As I said it's like a rare thing to meet one, no particular reason for me though. I have read some articles that girls are playing games as much as guys but I don't really think that's the case.
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It's not that rare. We just don't advertise our gender as there is no reason to. We're there to play the game. Articles that report that girls play as much as guys are taking into account the more casual games. I don't deny that in the more "hardcore" gaming world girls are outnumbered by guys.
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Hey Ash Commentary
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This pretty much sums it up. You don't see males going into games and being, "Hey everyone, I'm a male, lets game.", why should females do something of the sort?
That's one reason they don't mention it, another would just be the unwanted attention - granted some people like attention and may mention they're gender or whatever else could be considered an attention grabber.
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Or they just don't advertise their gender. It doesn't effect gameplay, and a bunch of idiots would only cause trouble for various reasons if they knew they were playing with a female.
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totally this, even when i'm not a girl, i never say anything about my gender unless someone ask me directly (because i think it irrelevant , not that i want to hide)
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+1, who cares if your a man or a woman anyways? As long as you play games.
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I know... One :P. But she only plays Minecraft, so I don't know if that counts XD. That is talking about MP games. In SP games I know 3 more :P. So I could affirm that there are less girls than guys xD
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I did not mean by nickname. What I meant that in games that I play I have never seen a girl. I know that because almost every single time my teammates are using mic and you can clearly tell who is not a girl :D As I mentioned This is just a random topic so don't be a critic or no present for you :/
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most people generaly dont like to use mic in mp. its obnoxious and ruins the gameplay.
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lol... roflol... you haven't heard ME in RL... and I am, well... WAS 20-something yrs ago... a girl ;-P. Whenever I talk on the phone ppl address me as a sir... My look doesn't correlate with my voice (sigh)... Big plus though - deep and loud carries nicely over the crowd when needed :D
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"The Internet, where men are men, women are also men, and children are FBI agent"
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Classic,Creepy and Cringeworthy haha
Creepy stalker nerd cries at girl rejecting him in TF2
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I feel bad for both of them....but yeah damn, this is why.
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I couldn't even watch more than a couple of minutes of that video, it was so disturbing. It's not just in games, either. I've seen women harassed by guys countless times. Even when you tell the guy he's being creepy and annoying, he continues on. That's one big reason I'm glad I'm not female.
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i used to play League of Legends a couple of years ago, and in one match there was this girl in my team and she added me after that match, almost 1 year later i found out that she was one of my best friends that used to play LoL in secret :P
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Here's how we advertise our gender to know who we're playing with:
All guys, make your picture a penis.
All girls, make your picture boobs.
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Many women play games on Steam and elsewhere, but as long as you act like it's a big deal, they'll hide their gender, by ways such as not talking on mic. You play games to have fun; females play games for the same reason. They're not aiming to be hit on countless times, so until dudes stop thinking things like "I haven't been lucky enough to find girls in multiplayer games," women will continue hiding and many will avoid playing multiplayer games altogether. We're all just people.
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They're hiding from the creepy guys......... like me...... }:D
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I've met a lot of female players in Left 4 Dead 2. Last time I used my mic in a public Versus game in L4D2, some guy kept asking me my bra size.
But yeah, get with the times, gaming is mainstream. Most of them are probably hiding to avoid being harassed with personal questions or don't feel the need to let everyone know they are women. Until we start gaming with our genitals, I don't see why it matters.
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whats the problem with the guy asking you about your bra size? who cares? if you just answer and then pose the question back to him about his dick and then pounce on him when he shucks and jives about his turgid 5" disappointment you win. why do women have to act like they are being victimized by sex questions? guys talk about sex all the time, when you make it a big travesty you make your gender into victims.
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we have 2 babby white knights (well i guess only 1 counts, thanks nose!) yet weirdly the WOMANGIRL!?!?! that i was actually talking to managed to contain her tears and didnt menstruate all over the place out of sheer frustration at being conversed with. weird. its almost as if she didnt need you guys at all...?
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Doesn't bother me personally. I'll ignore it and keep playing. I just have a laugh at them because they probably don't have the audacity to approach a woman in real life, let alone ask questions about her breasts to her face. I'm sure a lot of female players want to avoid that kind of attention if they can.
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i find its much more fun to play with girls who are open to chatting about any topic, because they rarely seeem to be the ones that get asked dumb questions about their vaginas, because they are just cool people anyway, and the sort of reaction the people asking those questions are looking for just isnt there.
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Gaming with our genitals already happens in Japan, at least for guys. Its called the Toylet.
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the people that find it a big deal are using online games as an assumed female free shelter from the reality of their own sexual inadequacy, and when girls come in with their genitals and my little pony obsessions (or whatever those crazy gals are into these days) they feel threatened, you also get white knight dudes that are overprotective to an exhausting degree, that want to let you know just how many doors they have held open in their lives, and those 2 groups combine to make a perfect storm of girls being a weird separate species.
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Don't make fun! He "just wanted to try it out sometime." Unfortunately, there's not currently a demo up on Steam for "Gaming with Girls." I guess he'll have to shell out money for the full product.
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It says random topic, so calm down mate. I ain't making this topic to get a girl (I already have one) so please refrain from being offensive :) And as I said I will be making giveaways after my exams session so nobody is forcing you to even join these kind of topics.
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so what? i dont care if it is or isnt, i shouldnt be silenced from saying something because babby finds it 'offensive'
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And if you could act like a mature adult, I'd give a damn about your views. You seem to think that there is nothing wrong with people being arseholes, judging from an earlier post. Me however, I was taught manners as a child, and expect them from others.
Its easy to be a decent person.
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Most girls I know keep it on the down low because of well.....this...0_0.......
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That comment, with that avatar, just cracked me up.
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no,no,no... facebook is for that; steam is for playing games.
yes, there are girls playing games out there, no, that should not matter at all.
i prefer to play with players, not with people with their lives and genders and things... i barely play multi though.
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My experience is most of my MP time has been with a girl, though it is my sister and it was decided beforehand that we'd play....
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73 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by HustlaOG
SO I made this topic because I had an interesting argument with my friends last night.They said that there are loads of girls playing multi player games. I have been using steam for quite some time now and I can say that I have yet to meet a girl player. So the fact remains either they only play when I am busy or I am not just lucky enough :D Anyway just wanted to try it out sometime but it looks like it ain't happening. So share your gaming experiences here :D
Also enjoy this retro game (It's online, not give away, that will come after my exams session)
As I thought many of you would think this is stupid and comment on it just to point it out. It was made for fun.
Also I mentioned giveaways and Yes I will make them.For now I think 2-4 games will be my limit because students are poor :D (each game will go after each one of my exams and 1 game will be before my first exam). I am thinking about making the first giveaway on 5th of May 2014 and it will be Random Topic again. As for the type of giveaway I might do a puzzle to make it interesting so all you haters and non haters are welcome to join it :)
By the way this topic was made just to see if people are active in steam gifts forums :)
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