Good idea?
Ad revenue, less people coming to the site means less money.
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Our SG God don't want any donations from us so I don't think this is the reason.
He want to make the best of it for us.
But what if minority of SG are leeches...
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I really want to support the site and drop ad block, but Steamgifts is making it superrrr hard by intentionally placing an ad over the search function to force me to click it (for some reason it's loading is delayed :[). I will endure for now, but i'm not sure how long i can do it X_x
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They can still go to site, because not everyone would check for not activated gifts and reroll. They are not banned.
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I think some things may never change just because priorities.
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If you are allowed for rerolling if someone not activated a game like half a year ago, there is a possibility they already were punished for it. If everybody just can ask for a reroll, they'll never be able to win anything again. In my opinion that is not fair (as long as they already have been punished, that is), since it might just have been a mistake. Of course if someone has a lot of non activated wins, it's a whole different story
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Yea, they should solve this on their own.
I know accidents happened, but once!
And WE CAN SOLVE THIS on our own...
We can solve not activated from 5 years back - yes! Just. Buy. This. Game... And then magically that people wouldn't have any not-activated and can win something again :)
And secondly - the part of "whole different story" - that's the main reason!
1 not activated? Please...
2 not activated? Ok..
5 not activated from past 3 months? Emm...
10 not activated from past 6 months, and all of them are AAA+ games? ...
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Or just stop giving away games to strangers online. Simple.
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below: I know, I am complaining about public ones only.
I want to make all type of GAs, as I am entering public, group and invite (forum) GAs
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I know, I am complaining about public ones only.
I want to make all type of GAs, as I am entering public, group and invite (forum) GAs
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No escape from it, sadly. Even with my forum giveaways, a good number will have a non activated win. Even with levels. :(
Thought I escaped it for my birthday giveaway, only for the last bundle game sent to be going to someone who broke the rules in the past. Given when most of them happened, I send the gift since a reroll is typically out by that time, but instant blacklist.
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there is a way - make a bigger penalty.
Few days for a game and some (:<) blacklist from checkers~ are nothing compared to universe of steamgifts :(
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Dank Memes 201
Forum Shorthand 302
Gameology 301
Market Economics 201
I may pick up Puzzling 401 if Zelg has room in his class this semester.
Aren't you enrolled yet??
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Sounds like one hell of a thesis! Think there's a script to write it for you??
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You can't retire, you have tenure.
Remember those who can't or won't do, teach. That's why you have Puzzling 401!
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If a winner has apparent non-activated wins, ask for a reroll. Either they will be suspended and you will get another winner or if they have already served their time, they get their gift, and life goes on.
If you want to avoid people who have received far more than they have given, your best solutions at this point are:
Private group with ratio limitations
Forum post asking interested parties to go through a screening process, putting those passing into whitelist or group
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Make white list GAs.
Zombiehug, I think I know what you mean, it´s so much nicer iwhen the winner of your GA is really happy about about it
than you have a "just taker" winner.
Two or 3 weeks ago I had two "just take winner" one of them clicked "receive" after 6 days :( and is a "every day winner"
( I don´t know how they make this).
The last GAs I made where just a little GA group and whitelist GAs. With this I I have people who really want the games and give games back, often people who are happy to play the game ...and receive faster. ;)
( english isn´t my first) ^^
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I think you can learn from your ways and change, if given a second chance.
However I think if you get busted on your second chance, you really need to show that you are changed to get a third chance. Make it so you are suspended until the missing games are activated on your account.
IF they hit a third strike, drop the hammer.
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zombiehug, that's why I've moved much of my giveaways to groups and whitelists. Now I get more deserving winners like you (Didn't you win about 4 of my giveaways so far? ;-) I still do a few public giveaways in the spirit of the site, but I still run the risk of someone winning who has won 10x as much as they've given away.
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Yea, I am vacuuming up group GAs :)
But I want to make all types of GA in peace, because I am entering all types of GAs.
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easy: people can change. allowing a reroll, because someone did not activate a game 3 years ago, seems stupid and unfair too me. i agree that 1 month is maybe not enough. but there should be a limit.
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in real life law we have the concept of limitation*. if you did something wrong, and a certain number of years have passed, then you're fine. even if you didn't make up for it in any way. we won't put you in jail for something you did 30 years ago. and i think that's a good thing. why can't we handle things on the internet a bit more humane? i feel like on the internet people always demands a death sentence for everything. ^^
*i hope that's the correct english word^^
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I would jail somebody after 30 years :)
But that's a ideology and morality, and I don't want to talk about it :))
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well, my argument against what you what is a comparison with real life. hard to discuss on this basis any further, if you shut me down like this. ^^
i just mean this: don't condemn someone for a little mistake he did long ago. i am sure, you wouldn't want to be treated like that in many situations either (real life or online). also, regifting/not activating is bad, but it's not a major crime or something. especially since in many cases we are only talking about a small bundle game worth a few cents. i just think, sometimes we should just forgive small mistakes.
i wonder how many here are christians and should theoretically "love thy neighbor", but on the internet they demand to ban people for life for the smallest things without the possibility for redemption. xD*
*that last bit was not directed at you. but i had to think about a recent discussion about banning people for regifting once. which i find pretty harsh. and what you want is roughly the same direction (more extreme punishment for certain actions).
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i would prefer people having rule-breakers to fix their unactivated wins, or creators could ask for rerolls all the time.
but that goes against the spirit of the site which is to give away games to anyone.
i can ignore the current rule, as i'm not gonna complain all the time about it, but i still disagree with the "1 month timeframe to reroll". there's people with 4-5 unactivated wins that keep winning stuff.
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Allowing little mistakes make people do them.
Imagine 1 person who have won 100 games and one of them is BAD RATZ. He didn't activate it. He regifted it (NOOOooooo!!!)
From now on he is winning games like crazy - everyday 1 or even more!
But he hasn't receive any of them, because from now on - everybody reroll him.
Let's think how can he feel.
Furious? Angry? Sad?
I don't know, but I'm sure he will consider BUYING BAD RATZ on his own, just to make him clear.
I did some mistakes in my life.
I repair them all.
If no - please let me do this <3
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You forgot "and were not caught" part. When you get caught you are punished (here, suspended) and obligated to amend (*)/compensate (*) your wrongdoing ( here it would be cleaning the profile and saying sorry to GA creator )
*not good at english, hope it's right words
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yes, of course. thought that was obvious. i am talking about the case where someone wasn't caught, but enough time passed, so we should say whatever, that was a long time ago, let's just forget about it. :)
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Never underestimate the power of deliberate ignorance ;
It's also partial answer to yours previous post in this chain. I stand on position that rerolls should be allowed if someone has dirty profile, with the ~2 months of grace period after suspension - so opposite to what is done now. After that period, let's allow gifter to judge if the offender redeemed past mistakes or not.
And I agree with your opinions stated in many (sigh, will they ever end?) other threads that permanent bans should be handed sparingly.
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I won a giveaway once and didn't get to activate it for about a week after the end date due to traveling halfway across the world and I ended up getting a suspension. I'm pretty sure it is against the rules to not activate your gifts.
Edit: However, I suppose I did mark it as received since I trusted the creator so he could make more giveaways. That may have been the problem.
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I always send Support a ticket when I'm traveling and may be delayed in activating the key. This will usually help you avoid a suspension.
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Yes, but that's ONE, not three, not four, not ten not-activated.
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That would be amazing!
Also: ability to blacklist ALL people with more than 2 or 3 suspect forms (3x not activating / 1x not activating + 1x regifting + 1x begging~)
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not indication on profile - we have "no calling out" rules and you propose that site itsewlf would automatically call out all rulebreakers.
Solution would be check ONLY when you send a report or reroll request - then it would show ONLY YOU that he's been suspended for not activating on exact date so you can decide if your ticket is still valid.
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What's wrong with calling out all the rulebreakers?
Why we should cover them? :(
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there are multiple reasons for not calling out rule. Preventing false accusation, no public shaming (which is a punishment out of middle ages), not introducing a lot of bad attitude into SG discussions, not starting witch hunts and flame wars and so on and on.
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Public shaming is a thing which has come back to life (in an even broader scale) with the advancement of social media....not a pleasant thing on the whole. though very occasionally positive
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I agree. While I know people change, I don't think that should necessarily absolve them of the consequences of their past bad actions. Basically, leave it up to the giveaway creator to choose.
I had a case where the person's last suspension for an unactivated gift was from two years ago, so I generally would have been inclined to just give him the gift ... except he was a bit snide in his communications to me, so I took the hit on my record instead. Well, technically I guess it's still sort of pending.
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Exactly! My last winner had 3 not activated wins.
First - 1 year ago
Second - 4 months ago
Third - 2 months ago
His history was easy to check in his comment field - he had been claiming that the key was already used and he had demanded another.
As I could't re-roll, I must have given him my key...
And guess what?
He claimed my key WAS ALREADY USED..!!
I must have bought another bundle just for this user.... Great!
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He activated a game and get away with that thievery
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As convenient as new system is I'm old fashioned and use email sending for check before purpose.
But more and more users are using SG mark as key but do "not" enter key where you can enter key after you've done all your checks for your finished GA.
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I leave it up to Support to decide. If there are issues with any winner, I ask for a reroll. If the user has served a suspension and it was an incident more than 1 month ago, Support will deny the request, otherwise I get a new winner. They decide the outcome and I don't have to be judge, which is good because Support has far more information about any user and their history than I do. I just provide what information I find and they follow up.
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I'd rather see the end date of the last suspension for users listed.
Then we can see if they've changed their ways after they've had it or not, and request re-rolls based on that.
Would make it much easier to really catch who's a repeat offender and who isn't.
So we don't have to re-report people who've already served their sentence, they don't get hit over and over again for what may have been an honest mistake, support will have less work figuring out which requests are valid or not (so they have more time to crunch down on the backlog - and since this is thankless volunteer work I don't anyone would mind having less tickets to deal with)...
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I'd rather have it not visible - but maybe if you request a reroll or report a user system would automatically check if they were not suspended for this reason already and ONLY THEN tell you they already served the punishment on DD/MM/YYYY and you decide if ticket is still valid (new offence) or not. Reason for it would be - we already have "no calling out" rule on SG - and what you propose is 100% contrary to it, as it would mean the site itself would automatically be calling out every rulebreaker right on their profile pages ;p
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I'm not - as while I do not agree with imho too soft punishment for not-activators I do not think public shaming is a way to go.
I already proposed almost the same change as you do in the OP, as well as many other people, but heck - things do not change on SG too often ;p So on your OP post I can and will agree with you. Counterargument and a valid one thou to my and your proposition was - what about games no longer avaiable on steam. If we enforce the rule "if you don't want your wins rerolled anymore buy these games yourself and activate them" it introduces a valid problem - what if non-activator can no longer buy this game - because it got removed from store.
Back to publick shaming thou - no. Public shaming as punishment is a method out of middle ages and we as the society are way past it. Not to mention the thing that any form of calling out introduces a lot of bad attitude into community - people start accusing each others, starts flame wars, witch hunts etc - and suddenly SG discussions becomes the place that only trolls and all the other bad seeds want to visit and everyone else stay out of it.
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I see another problem. What if giveaway creator bought game at unautorized reseller or steamtrades and game disappear after weeks or months? If a winner miss a information on steam (which is not too difficult) - you could be punished for not your fault! And there is so many people who don't read the rules... I know they should. But this site is for everybody, sometimes people very young or not speaking English.
So I think one (max two) non activated games is understandable and forgivable and I am against the punishment several times for the same thing.
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if your games get removed you can see the information in your steam account history and can appeal based on that. Also if game gets revoked - even months after you won it - it is up to you to inform Ga creator and unmark it from received (if he refuses to provide new copy mark as not received). It is like this now as well - if your game gets revoked now you will get suspended as well so I don't see what's your argument here - it is like this already.
As for not reading the rules - Ignorantia juris non excusat - and it's not punishing thing several times, just changing the form of punishment. And most of all making the offender repair their wrongdoings. You can just buy the game you didn't activate yourself, activate it and you're clean. You repaired your damage and it's all fine.
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Well, I never had my game removed. But as I read I get only a message, which I could accidently close (or my wife or baby for example - everyone in my home has access to my computer). If you have 1000+ or 2000+ games on steam, you may not even notice the disappearance of the game. I'm not saying that this is common - but possible, even for very high level user.
In my opinion, current rules are ok. If you want to choose who deserves your giveaway and who's not - create your own group or use your whitelist. Anyone can make a mistake. I think several days of suspension is enough for one non activated game. After second or third - winner should be baned - as long as he does not buy and activates all the games who won.
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like I said - if game gets revoked it will be seen in your account history. and it may as well happen now - and you will still be suspended if you don't unmark with current system - so I don't see your argument - because it is like you're saying now already.
Aan I believe 5 days suspension is like nothing - especially considering that most of non-activators / regifters are lvl 0/1 users. Lvl 0/1 wins how often? Maybe once a month, maybe once a 2 months, depending on how lucky he is. And suspension is 5 days per game. So for the suspension to be ANY punishment at all you'd have to statistically win once per 5 days - and there are a very little users who get such stats. If I got 5 day suspension it would meen a little punishment for me because it would mean I lost one or two wins. For lvl 0 5 days means nothing. He'd basically have to been caught after not activating 6-12 games to statistically get punished by not winning once. Such a system doesn't encourage following the rules - it encourage the opposite - as long as punishment is smaller then your profit it is good for you to break the rules. Let's compare it to real life laws - what do you think would happen if the punishment for stealing let's say a laptop worth 1000$ from a store would be 100$ fine without a need to return stolen goods? Because that's the same as giving 5 day suspension without requiring returning/activation of not-activated game to person who wins once per 30-60days.
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I totally agree with you there. I think we should have a rule for repeat offense ( maybe we already have it but I don't know). I mean something like 5 days for 1st non-active, 15 days for 2nd non-active, a months for 3nd non-active and then permanent for 4th non-active or something like that. It would rule out all the people who try to get away with non-active win and it also give you a chance for people who mistake..
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I was thinking about something like this yesterday :P
It could give notification like this only AFTER you choose "request new winner => not activating GAs". Otherwise it'd be invisible when making other kind of userreport tickets and without showing anything on SG profile. It'd lower number of useless tickets for support members.
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was discussed to death many many times - it won't as long as volvo doesn't repair their Steam API. And it doesn't look like volvo gives two shits about repairing it.
API is broken - it returns a ot of false positives and negatives, sometimes it laggs and reports for example only 1st half of your library. Sometimes it's totally offline and reports that you own 0 games and so on and on. Automatic system would automatically keep suspending hundreds if not thousands of innocent users.
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Seems like MOST of voters - are leechers and rule breakers. I have no other explanation. This makes me sad.
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Why not just banning someone who has a specific amount of not activated gifts.
If the winner get's rerolled everytime such a person wins, those guys probably wouldn't use this site anymore, but that way it creates more work for the Support who have to reroll all the wnnings. D:
I really don't like that you can not activate games as much as you want and just get a 5 day suspension each time -_-
It still bothers me that I had to give a game to someone who did this stuff...
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tldr; thread name
I am so furious when someone with FEW+ not activated gifts is winning one of my giveaway...
Ok - I can handle 1, sometimes even 2 (when that person explain it and TRY TO SOLVE IT...)
But lately there are more of those leeches!
Yes! Leeches! Because they have more than 7x times+ more won than send giveaways!!
I want to make more low level gveaways, but I'm tired of this sh......
As far as I know - "leeching" is nothing against rules,
not-activating gift ANYTIME should be...
Edit: I try to make all types of giveaways.
Groups and invite-only's are nice - I know
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