I never reallyused the workshop for anything personally, I see alot of hate on the announcement, when I personally first read the announcement I was thinking it was a great idea for those people putting alot of effort to be rewarded.

What do you all think? Do you use the workshop alot?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I never use it, and never will.

9 years ago

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You don't have Garry's Mod??

9 years ago

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Nope, and I'm not interested in that game either.

9 years ago

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Fair point

But for those who do, (e.g me) we're screwed

9 years ago

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Oh... I see your point then. I forgot that a few Steam games can only be modded or add new content through the Steam Workshop only.

9 years ago

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Nexus forever, who needs the workshop ;-)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Except that now people aren't updating mods on Nexus any more and only the paid editions from the workshop are getting updated.

9 years ago

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Let's see what happens in the next weeks.

9 years ago

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+1 So many more there plus its free!

9 years ago

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I understand people who put in lots of time and effort, but from what I see so far this is bullshit. I see sword mods that are five dollars. I think before they can sell their mod, they should have to reach a certain bench mark, or popularity. Mods that I mean that far exceed that are like alternate start, frostfall, hunterborn, realistic needs and diseases, deadly dragon, T3nd0s skyrim redone, race menu, and all around well known and well recieved content. Another thing is for free mods, possibly a tip jar. That way if something like frostfall doesn't want to be a paid mod, people can donate as small as $0.01 to like $10.

9 years ago

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Bloody bull****. Just another way for Valve to get extra cash. Junk is already getting high price points.

IMO, if someone believed their content was worth something, there are better ways.

9 years ago

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I think its good so you will have to pay for the modders who work their butts off.

9 years ago

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I'm not inherently against the idea. However, there has been an active modding community for many years. I remember tossing some on for Total Annihilation back in the day. However, all of these mods were made by people that loved the games, and their work showed it. It was provided to the community free of charge, however the particularly good ones always made it into public view, and it's creators were recognized in their field. They had a very tangible thing as experience should they choose to work with a company to monetize their own ideas. I think that by charging for these mods, especially were the were free before, will only lead to an influx of people modding solely to make easy money. Yes, it would be good to help those that put much effort into the mods, however, I don't think that the cons outweigh the pros in this case. While I very much appreciate their efforts, I believe that if you wish to be payed for modding, ultimately, you should create your own game.

9 years ago*

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Same as you, gFunk... I never used the workshop.

9 years ago

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It's called Steam WorkSHOP ... so what did you expect?

9 years ago

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For the modders that do put in a LOT of time and release quality mods, will just be flooded out by terrible mods that do next to nothing.

Same deal with steamstore, flooded with awful shovelware. (most from greenlit of course, some go strait from literbox strait to steamstore.)

9 years ago

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I've been using it for Shadowrun Returns & Dragonfall user-made campaings. So far, I've come across only one that I might be convinced to spend money on as it's well enough done (The Antumbra Saga for Dragonfall). If every modder is going to ask money for everything, i'm going to lose interest in modding in general very fast.

9 years ago

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Q. Do I need to provide bank information even though I don’t want to receive revenue share on the item(s)?
A. Yes, you will need to provide valid bank information regardless of whether your item is a paid item or a free item.

'I need to submit bank information anyway, then why not check paid mod?', I guess...

9 years ago

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never used it, i perosnally fine with it
as long it's a good mod (unlike greenlight)
yes i want to support modders too

9 years ago

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I've never used the workshop.

I'd like to know how to easily find paid wokshop items (for my games).

9 years ago

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I don't see issue. Copyright fight will sort itself out with DMCA claims. And really in the long run only blathering idiots will pay for bad mods. And there is only so many of that blathering ones... Free alternatives will probably replace some paid stuff, and then there is real opportunities for large paid content to emerge...

9 years ago

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