Did you buy Talos Principle this sale?
Lot of people are giving away the coupon for free or a couple cards in the trade section if you are interested
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Downloading right now, I have a huge backlog but really excited to play this one.
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I bought it quite a while ago. If you like puzzle games, especially first-person puzzle games, it's AWESOME. You'll get tons of play time, especially if you unlock all the secrets and take the time to FULLY explore the worlds.
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I loved portal series, and other such games like polarity.
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EU2 has lowest price, it's like 2,5€ IIRC
anyway it's definitely worth it, great game.
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Where's the "Wait to win it in a giveaway" option in the poll? :P
Chances are I would play it. Enjoyed the Portal series after all, though did feel they lacked a certain... "oomph" even at 75% off, bit too much for me to justify right now, when need to buy other things yet.
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Even at this price I do not think there will be many GA for the game. The game always seemed a bit overpriced to me until I started playing it yesterday.
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I live in Italy and don't know why the game cost 4,99€ for me, so only 2,49€ with the coupon. Had to buy it.
I don't really know what these EU1 and EU2 are, it looks like single games/developers, instead of the whole store, have different prices among countries.
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Oh, I thought EU2 was only for eastern European countries. Nice to hear we are in the "poor" region too, it's about time someone understands we are up the shit creek.
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Now that I think about it, sometimes in a giveaway page, on the left, I see the price of the game (let's say 9,99€), then I click on it and go to the store page and I find a different price (usually higher, let's say 19,99€). How do you explain that? If my country were EU2, shouldn't I have a minor price (the one reported in the steam gifts giveaway page)?
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No, SG takes US prices to get the entry fee, but it does not convert it to €. Instead, it lists the EU store price in €, and it's usually right. But sometimes, the price is incorrect.
An example can be Mount & Blade: Warband. The entry fee is 20p so US price is 20$, in the giveaway page SG says it's 9,99€, but when I go to the store it is 19,99€ for me... The same store which offered me The Talos Principle for 5€ (not counting the coupon). I'm really confused.
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Let me sleep now :) it's 3 am here, tomorrow I'll send the screenshot
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I'm debating on it too. Shame I missed the coupon, but I put a small trade offer for one.
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Good luck, let me try and get some people with unused coupon help others.
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But where's the "someone gifted it to me" option? ;(
No, I didn't buy it, the very generous Tumalu gifted it to me <3
I've been playing it for 10 hours straight now and oh boy is this game pretty! It's such an amazing game!
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It is really pretty! And yeah, I stopped for now, even though I want to continue :D I will do that after sleeping for a while, ha!
Yeah, some are pretty annoying but I think once you've learned and understood the new mechanics in the game, the puzzles don't become any more difficult, only a little more challenging. (I could be wrong though; after all I'm not done yet.)
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i bought it in November during the sale with the coupon and gifted it to somebody from my friends list. thinking of getting it for myself as well now but can't decide between it, Crypt of the Necrodancer or Grim Fandango + Transistor or Enslaved
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Where is the poll option "I had this GREAT game already!"?
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Bought it when it was 66% off a while ago, and I don't regret it. In terms of best game I've played this year, it takes the second place (only beaten by Pillars of Eternity, and yes, it beats The Witcher 3).
If anyone is on the fence in regards to this game, play the demo. It spoils nothing, as it tells its own little story, and the puzzles in the demo are not in the main game, yet are very good at representing what you'll get.
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Damn I also need to get pillars of eternity, thanks for reminding me, my wallet hates you though
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Where did you guys get the coupon from?
*EDIT: Lol, never mind... I have it -.-' xD
Now I can't decide wether to buy it or not... Played the demo, thought it was ok but don't want it want it like I do some other games... On the other hand it has so many positive reviews and supporting my country's devs at 2,5€ wouldn't be a bad thing...
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If you decide not to buy it... It would be a pity that the coupon expires. :P
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The demo is quite representative of what you'll get (that is the "proper" demo, not the mini-demo Sigils of Elohim). The rest of the game is simply more of what the demo offered (though obviously later puzzles are far more challenging than what the demo had), and the story of the game has a similar tone to what was found in the demo. So if the demo did not interesting you all that much, then chances are the main game won't either. But I think you're crazy for only thinking the game was okay. The game is better than The Witcher 3 (and I really liked The Witcher 3)
EU-2 do get a very nice price for it though. Here the game is twice as expensive.
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It hinted at a grander story in the demo. The story does become a bit more prominent in the main game, but it's never something that takes center stage. A lot of the story in the main game needs to be puzzles together, as it's usually not told outright, instead you get snippets of information scattered though the game, from different people who have their own views on the events. This is in the form of audio-logs from people who who came before you, messages left on computer terminals, and graffiti found on the walls. Elohim speaks to you through the game as well. It's the kind of storytelling that I suspect that some people might find a bit pretentious, but I quite liked it, as it was something different, and I thought it was nice to have a story that left room for interpretation.
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Hmmm... I'm thinking more and more that I wouldn't like it. But the collector in me screams that I should buy it... Then again, the normal Luxy is trying to convince me to rather buy a game that I'd actually play (The Long Dark, I'm looking at you <3 ) and to hell with the discount... As a woman, a discount is a hard thing to resist xD
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Where is "I preordered and didn't regret it!" option? :(
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So after days of thinking it through, I finally bought Talos Principle for $5 (stacking AW coupon).
Even if the prices drop down next year sometime, it is not going below $5 anytime soon and I just could not pass the delicious 50% coupon.
Here is a poll, lets see how many got it.
P.S. If you have an alienware 50% coupon that you will not use please help a fellow SG person here in the thread. You may also comment saying you have a coupon and someone interested will surely take it from you.
If you need a coupon just post a comment and someone will help you through it too.
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