Should they?
Still so quiet... But sadly I don't have anything valuable to say, so I'll just bump the thread ^_^ I keep all those packs hidden, so I don't even know the scale of the problem... But in the end it's up to cg to decide which way is more convenient to deal with that
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In before the influx of "CV isn't what this site is about" fromold timers who were here before CV was a thing.
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I don't think there was a time before CV was a thing. The levels are what's new, but I think the CV system was there from the beginning.
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No, I don't think it's a good idea to prevent people who truly want to give these packs from doing so because some people abuse this to give free packs. They'll eventually get their suspension and the people who mark these as received as well (even if, yes, it does usually take a huge amount of time before it happens).
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I might be completely wrong, but I seem to remember a member of support once saying they have a way to properly check for DLCs.
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Instead of removing the free stuff from the list they should include it, but make they return 0 towards a level no matter how many they give and cost only 1 p to enter.
This would reduce all these bad giveaways where people pick the soundtrack or some other DLC part and instead give the base game, which is pointless because you can't enter for the DLC unless you have the game.
They should also include a reason on the list why it doesn't return any thing to the level.
There will still be people who make the giveaways for the wrong things, but it should be far less so should help ease the reports to support.
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If you remove the free packs the people who do things this way will just do it another way.
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Why punish legit users, who want to give away the other packs, for the misdeeds of those who break the rules? If you do this, you may stop the few who break the rules, but you're stopping even more people who wanted to make legit giveaways.
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barely is still people, and those people will feel shafted for this. Don't go hurting innocents just to destroy the abusers.
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Lol remember My Lands when they kept marking wrong DLC even though it had a different name. Pretty sure people knew what they were doing since you don't need to know how to read to notice the name of a dlc isn't the same as a name of another dlc.
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True, there were a nice bit of people who knew it fully (though I will give the benefit of the doubt in that afew might have thought it was the same thing, or just didn't read when they marked it), but those who would have wanted to give away that specific DLC that wasn't givenaway for free, they would have been shiz outta luck and cheated out of making a giveaway if we had it so that all DLC from the game was banned.
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Thanks for useful thread, I don't like all those free swords, potions, skins listed as separate games to give free CV
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Well, I don't think it's a good idea. There are many paid DLC for games that have been free. This will just create trouble for people who want to make legit GAs.
For example, BrawlHalla is available through thier site, but the Founders Pack was given away many times due to it bieng in a bundle.
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Bingo, and some people might mistakenly think that the code they got for free was in fact the founders pack, and mark it as such in the GAs
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Found some info, not only Starter pack, but also Star and Synarchy packs were given for free, and ppl who created giveaways for them last days got them from here, they are just jerks decided to keep that information secret to get full contribution from their giveaways, and they did, like that guy who created 16 copies.
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remember that guy who made Star pack giveaway? he made a real Star pack giveaway, not starter pack, he said he blacklisted you, but the thing is Star pack was given for free too, but it gives full contribution, since it's not on bundle list or not deleted. See my comment above.
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Yea I just saw it. It doesn't really matter what it was, nor does it change the point I was trying to make, which was about the exploitation of the CV system and not what pack was being given away. That guy is a scumbag. I trade blacklisted him too.
Anyway, unfortunately I don't think anything is going to be done about this to resolve said issue, which to be honest has been one for a long time now. The staff here will just sit on their hands as usual and nothing will change. And as you pointed out it takes months to even process a ticket, so it makes the rules here useless and without teeth. And that's even assuming that anything ever gets done with them, which I think is assuming a lot at this point.
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mostly new users create giveaways for it, and they don't really know they do something wrong, but since not only new users do it, like that guy we saw, or the other guy with green dragon avatar, who gave away 16 copies, and leveled up to level 5, byt doing that, because it total it gives him like $160, i think you saw him too.
Anyways, for the problematic games I marked, like 95 or 100% of the giveaways are fake, that's why I suggested this. For example I never saw a legit giveaway for Magicka Wizard Wars, and only once saw a legit giveaway for Dead Island Epidemic, and it was a $3 DLC, not the packs ranging from 20-40$ that ppl make giving away open beta gift. So it's not like it gonna hurt innocent users, because some users pointed that it may hurt good users.
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Four days ago I gave away the Dead Island: Epidemic "No-Brainer" Pack. It was legit. It had 1037 entries. It was a key so I had nothing in my inventory to prove that I had it to give other than my word. I had no issues with the giveaway. There were even people commenting on how they were happy to see that someone was doing a legit DI:E DLC giveaway. How did they know? Well, they looked at my profile and saw that I have been here for a while and have already done many giveaways. That's a big clue. I also have 500+ hours playing DI:E. Another good clue.
I don't enter giveaways for five copies of GTAV from someone that just joined a few days prior (especially if they don't even own a copy of it themselves or it's on the giveaway creator's wishlist) and if there seems to be a flood of a particular game or DLC I look to see where all of the copies are coming from and if it was given away for free. I'm cheap that way. I want free games too! If there's a ton of giveaways for something I assume sale or free key from somewhere and check it out. Using common sense when entering is a way to avoid having to use support to fix something that you should have avoided on your own to begin with. It's up to the person that enters to shoulder the "risk" when entering ANY giveaway - not that using points that are free is really taking any risk.
From what I have seen fake giveaways get priority over other reports. Try making one yourself and then don't correct the problem with the person that won and see how long you'll last before getting suspended. I can guarantee you that it won't take "months" to respond to it - especially if the person reporting uses the right category in the dropdown menu when you make your report. I imagine that "Other" is overlooked more than some of the others.
You can also hide the giveaways that you don't want to see. Wouldn't that be easier than implementing another system that just adds more work for the staff?
I have been here over two years and have never had an issue with any giveaways that I have won or made myself. I'm not saying that it won't happen but a lot of the problems described in the OP could be prevented just by the person entering giveaways using common sense when entering and not marking as received if they win and it's not as advertised.
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In several cases I saw ppl having the Open Beta Gift in their inventory and giving away a 20$ pack, and them winner marking as received, in that cases the GA creator was a new user. And you are the first guy who I see to create a legit giveaway of Dead Island Epidemic, even if it was a 3$ pack :)
If fake giveaways make priority, they must have a lot of reports :/ but I rarely report, only in like very bad cases. And yeah I hide giveaways after some time.
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So here is an everyday problem, specially for support, every time (and this happens every week at least) some site gives free items, in game currency, hats, robes, DLCs, packs not included on Steam store, etc for free to play games, and tons of giveaways for them are created, but these GA creators select an incorrect pack from the GA list, and the worst is that like 95% of winners still mark it as received even if they never received the correct thing, why? no hope in humanity?
example: a user creates a giveaway for a Dead Island Epidemic $20 worth pack and gives the Open beta to the winner instead, winner still marks as received.
Most of the time GA creators of these things are new to the site, but lately I saw lots of ppl who look trust able but still preferred to go to the dark side, for example for Games of Glory packs and just by coincidence they decided to giveaway all these packs for that free 2 play game, even someone gave away 16 copies of it, he has lvl 5 on SG, 1200 games on Steam he never answered me about if his GA is for Starter pack or not, just right after the Starter Pack only was give for free, which is removed from giveaway list btw, but ppl still keep creating giveaway for it, but selecting a different pack, and winners keep marking them as received...So Starter Pack for Games of Glory was removed from GA list, but imo all packs should be removed, so my question is that, should all packs from problematic f2p games be removed? they always given more problems than help..
Also as I discovered after, the Star pack and Synarchy pack for Games of Glory were given for free too, see comment
Support takes several months to answer tickets, and since every day someone creates a giveaway for a f2p pack and gives a different thing this creates lots of tickets everyday. I don't try to blame support, don't understand me incorrectly, I completely understand they are volunteers and free community like ours has a lots of things to deal with, I saw this before in a private WoW server, support answered very fast always, but since community just grown too much, they had more and more tickets everyday, so in the end it was taking months to answer.
Obviously there should be exceptions for several f2p games for what ppl don't create fake giveaways.
List of problematic f2p games:
Magicka Wizard Wars
Games of Glory
My Lands
Dead Island Epidemic
Warframe(ppl give the booster from Humble bundle, a non Steam code, and select the $60 worth pack in the GA list)
Dirty Bomb
List of non problematic f2p games:
Lord of The rings Online
Gotham City Impostors
War of The Roses
Help me find more f2p games to fill these list, just comment their names, I will add them.
So should all packs from problematic f2p game be removed from giveaway list? they give more problems than help anyways, and tons of work to support, since to proof that the winner received the correct pack, you need to add him to friends, and go to the store page to confirm he hasn't or has it, well or just use logic. Doing that will make a lot less work to support.
TL;DR version
People create giveaways for f2p game packs, but give a different thing than they selected in the list. Normally happens with new users, but not always, happens everyday and support takes months to answer tickets. So should giveaways for these be removed from list? Not just for a Starter pack like happened with Games of Glory, but all packs.
The problems of this are:
what do you think?
Also for some lucky ninja: comment if someone gets it.
SolForge — Dinosaur Starter (Early Access)
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