I think her back problems are a result of something else ...
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plus they are Asian, so no boobs (or ass), so no boob problems...
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Never happened. One of my tables is too high the other too low for it XD
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I'm scared at how close your chest area is to the keyboard. I mean, I sit with almost 40 cms from keyboard to chest, so I can rest my arms on the desk. I'd have to be all up in my monitor to get so close that if I wasn't a flat chested man, I'd manage to press it with my non-existing boobs. Or have the keyboard so close to me that it'd feel like I had T-rex arms. :)
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Ha, well, when I'm actually typing it's not that close. (I actually type a lot for work, so I try to keep good posture.) But sometimes when I'm just using the mouse, I lean forward on my elbow, and my keyboard is on a pull-out tray under my desk, so at that point it's just at the right (wrong?) place.
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True story:
In my first job I was responsible for IT support and one particular lady complained that she was having problems with spaces appearing randomly in her documents. Being young and naive I examined and replaced her keyboard to no avail. I then called the external hardware engineer we had contracted to sort out issues we could manage internally. He also replaced her keyboard but the problem still prevailed intermittently. It was only on his second visit that he came to report to me, tears running down his cheeks with laughter what the actual problem was .. You guessed it, similar boob problem to KimchiTea.
The lady in question claimed she hadn't realised what was occasionally happening but I have my suspicions we were the butt of an office prank ..
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As a dude I must ask my sisters if they ever had problem like this.
And by the way, what cup size is required to have problem like this? Not trying to be nosy, and I will understand if you say it is private, but I am curious.
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Not everyone is an A-Cup? It's not that hard to just lean forward on your desk and ... Sigh...
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I imagine it's more a matter of posture, absent-mindnedness, and difference in perspective/coordination.
I have a lot of friends with massive breasts, and they often forget them at times as well.
Lots of other things you could assume before you make negative-sounding comments about someone else's body :X
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Well a few posts down I talk about my cousin who is a G. I'm actually a dude, I just get all high and mighty and like to play the hero card when someone is yakking on people that can't help it. For example, let's say her boobs are saggy for the sake of conversation. No one likes to be called out like that and it makes people feel bad because we (read Fashion/America) have put an idealistic, nigh unobtainable, image on what we declare beauty.. A few stretch marks or "saggy boobs" shouldn't define that persons character. Not that you were attacking her character of course I'm simply using an example here.
Anyway TL;DR does it really matter if someone's boobs are saggy when you're not with them, going to be with them etc?
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People tend to get a lot more brave and brash sitting behind a keyboard, when in the real world they can't even talk to the opposite sex. Don't let these people upset you so, the world is full of idiots complaining about imperfections, as if they were God's gift to the earth.
Had a friend who wouldn't date a woman if she had he second toe longer than the big toe. I called him an idiot so many times...just annoyed me so.
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to the opposite sex
Now, I may be mistaken, but I'm being given a fairly strong impression that thesn00ze is female, between her profile quotes and layout and
You shouldn't have this problem even with DD. I know a thing or two about this
Just saying, heteronormative gender roles are likely not a factor in whatever this situation is.
Likewise, I'm still of the impression it was just a casually-made, over-emphatic, dubious choice of words, than anything with actual body-shaming intent.
Though certainly, nothing is preventing a woman from body-shaming another woman- to the contrary.. :(
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My apologies for misreading the original message, then, from thesn00ze.
But, my intention was to reply to Doeetright's message, hoping they weren't being angered in any way [which now that I think of it was just my assumption as well].
And, yeah, body shaming seems to be a big topic these days, just look at the whole Nicole Arbor debacle.
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Instead, please check out the adorable, G-rated adventures of Romance Detective!
I approve.
Large breasts are a lot like ponytails- they manage to get in the way of a fair number of the things you're trying to do, put a strain on your spine/posture, and tend to get tugged on by especially distasteful people. :P
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Never happened to me :) And I don't think that it comfortable to hold your keyboard so close to your chest.
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On that note my cousin had to have breast reduction surgery, was causing serious spine problems and she had some kind of heart condition and the doctor said it'd help that as well. She was like a G-Cup or something. So I'm sure she faced problems like this from time to time.
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Noone I know has a capacitive-based touchpad on their laptop(s), so you're likely overestimating the prevalence of such a thing. That is to say, yes, the technology has been around since 2010, but it's still not universal, even for newer computers.
Of course, all our laptops are like 2 to 6years old by now, so that may have changed for the newest releases, by now. :)
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so you're likely overestimating the prevalence of such a thing.
Just checked my friend's laptop
But really, I'm not sure how your friend's laptop has any bearing on what's common on the whole :P
Also, you're severely misusing demagogy. I'd have to be a political leader trying to further a negative outlook by inciting the populace with falsehoods for that usage to be correct.
Do you know something about me that I don't? =O
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You know when you're just on the internet minding your own business and suddenly your page starts scrolling down uncontrollably, and as you're trying to figure out wtf is wrong with your computer this time, you realize you've been leaning over the keyboard and accidentally holding down the spacebar with your boob?
That's not just me, is it?
Anyway, have some boobs =)
Giveaways are Level 1+. In addition, please don't enter unless you're 18 years or older. (Yes, the Steam versions are censored, but I will still feel uncomfortable corrupting the youth.) Instead, please check out the adorable, G-rated adventures of Romance Detective!
EDIT: Giveaways ended! I naively underestimated the power of boobs in a thread title, lol.
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