That's going too far. It's as copy-pasted as almost everything else the Gala people do, but there's no reason to dismiss it entirely. Just look at their bundles, they went from mediocre to the best within a year. Their store routinely offers great deals. And you can tell they're working on the giveaway site because there are changes almost every day. I expect it to shake off its copycat reputation and become unique on its own within the year.
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It is not the same because automatic point regen is capped at 2,4k (atm). So if an entry costs 2k you can enter once, then you start gaining points and as soon as you have 2k you can cancel your entry and enter again for double, 4k and you can work your way up like that to 10 entries. If entry costed 20k (10x2k) it would be much harder to do it (with the previous type you would at least end up with few entries) or even impossible if giveaway's end date would be close.
So in conclusion: No, it's not the exact same thing.
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Way to be uninformed. 2400 is the current max and you get 200 points per hour until you reach the cap. And on topic, the feature is currently restricted to a max of 10 entries at the same giveaway. How it works: the system calculates the total amount of points invested in that specific giveaway and your chances of winning are higher, depending on how many points you have spent.
Example given by gala: for a 1k points giveaway:
-player 1 used 1k points
-player 2 5k points
-player 3 4k points
-player 4 10k points.
For this giveaway, the total amount of points is equal to 20k(10+5+4+1), giving the following percentages of winning:
-player 1: 5%
-player 2: 25%
-player 3: 20%
-player 4: 50%
If you ask me, it's a pretty good system.
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I'm sure there is a correlation (due to contributor giveways and gifting groups). It may be weaker (I'm not sure), and it's less official, but it's there.
Still, most public gifts here are bundle games, and giving them does increase the chance to win somewhat.
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I think it's actually a good idea. Concentrating your points on a single game you really want instead of spreading them across games you care comparatively less about. Why is everyone so strongly against it?
Also, I wouldn't say it's the same as raising the entry fee.
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Well first off, if you know webdesign, like php,js and such you'd know it would take more than some basic classes to do.
2nd, if you know how to make that site better and can contribute to it, why don't you email them and say so.
3rd the whole topic of this thread was to talk about the new update to galagiveaways not the sites design.
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Sorry, but what does php.js have to do with webdesign? Webdesign is just design, the rest is f*cking webdevelopment. You don't webdesign with php or javascript, neither you "webdesign" a database. And making a better, cleaner webdesign is too easy, just look at websites like Google. There's almost nothing, but it's a webdesign that cost millions of dollars. But you're right, complaining about a free service for giveaways is just sad.
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Not rating this idea at all.
It's a gimmick, and not a very good one.
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It doesn't seem fair, and over-complicates things. One entry, one chance is more equitable, and much more straightforward.
Wouldn't add anything to the site other than pointless fluff IMO.
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I'm not going to lie, I use GalaGiveaways, but I assure you SG is my true love.
It's that whenever I'm on a losing streak....GalaGiveaways is that cheap whore that doesn't take no for an answer.
I know...I need to stop. ;~; after I get The Basement Collection I'll turn over a new leaf.
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GalaGiveaways is dead.
Why? Because they changed rules every day and now we have 2 categories of users: members with 10 millions points and members with 2400 points without chance of getting the larger amount of points (creating GA required points) and now eg.:
Old user can create GA - 100000 points entry and receive points according to the calculations.
New user can create GA - 2400 points entry max and he don`t have chances for big points amount.
This is very unfair.
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First day after registration I won The Walking Dead on GalaGiveaways :D
It must be a great site! :)
Their website is not so user friendly as SG website but their system gives much more chances to win if you spend your points wisely of course. SG is harder, I had to spend lot of time and enter thousands of giveaways to win something.
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of allowing you to enter a giveaway more than once. What do you guys think? (Of note, the creator of the giveaway decides if you can or not I think)
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