But if you've never played them, what's the difference to you?
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I think they no longer know what people want, and are desperate for guaranteed income.
More and more nowadays you hear the story of "The guy in charge saw that people like X from another game, so now we're going to attempt to copy it without realizing why it was successful in the first place"
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i think it's way simpler. the main reason is that they can make decent money with very little effort with those remastered versions. a most welcome side effect is then, that they don't have to think about what people want. ^^
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What do you mean already? The industry has been out of ideas for YEARS. Why do you think all games are the same as each other with only cosmetic differences?
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Yeah, big companies are more tied to making PROFITZ, so it's harder to be original if you got your shareholders kicking you balls for trying out new game types, and failing. On the other hand, indies can, and usually will try new ideas. But of course this is not a black and white thing, indies can be copies, and you can have big studios come up with original ideas. The real work here is on you, sifting trough the crap, and buying the original ideas.
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I like it. There's too many old games I will never play, because I can't stand the graphics (like the original Deus Ex).
I like this, I just hope they fix all the crap with the broken achievements in Bioshock 2. Mostly the finish the game on hard, as the difficulty setting tends to reset, thus disabling the achievement on your save.
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It's profitable. The function of the gaming industry is to generate profit and distract the working class with entertainment, not to provide quality products. Welcome to capitalism.
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Personally i'm almost certain both microsoft and sony said that there will be no more "new" generation of consoles. By this i mean they will take the android/iphone route in which each new hardware can run "everything" that the previous hardware can.
Companies knowing their bestseller are only in xbox360 and PS3 are bringing them to PS4 and Xbone so that they can always be sold.
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unlike with movies, there's good reason to remake games. some of the classics attempted or accomplished things that were ahead of their time and the modern gaming systems are able to do things the systems of their days really struggled with. there are also all kinds of complications in getting many older games to run on a modern system
in many ways it's more comparable to porting an old VHS movie to a DVD or Blu-Ray format. there are certainly examples of remakes just to make money, but the fact that they're giving the new version free to owners of the old suggests that this is not the case here
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That what you said goes for remasters/HD of very old games not the new ones.
"getting many older games to run on a modern system"
You know that this games SHOULD just get a path? Not a "new" game for the price of new game.
That's why I praise the GOG and community for pathes/mods.
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Have you played them on another platform, ChibiCthulhu? Or are you one of those rare gamers who hasn't played BiolShock at all (without disliking that sort of game in general)?
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My situation is that I only have steam wallet, and not a lot of it since the game I was making money on got shut down somewhere last year (Sins of a Dark Age) and the only reason I got access to steam market to sell my items was due to friend gifting me a steam wallet card. Before that I used to pirate games since I had no other way of obtaining them. Bioshock wasn't one of them.
So I couldn't and still can't get it on any other platform, or from websites that sell steam keys and have better discounts than steam itself. And I don't pirate anymore so that's out of the question too (I'd do it only to check if a game is worth buying, but in this case I know Bioshock is a game I'd enjoy so no need to check).
Anyway, I have to spend the remaining of my steam wallet carefully to get the maximum out of it for now. And to get everything-Bioschock I'd have to spend more than 2/3 of what I have now which I'm not cool with.
Sorry for the wall of text, but since you asked I wanted to properly explain.
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There is no rush to get the Season Pass today though might be cheaper down the line & you'll be able to play MInerva's Den in the remastered version so only need to get that if you want the original experience but might have to get that now even though it's been cheaper, in case they pull it from store :(
also it works out slightly cheaper in my country to buy 'Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Bundle ' + 1 & 2 rather than buying 'BioShock Triple Pack' + Season Pass ;)
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Unless you've got an Xbox 360 and an Xbone. The 3 Bioshocks are high on the list to get working in the new backwards compatibility program according to the official announcements
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rather confusing, do i need Minerva's den to get Minerva's den HD?
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The or is irrelevant you can't own Minerva's Den without owning BioShock 2. But yeah, the wording is awful.
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so the remastered version will still have DLC it wont be integrated into one game?
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Well, now that I read the actual announcement, they're not making much sense.
Apparently there's only one package; "BioShock: The Collection", which then presumably must include everything, but they say you get "the respective title(s)", which - if it's supposed to make any sense - means what I said in my first comment.
So, yeah, a little bit confusing maybe :)
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yeah i was confused at 1st re reading though it does say "value packed bundle" so sounds like they'll be different titles within a bundle
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"we’ve remastered BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite making them look better than ever"
*BioShock Infinite is not being remastered on PC because it already meets current-gen console standards and runs smoothly on high visual settings.
Wait whaaaaaat
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They should learn from our politicians and only admit that they lied after people have paid.
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I'm missing Bioshock 2, maybe I'll buy it now.
Funny thing, the game costs 3,99€, but if I buy the Bioshock Triple Pack (therefore "completing" the pack), it costs only 2,71€, hah!
But I'll need to buy Minerva's Den too... Maybe I'll look for a trade
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Yeah, I've never played 2. I finally went and bought it after seeing this thread.
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Nice, i bought the triple pack yesterday :D i will wait and play them remastred :P
Thanks for the info mate!
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So... if you own Bioshock 1 and 2, and thus receive the Collection versions of these two... do you get Minerva's den as well for free?
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I've got all of them, but only played the first for about 10 hours before I got bored.
Not sure a remastered version would help, as graphics weren't the issue for me... but I'll try anyway.
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Same, gameplay and story does seem pretty damn boring at least in the first one...
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You must try it again. First time I tried playing it I only played for a couple of hours as well, for some reason I gave it another shot years later and loved it.
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I think the bad experience was due to the fact that it was sold to me as a spiritual successor to System Shock, and when I found out it was just an FPS instead I was majorly disappointed.
I will try the remastered version with different expectations, and I may have a better experience.
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if you didn't like BioShock 1 (for whatever reason), maybe try Infinite instead. :)
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Same here... for me, the most overrated game ever (except dishonored that was even worse ^^)
it is probably the upgraded Unreal Engine 2/3 ...I found them all boring (mirrors ege,dishonored, borderlands1,killing floor etc)
many said to me bs2 would be better but i dont trust them :p
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So, I can buy them now and still get the free upgrade later this year?
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Yes, this and Skyrim is a welcome. I think it's great to be able to play good classics with a little upgrade. A small fee, or free is the way. But I wouldn't pay for a remaster at full price. New gen console owners are the main target here, obviously.
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I think it's smart. The games still run fine on modern hardware, and people who love the game and want to replay it won't mind the old graphics, so there's not a lot of sales there. This way they're not pissing off their loyal customer base.
But now they get to market it again to new players, and squeeze some extra money out of them (at a higher price than the non-remastered versions, which will no longer be on sale).
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Last Summer I had to use Linux Mint on my main PC for a month, due to troubles with Windows 7, so I tried playing Infinite...
It didn't work really well, AMD's Linux implementation of OpenGL was atrocious...
With the lowest graphical settings I got something like 20 FPS with abnormal screen tearing (V-Sync reduced frames to single digit).
On Windows 7, I played in 1080p with medium details, and got 45-50 FPS without any graphical issue...
For reference, I have an AMD Athlon II X2 245, 6GB of DDR3 RAM, and a Radeon R7 240 2GB DDR3.
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BioShock, BioShock 2, and/or Minerva’s Den on Steam, you will be able to upgrade to the remastered version of the respective title(s) for free after release. Respective, I think they mean that if you own only BioShock 1, you only get BioShock 1 remaster.
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So basically, they're not gonna make a single penny on the PC version since anybody who's even vaguely interested has already bought all of them, between the free upgrade and the current deal for 85% off the triple pack and all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I'll definitely take it.
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nah, there are plenty of people who haven't picked it up yet. Some of those are put off by the graphics, and there's a market there. Some of those are too young, and when they grow a bit older, they'll have to buy the remastered games (at a somewhat higher price point).
It's smart business. remastering is relatively cheap.
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Not to mention BioShock 2 formerly used GFWL so wasn't even available in a lot of regions.
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That's really nice of them. And they are doing it the right way, instead of botching it like GTA San Andreas
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Well, if that means Minvera's Den won't crash all over the place anymore, I can finally go and play it properly.
(Never had problems with Bioshock 2 base game, but the add-on is very unstable for some reason..)
Would also be nice if they tweaked Bioshock 1 to allow you to have a weapon in one hand and a plasmid in the other, like in 2 and Infinite.
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They need to fix the control binding as well. They weren't set up right for the mini game making it impossible to play.
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Had Bioshock 1+2 on wishlist for a long time, now finally bought them.
I hope they add achievments for Bioshock 1.
Just to make it clear. I have Bioshock 2 without dlc, but I get the remastered that included the dlc?
And the won't remaster Infinite, so I still need so buy the season pass there?
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There's no Infinite remaster.
And dunno about the DLC, but if they include the DLC as an integral part of Bioshock 2 Remastered, then I think you'd get it... otherwise, no.
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Did you actually read the announcement? It says right there that the first game is getting achievements.
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If there is indeed a visual upgrade and not a simple and barely noticeable addition of some hd textures it'll be for me the best gaming news of this year. I've loved the entire Bioshock franchise...
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"...And if you already own BioShock, BioShock 2, and/or Minerva’s Den on Steam, you will be able to upgrade to the remastered version of the respective title(s) for free after release. It’s a circus of values!"
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