Yep.. I just ran into a solid wall of crap earlier today when trying to comment. They forced G+ on me while simultaneously removing all my subscriptions. I get it if their goal is to prevent spamming and trolls and whatnot, but there has to be a better way than forcing your garbage social network onto people. I eventually figured out how to get my subscriptions back but I have no way of removing the forced G+ account. -_- I wish companies would stop forcing their separate products(that are virtually unrelated other than being owned by said company)onto people.
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It isn't about spamming and trolls. That's just an excuse. It is about pushing their unwanted Google+ service onto people, and making it easier to cultivate and use user information for advertisers.
Everyone knows Google uses your search requests to tailor ads. Less known is that Google has admitted to scanning the contents of email sent through Gmail for the same purpose. And they want to do the same with YouTube.
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Main thing for me and all of Google's new features (Gmail's getting just as annoying) is their need to show a pop-up to explain the new thing. If they have to do that, it's not a smooth integration, and they shouldn't do it. Or do it better, such that no one would ever need the new feature explained.
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The comment section is just terrible now. There is no word cap! Take a look at the comments in this roosterteeth vid:
People are posting the top comment from this vid on lots of vids now.
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I dont know what happened but there are two account of me on youtube on same email. Whenever i login it ask me to login as my alias or my full name. Funny thing is their subscriptions aren't even synced
And yup the new comment section is Shit!! Why on Earth they wanted to change the thing that was working perfectly? If you wanna work work on dash playback and try to make it better!! That shit just buffers again whenever i seek (using youtube center to prevent dash playback though. It's awesome!).
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I'm also getting the google+ hell on youtube - I don't want no f**** g+ ever!
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Youtube hasn't partnered with google, it has been owned by google for quite some time now.
But I agree, they're forcing G+ into people that don't want to use it at all. I'm one of those people, I hate these stupid social websites, the only reason I have a FB account is for ease of access in some other websites that let me log with FB but that's about it, I don't use FB at all nor am I willing to use G+.
I don't think forcing me into it just because I use youtube regularly is good practice, and I was fine with them asking me to do it every few days, but now they just don't let you comment at all unless you have a G+ account linked to the youtube account. That's not optional anymore, and I really hope this gets enough of an uproar that they revise their choices and pull this stupid decision back.
I'd quit youtube if I could for this stupid move, but let's be honest, they almost monopolize the market... No other video websites reach Youtube's knees, so they can do whatever they want with it and get away with it... which annoys me greatly =\
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I have a G+ account but I never use it for anything. I just created it when G+ came about just to see what it was all like. I HATE GETTING HECKLED BY YOUTUBE TO LINK THE TWO ACCOUNTS. I HATE BEING ASKED REPEATEDLY TO ENTER MY FULL NAME. I'm not an avid YouTuber at all and I've uploaded maybe 10 videos in my time, mostly just projects I've been working on to share privately with others. But I like to be logged in because I favourite a lot of videos and go back to them later. It's a pain in the ass and once you say no they should stop asking.
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Google's push to have everyone "plugged-in" 24 hours/day started years ago, but apparently you've just now noticed it. Ultimately, the goal is to have everyone tied into a vast, global network so that, at any given moment, those in charge of the system may pull up where you are, what you're doing, and every bit of personal information there is to know about you. One world, one government, one monetary system, all controlled by one global bank. Isn't the idea just peachy?
1984 has come and gone, but the plot remains very much alive.
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Yup. The one that drives me nuts is my phone pulling up the last address I typed into Google Maps if I was logged into my personal account at work. It's my fault for using my personal account at work, but it's creepy and wrong.
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Yeah, I don't like the kinda meta-online community thing google's got going on right now. It irritates the crap out of me.
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all this "social media/network" crap right now, reminds me of the "reality tv" spam a decade ago.
ironically neither are social, nor reality, respectively.
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I would absolutely LOVE to complain about the comment section, but as of now there doesn't appear to be one for me anymore! I saw some popup talking about the new comment section... but there is none? Thanks for breaking one of the most important things about youtube, google... Now fuck having conversations with people since I cannot even see them.
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Literally every facet of this Google+ integration is terrible, openly inferior to the way it used to be. If someone leaves a comment on one of my videos, they're not even going to put the notification in my YouTube inbox anymore, they're going to send it as a Google+ note. Ugh. I thought all of the idiotic site makeovers they'd done over the years were bad, but this? This is awful.
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Wtf? So first, it shows me a comment from 13 hours ago. That comment was a reply to some comment, but it doesn't show that comment, then it shows me a comment 12 hours ago, and then it shows me a top comment with its replies. Then it shows a comment 17 hours ago, a comment 16 hours ago(and its replies) etc. What the actual fuck is going on here?
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I believe it now shows comments with any likes first, there's an option to show newest ones first which would be logical to be set by default but I guess it's the story similar to why you start on "What to watch" tab instead of "Your subscriptions" tab.
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But those first 2 comments didn't have any likes :confused:
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The worst thing, that Google and Youtube (or only one of them) doesn't care about the users' reactions/feedbacks at all. Why? Because they CAN do it. They always f***s up their things, making youtube more and more user-unfriendlier, and no one can do anything against it... why? Because they CAN do it.
I don't think, that there are human workers there. When we complain, they always just send freakin' automatic FAQ things.
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Yup. That's the way it's set up. I read a business piece the other day with one of the virtual slave staters running Google talking about how important it is for their employees to have human interaction with one another. They force the furniture and paths of travel for that to happen. Complete control.
And I laughed out loud when I read it at the irony of how they treat their customers the exact opposite.
I used to PAY for Google ad services at work. I stopped as soon as I realized I can't actually talk to a human being when I'm trying to navigate Google's FAQs, which I think are somehow auto-written by bots claiming to be "user-friendly". It's pretty surreal.
Even eBay, which is a truly evil and horrible monopoly, has actual human beings you can talk to.
Google only has outgoing servers for communication they choose to present. They want to suck the life out of you without any two-way communication.
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Slight overreaction, yeah. And Youtube belongs to Google. And the only "redesign" it needed is an option to disable autoplay.
I have spoken. :)
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Looks the same to me, the only change I've seen were the comments, now there's a button where you can change the order of the comments - top comments or most recent. And if you want to keep your old youtube name you can, I've kept mine and now it's like I have 2 yt channels, 1 with the old name, 1 with my full name (which I don't use). Click on the yt profile pic (top right corner) and the on change account to see the names.
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every time there's an update, youtube gets worse.. you think that next time they can't screw up things more than they currently are, but every time they surprise you, cause they actually manage to get things worse..
really astonishing..
btw, another thing that pisses me off that OP didn't mention: commenting on people's channels.. I just gave it up after few tries (I used to 'personally' thank my subscribers), but that G+ thing is interfering even with that and I really can't post anything
so, if you subscribe to my channel (I'm not telling you to do it, just in case..), let me say that I thank you for that.. :D
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170 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Kertel1991
298 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RePlayBe
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16,460 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Carenard
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93 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Filipi
9,775 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Peiperissimus
821 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Naviis
I'm currently pissed and amazed with the amount of shit that's coming out with every new redesign of YouTube. I feel like if you entered the office in YouTube building where they come up with all new designs for page, you would find one chimpanzee smashing his big stupid hands on keyboard.
You are all probably aware that YouTube was bought by Google and is now trying to follow big daddys Facebook steps into turning YouTube into a nice social website where you can share your video experience with all you friends and family, also known as GOOGLE FUCKING PLUS.
I'm sure most of you are familiar that YouTube is politely asking you to start using your full name on your channel and if you don't feel like it, that's ok, they will ask you on next video again when you might have changed your mind. 3 times now I even had to delete G+ profile that I didn't even want to create and Google kindly created for me and linked it with my YouTube channel. I know that people that are actually using G+ don't see what's the big deal about this, but for me this kind of aggressive expansion really gets on my nerves.
So I would like to hear your opinion on the subject, please comment, if you think I'm over reacting do tell me so. I've tried to post my dissatisfaction somewhere on YouTube but as it turns out, YouTube is so fucked up that I can't even reply to most of the comments there, in fact I can't even leave a comment of my own at the moment.
With all this being said, I'd like to end this thread in funny note.
EDIT: if you are like me fed up with popup asking you to change your channel name and are using some sort of adblock, you can create custom filter with this rule to make it go away
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