Do not make trades with His steam name is currently vaL' but steam name because he will ussually change the name to continue scamming. Basically, he posted a trade on the group he owns (T_rading) saying "WIN DEAD ISLAND" or something of the sort. but in order to get said game you must "donate" a game to him. this is where i was mistaken. I sent him a game and once he recieved it he gave me a key. However the key was already used and he does not respond. After 3 hours of constant i commented on his profile saying bad trader, scammed me but then deleted it and ignored me. It shows that people say he is a good trader but i realize he keeps the positve feedback and deletes the ones that he scams. Just a warning to everyone, do not trade with him.

13 years ago*

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i don't suppose you have some sort of chat log?

13 years ago

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Or you could just report him to Valve instead of calling out a user on Steam in the forum.

13 years ago

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chat log helps.

also Look for them in the scammer Database

also, you're an idiot for giving away a game for a key.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Rayphite.