Advertising piracy is against the website rules, you should remove that first sentence
Personally, I never buy anything at launch and I don't understand why people do it if a few months later the price drops a lot, are people so eager to play a certain game since they can't wait for it to be cheaper? And then they end disappointed because they realize according to their standards they gave way too much money
And I agree that a lot for a 7 hour game.
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Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site.
Confessing to pirating a game is not the same as posting pirated material. Same as saying "I watch porn" isn't considered as posting pornographic material. It would be against the rules if he pasted a link to that torrent.
At least that's my interpretation.
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Then your interpretation is not completely right, I warned for a reason, the reason being I've seen people temporarily banned for less, regarding piracy, most of those I've seen were just as equal as this one.
it was just a heads up.
"I watch porn" isn't considered as posting pornographic material.
No, but isn't exactly something to share in a public forum where kids also roam, therefore according to some support members it can also be possibly a temporary bannable reason.
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I know you're trying to help, but if the matter is vague enough that some support staff might consider it a rules violation, then I think it's better to just let them deal with it and decide whether they care or not.
This alternative just perpetuates basing the standard on behalf of the presumed opinions of a hypothetical group. It helps shift the threshold of community opinion so that whatever time a decision would get made, those opinions tend to get weighted the same as if someone actually voiced them rather than being remembered correctly as something that someone somewhere might consider a reasonable standard.
If some mod really thinks that "I have pirated things" is equivalent to "advertising piracy" then let them put their intelligence on the line and represent those opinions as their own when trying to enforce that claim.
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Well I buyed my copy as pre-order (but I payed 40€ cause Polish prices) and I'm satisfied. Yes, it was short, you can finish it under 4h (there's achievement), but I liked story and gameplay. I finished it twice for both endings. Is it worth 50€? Only for RE fans that want every game. If you're not a fan, wait for discount.
Trivia: You could finish RE1 and 2 under 3h to get special weapons.
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Yeah. Old school RE games were never very long. You can easily finish RE HD REMASTER in under 2 hours.
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Fuck yes. I finished RE7 a few days ago and loved it. It was the first time I've paid full price for a game in a long time and it absolutely was worth it to me.
Packing on an extra few hours isn't going to make what exists better, its just going to drag the experience down. I would have loved Alien Isolation even more except for the last act just dragging things out and feeling super repetitive.
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Exactly, I'd prefer a short game if it keeps my attention throughout, rather than a long one that bores me to death.
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It is not shorter or longer than any other Resident Evil game in the main series (except for RE6, but that campaign sucked monkey ass). RE4 is a 90-100 minute game, just like RE7, if you just run through it. RE7 has more side-activity and optional exploration than RE4 and about as much as RE5 did. The only reason it feels shorter is because it has only one enemy type (plus bosses) and not much in the form of action. I have seen blind playthroughs of it and RE1, RE7 usually took slightly longer for most people, but usually about the same. The only reason RE4-6 feel longer is because most any people fuck around and try to kill everything instead of actually hauling ass to continue the game.
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Damn need to go back to RE4 then! After 4-5 hours I got bored with it. Checking HLTB I didn't want to invest another 4 hours.
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If you don't fuck around in RE4 and don't try to kill enemies because they may drop something useful, it is maybe a 5-8 hours long game in total. But the usual allure is the replay value, since you can farm the game for quite long to get everything maxed out. This farming aspect helped to make it popular.
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That would make a lot of sense. I went after all those blue amulets and whatnot to upgrade my weapons. Got annoyed, though, when I reach the castle. Had to restart way too often because of Ashley.
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I miss the days I would play a game until I've explored everything and got every achievement, but nowadays I consume games like a glutton: Beat it and forget it. :C
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I've never played Resident Evil games, but as I am reading here, they are pretty short.
I definitely like longer games, like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, or the Metro games where, if you check every corner, they can easily take you 15 hours to complete (my first run in Human Revolution took me almost 40 hours).
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I'm guessing the day you started to get busy you will appreciate the short but amazing games more. At least that's what I feel nowadays.
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First playthrough took me about 12 hours, second (on easy) about 6, and third (madhouse) 13 or 14 hours. Short but good replay value if you want to unlock stuff or get achievements.
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Wasn't RE5 short aswell and filled with turret and qte's? Kinda weird to see someone disslike this one and then like 2 of the worst games in the serie. Not counting the on rail ones etc.
I bought it from g2a for 28 euro or so and that was deffinitly worth it for me. The only things i did not like is the loading lag every now and then and the fact that if i run the game for a few hours other games won't run well for some reason untill i restart my computer.
And of course the ending part of the game.. Yeah here have 1000 rounds of ammo and more enemies in 5 minutes than you had for most of the game! And then we shall end with a boring uninspired super easy boss battle! YAY!
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When did price = time played? If you are looking for something that gives you hundreds of hours of gameplay, then play one of the million of survival games out there. You should be buying a quality game that you enjoy, not one that babysits you for X amount of hours.
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I haven't played RE7, so I can't comment specifically, but generally I would much prefer a tight, focused game experience over one that drags on and is stacked with filler.
No one ever complains about films being too short, but how often do you hear that a movie should have ended a half hour earlier? Filler and fluff just pad out and dilute the whole thing.
I hate when I read reviews and they criticise a game's length. It's such a non complaint.
Yes, it's good to get more of a nice, fun thing, but I feel it's infinitely better to leave the customer wanting more than to bore them with unnecessary and reused enemies or levels, overstaying it's welcome.
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I hate short games or that games are short and every game is short to me because ive enjoyed all games ive wanted to play or just try out, so i guess i hate this one too or that its short. Definetly not worth full price. Maybe rather, 15-25/35 euros max.
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To be honest, at first & before the game was released, I enjoyed how much horror it contained, but I was a bit disappointed especially after watching the full gameplay waiting for zombies (I mean real zombies, not those monsters) but not finding any..
I loved RE series for its zombies , the story behind each game, new stuff and the new kind of horror. I feel like they're forcing this game to be a resident evil, they should have called it "The Bakers House" or something like that, and by the way, I guess devs did not care at all about this point, they just added "Umbrella Corporation" logo on a helicopter at the end of the game just to make a link between it and the previous series. It's however a good horror game, not saying the opposite, and it deserves 40 USD max IMO.
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I feel like I just traveled through time to read a post about Resident Evil 4.
This game is Resident Evil as FUCK, and by far more than I had ever expected. Huge list incoming for the rest of the paragraph......... the mystery mansions/structures and exploration, those absurd puzzles and key systems, the atmospheric scares and isolation, the haunting journals and notes hinting at the bigger the conspiracy behind it all, the frustrating inventory and limited ammo making running and dodging far more effective than fighting, those narrow corridors and unstoppable enemies, the sigh of relief after that rush to a safe room, those times running stops being an opinion where some bat shit crazy boss blocks your way, the suspicious strangers who never stay with you but always seem eager to help you, the ways they maneuver so easily around the obstacles in your way, the health tiers and combinations, the maps and markings, the trademark weapons from grenade launchers to flamethrowers, that hopeless chase for some vaccine while others humanoids mutate as less and less human, these singular decision points that change your ending, an epic final boss and nearby helicopter that drops down your salvation. Your accomplishment capped off with a text epilogue lacking real answers, but leaving you craving for more.
Shit, Resident Evil 7 is just as much the definition of survival horror as was the very first Resident Evil that spawned the whole genre in its wake.
Those qualities you think missing seem very blatantly still here or those descriptions of them are vague enough that I'm not following what you really mean. Its especially hard to think of what you could mean in anyway where those features are lacking from Resident Evil 7 but not also lacking from every main game since basically Code Veronica. Hell, they haven't even had 'zombies' in them for almost 10 years now--and the molded play a lot more like zombies than the advent of 4's Ganados tossing dynamite and machine guns later on. Plus, the most 'Resident Evil' quality of all time is some totally nonsensical ongoing where every iteration entirely ignores following up on loose ends in favor of veering off to some other similar-but-different random story-line.
The only thing I can think that might explain how differently you feel is that you watched someone play through it instead of playing through it yourself, so you're left judging some image of what is or isn't there when I can't see how anyone who experienced these things could ever walk away without feeling this huge continuation from Resident 1 to 7 in terms of style and even gameplay. That same old rush is still here. I'm still super excited for REmake 2 and love the classical style games to death and beyond, but this game is as much inline with Resident Evil as any of the other sequels they've made.
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You can always dl demo instead of trying whole game...
or wait for some reviews / feddback.
6 hours isn't a good investment in... time or in any worthy game...
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Is not worth the full price, I would buy it on steam for $15 MAX, in the meantime will keep playing the windows store version ;)
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Not sure why people are rushing it. I spent around 4-5h and I think I'm half way through.
Now is it worth 50e? I'd say it's worth around 25.
I gotta say I think it's a really good game like 9/10 and it has scared me to death.
Usually I only reserve such scores for open world games.
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Is it worth the full price? No. no game is considering that A, games never really used to cost anywhere near that much and B, you can literally just wait a while to see either a price drop or a massive steam discount. As for if the game is short? Play the original resident evil. Not the remaster. the original on the ps1. The only reason that game took time was because your inventory space was even worse than in 7. You can blast through that game in just a few hours even with exploration. Yes 7 seems like it is shorter than it could be which is definitely an issue considering the price. Especially when you consider they are planning dlc...which will most likely cost more money too.
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So I will not lie, most of the games I dl and see if I like them. If yes, I buy them. Or if they are only multi and co-op I buy them if the reviews are positive on the start. So I dl Resident Evil 7 and told my self to give it a try. I love RE 4 and 5. This one was so-so for me. And my giving it a try was finishing the whole game, like wtf? I explored 90% of the stuff and went slow in the game yet in 6h and 30min I was done with the game. That's a joke for me, especially for the price of 50€ the game is not worth it in my opinion. What do you guys think, opinions on this one?
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