Because it's prohibited by subscriber agreement to not to do so?
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How can any one lose their account over this? I don't see how allowing a family member to play your game on their own account puts your account at risk.
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I'm more curious/worried about how Steam will handle third party DRM games.
Sure, they mention this in their FAQ, but I wonder how they'll treat such situations. I mean, if their third party DRM "detection" system were that good, the store pages would be more accurate with this information, wouldn't it? Well, the only way I can see this happening is: game has a "CD-Key" option? Don't share. Otherwise, share.
I most certainly wouldn't want to be denied access to my own games, because my borrowers accidentally used my CD-Key or whatever.
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With those games, they won't be able to use it I believe.
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I wish they had this last year when my brother had Oblivion and I didn't... But oh well, now, I don't have to sign him in on his computer to play my games, I can just let him play when I want him too. And then he won't give me achievements I didn't want... Or start talking to my friends...
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Curious about what they do about the part with region restriction when it's about cut/uncut games. But I doubt that I get a straight answer in their FAQ thread :/
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So basically one user can only be on the account, well thats useless for me since I just hand out my User/Pass to friends and family....
Cool for others I suppose.
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I don;t care much about that stuff, good for people that do though.
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I think it should do a trial basis, maybe a max of 1-2 days to lend a game or something, up to the devs.
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There are some small tweaks that would be reasonable to hope for. Cut it down to one or two borrowers, restrict changing borrowers to once a month, borrowers can only borrow one game at a time and only after the main account approves each game. The idea would be to find ways to limit it to people's actual "family" and not just random people on the internet.
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Meh, faq says that it's only 1 person per shared library. This means I can't share My other 642 games while I'm playing or 1 of the lenders are playing a different game. Useless unless the lender is on the other side of the globe where timezones vary alot. He can only play while I'm at school or sleeping
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The goal is not to provide free games to everyone, it's to allow sharing between family members. The point is to allow your siblings to play your game on their own account, with their own save games and achievements. It was never intended as a way to get free games.
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Thanks for skyrim. Literally. I can now play my bro's skyrim and rome total war 2. Except he's usually on at the same time as me... I hope he switches to nights soon...
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Only usefull thing i see is if you are at a friends house and you want to play a game you own without using your account to login or to let a friend try the game on a more complete "Demo".
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To me, library sharing is an infinitely better option than library trading. :/
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Can we remove people from our family share plan and add other people? Like if I have someone who I am no longer friends with on my family share plan, can I remove them and add someone else?
Or are we just screwed at that point?
I asked in the FAQ but people are too busy asking the same question over and over that the FAQ already answered. "CAN I PLAY A GAME IF IT'S A DIFFERENT GAMEE FROM THE OTHER PERSON?!?!?!"
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Sweet. Good to know. I imagine there is a cool down like Valthero said.(Or only a certain amount of times you can remove/add someone?)
Otherwise the system would be super broken and people would just take off someone to add someone else.
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I'll be so pissed if my brother doesn't let me share.
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I can see this crashing into the ground and dying in a hot fire.
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They hope that the borrowers will get sick and tired of being kicked out of in the middle of a game that they'll purchase it themselves I guess...:/
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As long as it helps, it will be welcomed.
I just hope they work hard to tap any sort of holes that could be exploited.
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It can be, yes. If you're not already on this site, a lot of games are tagged as "bundled" and thus, don't count towards your $100. Even if you already had them before they were bundled, but weren't on this site yet. It was quite an effort to get my little brother's account raised up enough to meet the $100 minimum hurdle here. I understand the obvious need for said hurdle, but it can still be tough for people with legitimate accounts without much money for games other than bundles.
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