so, 3 months ago i got a brand new 2013 camaro 2ss-rs 6-speed manual ashen grey

Since day one the car was clunky it's like driving an 18_wheeler
loud violant clunk and vibrations when engaging the clutch while shifting from 1st to 2nd under load as in parking lots( can be minimized with slower clutch engagement)

my other issue that it's almost impossible to shift when cold ( with engine off or on) i have to shift through 4th-3rd-2nd-1st to get to 1st , while hot it's fine..... ( I don't know if it's breaking in the shifter linkages and it's components)

the car has only 3800 kms ~ 2300 miles

Otherwise i really like the car, i plan to keep it at least 180k miles

  • What you guys think?
11 years ago*

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Why don't you go see the mechanic, you still have warranty. This definitely isn't good behaviour.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This. Its like brand new. Go for the warranty.

11 years ago

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clunking when engaging the clutch under load is normal as far as i researched

i believe its called driveline slope
the car has 2 peice driveshaft and 4 cv joints so clunking is normal

but mine pretty aggressive
i went to the dealer and they confirmed its normal

i will visit them once again to confirm shifting problems and document it though

11 years ago

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I dont know if I think I think it is, but try pushing the gas pedal down a bit more while going 1st , 2nd.

11 years ago

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if you meant that i was lugging the motor?
no when the loud violant aggressive clunk happens i usually accelerating hard

the clunk happens when it's under load, like when engine decelerate as i let off the gas and the car nose goes down at higher rpm and at this moment i push down the clutch all the load is disengaged from driveshaft, differential, axles, input shaft at the transmission..

another example is when the car is lugging in parking lot by driving without gas just the idle rpm, and pressing the clutch rappidly for emergency stop or a parking spot that found :) it creates the same clunk noise

so i believe it's working as designed although the clunk is pretty loud and embrassing

the other issue with the hard shifting i don't believe it's a mechanical failure since it's related solely to transmission temp and not engine related at all off or on the same.... i guess it's just parts that assembled too tight with low clearance and needs sometime to shave off :)

i don't abuse or treat the car badly

it's my daily driver and i plan to keep it for at least 180k miles

i didn't buy the car for speeding or showoff or anything else for that matter, i picked the ss just for the nice large engine that i assume will last longer since everything is more relaxed than tinny low torque v6

most of my driving is like a grandpa


11 years ago

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So you got 6.2L V8 420hp for everyday drive and driving like grandpa ?

I got 1.6L 4-cyl Diesel Volvo V50( would prefer 2.0L Diesel ). 109hp and I ain't driving like grandpa. You really dont have a place to put those horses to work , as I dont think you have autobahns at Kuwait. Unless you go to track , which suppose you also do not do.

Either way , maybe take a look at clutch then.

Also - Why would you be pressing clutch rapidly todo emergency stop ?

11 years ago

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a habit i developed when learning to drive on a beater 405 peugeot 1994
i am not that great of manual driving though
why wouldn't i press the clutch rapidly? it won't hurt anything ;)

i drive like grandpa hmmmm not that i like to but my car hasn't had its first oil change yet so too many break in deposits cought in oil or oil filter and i am monitoring my oil consumption

already lost 1litre as of yesterday i topped it up.

i will drive it just like how it's deserved to driven but for my own fun not racing anyone or showoff at lights
a wot everynow and then ;)

i will just hope nothing is wrong, my 1st service interval is 10k kms

so i will take it easy though no complementry oil change i may change it at 5k kms

we don't have autobahns ;) and no diesels cars too, probably one or teo race tracks that i never know their locations i don't drag my car ever

i guess i just bought the wrong car then ;)

11 years ago

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well , if you are in a gear and pressing the clutch rapidly , it can actually damage gearbox. Also , unnecessary clutch pressing while in neutral can eventually cause clutch-slipping.

It is leaking oil ? ( assuming from what you said "already lost 1litre as of yesterday i topped it up." ) And it has 3.8k km , so no worries , I guess.Change oil every 10k KM. Remember to change oil filter as you change oil. ( will also improve performance ( from self experience ) )

11 years ago

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bro? leaking huh??? car is brand new

its oil consumption not drops of oil leaking underneath probably the drain plug never touched from the factory

i'll get oy oil and filter that's for sure changed at dealership at5k just to get peace of mind that i removed the break in oil

it's not really rapid like in panic but normal pressure in my opinion

11 years ago

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Really haven't experienced oil consumption in any of my cars ( have had only 2, bothing during this year, and the car that unwillingly did 12k km didnt really consume any oil ) , so my bad once again. In that case , might aswell just check oil level. It's a huge engine , takes a up lot of oil... Well nevermind what I say , im not that much into oils anyway....

If you are having constant pressure you shouldn't have any problems , but must not forget that you shouldnt be pressing clutch a lot. Best case scenario is having it being pressed for small amounts of time... But I think I meantioned that in my previous post

11 years ago

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Do you know if you have chain belt for engine ? Just if you don't , get one...

11 years ago

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chain belt ;S

but chain belt hahahaha
hybrid rubber steel chain belt hahaha

11 years ago

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Don't know what I said wrong ( or maybe I do, idk , gonna keep it to myself ) , but if its how you say it is then it's allright

11 years ago

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chain is steel

while belt is rubber

can you ask the question more clearly

11 years ago

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Im sorry , it's just that where I live we would understand chain belt as steel ,and belt as rubber belt. My bad :(

11 years ago

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nah bro no need to be sorry i thought it was a joke that i "should" recognize or being trolled :) LOL

i believe you meant the timing chain right? nothing wrong with it for sure it would never fail within few miles

11 years ago

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exactly. And being steel it should last "forever" ( aka for extremely long periods of time )

11 years ago

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Do you realise that is the downfall of most performance car owners.
Example, people always say Ferrari's are expensive to own because they are always in the shop getting worked on. Look at the cars getting all the work and you notice something, the owners over-pamper and baby the hell out of their car, low speeds and low mileage. Then you have the guy that puts bigtime miles on his car, he hits the open road all the time and really opens her up, his maintainece is 1/10th the cost, because he he uses the car for what it was built to do, drive and drive hard, at the threshold, not at 20%.
That Camaro is the same way.
Use it or lose it pertains.
It also sounds as if you are still new to manual transmission cars, especially performance cars.
No insult intended, practice until you can drive a manual in your sleep, trust me you can get there. And holy crap, somethingis wrong if you have lost a litre of oil, I only lose 0.3-0.6L over the course of 12,000 miles.
Even during break in period I never lost anything like a litre.
That sounds like a leak

11 years ago

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+1 (although.....if you go on the internet tons of people see this question, and odds are several of them either are a mechanic or have skimmed a wikipedia article on internal combustion engines(practically the same thing). so this may be better afterall.
(It worked out well when I asked the internet what to do when my nephew drank some bleach, "go to hospital immediately why are you asking us, theres a good 10 minute lag in replies here some times" (to which the only proper reply is "already driving now how dumb do you think i am, but i have a smart phone and wanted to know what to do on the way" "so you're typing? stop typing, you're driving" "well i have to keep replying to you... you're being too helpful, it'd be rude to afk"))

edit- didn't see the following posts being helpful lol

11 years ago

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Did I just step into the rich people side of Steamgifts?

11 years ago

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I would think about that...if it is a ferrari, not camaro.

11 years ago

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it costed me 50k usd ;)
thats a true stealership

11 years ago

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I don't know much about cars but it sounds like yours used to be an adventurer like me but then it got an arrow in the clutch. Better check it out, it doesn't sound safe.

11 years ago

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Go get it checked out under warranty.

11 years ago

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Contact Steam support, if you used it for less than 10 hours you might be eligible for a refund.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That's what happens when you buy gray cars. At least you haven't bought a white one.

11 years ago

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its very dark gray tone

almost black in night and dark gray in mornings

11 years ago

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or cars are cursed

11 years ago

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Delete "sytem32".
It will solve your cluth problems and give you extra 50HP.

11 years ago

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Why not ask around on a gaming forum? That's what I'd do if I wanted some specialist automobile advice.

11 years ago

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well you can get a pilot's license from flight sims alone(no physical airplane time) so with all the driving games on steam...

11 years ago

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Good point. Now you come to mention it, after they heard that I snagged all the achievements in Surgeon Simulator 2013, I'm now regularly invited to perform open heart surgery at the Waikikamukau General Hospital.

My next project is to land a multi-million dollar 5 year contract at Real Madrid on the basis of my legendary FIFA 11 trickery (particular stand-out is my hallmark Cruyff turn, which has been bamboozling defenders since release date).

11 years ago

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when you start let the engine get warm before you start to speed up
I know... looks who's talking, but hey! that's the way it should be
keep it, awesome car :D

11 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim! (For once not said as a lame joke)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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you deserve it bro ;)

11 years ago

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Same here, thanks for Skyrim!

11 years ago

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You're welcome bro :)

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that you are supposed to shift through all gears when going down, instead of jumping from 6th to 1st, that's just how manual works. Although it shouldn't matter if you're parked with engine off...

11 years ago

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i never said that i skip shifted unless forced by the car's skip-shift feature

i do that to get to 1st on standstill engine off or on

i usually park in gear but shift to neutral to let the clutch out durig warmup then i get screwed by hard shiftig back to first to drive off...

11 years ago

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That is common issue of american cheap cars. If USA car so only with automatic transmission - but these cars are boring so hard to decide :D

11 years ago

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americans are only good with lazytronic i guess
they never made smooth manual gearbox let alone one in a muscle car
they introduced it the first place!!!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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it's fine, just drive in 1st all the time, i'm sure it'll be fine


11 years ago

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i would get rear ended on the hwy doing 40mph bouncing off the rev limiter and floating valves through the hood ;)

car would go vrom vrom vrom bang bang bang boooooom

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Only a small amount of us can actually drive stick.

11 years ago

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almost 99% cars here are auto (in Kuwait)

the 1% goes for stick

11 years ago

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Depends on the country. Here in China, almost all cars I have seen on the road are manual trans.

11 years ago

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I have a driver license but I hardly ever drive (a red hyundai i30), so I cannot help you with my oppinion, but I wish you to enjoy the car. :)

11 years ago

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Go to the dealer and have them check it. If they have another like it, ask to try that one and see if it hs the same feel and whether or not that's just the way it is.

11 years ago

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they confirmed that they acquired another one and they tried it and it made the same symptoms, i would go by myself on another visit and ask them to ride in one and try it out

11 years ago

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That's what you get for buying an American car.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by q8born2pwn.