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An unfortunate source for a very relevant quote:
Indifference is at a peak I'm afraid, and I am also guilty of that.
Anything with a screen seems to have the power to divert our attentions away from what matters.
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Why are you guilty ? Unless you are of the 0.00000001% of the real power brokers and wealth holders in the worlds population there is nothing you can feasibly do. I sometimes imagine the thousands of years without tv and radio that humans existed without knowing much past a few miles of news. We now are like test subjects for millions of conflicting views and information in our life time of which very little is in our control _ indifference seems psychologically normal in this environment.
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I'm guilty of indifference. I care for 20 seconds and move on to "more important" things.
People do have power, but they hardly ever use it. South-Korea most recently showed that the masses can rise up, there's the famous Million Man March, and many more examples in history that the people can do more than say "awww", and move on. How effective it is remains the question though, yeah, there is the illusion of power.
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Far too many don't care about a war until it's at their doorstep.
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Another country plunged into anarchy and kept in anarchy by foreign interference. There may or may not have been a tyrant in charge - but arming rebels, then bombing them, then arming the government, then bombing the government, then repeating hasn't made anything any better. It's just prolonged a hellish conflict that has seen hundreds of thousands dead, millions trying to survive amongst ruined infrastructure and refugees across all of Europe.
But hey - plenty of people seem to have found ways to profit from global oil prices impacted by the conflict, oil smuggled out of the country to fund various factions and drilling for oil in contested areas. And most of them seem to be entering or exiting the revolving door between politics and big business. International politics feels more and more like organised crime. That's a lovely country you have there - be a shame if something happened to it...
Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with being enthusiastic about the new Star Wars movie. But I agree it's important not to forget about some of the bullshit going on in the world.
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Sure, I don't blame Star Wars. (Or that would be another topic)
But I definitely find irony in the enthusiasm we have watching make believe freedom fights while being so indifferent to how freedom is actually vanishing in our very real world.
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With the help of the lizard people from Alpha Centauri, nonetheless; but only after successfully dethroning the Illuminati—Freemasons alliance, exploiting their endless struggles with the Templars who were secretly led by Hitler from his Moon base.
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You seem trolling but that ok i respect your opinion, believe what they want you to believe.
Sometimes the truth hurts...alot.
FYI, the same thing happened to us back in the 90s (expect bombing raid, close combats...) what's happening in Syria is a rebellion(or a it as you like), what happened in my country was a dirty war
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Conspiracy theories are like gods before the modern age: some higher power people can think it moves their lives. It is easier to blame some vaguely-defined meta-entity than facing the truth of reality. This is why religious nutjobs are getting more influential too again, because despite our technological advancement, the human race biologically is still pretty much where it was a few thousand years ago, when the world was seemingly run by a few mythical folks some old shaman came up with to trick the tribe into letting him fuck all the women first.
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This whole thing isn't about religion, if yes why all this madness didn't happened back in the 70s and earlier ? why this sudden burst ? (from the 80s and up
All i'm saying is all this events are planned way before the new world order, by secret corporation (i'm not saying some illuminati-nea-nazi groups) and all this to controls different way-points.
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It happened before, there was such a thing as golden age which religious fanaticism destroyed around the 13th century.
Yes, at one point wars and terrorist attacks somewhat stopped until the 70s and 80s but it was because of a cultural revolution (importing values from the west) where the theocratic powers were not as prevalent and were not pursuing fundamentalist objectives. That changed and history just repeated itself.
In the "Middle East" religion is the bane of free-thought and all other liberal values, as have been proven repeatedly.
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because it was a war time, christianity vs islam
The 13th century fall didn't happen because of the crusades. In any case, the dangerous external pressures were mostly coming from the Mongols. The 4th-9th crusades were very lackluster efforts.
but now you don't see an islamic country attack a christian country.
You see that via Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states funding terrorist groups on the down low.
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You're right about the 13th century, Mongol blitzkrieg...
"You see that via Iran and other Islamic states funding terrorist groups on the down low." i'm with you on this.
Outofcontext: did you just blacklisted me for having a different opinios ?
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It happened before. I suggest looking up IRA and ETA bombings and death tolls in the late 20th century.
Or the joyful ethnic cleansing on the Balkans in the 80s and 90s.
Or, heck, remember ho the French treated the aspiring non-Catholics? If not, look into the origin of Friday 13th.
Just because people are lazy to read books, it doesn't mean that what you see has never happened before.
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well its called "revolution" when is the native population to rise up. when are international forces to do so (along with the constant support of rigged mnm media) its an international coup d'etat plain and simple.
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The Knights Templar are loyal only to the severed and preserved but still speaking head of John the Baptist, the true son of God, and are only pretending to follow Hitler and his moon nazis in order to further their own schemes against the secret bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalen - who with the help of their followers are planning on bringing about the apocalypse in order to hand the remains of the Earth over to their reptoid masters (Jesus, the fake son of God who had John the Baptist murdered, having being genetically engineered by the alien lizards for that exact purpose).
David Icke told me so, and he knows the score.
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Why assume world order only has one meaning or outcome? And why not try doing things differently than we have been as in something new compared to the conflict, greed and pettiness. Where is the word enslavement in there at all? Order? Chaos traps and enslaves too you know.
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I don't get what you're angry about, the whole thing is a cat and mouse game, nobody involved is innocent nor acting according to their own will, but you can say the people are just happy to be back to their homes.
What's written above can fit any "liberated" part of Syria throughout the past few years.
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I don't even want to begin my monolog about what's going on with this world so I'll just say that I'm totaly with you on this one.
Let's at least enjoy our Christmas time with those that we love. Stay safe !
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I personally try to appreciate media like Star Wars, but that doesn't mean I don't care about world issues. From my perspective, the Jedi aren't evil!
Sorry, I had to make that joke to lighten the mood a bit before I started making comments on what I thought of the world's problems, etc., onto my short rant:
Yes, the "crocodile tears" of people saying "we're sorry your people blew up far away from us, like and follow plz" bother me too. I'm sure "supporting" the Paris attack victims will do a lot for them. On the other hand, I don't pretend to understand or believe solutions currently exist in middle eastern conflict. It's been going on too long and has too much background. If you were to ask me, I'd say any form of outside "causation" of this conflict would have only served as a trigger to tensions that existed for centuries, but I'm no expert. I'm currently more concerned about world affairs that threaten MY country, really. Political tension that was obvious in hindsight is boiling over in a lot of ways. If conflict regarding the president elect escalates too much, it may be hard to heal the division even years from now, and that could be a very scary thing for our UNITED States...that's not the only problem I think about, but the example at least should show some evidence I'm not "sticking my head in the sand". It's a 7.5 billion people planet with 196 countries(I'm counting Taiwan because screw China).
P.S. Wait, there are people out there who think the recent smart phones are "revolutionary"? That's just...dumb. I love technology, but I don't believe in the slightest that the newest line of smart phones is revolutionary. Electric cars are on the rise, though. They've got enough presence now to survive anything the "big bad people with money" can do to them now, so all we have to do is support the rise of(actual) technology, and things like oil dependency will hopefully fade somewhat.
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If you were to ask me, I'd say any form of outside "causation" of this conflict would have only served as a trigger to tensions that existed for centuries
talking about syria, it was a laic state where the christian, and shia/sunni muslim (the most practiced religions in the region) cultures could co-exist quite well (currect me if i wrong). all started to crumble with the so called "arab spring" and the "moderate rebels" (the same "rebels" that the sirian army composed by christian and shia and sunni muslims are fighting along with russia, iran, iraq, lebanese hezbolla and even north corea).
(the same starting situation can be said about the pre-"arab sping" lybia with gaddafi into power)
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Yesterday, the CEO of Exxon Mobil was appointed head of the US Department of State.
Just to be clear, he was announced as the intended appointee. First the new president has to take office (which happens in Jan), then officially nominate him, then he needs to be approved by congress, and only then can he actually be Sec State.
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Not that it's an unlikely situation.
After the election congress is Red.
Too bad people are easily manipulated into voting against their interests.
That level is where $ matters most, name recognition is everything when people don't care enough.
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Sharing US Ambassador to the UN Samatha Power's recent remarks in relation to this, as they seemed topical.
Also, I don't blame you for being cynical, I feel like that myself more often than not. But there are concrete ways in which we can act, right now.
Not meaning to brag, but I've been supporting UNHCR for some years now with what modest means I can, it's pitifully little but I hope to be able to do more.
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Well, for most fiction like Star Wars it's way easier than for real scenarios. There's black, there's white (which also makes Star Wars more a fairy tale than SF). If you wanna be good, join the white (light) side and you don't even have to think a second about if this side is really good and how many lifes a probably good revolution costs (and who decide if it's worth it?).
The human maxim of competition leads to few rich and mighty, who then decide for masses, but it also leads to progress. The - admittedly bad - examples of Communism until now have all failed. The capitalism on the other side didn't only succeed, it evolves even faster and causes big changes for everyone. That might end up in a huge crash, since not everything can be (ab)used endlessly (Planet Earth e.g.), but where's the alternative? Without any other kind of business/social form you can only try to balance it out between progress and social/ecological interests.
Regarding oil: my bike never asks for it! (Scnr)
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No worries, the crocodile tears for Aleppo will pass.
Soon there will be the salutary forgetfulness of Christmas.
The euphoria around Star Wars is already turning our heads. (Ironically: Rogue One, as in "rogue country", is the story of the struggle of a group of rebels against a totalitarian power)
It will pass: another providential massacre will supplant this one and make a momentary clean slate, unless a celebrity dies or some giant corporation releases a revolutionary smartphone ("revolutionary!" they say).
What will remain is oil, oil that burns the whole world in our engines, oil that justifies that the Arab world - what an uninformed title - has been torn apart for decades, the Arab world victim of manipulations of imbecile Sorcerer's apprentices from inside as well as from outside, from Assad father to Kissinger. In Syria, oil is called pipeline. And if it is not the pipeline, it is the instability of the region that will benefit us because stability would raise the price of our precious black blood.
Simplistic perhaps, the explanation is better than the inarticulate blaming of a tyrant, of stupid bearded armed nuts, of "culture gaps", without ever questioning who put them in power, who maintained or financed them.
What makes the world spin is interest. Some of us begin to remember it, we that interest rises again against each other.
What has changed is that everything is done in broad daylight and yet, knowingly, we keep our heads in the sand.
Yesterday, the CEO of Exxon Mobil was announced as the intended appointee of the US Department of State.
Tomorrow he will act.
After tomorrow, everyone will want the same at home.
Nothing has changed because it has already happened and we have maintained that it was the fault of others. It's not me, it's him!
Nothing changes because we prefer a simple explanation to a complex explanation.
Nothing will change because we need to change our lifestyle, our politics, our logic, our desires, our values.
Yet already we turn our eyes away.
PS : sorry. I had to get this out of my system.
Star Wars fans, you know in your very heart that you're ok.
I'm blaming oil and by blaming oil I'm blaming everyone, including myself. For the overall state of the planet. And I know that by blaming everyone or "the system", I have no real aim, except that I hope that at some point we, as a species, will put humans, relationships and the respect of Nature in place of the overarching economics of selfish desires. Sounds hippyish ? I plead guilty.
I will not answer to your comments, not because I don't want to :) but because I know how inarticulate I can become when I'm sad and it would lead to much misunderstandings.
However, feel free to debate if you need to.
If discussions go too far off rail I'll delete the topic.
EDIT 2 :
You're an awesome community. Period.
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