That's pretty cool, it's even available here. But pointless, Windows 8 is in my opinion inferior to 7. But thanks for letting us now.
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I agree, couldnt pay me to use this junk. already been there and regretted that
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The physics department gets free Windows 8 but not bio... grumble
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You can also apply for that MSDN Microsoft thing, you get from Windows 3.0 to Windows 8 and about 90% of the other programs (office, etc.) all for free if you're in one of the accepted universities.
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MSDN is microsoft software developer's network and it is not free. MSDNAA is the MSDN Academic Alliance, which like an MSDN subscription for schools. Schools with MSDNAA accounts can give accounts to students. Dreamspark is microsoft's free (or in some way cheaper than MSDNAA) version of MSDNAA, which only provides a more limited set of software, not including the full OS's. At least, that's how it was in the p[ast. Recently MSDNAA switched over from ELMS to onthehub and is branded as Dreamspark, so they may be combining the two programs or something.
Disclaimer. I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about, this is just what I've seen because I actually have an MSDNAA account through my school. Amusingly, I actually have two MSDNAA accounts through my school, because the Comp Sci and Information Science departments each have their own MSDNAA program, and when I took an IS class for my CS major, they gave me an account in both departments...
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Don't get why Win8 has such a bad rep. You can get the start menu back with a lot of programs and the new one is the same thing except bigger. I thought win8 was going to be bad (packaged with my new comp) but when I got used to it it's actually pretty decent. Don't knock it til you try it.
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Everyone liked it when it came out? Not sure if troll or from another planet.
People hates every new thing, except if it's getting advertised in every place(samsung devices for example).
People hates every version of windows until it gets old, it's just a trend.
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From this answer simply I can see you don't know shit about OS - only because you read some reports on google that some ppl hated Win7 does not mean it was universally panned - Win7 was a big improvement from Vista, and Win8 is a terrible step backwards.
Less google search, more trying it out for yourself to see why it sucks. Just because it loads fast does not make it a good OS lol
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I used google search? Im sure if you dreaming about me googling things but it's just your problem.
Win vista and win7 is same shit but with different performance so how is this a step forward?
Win7 was more of a visual upgrade from win xp.
Aswell win7 is so much slower compared to Windows xp and Win8.'s faster than Win7
2.Doesn't have win7 bugs but has new ones(Windows tradition)
3.Great multitasking options
4.Auto and non annoying updates
5.Great support for multimonitors
6.Better for gaming
7.Will have dx11.1 support soon so it will be even better for gaming
8.Doesn't have dumb users who follows internet trends as you do.
Windows 8 was a step up, cause since windows xp nothing exccept visual changes.
Oh and i don't know a shit about OSes mister IT specialist...
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Pretty sure I know more about IT now that you bring it up - I'm not going to ask what you do for a living because from your answers of how you determine a OS is good I can see you don't use it for anything else than normal daily use.
Like I said before, there is more to an OS than loading times - UI, development modules, compatibility with software/hardware are some important things to think of.
But clearly you don't think about all
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Oh it's time to use your comeback.
Why did you googled all of this?
Can't you code it all yourself?
UI is the same as Win7 but there's metro as adition, the rest of stuff is the SAME as win7, well it has performance addition aswell more formats support.
But you have to be an idiot to say that it's completly different from win7.
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Win 7 is only slower than XP in computers have less than 2GB RAM memory, I don't know where you get your information, 7 was not hated, only for some die hard fans and people without the hardware to run it.
The UI on Win8 is not the same, if it was it isn't be that fast, Aero is removed and tge base windows management use a less eyecandy themes.
For the rest you are correct Vista (6), Win7 (6.1) and Win8 (6.2) share the family branch (Win6.x) next is an evolution and optimization of the other, performance wise Win8 is the king now, UI wise, it's subjective, I don't liked the new Tablet-like design, still feel that there was another ways to improve the UI for keyboard mouse inputs.
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Tablet design? Does ipad or android looks anything like windows 8? No.
Does desktop icons looks like small metro tiles? Yes, so basically every version of windows WAS tablet like if using your logic.
And you're completly wrong about the first point. Having more ram won't improve how system works.
Win7 requires more resources than xp, that's all.
And Win8 requires less than Win XP, processor overload with Win8 only 1% for me atleast and on Win7 it was around 5-8%.
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I was talking about the small domain of computers capable of running Windows 7.
Not comparing the XP need of resource, it's a 6 year difference between the OS and Vista had already released anyone with 2001 machine don't care for windows 7 and there is no pointing in compare machines that can't run both.
At the Win7 release people with the minimum sysreqs to run Win7 were victim of the terrible performance caused by the lot of swap in machines with only 1GB RAM, swap costs disk, memory and processor time, yes it was caused by resource hungry system, although better than Vista, but it could be lessened with little tweaks, since not all people are capable a fast and less tech solution is add up the RAM to 2GB
My installation is properly optimized, I removed lots of the services (most the same that Win8 turned off or removed) and my PC is close to Win8 even the bootimes by a few seconds.
2 points that you just went full retarded now:
First where Win8 dos not require less than XP, in what world do you live?
XP needs:
Not even WinRT ARM based OS can run with such specs (ignoring the processor architecture differences)
Win8 needs at least
Win 7 has the same minimum requirements, with a twist it doesn't needed PAE or NX instruction set! So not every machine capable of running Win7 can run Win8!
And go and try to run in machine built for XP in 2001 (11 years old based on Win8 release)see if Win8 is less resource hungry than XP, even Win Vista can run with less RAM than Win8 (but will be slower than your brain)!
Second: UI design isn't just about icons and I said nothing about icons, stop putting words in my post! Is about human–machine interaction, GUI and UI aren't the same thing you douche! Win8 was designed to be touch friendly for mobile devices, Win7 already has touch input but is not design to use it well a pointer and click gesture are far different from a touch and swype interactions.
And yes, the interface was designed for tablets, is based on Windows Phone Modern UI and the Microsoft itself said that! Your opinion is more truthful than the developers? Is the recommended requirement of Win8 a touch display!
I can see you don't understanding a thing about user interface if you think that icons are the definition of UI and just imagine how OS really works if you think that you RAM can't drastically change a performance of a machine using minimum requirements.
But hey someone has to feed the trolls! Take a bite would ya?
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Comparing minimum xp requirements(Which would make comp lag as shit) with Win8 requirement?
MS never said that Win8 UI is same as WP, you have to be an idiot to think of that.
That just proves that you went full retard.
You just some guy who's stuck under a rock and never tried W8.
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"Comparing minimum xp requirements(Which would make comp lag as shit) with Win8 requirement?" it's a counter example to what you said before "Win7 requires more resources than xp, that's all. And Win8 requires less than Win XP" I think comparing System Requirements is fair way to compare resource hungriness of O.S.
Just to be clear: you are right about Win7 been hungrier when compared to Win8, but not by that much if properly configured, but comparing the Win8 with the 2001 XP is just bullshit!
Do you speak english in what? -- Jules
I never said that is the same you ignorant. I said and quote "is based on Windows Phone Modern UI" a.k.a. Metro UI
Windows Phone 7 was the birth place of Metro (at least first time called by that name), then Win8 use the same ui based on tiles and touch, both are written using XAML and you say that Win8 and WinPhone7 UI are not even remotely related? Even when everyone with two function brain cells can see that Win8 is just a evolution of Windows Phone 7 concepts? MY LIFE IS A LIE! Win8 doesn't use the Metro UI? You kidding right? Take a look XAML controls comparison between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8
And now you are psych too, I use Windows 8 every day at work, my personal computer is on Win7, and I used Win8 since the first developer preview on VM for developing purposes.
I use and still think it should be a better interface for Key/mouse, like the linux OpenGL based Compiz
Here another byte...
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Sorry for the delay I was on trip.
My excuse? None, this is a Stalemate, since I find impossible a machine that can run Win8 but can't run Win7, albeit not with the same performance and is no way in hell you can prove to me in a way that I believe, even if it is true, we will never agree.
There is no point in discussing this anymore for the both sides.
Just a small correction I compared minimum requirements of both OS, the optimal and recommended for Win8 are just a bit lower than the Win7 requirements
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Where did i said i use Win8 because it boots up faster? Show me exactly where did i said that?
I like new stuff and im ain't afraid of new things, i tried every version of windows once it got released(except vista).
The only oses with had "inovation" was XP and Win8
Vista and Win7 was exactly the same shit as Win xp but with worser performance and fancy UI.
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Because you shouldn't need to install the start button via a third party install file. It was a poor decision on Microsoft's part to begin with.
Besides, once you reinstall the start button, Win8 is just Win7 with a Metro screen.
This is all coming from someone who used XP through the Vista years because of it being crap and jumped all over Win7 when it came out because it was what Vista should have been. So, it's not that I don't like change. Win8 just seems to hold no actual benefit.
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No they have not. They just made a visual representation of the corner to mui.
I use win 8 myself because it is a very good OS, and even though win7 is the best MS OS ever, I have no intention of going back from win8.
The problem with win 8 is that it's essentially 2 different OS' welded together that have vastly different looks and feels. Thats a problem, as it makes it unintuitive to use. the HCI is therefore very bad and MS deserves critique for that. 8.1 does indeed help a lot, but it's not good enough. Having to different OS' fight over control makes it feel like a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. However, the start menu as we know it is obsolete. Using cascading small Windows on huge screen resultions makes no sense anymore, and icons in general are obsolete too with the introduction of widgets in Android. Widgets (livetiles) are really nice and should be implemented a lot more in a pc, and win8 is the first step in the right direction.
The dekstop part of win 8 is superior to 7 in every important way and that's why I feel it's a huge step backwards to go back to win 7. People using XP are just living in the past. Idk wtf they are thinking. Xp was more shit when it launched than Vista ever was.
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You get new OSs on Dreamspark, not upgrade editions.
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Do you need to be part of a certain program to get it?
Comment has been collapsed. No, its available to anyone - you can add your university to the list if you cant find it ;) there weren't mine on the list (i was first student which has registered from my university - it was about three years ago). There are other software from autodesk, but all are educational versions - You can't sell things that you will make with that software.
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You are awesome. I've wanted to learn animation for awhile and now I'm working on learning 3ds Max, it's really daunting at first.
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My college signs you up automatically when you join any tech department class
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I'm literally just finishing at the University of Manchester, but it seems only certain schools there have DreamSpark, so I cant get into the webstore :(
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i still have vista and i would really love to get windows 7 for free from this site but i dont have a dream spark account :(
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Got this last year, on RTM version to be more specific...
Dream Spark just don't have MS Office
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I am using it already, I really don't understand why so many people hate it. I thought it would be weird at first w/o the start menu but I quickly got used to it. I hardly ever use the start screen (only for searching) other than that it is good, and faster than Windows 7 ever was for me (for games and things like boot times).
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+1. I've been using classic shell since windows 7, because win7 didn't have cascading start menu. I have it installed under win8, but I don't actually use it. Instead, I tend to use a run menu replacement called slickrun that sits in the upper right of my screen (just below the close button).
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This a normal version or it's a version with which you can do nothing, even using a lot of programs? because in my university in Spain they gave Windows 8 for all students to "study" but the version was worse than Home Premium, you could do practically nothing with it.
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Windows 8 on DreamSpark is just the Professional version (most complete).
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Is DreamSpark or DreamSpark Premium ur account?
On my university they gave to us a custom email for hotmail and there was a link/email to register on DS Premium, don't need to anybody to register for us. Here a ss of my account with W8 Professional and Language's Pack (Same thing go to W7, just Professional, nothing of Ultimate):
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Windows 8 Professional? Professional versions is most complete versions, even W7 Pro is more complete than Ultimate.
W8 have 3 versions.
Normal > Enterprise > Pro
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Seems I can get the Win 7 too, but first I need to know my info to login, I saw on internet ppl say you have to ask the technology department of your University to get it, but I don't know where I can find it in mine. But if is on DreamSpark list, so this mean I can get it then.
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yeah, u're right, Enterprise have more features on 7 and 8.
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When i studied in Informatic Engineering we all had access to windows 7 for free. It's nice thing that Microsoft do in many countries.
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Only applicable universities and (for me at least) only the computer science division of said university. Get a friend who studies in the division to grab it for you if you need it.
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