So valve has disabled the option to buy a copy of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as a gift.
I want to gift a friend the game and buy it with my SteamWallet money. Since I can't, I'm trying to figure out a solution that will let me buy the game without any delays as if I was getting it by a trade, means I buy keys from the market then need to wait 1 week till I can trade.
Any suggestions?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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1-0 Valve. Or should I say.. GABEN.

8 years ago

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Well it was a big Cockblock to traders tbh ...
Alot of ppl compained on reddit about that , and seen couple guys here claiming they had orders for 1-200 copies ...

8 years ago

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And those who ordered did not get it?

8 years ago

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You can if you have someone to buy you steam wallet code. You buy him game he want and he give you code.

8 years ago

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Oh you mean like find someone with the code of the game and buy him what he wants from the store for it?

8 years ago

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Steam wallet code is a card you buy , that has a code similar to game key ...
It adds Wallet funds to your account .
So technically if you buy a 10$ steam wallet code, you can give it ti your friend and he can buy CS himself .

8 years ago

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Yes I am aware of what you've just told me. I just did not understand you the first time.
I already thought about this option to be honest, though I'd rather gift the game itself.
I anything will work out, I'll probably do it.

8 years ago*

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No, you found someone to buy you steam wallet code, you buy him game and then trade it. Then you give code to your friend and then he buy himself CSGO and get unlocked market and profile :) But found someone you can trust. Sorry i can't help you, my credit card expired 2 months ago... and i wanted to buy CSGO too for my friend.

8 years ago

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You have to trade...

8 years ago

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If your friend has any tf2 or Dota 2 marketables he can list a really trashy one for the amount of steam wallet it'd need to buy CS:GO(+fees), you find the listing, buy it, he gets the steam wallet and buys the game :3

8 years ago

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this is infinitely better.

8 years ago

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+1 to this

8 years ago

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I don't think he have unlocked market...

8 years ago

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Nice thinking! He has nothing in inventory so.. I guess I'll need to find something to send him, like a background or something.

8 years ago

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If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't work with all items. You need something which lets you choose from whom to buy.

8 years ago

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Well you kinda can with Market -> Newly listed tab :P

8 years ago

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With backgrounds and emoticons, or cards, you cannot specify which item you want to buy, it goes with the latest+cheapest listed item first, and goes through the list. You need a game-specific item like a CS:GO skin for specific transactions with specific people. This is why games like CS are so great for real-life money laundering and Steam wallet theft.

8 years ago

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OP may contact me then, I'll give him a free CS:GO weapon which his friend can use on the market.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Well, damn. Since when is this a thing?

8 years ago

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Since always? But seeing how there's at least million CSGO items added to market every day (someone who is into CSGO trading done his calculations), that should mean there's 11 items added every second. And that excluding cards and other games item. So, your chance to see your friend's item there are pretty slim...

8 years ago

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I don't know if it'll still get you the particular listing or it'll auto adjust to match the lowest but even if it does get you the particular listing it's still problematic. The Newly Listed tab isn't updated in real time but in 10sec intervals and only shows 10 items, so it's quite common for a particular listing you want to never appear there, especially if the market is in overdrive like it is now.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's why it's kinda. I know that it at least used to work.

Theoretically you could also inject your friends item and buy it that way. It's probably too hard for most.

8 years ago

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That won't work. It has to be a CS:GO, TF2 or Dota item that are listed seperately and not in a stack like the rest of the marketables. Where you can see who the seller is and you can select to buy ANY listing and not just the cheapest. But if you can send him a cheap CSGO skin he can list that.

8 years ago

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only works if it's the only/cheapest one listed

8 years ago

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Not with the items from these 3 games. They are all listed individually and you can select which you're buying. You can see what I mean here for example. It's a well known workaround(at least to traders) to "transfer" steam wallet between accounts. Valve still gets a cut but well... :\

8 years ago*

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My bad.
Didn't know there was a different system for those.

8 years ago

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only way I can think of is use the market to get keys give keys to friend friend then sells keys on market and buys the game but because of valve I think you can't do this either

8 years ago

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So what volvo did now, is making cheaters and scammers having unlocked accounts and market.
Step 1 got g2a and buy steam wallet code
Step 2 buy cs go
Step 3 cheat, scam, spam invites...
They really show them not to mess with valve....

8 years ago

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Still, it is 5 more dollars and a few more minutes to set up the new account, instead of bulk-buying 1-200 copies beforehand and just use or sell them later to other cheaters.
So, in a sense, Valve is making a lot of money, especially if you factor in that the majority of the affected potential buyers are from one of the cheapest Steam regions—so Valve is essentially forcing them with the 5 dollar plus to pay as much money for the game now as they would normally.

8 years ago

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They can after 1 mount buy something and trade it with rest of the money. So only good thing is they can't sell it to other cheaters and can't get rest of the money right away. So yea instead of having only cs go cheaters you now have phishers and spammers, i don't find it a win for us- for valve yes, but they make money ether way.

8 years ago

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One less personal way of giving your friend a gift would be to simply transfer some money over to their account, be it through paypal or a simple bank transfer, and then let them buy the game with that money.

8 years ago

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To add to what other people said, fastest way, if he has like 5 cents on Steam Wallet.

But any CSGO weapon - they can be sold on market right away and you can sort them by price. He puts it on market, remember to put CSGO price in his region in LEFT bracket, NOT right.
Sad thing is, you'll have to pay 15% more than just by buying gift. But still less than usual price I guess.

Of course, that only works if he can use market...

8 years ago*

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Thank you all!
I hope someone who needs this information will see this thread.
Have a nice day.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Liquery.