A Boy and His Dog
Mad Max: Fury Road and, if you like it, Mad Max 2 & 3
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I was hoping someone would recommend boy and his dog :)
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More or less.
Post-nuclear war, guy and his dog (who the guy can talk to telepathically lol) are wandering the wastes, guy gets seduced by a young lady and knocked out and wakes up in this underground society (almost like a vault or something! wonder where that idea came from :P ). It's not a civilization of women, it's just that they needed genetic diversity and wanted to steal his sperm for the next generation of babies or something. Anyway, the guy escapes and they keep wandering. The movie is kinda weird, but I enjoyed it.
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Great movie and sadly, he never made another one
seems like he did not enjoy the experience.
just like mad max, it had a big world, that needed more exploring...so many thing left to explain :/
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it's because of the changed last line. He considered it very significant and that it completely changed the entire tone of the story, and the fact someone could do that to his story pissed him off to no end.
(note that if I don't point it out, I doubt you'd notice)
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hmm...seems like Jones never mentioned that on the commentary, despite being an interesting story to share
A lot of directors showed less interest adapting someone else's property...and besides it does look like he had to change lot more than just the last line, but that was the only thing that triggered the writer.
I actually thought the last line fits better with the tone the movie sets
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maybe. In the book, he's sad. He was forced to choose between the woman he loved, or the dog that helped him survive. Without the dog, they'd both die, so he had to pick the dog, no real choice. It ends on a much more somber note. In the movie, he doesn't grow as a character, he's just as uncaring at the end as in the beginning, the entire adventure just doesn't affect him. It made the character more misogynist and cavalier.
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I find Mad Max 1 to be better than 2 and 3, so basically just watch the whole damn franchise and play the game too.
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I agree - Waterwolrd was considered a "Flop" because though it eventually made a profit, It only just made about $30m more than it cost to make.
In saying that, I considered it to be a brilliant movie, though some of the acting was atrocious, Costner especially, the basic plot line was enjoyable and if IRC, started a debate on whether it was possible or not - however I'm not sure if it was ever resolved :)
I think the main argument was:
How can the ice poles melting cover the entire earth? As water turns to Ice it expands by approximately 1/3 - and as ice is already approximately 2/3 under water, as it melts, shouldn't the sea levels remain constant?
Then someone answered that the water level was increasing because of the amount of ice located on land etc and it escalated from there...
Never found out who won but from a purely scientific point of view it was interesting.
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There are vast amounts of ice over land - the antarctic (which sits on land), northern Canada, northern Russia, etc. Mountain ranges are also covered in vast amounts of ice and snow.
So, the question isn't whether sea levels would rise, but how far they would rise. Take the Seychelles, for examples. Many of their islands are barely above sea levels, and are slowly sinking. The Netherlands is at risk because half the country is below sea level as it is, and only though marvelous feats of engineering do they not flood more often. In the U.S., New York City and New Orleans would be in deep trouble with just a slight rise.
If all the ice melted, sea levels would rise by 216 feet, or 65 meters.
Note: The Postman is basically Waterworld without water.
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The Postman is good. This is one of my personal favorites from Kevin Costner. It is a very thought provoking and fun movie.
Waterworld is considered bad because of how much it went over budget and it did not get a good reception in the theater. Although, it is still a good movie.
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These 3 are the movies that came in my mind when I saw the thread. I'd say that they are worth watching.
I don't really like the post-apocalypse theme, but Matrix and Blue Gender are interesting and fits in this category. Blue Gender is anime; the only anime I like. I guess that it has something to do with the fact that "I see XCOM" in it, but anyway, it's pretty interesting.
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The Road was a good film. Also 28 Days Later week was good too if you like zombies.
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+1 for 28 Weeks Later, a lot of people prefered 28 Days but I enjoyed more 28 Weeks later due to its scope I suppose
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Snowpiercer (truly awesome film that isn't really famous), The Mad Max movies (especially the first ones), The Planet of the Apes movies, Equilibrium.
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+1 to The Book of Eli
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turbo kid!!!!!!!!!!!!
trailer here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyBUYmUnNCw
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Gotta love Lori Petti and Ice T as Booga in Tank Girl!!!
This is such a fun movie.
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+1 Threads. Nice old-school call-out, gigapudding.
IMHO, Logan's Run, meh; more rose-tinted nostalgia than 'good' movie. If you've watched it in the last 10 years, you can see how dated it is. Logan's Run is more of a fun 70's-retro movie night title, than a 'let's get down with some post-apocalyptic mayhem'.
But to each his own.
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Tooth and Nail
The Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price, based on same material as I Am Legend)
Shaun of the Dead (Best comedy zombie flick ever)
Also watching the Romero zombie movies from beginning (originals and remakes) to latest shows the way movies like this have evolved.
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I believe the novel The last man on earth was the original movie based on the "The Omega Man" Novella , then came The Omega Man film sometime in the early 1970's (I think), said to be more accurate to the Novella then the movie of the same name, then both were sort of incorporated into I am Legend.
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Ohhh Snake Bliskin movies! Gotta love Kurt Russel! Interesting fact: Though not as big a star (paycheck wise) as many other actors in Hollywood, the man has made at least 1 movie a year for almost 40 years and while some were corny (Big trouble in little china! awesome cult flick), none were ever considered to be a flop and he has never had to beg for a role, but has to turn many down because of time constraints.
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Although not post-apocalyptic, I would recommend: REPO! The Genetic Opera as a dark and dystopian fiction. Plus, the music is awesome!
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well i dont have to mention something that others didnt, so I am gonna suggest u a tv series ; The 100.Give it a shot if u got the time
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Hello everyone, can somebody recommend me some good movies of this genre?
thanks in advance :D
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