Indeed. This is the annoying thing about the big giveaways. I've been interested in a couple of the thousand+ giveaways done on this site but never won, then the next day you see batches of the game going up to be regifted. Makes me sick.
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If it was me, I'd:
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The mods are pretty efficient for banning users on counts of un-activated games usually, I am sure it will be sorted out with cat pictures
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Sorry to hear that. Something similar happened on one of my early public giveaways with the small difference that the winner rather traded away the game instead of regifting it. Unluckily there seem to be tons of people like that so my user-report is still pending after 7 month.
It's no fool-proof way to prevent that from happening but since then I started making my public GAs Lvl 2 or 3 and had not had that problem again.
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I guess sooner or later Support will get to it (User-reports seem to be the most swamped category) I'm just afraid that by then many offenders will have already forgotten about this site and never even notice the 2 week ban they get for not activating. (Should be a perma-ban offense in my opinion) But on the other hand if those basketcases stop using the site I guess it doesn't matter if it's due to a ban or not winning every single GA they enter.
About people getting away with their deeds: In my experience people like that will show the same entitled / self-centered behaviour in other situations as well so in the long run everybody will get what's coming to them.
Or to put it in poker terms: While in a single hand luck often is the deciding factor - in an infinite game the strongest player will always prevail.
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They do delete all their giveaways for regifted games, the corresponding CV is removed as well. The offenses stack, so he will probably get more than 5 days.
I too had a regifter once, only im my case the scumbag didn't mark the game as received. Since then I always check my winners profiles for any tiny mistake and reroll if they broke the rules.
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Level doesn't really mean anything according to what has been my brief experience on here thus far. I had a similar issue with a level 6 guy. The support took care of it in less than 24 hours though. Also when I signed up and asked for my GA limit to be increased the support increased it in 15 minutes literally, so I'm kinda puzzled - either I'm terribly lucky or different tickets are handled differently.
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Go ahead and make a ticket. It is common for "scum" to repeat an offense, punishments stack, and habitual offenders prompt escalated punishment.
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Reported one regifter. Still sitting in support hell it seems.
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Five days' suspension if it's your first and only offense.
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cry for an hour or two, then make 5 threads in this forum about it. :)
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There is a category "Request received Feedback" when creating a support ticket.
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I wouldnt do that tho . Id just report the guy who won my giveaway ...
In the end someone else is going to win the game , and thats all that matters i guess .
And all tho i do agree that Re-gifting is kinda retarded , and people should just enter for games they want to win .
I dont think its fair to punish someone who entered the giveaway of the guy who didnt obey the rules... cause that random person who won his giveaway didnt really do anything wrong :|
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Hmm, that's actually some idea. Not only he gets punished for not activating win, he also gets punished for making fake giveaways.
Poor winner through.
But then, you'll get fake giveaway on your profile too...
Can't wait for regifter contacting you in few days asking about working key :) .
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You do like me, you take screenshots, you contact the guy, not answering? You contact his friendlist. And if still not received despite having send it and activated, contact support.
And throw also a nice giveaway to your whitelist to vent your frustrations.
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I contacted the guy few times already :| No response still :D
He as online like 5-6 times since GA ended ... gonna w8 a week , if nothing happens Support it is .
Really wanted that feedback , cause i made all those GA's just to raise my CV to level 3 ... cant really afford to throw away to many games for free sadly ( atleast for now )
As for a whitelist giveaway ... i got a bunch of people in it ... but i dont think any of them know that they are there :D
I just added people i found friendly or helpfull there ... and didnt really mention that i did so xD
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why do you want to stop making public giveaways? instead, just raise the level requirement. on level 5 or 7 people usually activate their gifts. ^^
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well, 10 is bigger. it also has twice the amount of digits. and it can be interpreted as binary. sorry, 10 is definitely the better number. ;)
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10 is like that secret community of rich people where only the cool kids go >.>
I dont really see a point setting higher level restriction to a GA , if its higher then the level you can enter tho as PewPewMeow mentioned .
Also the whole Dont make public GA way of thinking is i guess questionable for me.
I see SG ( and the other similar sites ) as away for people who cant really afford to buy alot of games , to get them.
I understand the people who prefer to make Forum Trains .. or puzzle GAs or hidden ones ... ( Non public ones ) .
But making just that , or implying that everyone who enter the Public GA's is just there to cheat the system is kinda silly :)
Alltho there are cases like that , that make you wonder why you even bother make the GA :|
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It becomes burdensome when number of problems associated with those giveaways raises too high. Have had to report way too many people from giveaways alone. At that point, it is better to stop doing such giveaways at all.
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I check the SG and Steam account of each winner before handing over anything. I thought everyone did this? Granted, as a mod, I can take immediate action when a regifter is foolish enough to win one of my giveaways, but still, don't you guys check before gifting?
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I do but it is tedious to check dozens wins. Point isn't that I couldn't do it but that I shouldn't have to do it. Just makes it sad when you find out yet another winner has broken rules. After awhile, it is easier to move on to areas where such activity is not required.
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I understand the tedium, I really do. I prefer it to the alternative of having my games regifted, but I agree that it's sad we have to have Moderators. The majority of people tend to do the right thing most of the time. It's just the few "bad apples" that cause problems for everyone else.
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Understandable in any site. Few vocals outweigh the silent majority. But those, and other problems associated, are not that rare. Have had problems in around half of my public giveaways. Pretty much stopped doing them because they became too burdensome. Then after some time, I reconsider thinking that it was only bad luck and those occurrences do not represent everyone. Just to be disappointed yet again. People do not learn and neither seem I.
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I make all different kinds of giveaways, including public ones. My experience with the general public seems to be better than yours, but perhaps that is because I don't focus very much on the annoyances. If I get ten nice people and one jerk, I don't let the one jerk ruin my day.
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Yes, I agree that the 5 day bans are ridiculously short.
If it's not a mass giveaway, then it probably takes people 3 or 4 weeks on average to win a public giveaway, and that's if they spend all their points daily. If someone has the patience to sit around clicking on here every day for 3 or 4 weeks only to not activate for whatever reason then not being able to do it for 5 days doesn't seem a long time to wait before they can do it again. The penalty being much less than the time one would have to invest to break the rule makes it no deterrant at all in my book. It actually kind of makes sense to break the rules in a time vs. efficeincy calculation.
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I know it's 5 days a game and I still think it might be worth it in many people's minds. I was incorporating people who trade or sell the games in there too, and wasin fact mostly focusing on them if anything. The punishement is the same for non-activators whether they regift or don't as far as I'm aware. Sorry if I wasn't clear and was straying from the original theme of the thread which was mainly re-gifting.
If it took an average person 25 days to win entering almost indiscriminately, spending all their points each day:
Person A gets a game they sort of want and activates it for the cost of 25 days of entries.
Person B gets a game they sort of want, trade it for something they want more and takes a 5 day ban so it's cost them 30 days in total.
Person B could easily be seen as the smart one.
A couple of days back when talking about bans, someone was saying that they failed to activate 20 games before it was noticed. They said they hadn't read the rules when signing up and got 100 days ban in total. If that's true then it looks like you only get more if actually getting caught out a second and getting caught at all seems rare. Extrapolating that out from my previous example it's 20 games you sort of want in 500 days or 20 things you want more by trading away your wins for other games, Tf2 items, cards in 600 days and then you can come back and win again. The second option would sound more appealing to many.
I've somewhat pulled the 25-day figure from my backside. It's just my guess on how long it might take to win on average if entering lots of GAs, spending all your points every day.. If it takes longer then it might be even smarter to break the rules, at least until you get caught for the first time.
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The remark about 5 days/per game was not aimed at you. It's just not widely known fact as it's nowhere stated explicitly.
I agree with you that 5 days for regifting is nothing but a slap on the wrist ( and should have written it in reply). It is proper punishment imo for not activating (but still in possesion of won game).
What I would like to see is everyone caught with not activated wins have his account flagged with option for me to auto-blacklist such accounts until all gifts are activated. Also some kind of automated system that checks at sync for not activated wins and alerts mods would do a lot of good for the well-being of the community. Clearly not enough users care enough to do it by themselves
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You are speculating without knowing how the system works. Suffice it to say that the reality is something else, entirely.
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Who are these "some" you mention? File a ticket, please.
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Just let people regift, they'll only be digging their own grave, since when they sync their account and the won game isn't detected.
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Unluckily as far as I know it doesn't work like that. Since DLC and some games don't show in other people's libaries there is no auto-report feature if somebody doesn't activate their winnings. So if the GA-creator cares what happens to the games they gave away they have to check and report themselves. :(
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Diceman is right. SG does not automatically detect and raise alert for not having a game you won activated. Steam API is unreliable and inaccurate sometimes especially with bundles and GOTY editions, etc. which makes it impossible to implement that type of system.
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Except for the rules one would be bound to stick with and assuming one had
ever read them or would be able to understand them in the first place -
Isn't it kind of sad having to re-gift won gifts (for whatever purpose ')?
' like maintaining a half decent Won/Given-Ratio
Implying one has not enough monies to cough up for his own Bundle-GA.
I don't know about you nor about the guy who won your GA, either way its
rather easy to determine - whether ones a "poor guy" or a greedy/stingy monster ...
Which is why i think rather highly of the rule, that only means to
ban you temporary, not forever for breaching the GA rules.
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Was suspended for a week, it seems.
Is it just me who thinks that this specific rule isn't harsh enough?
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that suck , ... why the hell so many never bother to read the rule when they join is beyond me
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Sorry for that but
Shame on you! Think what autism is, think how having an autistic person in your family is like, look yourself in the mirror and consider what you've done wrong with your post above!!!
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Stop being such a drama queen, OP was referring to himself for all you know he might have autism.
Now I completely get why you felt the need to tell me you didn't like me at all despite that having NOTHING to do with the fact that you agreed with my opinion, you're one of those types who can't take a joke and thinks his narrow worldview is the only way to go, grow up, find yourself some humor and stop telling other how to talk and how to act, this is the internet it's just silly and sad going around being preachy like this really.
By all means, triple blacklist me if this reply makes you upset which it probably will judging by how upset you get just by reading the word autism.
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1) I am telling people how to talk? I said what i hate, not how someone is supposed to talk.
Someone didn't read what i wrote... yet again
2) I have completely no sense of humor on that kind of stories for quite obvious reasons as i am not a cold blood caricature like you.
3) I am well aware that this is the internet
4) The reason why i (and i am definite that many others too) dislike you is because you think that the universe is running around you. In every single reply of yours your ideas are the correct, everybody else is wrong and you don't accept any different perspective than yours. It is wise for you to define the word "narrow minded" once again.
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None asked you what you hated, yet you felt the need to judge YET AGAIN in every post i see.
Boy, you must be really fun at parties.
I'm glad you do, congrats, now maybe start acting like it and stop judging every single person on the net?
Pretty brave to call me norrowminded when you're the one who just said "shame on you!" to someone for using the word autism in reference to themselves, as soon as you read the word autism you went into a fit of rage and didn't even read his post.
I don't pretend to know you, and I honestly don't care enough nor do I know enough about you to "hate you" or dislike you or whatever judgement one can have, you're nothing to me but if you really want to be so spiteful be my guest, i'm not judging you for it, I just find it a bit sad that's all.
I've read 3 comments of yours, and all 3 contained nothing but your opinion on other people on SG, isn't it exhausting constantly having the need to prove and remember people that you're on the moral highground?
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Look at the glass half full for a minute... SG ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Scumbag regifter found!
After that take to your favorite violent game and calm down on a nice friday night :]
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Well, I made a giveaway. It ended. Guy didn't activate the game but immediately made a giveaway for the same game. I suspect regifting. Posted on his Steam profile, trying to add him to friends to talk. Bear with me people, I need support, and someone to calm me, or I might call Internet police/get an autistic fit of rage.
Here, a small private giveaway, because reasons.
Won't make another public giveaway. EVER.(I made one...)
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