Please vote for your favourite review!
I think the link to the magazine is broken, it gives me back a "The flipbook you are trying to access doesn't exist." message.
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Thank you for another great issue!
One thing I noticed is the contrast between text/ background in the Elex review. I had to really zoom in to be able to read it, just due to the contrast between the text and the background sometimes not working. One suggestion I have for fixing that would maybe be adding a light shadow around the text, as it will just darken the background behind it a little, and make it much easier to read!
Overall, thank you to all of you for the hard work and contributions!
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Thanks for the support and feedback!
Trying to improve it as we speak. Will update it constantly till I am satisfied.
I've already noticed some errors that I need to fix. The font size for the screenshot captions are also a bit too small to see without zooming, I will enlarge them.
I had to really zoom in to be able to read it, just due to the contrast between the text and the background sometimes not working.
That's why I am proviidng the PDF version, usually the following day after. The quality is much higher and the font looks crystal clear :)
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Saw one typo IA instead of AI (no big deal.
Also the Hellblade review has the same graphic emote that Chroma Squad has.
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This was REALLY FUN! Steered me towards several games I was already curious about, like Othercide, Deathloop, and Hellblade. You all put so much work and love into this, THANK YOU!
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That HunieCam Studio gave me a bad flashback.
I was wondering why one of the girls (I think it was Sarah) didn't want to party, clicked on her and the game said she
had contracted AIDS âšī¸
Kind of killed the fun ...
Edit: Can someone reply wether my spoiler text is behind an actual spoiler? Om my screen it's just text in a dark blue-ish field
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Awesome edition as always, thank you to everyone who contributed to it!
Bump ;)
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Fun to read as always. <3
Also a suggestion:
Could you link the next screenshot submission and its poll thread as well on the first comment on issue threads? (You my reserve it first if they are not ready at the moment.)
I missed a couple and don't want to miss them and participate, I usually only check the latest discussions and issue thread is more popular than the others I guess.
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Thanks for the support!
I'll try to keep your suggestion in mind for the next thread!
But you know you can also join our Discord and leave your submission in the screnshot submission channel, anytime at any hour. And we'll pick it up from there :)
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As always awesome.
I have always loved that there is a different font each review, and each is related to the game in question.
And the edition is awesome. I reviewed a game in this issue, Othercide, and I mentioned in my review how good the palette worked, with a strong contrast between red and black. I read my review, and the edition was two columns, one red, one black, with the letter on each column the other colour. That's really impressive. I would have never thought of that idea.
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That's the idea behind using different font styles and colors for each review, it has to fit the theme or aesthetic of the game!
Thanks for the review and support! :)
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"That's the idea behind using different font styles and colors for each review" Yeah, I know. And it's really well done.
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Hello guys and gals,
Sorry for the delay! (you probably got used to it by now) Issue #4 is now available for read.
Please click on this for the "Magazine Experience". The recommended method to discover and flip through the magazine's pages! I highly recommend using your headphones while going through the magazine, as the sound effect of flipping the page is really wholesome. Also, keep in mind, for easier navigation use "Control" + scroll wheel to easily zoom in and out on the pages. You can also hold left click to drag around the page. It just makes it easier and more satisfying to read this way :)
I will add a simple PDF version with a much higher quality of the page, but that version will be available later.
Please consider voting for the review that you've enjoyed the most. The winner will be decided on 10th of July.
Feel free to comment below on the current issue. we're looking forward to your feedback!
For group requests or suggestions, comment in the Central Hub.
Edit: Please ignore the typo in the voting poll. I checked the text twice before posting, but I guess my eyes can't see a difference between "Fallout" and "Fallut". Oh well. it's going to stay there for now.. too late to change it!
Edit2: If the magazine link doesn't work, don't panic. It means I took the magazine down and I am re-uploading it with an updated version. So just give it a minute or two and try again! :)
Edit3: The PDF version is available for download here. This version can be printed and it's full HD quality, compared to the magazine version.
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