ive thought a few times
if you have friends to play with
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In its current state, I cannot recommend it. If you have no friends to play with and don't feel like paying loads of money for both dlc and the safes within the game (which completely break the system), then it's not fun.
The dlc missions (which are the important parts) are available in game as long as someone else who owns them starts the heist (allowing you to join it), but the problem is that most players will simply kick you out of their lobbies for no reason (regardless of your level, stats, or gear), and even if you finally manage to start a heist, teamwork is difficult when the people you are playing with very actively ignore everyone else in the party.
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DLC and microtransactions killed the game. Now it's called pay2winday
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Just go for the base game and a couple of essential DLCs. You don't have to (I strongly recommend not to) pick up all their DLCs because some of them are plain useless and even the good ones got overwritten by the stupid statboosted skins.
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I haven't had time to play it yet but I think it's worth a try. Looks like fun =). Though I suggest you don't buy it on steam. I think it would be better to get monthly humble bundle which will give u payday 2 + dlcs and other games for 12$ =). Or try other stores... I saw one that gives payday for free if you buy a 20$+ game. This applies only if you want dlcs.. if you only want the base game then I guess 5€ is good deal on steam.
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As someone who spend lots of hours, I have no idea should I recommend it in current state. And not because of stat-boosts, which are now available for free, but because they rebalanced weapons in such a way you need to cripple yourself to actually feel there's any challenge.
But then, since you'd be fresh guy, you wouldn't know whole meta and you'd need to level up first before seeing if it's easy, so you might actually have fun.
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Ok, basically, as a person who has about 291hrs on record, I'd say maybe.
Well, first of all you need to understand that loud heists turn into a horde mode with cops and objectives. If you like that, that's fine.
The stealth itself is solid enough, but it could be ruined by bad netcode and bad teammates.
The DLCs are all unnecessary (except maybe Armored Transport, which has a lot of missions and a few cool guns) since the missions can be played by anyone as long as the host has the DLC for it.
With friends the game gets even more fun though.
Out of about 100 random matches, I'd say, at least for me, 8-10 matches have been just horrible. If that number is too high for you even though you can disconnect immediately, then don't get it to play with randoms. About 70-80 are usually quite average and then the rest are usually quite amazing with the most friendly and funny players :D
I'd say yes, if you have friends.
I'd say maybe, if you want to play with randoms.
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324hrs in game time.
Around 275hrs played with friend.
35rhs played solo for the achievement, get go, and challenge DW solo stealth.
14hrs played random with other player (success with just loud heist, stealth heist always failed because of the teammate.
As a former payday 2 player, i'd said stay away from this game. As it current policy with microtransaction ruined the game.
You would need to read A LOT OF guide, because this game is hard to play. Guide for the skills, guide for the heist, etc, etc.
Especially with the microtransaction added, and without proper tutorial. Well, if you're just a casual player who want to try payday, stay away from this game.
In conclusion, IMHO :
MAYBE RECCOMMENDED if you have friends to play.
NOT RECCOMMENDED if you start to play alone with random as*hole strangers out there.
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It's really a fun game, but your best experience would be to play it with friends instead of strangers. But that's the case for every coop game :)
Since the game has been bundled a few times allready you can maybe trade for it and get it even cheaper then it is right now, and for that kind of money you really can't go wrong.
Everyone who left a negative review above me that mentions microtransactions actually agrees with me that the game is great. They all played it and probably loved it, they're just butthurt and think they actually can make a difference if they can get a couple of people not to spend 5$ on the game. Overkill couldnt care less
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Hello and happy X-mas!
PAYDAY 2 somehow appealing but when i read some reviews and look back to prequel, seeing a lot of DLCs... really hesitate to buy it. On the other hand, i don't have any friends who plays PAYDAY 2.
So, do you recommend me PAYDAY 2? If you have time, please make a comment. Thank you!
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