Hello Steamgifters! It is that time again - adventure time! Join a great adventure with a large amount of treasures!

All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?

  • Introduction

Game of sWords is a text RPG Adventure where you can explore dungeons, upgrade your hero, find useful items, weapons and artifacts, avoid deadly traps, fight dangerous monsters and interact with other players while searching for treasures (private SteamGifts giveaways links) on your way and trying to complete a quest to get access to a huge amount of private giveaways! Each quest has a limited number of winners split between 3 available classes - Barbarian, Wizard and Thief, so the chances in each giveaway will always be great.

All giveaways have no restrictions, so anyone who finds them can join them!

A lot of giveaways have been contributed by the community members, and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who made a contribution! :)

Here is the topic of the previous Game of sWords.

Here is the topic of the second Game of sWords.

And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November last year.

  • Important notes about the Game

You hero has Energy Points and Health Points.
Most of the actions require Energy Points. Energy can be replenished using items which you can find everywhere, thus it is important to check everything around you!

Energy also replenishes over time and that time can be reduced with special artifacts that can be found during the adventure.
Note, that the Energy won't be replenishing during the battles (you can only restore it with potions)!

If you lose all your Health Points, you will also lose all the Energy you had plus you will have to wait for a few hours to be resurrected. Energy can not be replenished while you are dead!

Note: If you have problems navigating through the map, you can switch to Simplified Navigation at the bottom right corner.

I highly recommend to visit sWords Library that has a lot of other useful information that will help you in the adventure

  • What's new in Game of sWords?

It's been more than half a year since the previous Game, and, obviously, it has a lot of changes and improvements! Adventures this time will get even bigger, with more variety in everything: items, monsters, traps, weapons, artifacts, interaction, you name it!

The Game now has sounds which can be activated by clicking a Note symbol at the bottom right corner and a Chat window which can be used to communicate with other adventurers and see what is happening around you!

You can also trade with other adventurers through the Chat using following command: /trade amount item(s) you have for amount item(s) you want

/trade 5 small healing potions for 3 small energy potions
/trade 5 acceleration scrolls for 100 coins

The Game also has a new design a a new engine which makes all kinds of interactions happen in real time.
Note: The Game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).

Current Winners limits: Barbarians:10, Mages:10, Thieves:10.

Winners get access to all giveaways available in the Game! (50+)

Everyone who finishes the Game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!

All giveaways end in about a week! The Game will last for a week.

  • Time to start the Adventure!

EVERYONE is invited to play the Game and search for treasures in the adventure! :)

The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.

Join the official group


Start playing now!


Bonus giveaway for everyone by Morshock!

Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!

8 years ago*

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I have over 2k gold and nowhere to spend it, so now I'm 15 kg overweight 4 lyf.

First world problems.

8 years ago

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Yeah, wealth can be a curse now :p

8 years ago

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Luckily overweight is not penalized too harshly so hopefully you can just ignore most of it at some point, especially once you find a shop and get stocked.

8 years ago

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Awesome game , Love it! :)
Found some bugs on the game , if you want I can tell you about them :)

8 years ago

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Glad you enjoy it! :)
Of course I want to know about any bugs - you can report them either here or in the Steam group.

8 years ago

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Sure, calling the endpoint of defend outside of a battle will give you 15 energy if exhausted . So you can permamove, no need for energy potion.
If you die, you can still attack and it will give you the items and the exp .

8 years ago

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Woah! Those were some serious exploits! Thanks so much for pointing them out :)

8 years ago

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Can I check more of them? I love to do so (I promise not to abuse them ) . Obviously I am going to point them out to you (In private if worse) :)

8 years ago

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That would be very much appreciated! :)
I see that you have such nickname for a reason ;)

8 years ago

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Edited: Feel free to contact me to tell you about other bugs.
So people can not abuse then while we are both sleeping.

8 years ago*

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Yeah, I thought the same - better not post any active exploits publicly since I might be offline for a while :)
I would appreciate it if you sent me a private message on gameofswords: http://gameofswords.net/profile/3
Or I can add you in Steam if it is more convenient for you.
Thank you, hacksy!

8 years ago

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Send you a message yest on gameofwords , not sure if you got it.
Got a really bad one (Could compromise your server) but had to sleep, wanted to tell you directly but maybe you were sleeping.
Maybe we can talk briefly on steam if you have the time

8 years ago

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Hi hacksy! I got your message on the website and added you in Steam.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh wow! Another sWords game!
I'm so happy it's here but so sad I missed out on contributing giveaways. I even made it my main group in Steam so as to hopefully not miss it. O figure picking Thief would be fastest way to win but I have to go with Barbarian because that worked well for me last time around.

8 years ago

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Hey JonnieMazda! :)
No worries! You will have a chance to make a contribution for the next game, they will be held much more often now.
Thieves, as a matter of fact, are not so overpowered anymore as coins now have weight, and carrying to many of them can easily overload you and make you lose lots of energy :p
Barbarians, on the other hand, have great endurance and can carry more items wthout being overloaded. Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I rarely entered SG Puzzle giveaway but this one are greats, Bump!

8 years ago

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Thanks Gl000M! This is not really a puzzle in fact :)
Have fun in the adventure!

8 years ago

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OK, I'm confused again :D
My score just dropped. I still had the previous statistics window open, or I wouldn't have noticed. Here's the change:

6 ID ⚔ 649 3 49 68 14 0 0
7 ID ⚔ 637 3 52 71 14 0 0

More steps, more checks, lower score. What's happened there?

I noticed it happening again, so I guess it's intentional. Does your score drop with every step? How is score calculated?

8 years ago*

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Hi PsychoApeMan! You must be the barbarian I talked to in chat :)
In general, each check, step and death decreases your score while kills and level ups increase it.

8 years ago

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Interesting try ^^

1st quest with a Wizard: death by bleeding, and I was blind 70% of the time but... i'll try again later to actually see how it is :p

8 years ago

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Poor Kenny! :) It was funny reading your comment and then looking at your avatar :D
Try asking people around in the dungeon for Eye Drops if you get blinded - they might be willing to share or trade them.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the advice :)

8 years ago

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Are the gems needed for something specific or just to make gold by selling them? And that red line near the beginning, I didn't get any message when trying to go there (forgot to ask).

8 years ago

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Yes, gems can only be sold for Coins - they don't weigh anything and can't be stolen
The red line is a door - a message should have appeared in the top left window when you approached it.

8 years ago

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I've encountered another one, still no message. No idea what I'm supposed to do as a result of this.

8 years ago

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I have fixed the problem now, if it still exists for you, try enabling sounds by clicking a Note at the bottom right corner (then disable them again if you wish).

8 years ago

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Works now, keep up the good work. How do I lose weight? Trading isn't that useful because everyone just wants energy potions :).

8 years ago

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  • Spend all the coins you have in the nearest shop - tons of coins can highly overload you.
  • Give unneded items away, exchange heavy artifacts and weapons for lighter ones whenever you find them.
  • Upgrade Strength - it will allow you to carry more weight.
8 years ago

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Much appreciated.

8 years ago

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So, if i finish the game fast, without checking stuff, i will be able to get every giveaway?

8 years ago

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You will get every giveaway if you finish within the winners' limit of your class, but I doubt you will be able to finish the game at all without checking stuff :)

8 years ago

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God dammit server why you are so cruel, first your game handicapped me and now you roar at me :(

8 years ago

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Haha, sorry about that :p

8 years ago

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You should lower the chance of scrolls by a lot, i'm a mage and i still cant use them cause i can't get USEFUL loot from checks ffs. Also you should get a temporary resist from status effects removal items, removing blind only to get blinded again on the next turn is way too frustrating.

8 years ago*

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Try trading scrolls for items you need or for coins - shops have a sale sometimes (they have discounts on some items right now by the way), so you might get the needed items for cheap there.

8 years ago

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How did you manage to make early levels even harder and more frustrating than in previous iteration... I explored a somewhat big chunk of the dungeon but leveling up is impossible cause i'm defenseless - no helpful drops so i keep dyeing or escaping = no exp, constant status effects, trade is completely useless cause there is nobody nearby at all times and when they are - they are afk, i can't get rid of artifacts that weigh me down cause i'm a mage and couple of bottles and a bag of gold is impossible to carry, using the stick is impossible cause it eats a million concentration per hit. I'm really considering to stop playing this time. Oh yeah that also means that i'm in a constant concentration and morale pit from which i can't possibly climb, that morale thing is like "Oh you got unlucky? Well guess what? I'll punish you for that, ahahahaha!".

8 years ago*

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The game was meant to be quite hardcore and take some time to learn its basics.
You don't have to fight each enemy you meet - run away from tough enemies (you have 100% chance to escape if enemy is not 1 step away and can't shoot) and kill weaker monsters - they drop loot, including new weapons and artifacts, which will then help you fight tougher enemies. Yes, you lose some experience by running away, and that will just delay another level up that will make you meet even tougher monsters. Upgrading hero to the maximum level is not necessarily at all, especially if you are not yet ready for the next level (ercalote completed the quest with level 13 out of 25).
As for coins - spend all coins in every shop you find - items will usually weigh much less than a mountain of coins.
Exchange artifacts for lighter ones at first possibility if your are overloaded.

8 years ago

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Seems like you start the fight at 1 step if you're blind, that was my first death today. Other time i thought that i fight a weak enemy but i got concussed right away and couldn't hit him a single time, that was my second death. I killed the same enemy quite easily before and ran away twice i think. I managed to make about 10 steps (not including checks) and most of the time i was blind or disoriented (and also poisoned 3 times) and aside from coins, arrows and scrolls i found 1 energy pot and 2 health pots and 1 artifact, which didn't help at all. That kind of progress for a whole day will frustrate anyone. So far i'd say you shouldn't add morale, it just helps those who already do well and punish those who are already punished.
Edit: Thank god someone ROBBED me and i won't be overburdened when i resurrect! Morale: terrible, that says it all.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for sharing your opinon, Ev11!
You might be right that bad Morale punishes quite harsh. I will be making some changes to make the game a bit easier. I have now decreased the coins weight and concentration needed for magic weapons, and will be thinking what to do with morale for now.

8 years ago

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Glad to hear. Ways of replenishing morale aside from killing the enemies can help. Maybe finding a new artifact, removing a negative effect, healing, shopping, using your class specific abilities/weapons, meditating, progressing through dungeon (opening doors, completing quests, finding new points of interest). Probably decreasing morale for skipping checks, using other class weapons, backtracking, getting robbed, triggering traps.

8 years ago

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That is actually a brilliant idea :) Thank you!

8 years ago

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Is donating giveaways still giving ingame stuff?

8 years ago

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No, sorry, contribution period lasted for a week before the start of the event.

8 years ago

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Is it on maintenance?
Clicking "Enter the Dungeon" directs me to the "News" page.

8 years ago

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+1 have the same problem

8 years ago

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It looks like it is back to normal.

8 years ago

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I got the problem again.
It looks like it is random.

8 years ago

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Try clearing your cookies for the site and logging in again. Might fix it.

8 years ago

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Thanks, that worked!

Edit: It looks like i have to do it each time it disconnects.

8 years ago*

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Cool game, thanks for posting! :D

8 years ago

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You are welcome! Enjoy it!

8 years ago

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I have to say magic weapons are hard to use...

8 years ago

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They are at first :) The more you use them, the less Concentration they will require. Magic weapons are very efficient against many enemies plus they can be used at some distance.

8 years ago

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Now it mostly is move closer, if too far, magic once, then switch to melee and keep hacking.

8 years ago

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Bump for completely lost. Traveled two levels of the dungeon two times, but still cannot find a door to open with my newly acquired key :(

8 years ago

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Good, let others catch up. :P

8 years ago

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+1 :P

8 years ago

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I love these

8 years ago

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Have fun, Felipe! :)

8 years ago

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I found a treasure but the link disappeared immediately replaced with the message that I'm napping and now it's gone. :|

EDIT: nevermind, it's back in the treasure section. But I'm blacklisted so can't enter it anyway :)), must be a HiroHiro giveaway.

8 years ago*

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Hi, there seems to be a bug where when i block an enemy successfully my concentration decreases by 1% instead of increasing when i block successfully and i'm a mage so that's kind of a problem

8 years ago

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Hi Novazch! There is no bug. When you defend yourself, concentration will increase when you either block enemy attack or an enemy misses. Also, no concentration will be restored if it is currently at its max value which depends on your current amount of Health and Energy, e.g. if you have 100/200 Health and 250/500 Energy, max Concentration will be 50% and it will not exceed this valuer neither with Meditation nor with Defence unless you restore some Energy or Health.

8 years ago

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wait yeh i think i know where i went wrong, thanks!

8 years ago

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Then that was either your max possible value at the moment (you were very low on Energy or Health or both), or the enemy kept hitting you preventing from restoring some concentration.
Edit: alright :)

8 years ago*

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Let's try it!

8 years ago

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Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I tried it a bit. Is this the official napping simulator?

8 years ago

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Napping like a boss!

8 years ago

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Thank you! This is fun.
However, I get confused with the direction easily.

8 years ago

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Hey! Glad you like it. You can click Navigation button below the minimap to switch to simplified mode.

8 years ago

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I see. Thanks for the tip!

8 years ago

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Hmm, my inventory gets spammed with scrolls and as a Barbarian I have no use for them, but I seem unable to find anybody willing to trade for whom they'd be useful... is there a way to drop them or otherwise make use of them :?

8 years ago

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Upgrading wizardry to high enough level as a Barbarian might surely be problematic, but if you desperately want to get rid of them, suggest a trade for just a few coins - mages nearby should be willing to take them for cheap.

8 years ago

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Will try it when able! :) Seems interesting at first glance tho!

8 years ago

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Have fun! :)

8 years ago

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@#!@# Flesh Bitters - any hints how to kill it ?

8 years ago

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Ok, nevermind. I quess its random when it ressurects...

8 years ago

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Yeah, those nasty monsters have some chance to resurrect upon death.

8 years ago

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Took me 4 resurrections to kill the first one, at the end I started experimenting with magic damage since I thought maybe it was necessary to prevent it from resurrecting...

8 years ago

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once you've checked a wall, will it not give anything if you check it again on the opposite side of the wall?

8 years ago

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Yes, you have a chance to find something on the other side as well.

8 years ago

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interesting..., thanks for the quick reply

8 years ago

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The other side has a separate check, you will notice the map will show it as two layers.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by SErVER51.