yet and you expect them to pour all the 16 DLCs by now? sheesh think before you type
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idk bout origin support but steam support is 10/10 for me
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Really? I stopped being able to log into my Steam account at some point and the only thing they did about it was tell me to buy a new computer and try logging in from that.
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EA support for me:
me: I have a problem goes into detail with this game. Any help would be appreciated.
EA Support: Sorry cant help you, but have this 10% discount code for anything in our store!
me: you think I want to spend more money on your store if you can fix the current issue Im having?
EA Support: Here have a 15% discount code instead! Bye!
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cuz they hate their customers and only want their money? if thats not valid then what is?
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why did you say GG ? GG means Good Game, it doesn't even relate to the topic
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But that's not true. Source: I have a friend who has done work for DICE.
The people who make the games, including the heads of the dev teams do care a lot about the games that they are making. Many of the higher-ups do also care. But there are weak links, stock holders for an example generally don't care about the games, they want profit (generally short term), and they have a lot of power. Also, the reality of working with a company that has so many layers to communicate through is that it's often hard for information to travel from one end to another.
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anybody fed up with EA? all games are crap and have DLCs same price as base game, which add content removed from base game. EA is the major contributor to the existence of piracy
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