Hi there,

I know by this point that there's very few people that play the games they win here, yet they do partake in giveaways. What's your intentions overall after winning the games and what do you look for in games? Do you selectively pick the giveaways that you want to play or you partake in anything you think you can win? What do you do with the won giveaway?

I personal play and plan to play them all. I am also more selective with the games I wish to win, so I don't jump for every game that is given on Steamgifts. A rule for me is games worth 10P+ are a good indication for me to check the games and kinda guide me into direction if I want to win something and partake in the giveaway.

I hope you have a great day! πŸ˜„

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2 years ago

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What intentions do you have to do with your won games?

View Results
[Play them] I want to play the games I win and if I didn't play them all, I will play them eventually
[Farm them] I use them to farm steam cards
[Collect them] I like to collect the games

Offer them as sacrifice to Pazuzu in a bid to resurrect Satoru Iwata

2 years ago

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May Satoru Iwata rest in peace. Did you like his way on managing the company?

2 years ago

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I never really liked how Nintendo rolled despite having always been a fan of a lot of their games. At least the online services weren't a complete joke when he was still around, so I'd say he's better than what they have now.

2 years ago

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I do think the Switch was a great invention despite that I don't use it so much. πŸ˜…

2 years ago

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I don't play much games nowadays in general, not just my wins from SG. It's not that I don't want to play them, but there are simply too many things vying for my attention irl already, and gaming was the easiest thing to stop doing and gain a bit of time every day in exchange. Basically, once things stabilise a bit I intend to go back to playing games (and my wins) in full force, but until then it's only occasional evening here and then.
One thing to mention is that I'd like to play my games from start to finish in somewhat short span of time, but I was forced on multiple occasions to stop playing a game, and just lose momentum and motivation to play it after coming back to it after a week or 2 of break. If I can't play my games the way I like, there's not much point in playing them at all, I'm afraid.. :/

So currently: keep the wins coming
In the future, hopefully: keep gaming ^^

2 years ago

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πŸ’™ Pretty much the same here, except I also messed up my shoulder on my keyboard hand and awaiting an operation to sort it out. Not gonna complain because here in the UK I'll get it fixed free, but waiting times are terrible since COVID.

2 years ago*

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I hope you get better soon mate, NHS is doing the best they can. πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ»

2 years ago

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Thanks mate, and I know how hard workin the NHS is.Mmy sister is a nurse with 30yrs experience last 20 as a theatre nurse, so proud of her.πŸ‘πŸ˜€

2 years ago

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Sending my best regards to your family!

2 years ago

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I hope you find the motivation to play them. I've had that issue in the past.

I would have rather worked on other things than open up a game because the mere action to start a new game kinda made me feel unconformable in a way. If that make sense? I use gaming now as a sense of reward and that drive and passion are there.

I am just like you constrained a lot by time. Being a content creator can take a lot of one's time in gaming.

2 years ago

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I organize my steam games by average time to finish so I know what sort of investment i'm committing to; i have trying to pick up a game after letting it sit for a long time. I also have a grouping just for steamgift wins, so i can focus on them when looking for something new to play

2 years ago

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I haven't won any, but I usually go for giveaways with games that I know of and am interested in playing. Kinda lazy to just search up every single one that catches my eye. Anyways, most of the time I just stare at my library, think about how much I want to play the games, and then proceed to not play any of them. Not sure why I have 0 motivation, the games genuinely look interesting.

2 years ago

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About motivation to play - might be a case of gaming fatigue, or simply choice paralysis. You can deal with 2nd by picking 1st game from top, picking 1 random game, or having even someone else point a game for you to play ^^ (some events on SG also deal with choosing games to play
1st is unfortunately harder to deal with - in my case (cause I had gaming fatigue myself), I just took a break from gaming, and after a while I just came back to play the games I really wanted to play lot. Had a blast playing games since then :p

2 years ago

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For the longest time I thought it was choice paralysis, when I boot it up, I only play for around an hour max and it takes ages for me to get back. I'll try taking a break at some point since it might be fatigue. How long did yours last?

2 years ago

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I'm not sure, since I did play some games in that time, so I don't have any definite time, to say "Oh, it was at that moment that it was over", but I'd say it took me 1-2 years to lose that feeling? Now I mostly have to deal with just not having enough time :p

2 years ago

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Hmm, I see. Well, good thing stuff worked out for ya. Thanks for the suggestion.

2 years ago

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One of the reasons why I love challenges. It forces you out of your comfort zone and you get to play something. Anything and next to the thing, you've had some fun and you played something you'd never thought about much or didn't know you'd enjoy.

2 years ago

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I'd been there. I then started wishlisting games that sparked a little bit of my curiosity. Now I'm recommended and having some wishlisted games that are given as GA which is amazing!

I often recommend people to go in blindly in a game that sparked their curiosity. If you can afford it, play it and only judge it after the 10-20 hours mark. If it's still not engaging you, drop it and take a break or move to the next one.

Motivation sometimes never comes without action. You have to take action and that motivation will show up eventually.

2 years ago

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I have a pile of shame 5000 games deep, a wishlist of a few more thousand and access through streaming and emulation to a few thousand more. If I can move some games from the other piles to the first, that's a plus. If I get something really interesting, I'll install it the moment I get it and play it until I either stall or get through it.

Either that or for redundancy, if I have the title on some other library

2 years ago

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Idk if you noticed, but us gamers, we're the luckiest guys ever to have so much entertainment at our fingertips and yet to not see it's amusement.

It's the same as success. I hope you find the time to play some of them.

2 years ago

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I've gone the extra effort since 'Rona started of cataloguing games I own across my digital libraries and retailed collection plus whatever I remember having played on the Internet, on friends' consoles, DOS compilation disks, freeware, etc. I don't count Antstream titles until I've started them in earnest and I apply the same rule to emulated games. Nintendo Switch Online I do count, since I'm paying for it.
I have in my possession or I have played 5266 individual games, 755 of which I've beat to either the conclusion of the campaign story or the end of the game loop and 233 are in various states of progress. 75 of my games have no set end state; I've completely dropped 54; and I've simply lost access to 46 and I'd need to go through extra effort to reacquire them in order to complete them.
I have 64 titles that are compilations or collections, so those boost the total game count. Also if a game has video games in it, I count those as their own titles, too.
A few thousand titles are from Itch.io through their activist bundles. I don't care for their activism (other than for Ukraine, for which I posted double the price), but deals like that are hard to pass by.

There are still a few magazine disk insert shareware titles I remember having played in the 90s and early 00s, but I can't find anything about them on the internet.

My first title I can remember was an Odyssey2 tank game, and the one game I've spent more hours in than any other is World of Tanks.

2 years ago*

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I mostly enter those games that are in my wishlist and most likely will play within a year. Definitely choosy on that regard. Usually I used to finish 15-20 games a year but nowadays I am finding it hard to manage free time like before for playing games so I am entering less too.

2 years ago

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The older we get the less time we have. I've not won many wishlisted games, but I certainly hope I do one day.

I don't know how many games I play per year to be honest, but if I do play one, I make sure I play a lot, which is good and worth the money I invest.

2 years ago

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Play Play Play... And Play... Yep i have a serious problem.. ! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

2 years ago

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What's your current favorite game?

2 years ago

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At the moment i play this 2 and i like them both :)
Songs of Conquest

2 years ago

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Songs of Conquest remind me a lot of Might & Magic Heroes... oh what a time!

2 years ago

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It is more than inspired by this series yeah, some changes but yes... sweet memories 😍

2 years ago

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Playing (and already completed) all my wins! So i entering only that ones that i really want to play.

2 years ago

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If nobody told you, I will... I am proud of you and you should be proud of yourself for playing the games you win. πŸ‘πŸ»

2 years ago

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Thanks! :)

2 years ago

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Insta-whitelist from me! Sorry, it's kinda useless at this point since I'm mostly inactive, but at least your WL count increases. :)

2 years ago

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Got from me as well. πŸ˜„

2 years ago

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Wow, thanks!

2 years ago

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Hoard them until the fitting time comes to play. Sometimes it's specs requirements, other times it's mood.... I have games I regret entering for, but the vast majority was done with the plan of trying them out / playing them.

2 years ago

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I am pretty much in the same boat as you, just that I'm more selective about it. I avoid entering GAs for VR games since I don't plant to purchase the relevant equipment.

What I won were anything from "okay" to "I never expected to win that awesome one."

2 years ago

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I want to own VR games, but I don't have the equipment to do it. I am hesitant to buy the Meta Quest as I believe the Valve Index is a lot higher quality visually speaking.

2 years ago

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just that I'm more selective about it

Seems illusionary to me. adam won 321 games in 8 years. You won 54 games in 9 months. If you keep winning at this rate, you will have 576 wins in 8 years.

So to me he seems to be the one who's actually more selective about their wins than you are.

Just saying.

2 years ago

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Adam must be blessed by Ghanesh.

He gets alot from public wins, I win many from hidden whitelist/group giveaways. That means that I may plateau by the end of this year. I use my points to target specific games, like Endless dungeon which I have succeeded within two weeks of my time on this site.

2 years ago

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I've discovered some games I never thought I would like here. GA expanded my game library by a lot and I can't be more thankful than now. It's fun to see what other people love to play.

2 years ago

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%81 says "I will play the games..."


Personally, I only haven't played one game from my won games list, and I am planning to play after the few months of busy time I will have.

2 years ago

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"... and if I didn't play them all, I will play them eventually"

and before someone starts, that i haven't played any of my wins, i'm dealing with mental health issues, which holds me back playing games most of the time, but i really appreciate the games i won, because when i think of them, that i'll play them someday, my mood brightens up and/or i will fall asleep better

2 years ago

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Some games ages ok, some games not. There is no guarantee that you will even want to see them in the future. Overall, I don't believe %90 of people who voted for it will play the games, one reason or another.

I wish you can feel better enough to not even remember you won some games tho :D

2 years ago

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thanks mate, but as i mentioned i remember them very well, because i have a great imagination and think quite often about them and this will help me not to drown

2 years ago

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They wish to, but to be fair, it's better to play 25%-50% of the games owned than none.

2 years ago

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I personally don't blame you and don't take it in the wrong way. I hope you get better soon. If you need a person to talk please reach out to me via Steam.

2 years ago

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thx mate, but i can talk to family and friends, if i want to, not that it would help in any way

2 years ago

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I appreciate your honesty!

2 years ago

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I do my best to play my wins. There are some (especially earlier wins) that I shouldn't have entered, but overall I try to only enter for games I'll want to play.

2 years ago

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Didn't like the games you won? I try to be very careful with the games I win, but sometimes it can be very much misleading based on the reviews it gets for the game.

Personally, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game felt like a total waste of time of my life. I am glad it was 1 hour. A game has to be more meaningful for me in story and gameplay to be worth the time. I never understood the Overwhelming Positive comments.

2 years ago

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Yeah. Early on I had the mentality to use all my points so I'd enter for anything that looked mildly interesting, so there are a number of games that ended up not being worth playing for more than an hour or two, or that I've since realized just aren't my thing (e.g. dungeon crawlers, platformers, etc). Still, I've beaten 78% of the games I've won and still half a bunch left to play so overall I think I'm doing pretty well.

2 years ago

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I think you should be proud of yourself for spending time with the games you won and didn't like although you wanted to show appreciation to the one that gave them to you.

2 years ago

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Thanks! Yeah I try to give them all a chance but there's no point forcing myself to play games I don't enjoy.

2 years ago

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For sure, I totally agree. Games should be fun. Just because a person gives them away as a giveaway it doesn't mean that they expect people will like them. Sometimes giving away a game may mean they didn't enjoy it themselves or don't think necessarily it fits their type of games.

2 years ago

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there's very few people that play the games they win here

That may be true, but I doubt many of those people browse the forum or comment on threads. ☺

For me, I play all my Steam games in the order I get them. Maybe it's a mistake to include SG wins in that list (I still have three wins left to beat), but playing the crappy free games between them helps me better appreciate when there's real effort put into level design, responsive mechanics, enemy patterns, etc. Plus, some of the free games end up being better than paid ones, and those are always nice to stumble upon.

2 years ago

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Very true what you're saying. How do you keep track of the game you purchased by order? It's rather difficult to do that if I swarm myself with bundles.

Do you track down your activation/purchases based on time in Steam? Like here and here?

2 years ago

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Simpler: as soon as I get a new Steam game (or GOG or Epic), I install it and create a desktop shortcut. Then, I put the shortcuts in order of installation, moving the icons up as I beat (or give up on) the games ahead of them. As you can imagine, this takes up a lot of hard drive space, so for the couple massive games I don't have room for (Control, Star Wars Squadrons, etc.), I'll just put a shortcut to the launcher instead so whenever I get enough space, I can be like "oh yeah, I still haven't installed Relicta."

2 years ago

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I see, so that's how you do it. What about checking it through Steam and not having to install all of them? I can image that takes a lot of space.

But again, the eyes that don't see, don't remind you to play them. Do you also finish them or you put them aside if you don't like them?

2 years ago

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I...I think I answered those questions already, right? I don't check through Steam; I just install them (I actually didn't know that there was a way to check through Steam until you told me). Yes, it takes space, but I don't have to wait when I decide I want to play those games. Plus, I just uninstall the games when I beat them (or when I give up), which creates space for future games.

There are several Steam games I've given up on, but I'll always make the effort to try beating them at first, especially SG wins (so far, the only win I've given up on is Velocity Ultra).

2 years ago

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I first farm them, and then when i feel like i’m in the right to mood to play them, i play them πŸ˜„

2 years ago

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Have you've played some of the games you've won?

2 years ago

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Yeah, many. Otherwise, what's the point of entering all these giveaways? :P

2 years ago

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Idk πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ collection, farming and stuff like that 🀣

2 years ago

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I'm sure there's people that do that, but at that point it's just virtual hoarding lol. Might as well just throw those games in a safe and throw away the key in that case :P

2 years ago

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Play them. That's the whole point of obtaining the game in the first place, for me at least. I don't understand collectors.

2 years ago

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Personally me neither, but I'm kinda both. πŸ˜…

I mean, I like to own games I once pirated or played on disks on my Steam. I don't necessarily plan to replay them unless I want to understand the story or the characters for a more recent game I plan to play.

For example: Gothic. I don't know if I'll play them, but I wanna have them in my library as a reminder that I used to play it.

2 years ago

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Nurture them and give them a caring home.
Okay, I play them and all my current wins have been played. I've only ever entered giveaways for games that are either on my wishlist or seemed interesting enough that I figured I could give them a chance if I won.

A rule for me is games worth 10P+ are a good indication for me to check the games

I figure you do this in effort to avoid the showelware, but I still feel the need to say that there can be pretty decent gems in the 5-10P range.

2 years ago

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Okay, I play them and all my current wins have been played. I've only ever entered giveaways for games that are either on my wishlist or seemed interesting enough that I figured I could give them a chance if I won.

This is how I pick my games here too. There's a lot of interesting games I won and didn't know I'll enjoy and some not so much.

I figure you do this in effort to avoid the showelware, but I still feel the need to say that there can be pretty decent gems in the 5-10P range.

Once I find them in the recommended or wishlist section I may play them. I am quite picky with them because I totally want to enjoy them and the 10P mark is definitely justifying the value in some way. And not by money, but by what it has.

2 years ago

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I still have a few unplayed/unfinished games but I do my best to play them all...

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2 years ago

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I know I'll sound as a n00b, but what extension do you use XD? I'd love to check the stats on my profile page...

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you, I'll check it at home.

2 years ago

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You can check on other people as well. I do it sometimes to kinda see if they play the games they win. It's easier than to just go and check their Steam account.

2 years ago

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You've not won as much as you gave away. I bow my head to you. πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

2 years ago

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I raise them until they are 18 years old, then they can do whatever they want with their life.

2 years ago

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I hope you raise them to become great and entertain a lot of people and not turn into unfinished early access games. 🀣

2 years ago

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Print out all the source codes, and roll around in the papers. jk

I've been trying to play through all of my old wins, while keeping my entries to games I know I'll at least try within a week's time. No more "I'll play it eventually." It's time I not add even more maybes to my already miserable backlog. The only exceptions are games I want to get for certain holidays, such as horror games for Halloween.

I'm quite proud that my most recent win was beaten and reviewed within the day I got it.

2 years ago*

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I like to beat and review my games too and I've done so for the first wins I've got and I'll continue to do so.

Sometimes challenging yourself to play them is more fun I'd think.

2 years ago

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Probably trying them, mostly to struggle finishing them, especially if I face some problems like weird controls, complex gameplay or too stressfull difficulty. Even when I am playing everyday, it happens rarely I beat games.

2 years ago

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If controls are poor, I switch to my controller. Some game are just never optimized for PC and just poorly ported.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Which is by far your favorite win?

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Oh noooo... you haven't found it yet? πŸ˜₯

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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What's your all time favorite SP game and MP game?

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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I'm not, but I can see you like Management games pretty much a lot. Frostpunk took the throne of most played game. πŸ˜†

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago*

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Management games can be quite slow, yet adictively grindy. For sure!

2 years ago

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At the very least, I try every game I win, even if some end up not being as much to my liking as I expected (though I try to get better at that). Usually, I'll add them for the PAGYWOSG event, which forces me to prioritize any win over games I got myself.

2 years ago

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Oh yeah, that's a good way to make you play games. I like that!

2 years ago

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i like play it make videos and put in my channel,desperados 3 recently i win,was very good i very happy win it i like it much

2 years ago

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Did you play Desperados 1 & 2?

2 years ago

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i play the old desperados and commandos when i was very little child and also when i play it i was not able to really understand the things in the game (but i remember i reach around level 2-3 each) so i must to reply them too,own in my steam (buy it) but not yet play,there is so much quantity of new games released that keep me forget to play that , and for be sincery i'm + busy to follow and manage Deals,New games news,wishlist and enter\create gw about bundles in sg too than play hahaha
Anyway i remember i like so much the old desperados and commandos (at least the first commandos,the 2 and 3 i don't know,but the first i remember i like much)

2 years ago

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I remember reading an article in 2014 that said 30% of all Steam games are never played and I thought ''Wow that's a lot of potential fun wasted.''
Since that moment I aim to play all games I own eventually because why wouldn't I? I'm slowly getting there, not because I had a lot of unplayed games but because I keep replaying games from the past and I keep getting new ones too.

2 years ago

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30% is a lot if you think about it, especially since we all spend so much money on them.

2 years ago

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I will think about it when I've won my first one.

2 years ago

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How often do you partake in giveaways?

2 years ago

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According to my profile I entered close to 500 here, but I also partook in giveaways on Indiegala for some years without ever winning one :D

2 years ago

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I only take part in the Gameplay Giveaway in Indiegala. I never took much notice of giveaways there. I feel here it's a lot better to connect with people and win games and the interface is a lot cleaner for me. The easiest way to win for me was to join Group Giveaways and Whitelists.

2 years ago

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I only enter games I'm 100% sure I want and will play all the way through right away. Games I'd buy with my own money if I could. Otherwise, I see no point. If I took a game I didn't want, it could have gone to someone that would have loved to play it.

2 years ago

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It can't be easy to win them either. Since they are a lot more rare and often times good AAA get a lot of entries.

2 years ago

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Yes, I'm a couple months away from five years without a win.

2 years ago

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Woah, I'm so sorry man. I don't know what kept you going. Maybe you just wanna give away your keys. I can't recall a month since I started without a win. But I'm also partaking in giveaways daily, if the games seem interesting.

2 years ago

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I first joined the site with the intention to hoard as much as I could, but soon I got the empathy to realize that the giveaways Id win for nothing are spoiling the fun of those that actually would like to play it. So I only enter to play.

2 years ago

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A shift worthy all applause. Well thought! πŸ‘πŸ»

People are put effort and money to give them away for free when they could easily sell them on the gray market or through trades. It's important to appreciate their effort even if the game isn't as good as you'd hope it would be.

2 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Vasharal.