JC3 could be interesting, I wonder if it's fixed now, IIRC it had performance problem
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It doesn't have performance problems, SE is just convinced that 8GB is enough RAM when it isn't.
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8GB is indeed too low for a smooth experience. 8gb 2.4ghz ddr4 ram was causing stuttering. Threw in an additional 8gb and all issues were gone. Even with the (slight) stuttering it is still a great game though <3
That was with an i5 6500 and an r9 380
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It is an amazingly fun game, but it does need 16 gigs of ram and a decent graphics card to run well. I did manage to run it on 8gigs and an r7 260x at first but there came a point on one of the last missions when it just couldn't proceed. But after upgrading it works very nicely and is one of the prettiest games I've ever played. The physics is very well put together. If you don't have the rig yet, wait until you do, by which point it will be even cheaper probably. I do think more games will benefit from having 16 gigs of ram in the near future, so it might be worth going to 16 when you're able.
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Well, I have an rx480 but only 8gb of ram.
tbh I would pick a bigger ssd instead of another 8gb :\
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Yeah you'll be fine with the rx480 then, and an SSD will also boost performance as there's a lot of map to stream in while you're playing. I upgraded to a RX480 8 gig after I'd added another 8gigs of ram, and the difference was a lot more for the graphics card update than the extra ram. I think it is mostly needed to buffer the world more.
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Please note, however, that this is just what I discovered by myself by talking with fellow players and friends, and owning computer a Radeon GPU (R9 380X) with which I played the game, both with 8GB RAM and, after upgrade, 12GB. This may be inaccurate, but it's what I know so far.
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I have almost no problems on I7, GTX960m, 16GB ram, Win 10.
Rare crashes from memory leaks maybe, but the game run fine
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I'd argue somebody should mention DE:HR in https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Ph1Jc/the-best-game-removed-from-steam :P
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Square Enix sale
Nothing but Eidos titles
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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I'm not too much interested in a shallow open-world MineCraft rip-off that also carbon copies an already weak Fallout 3 plotline. I had fun with FO3 once I started to look at it as some sort of a new franchise and not a Fallout game, I played it for several hundred hours, but I am not in a hurry to essentially play the same thing again, just now with even more mindless shooting and repetitive fetch quests.
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I meant that it relies heavily on that base-building minigame that requires you to go around the world, collect every kind of base material by scavenging any and all stuff that can be picked up, then you can play a first-person RTS where you essentially build with predefined blocks. (It is also a direct copy-paste form a New Vegas mod called Real-Time Settler, but FO4 blatantly stealing mods is not exactly news.)
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USA prices
Life is Strange - $15.99
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided $15.99
Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration $20.57
The Turing Test $8,57
Just Cause 3 $12.79
What happened to Life is Strange?
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Yeah, some like FF IV are on a good price even though its 50% off. But not all of them. And like I said, even much newer titles like Deus Ex and JC3 got cheaper than those old ports.
And yes, they give more value to FF games, and it probably sells very well at those prices. I just wish it got as cheaper as the newest games, it just makes sense.
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I don't know how much spare money you have or how big your backlog is, but I enjoyed every minute of the game - would definitely recommend it. I paid five bucks when it was on Steam sale and didn't regret it :)
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Anyone know how long these will last? I really want to grab Just Cause 3 XL Edition.
Found a website that claims these will end on March 17th @ 1pm EDT
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Thanks for making the topic. Registered to GMG and bought Just Cause 3: XL Edition for $18.29
Almost 80% off the Steam Store price, this was a great day to have a little extra money.
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It has the Base Game ($59.99), Expansion Pass ($24.99), Bavarium Sea Heist Pack ($5.99), Sky Fortress Pack ($11.99), & the Mech Land Assault ($11.99).
It's definitely worth it. $18.29 (GMG) instead of $84.98 (Steam Store) can't be beaten.
All I did was sign up for a GMG account, log in, and got a good deal for a game I wanted already.
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Seeing this in the email hurt.
Just Cause™ 3
$59.99 $14.99
VIP Price $12.79
That was my very first Steam game. I paid full price. First and Last full price high cost game. I knew nothing about this site, bundles or sales. And I have not even played it yet as I really need to upgrade. When I saw it bundled with the new Tombraider game for half what I paid alone not long after I bought it... that also hurt.
I played JC2 for countless hours finishing every last bit of it including spending a lot of hours playing with mods. So when I saw JC3 I jumped on it. I've since bought most of my old games via steam. But I admit at a much reduced price.
The Turing Test looks pretty good. I"m tempted by that one.
oh wow. I just checked. I've played 39 hours of JC3 so far. I feel like I've barely gotten started with it. I guess I got a fair amount of enjoyment out of it then. The pain level is lower now. lol.
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I had only locks at GMG in the past due to German censorship (and then it was mentioned directly at the key description). If it doesn't state a region lock on the game page, I'd buy it, but with Paypal (in case the support wouldn't refund, you have another possibility to get your money back).
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Even though episodes 2-5 are also on the bundled list?
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6 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by SoulNibbler
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DaveFerret
118 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by medion
225 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by SeefKroy
295 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Snardvark
5 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by miIk
342 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by LhorXhor
117 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by ghidy77
155 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by ghidy77
10 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by AiKirika
1 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by viaI
1,530 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by JMM72
14 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Bobocq
651 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CBlade
Greenmangaming started a Square Enix sale yesterday, best price examples (only signed in):
Life is Strange Complete 4,29 €
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 12,79 €
Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration 16,99 €
The Turing Test 8,57 €
Just Cause 3 10,79 €
Edit: The voucher "COMMUNITY5" shall reduce further 5%.
Note: At least Life is Strange is restricted to one purchase per account. Wanted to buy it as a gift, but didn't work (and I bought it long ago). :-/
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