Hiya I won A virus named Tom recently. As I know now likely from an exploited source.
I fear that Steam might:

  1. remove the key (fine by me)
  2. internally chalk me up for negative behavior
  3. give me a trade ban

As I am not too keen on accumulating bad rep with steam I wonder if I should send a steam ticket notifying them of the possibility that the source of the key used an exploit.
Anyone got experience with this, and would know if that is a prudent course of action.

(not that the steam mods, go "Thanks for reporting yourself" tradebanhammer)

12 years ago*

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Its not exploted really, it was just an IGNPrime thing that people gave away keys for so Steam would be expecting an influx of "a virus named tom". I wouldnt stress.

12 years ago

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No its not exploited, it was a key obtained for from IGN prime.
They are %100 authorized and you won't get banned.

12 years ago

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It it somewhat strange though then if it is not exploited why the Gifter has been suspended and then banned form steamgifts. Another user told me there was even a thread threatening suspension for those using some ign exploit.

12 years ago

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Did this guy gifted "A valley without wind" or Trine in the last week??

12 years ago

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nope, only lots of a virus named tom

12 years ago

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AVNT keys were also exploited.

12 years ago

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Those keys were not exploited. yes they got them probably from IGN but they are legit keys and steam won't do jack.

12 years ago

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Just found that


credit card fraud sounds pretty serious

12 years ago

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I was given a key from a friend. They key was later to be determined as exploited or something and was removed from my steam library with no consequence to my account. You shouldn't have any problems.

12 years ago

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Those things are such a shame... AVNT developer was kind enough to give a lot of keys for free on reddit. I wish them well.

12 years ago

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I guess to be on the safe side i will submit a ticket to steam stating my suspicions and asking if they can verify the key by some means.

Would anyone know how i can get a linkie to the giveaway i won? (the link in the won list disappeared :-/)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Deeta.