Not only youtube. Its every mayor social medias and its kind of scary of how they act.
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Kind of funny regarding Carlos Mazza and Stephen Crowder. VOX made a video about FOX that they controlled the media and because of that other media report on what they report on or something like that.
Even if FOX has their bias as everyone does. Media should report the news and not try to tell people what to think and push the same story over and over again until people belive their view.
Maybe thats why they are suffering now and if Im not mistaken FOX is one of the most watched network.
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European culture? What exactly is this mythical European culture? I agree that it's ironic that outlets who promote diversity are becoming exactly what they supposedly fight against. Something of note, in my country CNN is a rightist news network. Is it funny? In the U.S. Democrats are considered left because they are left of Republicans but really they are both from the same conservative, right leaning political spectrum since no leftist political parties are represented in American politics. And then you wonder about the one-sidedness of it all? It is a black and white, good and evil, with us or against us point of view on subjects that are much more complicated than that.
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MSNBC & cnn are shit because they omit alot of real new. they talk about britney for days when shit laws get passed and real things happen. no, they gotta show the latest viral video or bitch about trump again but don't tell you what trumps people are doing behind him. fox just knows there people and just strait up gives them the propaganda they want.
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There's a noticeable double standard in free speech when it comes to social media vs mom and pop shops refusing service
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I dont agree with refusing service for someones religion or sexual preference etc. But the thing is, if they do that there is somewhere else you can go and others will know about what they did and can choose not to shop there.
But when we have these multi billion companies that have great influence in our society. That have pretty much built a service that are ment for all and have taken money from their users, and then choose to censor certain users and use vauge terms in order to ban them, then thats wrong. Didnt facebook like ban/censor CrossFit thats not even political just because they put up stuff about some diet.
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didn't read their PR post, i can guess what's in from his title, tho.
also don't have a clear opinion on this, apart the actual fact they've changed, just like any other big company out there (like, you have to listen those shareholders of yours. that often means something less for us.)
but just wanted to share a little old related fact about YouTube censoring stuff.
ages ago, in Italy and elsewhere, YT (and Google) staff was sued, taken to court, for the opposite reason: lack of control / censorship and such.
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The problem's also that the Youtube audience has changed. People say they want the old Youtube back, yet they watch commentary channels and elaborate productions. The viewers drive the algorithm. A video won't get recommended if no one wants to watch it.
Youtube wasn't about political punditry before either, yet here we are (or were since they're slowly losing traction).
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As with any multimillion dollar issue, it's complicated.
If it were a scale of -10 to +10, -10 being censoring conservatives vs +10 being censoring liberals vs 0 being unweighed censorship, I'd give it a solid -2. It's only barely against conservative voices when looking at the reality. Crowder had no troubles after actually going against Youtube's guidelines by using derogative terms (his defense being that it was a friendly ribbing, though they're not friends). "Skeptics" like Sargon of Akkad went completely bonkers with their messages, with Sargon of Akkad running for office and nearly destroying his own political party through just associating with them and having a shitload of actually racist rhetoric. Doesn't help that he lied a lot as well.
The problem tends to be with the content itself. Most of these channels mock their opposition and use copyrighted material very liberally, which for them is fair use, but in reality it borders on not being that at all due to excessive use of copyrighted material. The "liberals" don't tend to use that type of crap and they don't tend to get hit. Just like the more relaxed "conservative" channels, like ShoeOnHead, Chris Ray Gun, TL;DR and so on.
As to the trending page, Youtube 100% supports mainly mainstream organizations that have left-leaning beliefs. No question about it, Coffee Break did a great breakdown on it through actual measured data..
The "Adpocalypse", that's current for you is as current as my sexy-good looks and my thin physique. This drama started 25 months ago in May 2017. Youtube's fucking useless and they can't figure out how to get their shit together and it doesn't help that they're fighting against a tidal wave of unchecked content. They need to figure something out since people can't do their job properly if they can't rely on their paycheck coming in.
So overall, personally, I think the Adpocalypse is less about political sides (unlike what political pundits try and pretend it is) and more about a bad system that's just not capable of this scale.
Content ID doesn't care for political biases. It's an AI. Just like "Facts don't care about your feelings", Content ID "doesn't care about your political feelings and petty dramas".
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"Lispy sprite", doing a stereotypical 90s gay man voice, he claimed that he's being given a pass as a journalist solely because he's gay, called him a "little queer" when he got mad when reacting to a clip, "eating chip, chip, chip away; just like dicks", "Mr. Gay-Vox", "Even his fast hand movements are gay", "Oh, so you are just an angry little queer", "Gay Mexican guy" (not even a Mexican guy, just Latino).
It's just picking and choosing right now. You've seen the compilation. You've seen his full podcasts/radio shows. You know that he tenses up and gets mad. I only picked out the spots where he was just that. If the dude gets frustrated and starts calling people "sprites", emphasizing that he's gay over and over again... it's not like the word "gay" is offensive. It's the context. The dude used it as an insult. Being calm and not calling him a sprite and then being mad and calling him a sprite... I mean, the correlation's more than obvious here.
Other than that, I really appreciate your contribution because I agree with you on a lot except I'd have to disagree with you as well because YouTube's own blog post clearly states these actions are to stop "hate", not because of copyright infringement.
That's not the Adpocalypse though, first of all. The Adpocalypse is the event where advertisers pulled out of controversial content and therefore the CPM lowered drastically (Around 90% for many).
The "unsuitable for advertisers" tag isn't common for anyone anymore, especially since October of 2018.
But personally, yeah, don't spread hate. Sargon saying that black people are just inferior and they can't help it got him demonetized while saying that black on black crime in America is abnormally high wasn't demonetized. It all comes down to what you say and how you say it. You can also get demonetized with seemingly inoffensive videos solely because of how you actually handled it.
Again, it to a small extent is biased against conservatives, but not enough to claim censorship in my eyes.
I am biased too because I worked for YouTube out of college in 2011. I sat 20 feet away from both Stephen Chen and Chad Hurley, the founders of YouTube. They were so up their own asses with smugness and faux moral and technorati superiority it was clear to me then, as it is now, what bias is favored most at companies like YouTube and the like.
Nah, that's all fair and good. Especially since you recognize your own bias. Though personally, I don't see how being smug and an asshole constitutes as a left-leaning political bias that has led them to purposefully kill off literally half of the political spectrum. That's just a huge leap in my eyes.
I appreciate your points though. Shit like this can and often should be discussed. As long as both sides remain chill and respectful, it can lead nowhere other than in positive directions.
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it was clear to me then, as it is now
lucky you.
that said, the vast majority of what you're writing here is plainly wrong.
weirdly, you've worked for the YouTube, sat 20 feet away from Hurley and, yet, you know zero.
you're not biased, you're wrong.
plus, as we're on the SteamGifts, i've blacklisted you cause of your comments on the LGBT thread.
and this one here only shows i've seen it right: you'll never ever have the chance at playing my games, i'm sorry.
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obviously (and honestly) not glad he deleted his account, but still...
kinda luckily, this also shows that
a comment's part, while discussing, it still is useful.
more than before, even, given the all yadda about "privacy and the right to delete".
use the Edit function, instead. say sorry if needed, and you're done. really no need to delete the entire account!
distant-bump fo' LGBT thread, also.
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Don't pay them any mind. Be respectful and mindful of others. Those who blacklist you can do it and keep being in their own proverbial echo chamber.
Those are the same people who dream about them quitting their job spectacularly and in reality they burst into tears and blame everyone but themselves. Let them be.
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Suprised it was only 21 concidering I got 10. But two or more is probably from the LGBT thread where I posted a Norm Macdonald video I thought of as soon as I saw LGBT pride.
Not one of the BLs I received is acutally from anyone posting in this thread, so not only where they offended. They cant even express their opinion and rather just press a meaningless button that doesnt help anyone. Kind of sad when I think about it that people feel like they cant express what they want to say and only shut down speech, or rather not talk at all.
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You seem to be confused about the meaning of the word 'censoring'.
Whether one among the many thousands of contributors to SG decides to give you the chance to win free games in no way affects your ability to post on this forum, discuss this topic, or to speak your mind with regard to it, even when others find it offensive.
Claiming martyrdom when you've in no way been 'censored' doesn't exactly help the case you're trying to make about YT either.
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"If you don't let me do whatever I want, then you're CENSORING me!!!!"
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it seems to me YouTube is waging war on free speech on its platform
I don't have much insight to share about the rest of the post as I don't tend to discuss political stuff online, but I wanted to point out that this is, as far as I know, a common misconception. "Freedom of speech" does not mean that companies shouldn't or aren't allowed to delete your content posted using their service - Freedom of speech allows you to express yourself via your own avenues, without the government censoring you.
Companies are owned and managed by individuals who have set their own guidelines and terms of use, and failure to follow these guidelines will result in the removal of your content and accounts, even if you disagree with it. Calling out a company for waging a war against freedom of speech because they removed your content makes about much sense as doing the same when your irrelevant Reddit post gets deleted by a mod for, well, being irrelevant. Simply put, freedom of speech is a rule that your government has to follow, not companies, from my understanding.
With that said, I'm not defending Youtube, I just thought I'd bring this up since I feel the term "freedom of speech" is getting thrown around a lot without being used in the correct context. Also do correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not exactly an expert on US laws. :P
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Ah, I think I understand now how you've used the term "free speech" in its literal form, not exactly as a reference to the First Amendment.
And yes, I agree - There is no harm in questioning and discussing Youtube's behaviour. I've seen many Youtubers suffer the consequences of harsher guidelines for monetization, which is a shame seeing as many of these Youtubers are the reason Youtube is even such a popular platform...
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"which is a shame seeing as many of these Youtubers are the reason Youtube is even such a popular platform..."
Which is what I find the most disappointing about Youtube's direction, actually. The promise was that these new platforms would be a New Mass Media that was finally democratic and genuine. Quality entertainment for the people, by the people. But that wasn't the financially optimal vision, I guess.
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I don't have much insight to share about the rest of the post as I don't tend to discuss political stuff online, but I wanted to point out that this is, as far as I know, a common misconception. "Freedom of speech" does not mean that companies shouldn't or aren't allowed to delete your content posted using their service - Freedom of speech allows you to express yourself via your own avenues, without the government censoring you.
That's basically where a new opinion comes in. That basically Youtube and other big social media platforms are too big now that basically when you get censored from there, you might as well get completely censored. To an extent I also agree with this, but I haven't made up my mind as to what extent it extends to and what to do about it.
Take Alex Jones for example. The dude had millions of followers and millions of viewers all the time at his mid to high peak. Yet once he got banned, he went down to a couple of hundred thousands of followers with him still declining.
Doesn't matter what we think of the dude, the numbers speak for themselves here.
Good thing to point out though.
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I believe that once the platform is big enough it should lose all protections of free speech. And at this point Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are at that point.
Or if they prefer to moderate their content, they should lose all safe harbour protections and be fully responsible for all content hosted on them.
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I believe that once the platform is big enough it should lose all protections of free speech
Unlikely to happen, in my opinion. That would strip the companies owning the services of their rights in an effort to accommodate the user of said services - I can't see that happening any time soon. Facebook isn't a necessity for communication, neither is Youtube, and none of these platforms owe the users anything. If they decide that you can't post about apples, really, there's not much you can do as an end user but comply if you want to use the service, regardless of how "big" the company is.
The alternative option is simply not to use the service - If everyone who disagreed with these social media platforms would quit them, then it's likely that the company behind it would take action in changing their guidelines. The fact that people continue to use Facebook after all the crap they've pulled just shows how the end user really doesn't care all that much about privacy, censorship, security, etc... and still enjoy using the platform regardless.
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Only thing I want to mention is that Im sick of the adds repeating non stop.
Im so god damn sick of Shawn Mendes already. Didnt knew he existed. But hearing his annoying voice and that damn music every 10 minutes (and for gods sake - even twice in row at times) is so annoying.
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lately havent watched much youtubers at all.
Just listening to music on it. But thats the thing - I dont listen to pop music at all on youtube. Only to rock music or metal. Lately Ive been listening to The Dead South. So I have no idea from where Im getting Mendes ads.
Maybe I havent accepted personalized ads on youtube. Maybe I should check that out, but then they basically are recording my search history and youtube watch history :D
I have ad block on PC, but mostly Ive been using my tablet or phone for youtube and have no idea how to block ads on it. I could live with it if the ads would have some variety.. but as I said - its basically Shawn Mendes all the time.
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Any reason you don't consider an adblocker?
Sure, it'll hurt Youtubers you want to support, but personally I prefer my favourite Youtubers go the sponsorship route rather than have to watch these obnoxious ads. I started using an adblocker years ago and I don't think I could stand Youtube without it.
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I use it on PC (with steamgifts whitelisted of course :D) but havent really thought about how to set something like that up on tablet or phone (if its even possible)
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Ah, I don't use mobile devices so I'm not sure if that's even possible either, unfortunately.
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No experience with Android, but on iOS you can get adblockers... for Safari. Which has limited functionality on YouTube. There is no way to implement blocking on the official YouTube app as far as I can tell. And I have no idea which third party YouTube apps are good.
The only remaining solutions are to have the blockers implemented at the DNS/gateway level.
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I would ban more of them. It seems like they need to use their $100 mug money and learn how to code. Nothing is stopping them from making their own YouTube and Twitter.
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Nothing is stopping them from making their own YouTube and Twitter.
Eh, yes there most definitely is something stopping them. It's called Youtube and Twitter.
Or are we going to pretend that Dailymotion and Vimeo are at the top currently...?
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They love the free market. They need to put their money up, and let it decide their fate.
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Yes, it does. If there is enough demand for their new platforms that support "free speech", it will be successful.
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Economics 101 will disagree with you right there. You're making a lot of stuff up here and it's hard to argue against something that's basically built to wreck any argument like a kid running through a house of cards.
Your base of the argument's completely wrong here. You don't know how basic economics works and you are willfully ignorant of the current topic.
The whole "I know who I am, but what are you?" tactic just dissolves a legitimate topic into just random one liners.
I'm guessing you were hoping to be edgy and clever. There are people who were willing to discuss with you. No need to be toxic.
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You don't know shit. Nothing is stopping them from making their own successful businesses. You can claim otherwise, but you'll still be wrong.
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All of these dudes live in some of the wealthiest countries with a lot of venture capital investors. They don't need to be on the level of YouTube to have their own service. Start small.
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And when they build it they are going to end up like GAB who got their accounts frozen, kicked by internet hosting providers...
Man, don't wait until it's you having limited speech to be alarmed about the consequences of this shitstorm.
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Again, they can learn how to code. PayPal didn't materialize out of thin air.
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And then it's gonna be the banks. Do they need to build their own bank too? Do you really want shit like the KKK building it's own bank with blackjack and hookers?
Man the future is gonna be wild if each political orientation get his own services where everyone agree on everything because there is no debate anymore on the slightest risk of opposing ideas.
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Yes, if they are that sure that their ideas are the best, let the free market that they love so much decide. Every business has to start somewhere.
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So, liberalism bad ==> lets make liberalism go even more liberal, that will show them!
You really want to live in a dystopia. Or is it accelerationism?
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I want to finally find out what everyone really believes, instead of having to hide behind coded language and dog whistles.
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You can ask them, if people don't fear openly talking about politics they will tell you. If you ask me i will tell you that i'm a former anarchist who later found better answers in Thomas Hobbes work.
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Isn't capitalism great?! No government interference!
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You don't know shit, but you think you do. You are going to have to show how I'm wrong or pipe down.
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They are awful in that regard, yes. But thing people don't understand if you don't have to be centrist, conservative or even "nazi" to see that lack of free exchange of ideas only gives us more radicalization.
Damn, it should be in the first interest of leftist people to don't let their opposition being stronger that way.
Guess they are gonna be disappointed if the whole goal is to steer public opinion for the coming elections.
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Has youtube ever even been pro free speech?
I'm personally kinda happy right now with the service and recent changes tho, for the last month or so their algorithm has been working a lot better than usual and I've been getting actually good recomendations and finding some nice channels.
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That sounds more like they were lax in moderation out of necesity than something they did as a policy or mission of the company.
I don't watch much political stuff in youtube, I mostly see it as a source of entertaiment, and me not being from the US means that whatever political nonsense is going over there/youtube is engaging on only reaches me in an indirect way.
I actually rely on their algorithm pretty heavily since it's the main way I find new music, I wouldn't have found some of my favorite stuff otherwise because I stopped listening to radio almost a decade ago.
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A site of purported neutrality enforcing its own views and influencing content, while proponents of conservative capitalism are outraged at private censorship.
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Hate speech and racism are ilegal on most countries. You have the "right" of saying whatever you want, but if you scream BOMB! in an airport, you'll get into trouble.
Btw, Sargon dixit:
“I just can’t be bothered with people who chose to treat me like this. It’s really annoying. Like, I — . You’re acting like a bunch of niggers, just so you know. You act like white niggers. Exactly how you describe black people acting is the impression I get dealing with the Alt Right. I’m really, I’m just not in the mood to deal with this kind of disrespect.”
“Look, you carry on, but don’t expect me to then have a debate with one of your faggots.…Like why would I bother?…Maybe you’re just acting like a nigger, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can’t even act like white people, it’s really amazing to me.”
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There is a big diffrent between saying something that other may not like and saying something that could endanger others and cause panic.
Source on that Sargon quote?
Edit: Btw, not sure if its illegal to yell bomb in airport or fire in a crowded theatre etc. I do guess you will be detained in airport and police will probably make an investigation. But will you really get charged with a crime?
Call to action on the other hand is illegal in USA from what I know.
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You are discussing my example. The theme is hate speech, but regardless, hate speech can endanger others and cause panic. That's why is illegal
The quote is here, happy hunting.
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Have to check that video when Im home from work.
The problem is, what is hate speech and who defines it? What someone finds offensive could be normal for someone else.
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abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Well, in that quote we have the prejudice. It's against a particular group twice over, it's based on race and it's abusive. So it's hate speech.
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I had a quick look and found it at around 1:09:00. It was a wierd little rant, dont exactly know what happend before because I didnt want to listen to the entire clip.
But with a little context it seemed that he was attacking the alt-right after they wrote a bunch of stuff in the chat and they wanted to bring in an alt-right speaker to talk to him. And then he went on a rant and used words that the alt-right would use to describe black people and turned the table to get a reaction from them.
Im not defending what he said because it was very wierd thing to say. But I wouldnt deem this "hate speech" in the sence that it should be illegal. I belive people can make up their own mind if they want to follow him or listen to him or not. If you are going to choose to ban certain speech today then it can be regulated more and more and soon you will have people getting arrested for missgendering and for making jokes that they do know in certain countires.
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In the US it is illegal to falsely yell 'Fire' or 'bomb' etc
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Censorship of particular groups, in my opinion, is tantamount to hate speech.
You're being pretty willfully ignorant.
In a perfect world, sure, everyone gets an equal say. In the imperfect world that we inhabit, one in which wars are fought over groups and their principles (speech), not everyone gets an equal say. See: nazis, the US confederacy, etc.
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I really don't believe world powers fight over principles at all - they fight over territory and they are motivated by power, so they share values more than anything. I don't see how Chinese ruling elite are different from US ruling elite are different from Russian ruling elite other than that they all hate each other and think they're better than one another.
That's cool, but not what we were talking about at all. You're introducing a different subject.
This is what I mean by being willfully ignorant. You're making a point for the sake of making a point; answering a question that no one asked.
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Again, your idealism would only function in a perfect world. It's clear that you're not interested in an actual dialogue about the actual world that we live in, and simply wish to repeat your stated beliefs.
And that's totally your prerogative, but I'm out.
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Saying "Bomb" in an airport, when there is no bomb, is illegal.
What's the difference between hateful and offensive?
Censorship is not hate speech, those are two different things. Hate speech means expressing an opinion that people find offensive, censorship is the exact opposite of that.
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If you yell fire or bomb when there is none it is illegal.
Other forms of unprotected speech include libel and perjury. You can't threaten to kill people and claim free speech. You can't walk into a bank and declare a robbery and then argue freedom of speech because you did not steal anything.
Censorship of particular groups, in my opinion, is tantamount to hate speech.
A curious statement. Something tells me you would argue for some groups and not others.
Comparing censorship to hate speech is not very rational if you really think about it.
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it doesnt mean all speech
give isis and kukluxklan free speach...
you cant say what you want
you cant say that some1 is a thief when he isnt
you can sat you want to kill some1 or you wish some1 was killed
you cant say you like raping women or kids
you cant say all muslims must be eliminated
why it is so hard to understand by some ppl
your freedom ends when you violate someelses freedom
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YouTube has became way more politically involved than it ever should have, tbh
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if you don't want to read anything, TheQuartering had a worthwhile video yesterday.
sadly none of this is really that surprising considering today's easily triggered sjw outrage culture.
if someone identifies as a baked potato you have to respect their right to be crazy instead of doing the sensible thing and call an ambulance to have them hospitalized.
reminds me of this absolute bullshit:
8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport
just a mad world.
and big companies love to join the woke train like gilette did with their pathetic add in january.
plus the old media know they are on their way out so they are kicking and screaming as much as possible.
ha! success! as expected a few more BL came in.
sjw always demand rights and respect from everybody but at the same time they can't handle different opinions. fucking hypocrites, that's what they are.
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Wow, well, I wasn't aware about how transgender were changing the sports community in US. Technically I feel like they should have their own category just like Paralympics do, since they had surgery in changing their bodies, it could be considered cheating like body enhancements, and I bet some people would do so just to "win". The two gender separation was for fairness purposes and when you have people undergoing body changes but still able to compete, that's a little pushing it. You might as well say drug enhancements are okay too.
And it's a shame about the demonetization net on youtube, one person ruins it for everyone else.
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The clear and obvious difference is intent.
Athletes that dope due so to be better at their sport, to win over others.
Trans athletes that undergo hormone therapy do so to address their gender dysphoria, not to gain a competitive edge.
I had a male friend at school who had a hormone deficiency that stunted his growth, so he was given hormones as a treatment and as a result he became huge. Would you segregate him because he too underwent hormone therapy?
And as far as someone undergoing hormone replacement therapy "just to win"... Ignoring that it's much easier and cheaper just to dope, this is a ridiculous statement which doesn't consider exactly what it means to undergo such therapy.
I'm going to venture a guess that you're male. How much money would it take for you to agree to dress as a woman, grow breasts, and cut off your penis? $1,000? $10,000. Seriously think about that question, and what dollar amount would convince you to do that. I'm going to guess that no amount of money would convince you to undergo such an operation, because you feel secure in your body and it is a part of your identity. So please imagine how insecure and uncomfortable trans people feel with their bodies that they are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars - and subject themselves to criticism, discrimination and stigma - to undergo such a procedure.
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I dont belive you actually have to transition but just undergo hormone therapy for about a year to be able to compete in certain sports.
The problem is that even if you do hormone therapy you still have pretty massive advantage in both muscle growth and testosterone.
I googled and found 19 years and older : 240-950 (in ng/dl) for male 8-60 (in ng/dl) for female. Yes it becomes lower if you do hormone therapy but it still is quite a lot more. Even when you just look at strongman from those who dont use enhancements and those who do. I heard the difference in weight is massive that they can lift.
Just look at Transgender powerlifter Mary Gregory who broke four world records but was later stripped of the titles. This just shows how unfair it is to women who struggles to be the best but thent suddenly cant even compete even how hard they try because of the new "progressive" world.
Btw, why do you think no trangender female to male starts to compete with males and win all their hard earned prices. Oh yeah, they dont, because they have no chance of winning.
Edit: I dont think your friend would be able to compete where they do tests to check if you are "doped" because he probably had many % over the allowed amount.
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It's not always about money. Some minds are just that driven to win, and get the glory and applause that comes from it, no matter if its illegitimately. Every athlete who has risked their long term physical and psychological health from their regimes or steroids is testament to that. It's not inconceivable that there are those who would give far more than just their left nut to stand on a podium.
And even if the transition is genuine, a trans woman competing against born women devalues the effort those born women make. It's bringing rocks to a pillow fight. Men and women compete in separate events because of biological reality, not misogyny. Trans athletes should be sorted by the same principles.
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I'm really not surprised how this thread has turned out, and there's a lot I'm going to purposefully ignore.
A lot of people think silicon valley / the technocrats are left-leaning liberals, but that's not true at all. Most of the tech executives are much closer to libertarian than anything else, but whereas in the rest of the country libertarians tend to be more conservative on social issues, silicon valley libertarians are more progressive on social issues not necessarily because they care, to a greater degree because they don't care.
When it comes to regulating content, it's really about outside pressure. For the most part, these companies don't care about what's in the content, as long as its on their platform. But, they have to contend with copyright (fair use; but it's easier to comply with every DMCA takedown request), government oversight (try to avoid regulators / new regulations), and marketing (the general public barely cares and barely matters, but they still want to be perceived as being decent). Now combine sheer volume that makes it near-impossible to adequately monitor and a belief that technology can solve all problems, so they over-rely on algorithms to solve their problems.
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ESGST has a wonderful feature that allows to totally ignore some posters. It's amazing how much cooler these discussions gets when you're using it lol
Now combine sheer volume that makes it near-impossible to adequately monitor and a belief that technology can solve all problems, so they over-rely on algorithms to solve their problems.
True. They obviously can't have people going through everything. Is it a massive freedom of speech issue? I don't know. I mean... they're not a government agency. They're an ad-based service. Are they the only ones providing a streaming platform? No. So there are other possibilities for people who get their accounts banned, to stream online.
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Is it a massive freedom of speech issue? I don't know. I mean... they're not a government agency.
"Free speech" != "First amendment"
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Yes indeed.
Let's write it down just in case
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Unless someone elected Youtube to government when I was not looking...
I know it all comes down to people feeling politically persecuted but Youtube has indeed no obligation to anyone, left or right. They can pick sides. They can make algorithms that pick sides. They can eliminated the word "Bad" from videos. It's silly maybe but it's not about free speech.
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The US government isn't the only entity capable of censorship.
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I realize that but you're the one mentioning the first amendment. I was just quoting it.
And since Youtube is just one of many platforms out there that broadcast video for streaming, it's not as if anyone was effectively censored anyway. They can just broadcast somewhere else.
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Maybe I am a Mew :D
Seriously though, I get that people are upset but crying and moaning about it wont change the facts and the fact is that Youtube is a private enterprise. If KFC decided tomorrow to only serve pig with the obvious goal that Muslims stop eating there... nobody could stop them.
The irony in all this though is that the people waving the flag and talking freedom of speech are most likely the same who are cheering every time the Troll in Chief cries Fake News and says the New York Times is the enemy of the people. Double standards and such.
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everyone has double standards, but I have found that the intolerant are the quickest to cry out when people don't tolerate them - that bigots and racists are the quickest to claim they're being discriminated against.
Personally, I've found that when I really think about my own opinions, I have trouble reconciling some of them. For example, I'm very pro-choice when it comes to abortion. But I'm also pro-vaccine. The argument for pro-choice is that nobody should be able to tell a woman what to do with her body. But at the same time I want everyone to get vaccines, which is telling people what to do with their bodies.
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The argument for pro-choice is that nobody should be able to tell a woman what to do with her body. But at the same time I want everyone to get vaccines, which is telling people what to do with their bodies.
Only goes to show that you make your opinion based on arguments on a case by case basis, and not based on some blanket doctrine.
Personally I think that if someone doesn't want a vaccination, it's their choice, as long as it's not for an infectious disease because then it becomes about everyone else. Sadly in most cases, it doesn't even come to personal choice because children who don't get vaccinated don't have a say in it. But that's besides the point.
Opinions are often contrary and change with time, new experiences, new facts. People who just think one way about everything forever are usually indoctrinated.
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The issue is one of effect.
If a woman chooses to have an abortion, it only affects her and her family. It doesn't affect me or my family in any way, and thus should be a decision left up to her and her family.
If a person chooses not to get a vaccine, their choice affects me and my family, because their choice could get me and my family sick. Thus, as it directly affects the greater public, the public should have a say in it.
It's like smoking. You want to destroy your lungs and body by smoking in private, go right ahead, be my guest. But when you bring tobacco smoke into a public place, where it affects me and my family, that's where we have an issue.
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Desiring a particular situation (everybody gets vaccines) is very different from demanding a particular situation (everybody must get vaccines). I don't see what's there to reconcile, with how you phrased it.
Also I see a problem with your comparison between abortion and vaccination. The third parties in the vaccination dilemma are easily assumed to be regular moral actors with their own rights. The question is whether an individual's preference to refuse medical treatment does or doesn't take precedence over public preference. There's no question over whether those preferences are even worthy of consideration. The abortion question revolves around whether an embryo has/deserves the same assumptions. The question is if the embryo is a moral actor with the same rights as a born person, and if not when do they become one.
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As a libertarian I would argue there's a huge distinction between the opportunistic "gubmnt don't get in my business" libertarianism of the silicon valley corps and the actual libertarianism in the Mises/Rothbard/Ron Paul mold. The former is more like what republicanism is stereotyped to be. Pro Big Business rather than pro free market. Google/Facebook/Twitter etc. certainly don't give two shits about individual rights to freedom of belief, expression, due process or privacy that a proper libertarian ethic requires.
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my politics tend toward the ideals of libertarianism, but I find that libertarianism in the ron paul mold is idealistic and impractical. as a side note, libertarianism is very close to liberalism, but try telling your average libertarian that
The reason being, that while I'm all for free markets, I believe free markets need a strong regulator. The problem with unbridled capitalism is that often the party with the deepest pockets wins. For example, Rockefeller became rich in oil. Whenever a new supplier arose, he'd try to buy them out. If they refused, he'd undercut their prices, running at a loss until the competition was forced out of business, then he'd jack the prices back up.
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I think 'freedoms are good but we need the state to correct market forces' just makes you a regular ol' liberal, mate. Perhaps in the particulars you approach something close to a classical liberal but libertarianism involves a specific rejection of the need for significant (or sometimes indeed any) government intervention in economic spheres. TL:DR libertarians say government is the source of the problems in the market, not the solution.
I'm not too familiar with the Standard Oil story (which I'll try to rectify has some good material on this actually). But every other monopoly I've read about always involved the assistance of state actors in some capacity to perpetuate it. Either through over-regulation pricing market entrants out, subsidies and government contracts providing easy money competitors can't get, special legal privileges (patents and copyright being two big ones), etc. In a true free market where coercive tactics are prohibited monopoly tactics don't last long before either bleeding the monopoly dry, being turned against the monopoly, or forcing alternative products to supplant the monopoly. David Friedman goes into some good detail about it in The Machinery of Freedom if you care to take a gander.
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now I think you're misreading what 'm saying. I don't believe in subsidies and government contracts as being good for the market. But my experience is that a lot of businesses will cheat given half a chance, and so there is a need for clear regulations and a strong regulator.
I'm gonna quote you to explain my point "In a true free market where coercive tactics are prohibited"
Who is prohibiting the coercive tactics and how is the prohibition being enforced?
As an example, for certain foods, the origin may affect the price. Some people value Italian olive oil over olive oil from some other countries, and are willing to pay a premium for Italian olive oil. So one company in Italy started importing a lot of olive oil from countries where olive oil is cheaper, bottled it in Italy, and labeled it as Italian olive oil.
Without rules against such mis-labeling, and without an enforcement mechanism, that company would continue to sell non-Italian olive oil as Italian olive oil.
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As an aside, in my opinion, liberalism suffers from the same problem as socialism, in that it works on a small scale, but not a large scale.
Unbridled Liberalism works fine if you know all the players and can verify all the information you need for yourself. For example, if you know the fisherman, you know whether or not he's trustworthy, and if you know where he fishes, you know what kind of fish there are. But if fish is imported from far away, just looking at it at the fish store, even experts cannot tell (without testing) whether that's Cod or Roughy, whether that's Tilapia or Snapper. as an FYI, fish is one of the most counterfeited and/or mislabeled products in America
Likewise, socialism works when everyone knows everyone, where people are willing to make (or be shamed into making) minor sacrifices for their fellow villager, and everyone knows who's benefiting from your generosity and why (think about any local fundraiser). But, on a large scale,generally people aren't willing to make such sacrifices for some faceless person they've never met and know nothing about.
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I just got a video removed that had been in my account for months, because it is breaking the TOS. They didn't give me the reason for it, but that allows YT to have unlimited authority to judge anything to the point where rich people can give you a strike for competing against them. I can't make comments on YT that mentions "honk honk" or "clown world", or YT automatically deletes the post.
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It's not just Crowder. Youtube, along with Twitter and Facebook, have to an extent harbored toxic folks which use those sites as a base to promote their misogynist, homophobic, and transphobic views, along with repeatedly harassing and targeting certain individuals. Like Crowder, they also monetize from that material to capitalize on it and profit from their content. This means Youtube has also been profiting off of that. To an extent, Crowder's example is also an example of those types of people who would advocate for Crowder's material and also try to wryly convince you that it's bad for freedom of speech.
Except, it shouldn't work that way, because freedom of speech pertains to protection from government persecution, not private platforms. Besides that, there's a pre-existing rule, which in the Crowder case, actually failed Carlos, and to a larger sense, Vox and company. Youtube's inaction to enforce their own rules in the spirit of the situation is the real problem of the fact that those people complaining about being attacked for their own toxicity, are actually winning because they aren't actually being punished, so there is no consequence to them. Feel free to also look at people who #StandWithVic, for the depth of how far they have gone.
In speaking of those who stan with Vic, Vic's lawyers recently sent a certain letter to an alleged accuser, which was basically a C/D - mitigation of defamation defense against which they claim the accuser's statements were false. When one reads the actual letter of the things they claim, it's not just ridiculous to read, but multiple third party lawyers took a look at it and saw it as a joke. Still, his side, and the company they keep, think they're in the right.
You may have also heard of the straight pride parade debacle. The guy setting it up belongs to alt-right groups. Same kind of people as Crowder.
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No, it isn't. They are all equally bad. Alt-right groups are endorsing him. You clearly have no idea how big the implications of this is. Crowder is a part of a larger scheme under comicsgate, gamergate, and alt-right groups which, like Crowder, also frequently attack the opposition, and pretend that because of Mazza's complaint, it was a sign that SJWs are a hate group (this also produced a hyperbolic article which complained that "the left" was attacking their institution for this). The line is pretty clear where they fall - on the same side they've been on in contrast with each other. That puts Crowder in with one of them because of who he ends up endorsing/being endorsed in that sphere.
Youtube's action (or inaction, I should say), ends up being similar to the centrist's argument, that things like with Crowder's speech would end up being protected so that it looks wrong for Mazza to have accused him of violating the rules. Furthermore, this precedence is used as a tool against the SJWs to say that such behavior is oppressing them, making it look like Crowder is the innocent one.
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To prevent corporations on either side of the political spectrum from destroying/demonitize/sabotage anyone's channel/videos/work, people should popularize the use of things like Freenet.
"Freenet is free software which lets you anonymously share files, browse and publish "freesites" (web sites accessible only through Freenet) and chat on forums, without fear of censorship. Freenet is decentralised to make it less vulnerable to attack, and if used in "darknet" mode, where users only connect to their friends, is very difficult to detect.
Communications by Freenet nodes are encrypted and are routed through other nodes to make it extremely difficult to determine who is requesting the information and what its content is.
Users contribute to the network by giving bandwidth and a portion of their hard drive (called the "data store") for storing files. Files are automatically kept or deleted depending on how popular they are, with the least popular being discarded to make way for newer or more popular content. Files are encrypted, so generally the user cannot easily discover what is in his datastore, and hopefully can't be held accountable for it."
No centralized "evil" YouSuck/Guugle/Alphabets corporation or government to erase your videos/channel.
Some people mentioned making your own YouTube and if I'm not mistaken Freenet let's you do that. Instead of paying huge amounts of money on server fees, you can rely on:
"Users contribute to the network by giving bandwidth and a portion of their hard drive (called the "data store") for storing files. Files are automatically kept or deleted depending on how popular they are, with the least popular being discarded to make way for newer or more popular content."
to keep your content available.
Of course if you want to ensure that your content doesn't get deleted, you should keep one or multiple PC/servers with your content stored in them as nodes on Freenet.
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I don't know about the Youtube issues specifically, but there's definitely an increasingly vocal crowd of people that want to censor and/or destroy everyone they don't agree with. People should try and find logical ways to convince others of their opinions, but these days it seem those willing to have a civil conversation on sensitive issues is becoming increasingly rare. :(
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Youtube doesn't really give a damn about what people think. They do, however, care what their advertisers think. And considering some of the downright hateful content Youtube is hosting, advertisers are understandably reluctant to pay to see their ads associated with some of it.
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the people who run youtube are more than happy to keep making money - but they're beholden to advertisers, regulators, and lawyers. If/when one of those three stakeholders complains enough, they take action to placate - shutting a small revenue stream to protect a big revenue stream.
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I stuck that under lawyers - it's cheaper/easier to take down every video of which they have a complaint than to check if the complaints are valid
but, just to play devil's advocate, a lot of people think fair use is more expansive than it is, and just because the content creator thinks it's permissible, doesn't mean it is
but really, it comes down to the fact that it's cheaper/easier to just take it all down
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Yeah the good ole days when censorship was totally ok as long as it was banning books in school or condoms and pornography in the media.
And before that black men couldn't look at white women. And before that they couldn't walk the streets without their owners. And before that the big dude with the beard was up on the mountain, giving that other bearded guy a list of Dos and Donts.
I got the gist. Still don't speak internet enough to know what "woke" means though.
Anyway times change.
It would feel slightly more genuine if the people who are crying for freedom of speech weren't the same supporting people who don't want to serve gay customers.
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It's not really political. YouTube is simply responding to advertisers, who don't like having their brands associated with hate speech and will remove funding entirely if YouTube can't guarantee that this won't happen. I suppose YouTube could create a category that allowed advertisers to opt into advertising on videos containing hateful content, but they have made an assessment that on balance it is a better business decision to just classify it as not advertiser-friendly. Crowder's defence that he was only using terms that Mazza used is disingenuous, acting as if the words themselves are the key, not the context. It's still hateful to disparage someone or their views on the basis of their sexual orientation or ethnic background, regardless of whether the target is proud or ashamed of who they are.
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As a community content creation portal, YouTube shouldn't be censoring anything or advertising anything political in my opinion. It should let creators create within healthy boundaries and stay out of business like politics and the likes. But that's just my opinion.
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Dafuq? Youtube is infamous as a safe haven for the far right.
The demonetization goes both ways, every politically sensitive topic is ad-banned and everyone who discusses it is demonetized, regardless of which side they're on. So effectively Youtube is hitting equally both the people who spread hatred and lies and the people who debunk them.
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Citation requested.
Unfortunately If YouTube really is cracking down on rabid-left channels as much as they are on the moderately-right, it's so hard to tell because the algorithms amplify confirmation bias. Watch enough right-wing videos, get dropped into that bucket rarely to be suggested the counter-perspectives. And even the videos that are suggested are often the ones that serve to amplify currently held beliefs and resentments rather than defuse them.
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Liberals claim that liberal youtube channels are getting demonetized and that it's unfairly targeting them
Conservatives claim that conservative youtube channels are getting demonetized and that it's unfairly targeting them
And the extremes on both sides live in their own little information bubbles where only they are the victim, and any information that might contradict this gets conveniently ignored.
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I feel this is as much due to the way content propagates itself, such as the 'suggested for you' algorithms, and exposure through who you follow or befriend, etc. The things you find distasteful, amusing, heroic, witty, are then echoed outwards in a kind of signal relay just through association, be it positive or negative. Engaging in the replies to such pieces of content, whether in disagreement to someone elses reply or in a tribalistic 'me too' to the message of a video, it serves to construct a loose echo-chamber structure even when an individual had no intention of becoming trapped in one.
While youtube is supposed to be primarily a video content sharing service, its inclusion of a comment section, reply alerts, a "+1" voting function and such, makes it another form of social media. Twitter is a more vicious example of social media because of how directly it echoes content you interact with into your acquaintances feeds, and how the character limit on each post serves to trim out valuable discourse and subtly cause people to favour cathartic clapbacks and childish id fulfillment, but youtube is still a form of social media all the same.
The only problem with 'censorship' arises when a social media platform takes a stronger stance towards one flavour of rule infraction than to another. It is worth considering that such large websites are undoubtedly moderated by multiple individuals, who will have their own value judgements sneaking into actions taken, and that an automated response system is likely in place (and abuseable by mass-reporting), but big companies are notorious for their tone-deafness.
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Engaging in the replies to such pieces of content, whether in disagreement to someone elses reply or in a tribalistic 'me too' to the message of a video, it serves to construct a loose echo-chamber structure even when an individual had no intention of becoming trapped in one.
Yeah, exactly. And youtube is also pretty good at pushing you towards extremes. The more extreme videos do tend to have higher "engagement", and if you're already have a predisposition to believe one thing, say that workers should get paid better and big business takes advantage of its work force, and so youtube will keep pushing more and more videos that are leaning towards this. Far from everyone will be pushed to an extreme, but simply due to how youtube's algorithm seem to work, and the echo-chamber you're getting trapped in, it's not unlikely that a fare amount of the videos you get recommended will be about how the proletariat should rise up and overthrow their evil capitalist overlords! (Intentionally picked a slightly silly example).
The only problem with 'censorship' arises when a social media platform takes a stronger stance towards one flavour of rule infraction than to another. It is worth considering that such large websites are undoubtedly moderated by multiple individuals, who will have their own value judgements sneaking into actions taken, and that an automated response system is likely in place (and abuseable by mass-reporting), but big companies are notorious for their tone-deafness.
Youtube is mostly interested in protecting themselves from any harm, so they're not really taking a stance for or against anything, as much as they're trying to prevent advertisers from leaving them. And while yes, youtube has moderators, what usually happens is that videos gets flagged by their bots as unsuitable for monetization. It's not known exactly how youtube's bot works, heck not even google knows how it works (machine learning, isn't it wonderful), but it's looking for things that might be "bad". Things like aggressive language, mentions of violence, weapons, warfare, sex and so on, or images that might include things that advertisers don't like. You might have made a really good history video about WW2, but the algorithm does not know that, it just sees swastikas and notices that you're talking about war & killing and "oops" your video gets demonetized (quite a lot of educational history focused channels have suffered from this). A human would easily be able to tell that these videos are good, but the bots only look for specific patterns, and don't understand the context.
The more extreme end of the political spectrum is also pretty notorious for using a more aggressive tone. So obviously youtube's algorithms don't like their videos.
Usually when Youtube's moderators step in, it's because someone has done something bad enough for it to get a lot of attention. If you run a big youtube channel and you dox someone, that might be bad enough for youtube's moderators to step in and manually remove your video (and maybe your channel). But this is pretty rare in the grand scheme of things. Most of the time when people complain about unfair treatment, it's because the bots flag their videos, or the videos of someone they like.
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