Some background:
Usually Amazon shipping to my country is $7 - $100, depending on the size/weight of the package.
So small things like smartphones or cables are $7 (several can be combined to a single package for lower shipping costs).
And largest stuff like printers or sound bars can be $60 - $100. But these are mostly not sold because of this.
Huge things like Fridges or TVs are not sold at all, due to size.
Also heavy things cost more, so AA batteries can cost $10 for 30 batteries, but shipping will be $20, because they weigh a lot.

So right now (until tomorrow) Amazon is doing a "free shipping" promotion, where (almost) everything you buy, regardless of size/weight is shipped for free. Which greatly reduces the price of the item.

So I need ideas what items can be worthwhile buying now.
Several ideas I had:

  1. Batteries (as mentioned before, price becomes very low - much lower than I can buy locally)
  2. Mouthwash - small bottles, high weight. Reduces their price dramatically.
  3. Protein powder - Both large containers and heavy. Shipping may cost as much as the product, so free shipping reduces the price by 50%.
  4. PSU - Small, but very heavy, can reduce price dramatically.
  5. PC monitors - Large boxes.
  6. Sound bars - Heavy & Large boxes.

What else you suggest?

As usual, best answers will get you a spot on my whitelist... bla... bla...

EDIT: I didn't order everything from the above list, and I'm not saying I will buy everything you suggest. Just asking for ideas of things I didn't think about (that if I did - I would want to buy).

5 years ago*

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What would you buy?

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You buy something when you need it, not because something has free shipping.

Here most stores ship for free anyway when it stays in the country.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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It depends. If it is something you use regularly like the mouthwash, you can buy it now. But if it is something you don't need now, like a monitor, PSU or something, you also can wait until you need it.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

5 years ago

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PSU was just an example.
But you might suggest for example: inflatable mattress. And I'll think "hey, that's an excellent idea, I do need that!" and will buy it.
And if you don't suggest, I may never think about it myself and will miss the deal... :'(

5 years ago

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Yeah but one can stock up his/her house with toiletpaper too, just gets full, how many actually do that? Most get a few more bottles/sacks etc but who actually stocks that many.
Batteries, mouthwash all stuff you also got stores for anyway where they can be gotten cheap (here).

And how much mouthwash does one really need and how long can you even store them?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

5 years ago

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I won't buy something ONLY because it has free shipping.

But I also don't buy ONLY things I need, I also buy things I want.
I had a gaming PC, but I wanted a newer/better one, so I bought it last year (even though I didn't NEED it).

So I'm wondering if there are things I might want to buy, that I simply didn't think about.

For example, I already ordered mouthwash & protein poweder, because I use this stuff all the time, so having a bit extra won't hurt.
I'm not stockpiling tons of it obviously. Just a few extra bottles (because of the cheap price).
And because I don't need to think about shipping prices, I can even order a single $1 cable, and get it for $1 instead of $8 (1 + 7 for shipping), or instead of thinking what else should I order to not waste money on shipping a single product.

5 years ago*

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If you order protein online, I recommend a company called myprotein if they deliver to your part of the world. They're significantly cheaper than most other suppliers (that I've found / available to me) and regularly have promotions. The minimum order for free delivery is quite high, but worth it in my humble opinion.

As for the other items you listed, only get what you actually need. It's false economy to buy things you wouldn't normally based on free shipping. If you were planning on getting a PSU, monitor or sound bar then it's a good time to get one. If not, then stick to the daily essentials.

5 years ago

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They do deliver to my country. They even have a localized store. However:

  1. They are not cheaper. They offer roughly the same prices for same amounts as if I would buy locally.
  2. They only offer their own brand (which I don't know/trust), and I prefer to buy well known & recommended/reviewed brands.

You should check out prices for protein powders, they are cheaper than MyProtein (unless shipping makes it more expensive for you).

5 years ago

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Hmmm....I guess it's just different parts of the world. I've checked Amazon and iherb but have always found them to be more expensive. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, good luck with the shopping, hope you find something good!

5 years ago

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Thanks :)

5 years ago

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For moment I thought you want to order proteins for some biological test and was like "you can buy those on amazon??"


5 years ago

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Various cleaning supplies? Not necessarily all purpose cleaners or wipes but cleaners for computer equipment, compressed air, etc. Undershirts/ sleep clothes, anything you may need for your car, an umbrella, cables, laundry or dish detergent. Look at what you commonly use and think of what items are related to their use or upkeep. I’m trying to think out loud/ look at the non-entertainment items I’ve recently purchased.

5 years ago

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Hmm let's see, heavy food like tins of beans or dried pulses? Condiments? Protein snacks? (Worth looking in warehouse deals too)

Alcohol if you drink it or other drinks?

Pet food?

Camping equipment?

Boots? (maybe steel toe capped)

Christmas gifts?

Bin bags?

Baking beans? (not baked beans but the ones you use for pre-baking pastry)

Weights for lifting and other exercise equipment?

That's all I can think of right now. ^^

Edit: thought of one more: standing computer desk, if you ever thought of having one of those

5 years ago*

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Potato's. Individually. Have a single one sent to each one of your friends.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Large toys is an excellent idea!
They often cost much less than buying locally (because locally price includes shipping for the importer) and the bulk of the price is shipping.

5 years ago

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Let me add something I would not suggest. Condoms.
It is always better to check the quality of the establishment that you buy them.

5 years ago

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You never said what country. I'd hate to suggest something like blankets and hot cocoa if you lived on a tropical island. :P

Batteries are always good. Have you looked into those Eneloop batteries? They're rechargeable so you're not having to buy as many batteries over time because you can plug them in and recharge them.

5 years ago

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I got some eneloops in the past, but now I have kids, so that's way too much toys for batteries I have.
So I buy cheap one-off batteries so I have enough for all their toys...

5 years ago

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ever think about getting rechargable's. they cost more but you buy less of them.

5 years ago

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Yeah, we were talking about the rechargeable eneloops.

5 years ago

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I have 3 kids, although they're all adults now, but I know what you're saying! Especially when it comes to birthdays and holidays. Better load up your cart and take advantage of that free shipping!

5 years ago

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Do they sell potatoes on Amazon though?

Edit: they do!

5 years ago

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Lead bars or over-sized weight set.

5 years ago

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Excellent idea!
I think I will...

EDIT: Nope, no free shipping on dumbbells 😂

5 years ago*

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I'm tempted to suggest books or collectibles, since I buy those, but it doesn't look like you would be interested in them...

I wish they offered free shipping to my country

5 years ago

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If you need any large appliances or furniture, now might be the time! Sofa, mattress, dining table, washer/dryer, dishwasher, etc.

Of the things you mentioned, I think batteries is probably what I would go for. They should last a long time so there's no downside to getting them now and storing them until you need them.

5 years ago

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Instantpot $59. Shipping to your country $239. No promo for me, lol.

5 years ago

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My wife balked at my purchase of an Instantpot. Now it's become one of the most used kitchen appliances in our house.

5 years ago

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watch buying Protein powder. some companies slip steroids into them.

5 years ago

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Free steroids! Woohoo!!!

5 years ago

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Reams of paper.
Mountains of paper.
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2
Photographic paper. Glossy paper. Satin paper. Cardboards.
You will probably find it very cheap in the warehouse section!

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Not about bulky stuff, but about amazon in general:

  • toys. Building sets: nanoblocks, lego, k'nex; Craft kits: Ann Williams, Klutz
  • comic books, collectible statues, dot-to-dot books
  • kindle
  • vitamins, fish oil (but maybe iherb is better, idk)
  • last black friday there were good deals for sandisk memory cards
  • can recommend to everyone: electric toothbrush (I prefer philips to oral-b) & automatic soap dispenser (for bathroom & kitchen both)
  • ask your wife about kitchen appliances, beauty appliances, cosmetics (japanese, or anything that hard to find)
  • hothands
  • strange things for home like Fred, OTOTO. kitchen tools Joseph Joseph

*prices on amazon maybe not better that at other online stores or at stores in your country, ofc.

5 years ago

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Some pretty good ideas...

5 years ago

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A new PC case? They are larger shipped items usually.

5 years ago

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Books! Lots of them.

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5 years ago

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