Was this punishment fair?
He's one of the first then who got a real vacation? ;-)
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Yep. xD I haven't found out how many years he will spend in jail though. I hope these news will scare some scammers and make them rethink of what they're doing.
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Obviously, hence why it's a fair punishment. Still, I keep seeing people accusing victims for their stupidity, rather than the scammer for scamming the victim's items. Why though? Till when will their crimes go unpunished? :/
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Well, depending on the scamming method, the victim might have been very stupid or at least naive...
So if someone tells me he got scammed by a profile with 10 reps on steamrep already, then yes he's a stupid person and responsible for his item loss. As is a person leaving his car unlocked with a notebook on the backseat.
But still in both cases I want the scammer/thief punished never the less. So the victim beeing stupid or not is in my opinion independent of my wish to get the bad person punished.
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The criminals will go unpunished for a long time....as most people dont go to the police when that happens, and even when they do the chances are rather small that the one who did it will be found (or that the police actually tries to solve that case).
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I totally agree. Let's hope we'll see more scammers going into prison. All this time, their crimes were going unpunished. Internet crime is paying off, but let's hope that something is going to change from now on.
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I don't think stealing from a thief is very just, unless the items in question can be demonstratively proven to have been impossible to have aquired without the money they gained through theft. Really don't like the idea of someone losing family heirlooms and such via 'legal theft'.
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Heh, let's hope he's that good with guns in jail too. xD
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True. All scammers should face charges, depending on how much is the worth of the items they stole.
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They'll actually give the skins to the starving kids in Africa. :B
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Even though the Steam terms of service state "Valve may terminate your Account or a particular Subscription for any conduct or activity that is illegal, constitutes a Cheat, or otherwise negatively affects the enjoyment of Steam by other Subscribers", and anything that gets you jail time certainly is illegal, I wouldn't count on Valve to actually enforce that.
It would require lifting a finger after all...
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The first and so far only video game in existence that managed to produce real criminals prosecuted and jailed in the real world.
Nice going right there, nice going. For a few moments sometimes I almost delude myself that video games are meant to be enjoyed as entertainment, but I guess Valve really showed us that nope, it can be dragged down to petty crimes just like any other segments of the entertainment industry. *insert random hail Gaben mantra here*
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From Runescape to Habbo Hotel...
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You'd be surprised how real world law is affected by games.
I remember a case where a japenese (i think) woman hired someone else to create a second life character in order to seduce her husband's character online. It worked and she got a pretty generous divorce settlement
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Oh yes I remember one guy's mom here in the origin country of Habbo Hotel, Finland, tried to take scammer in court, but because scammer was a kid he didn't face any consequences except getting his account banned. And both of them lost their items, nothing was paid back to the victim. So gg, don't be stupid - don't get scammed.
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First of all: the difference between jail and prison.
To answer your question, I believe the only people who should be sent to prison are those who pose a physical threat to society. Putting a thief there accomplishes nothing. If they can't pay back what they owe, they should receive a community sentence, and work for it.
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I'm not denying that victims of theft are hurt in many ways other than physically, but prison-time is not going to undo that. In fact, it'll likely make the thief harder to rehabilitate, compared to if they served a community sentence, meaning that once they're out, more people might be hurt by them. The eye-for-an-eye mentality of punishing criminals instead of rehabilitating them, doesn't benefit society in any way; on the contrary.
As for cases where the damage is so high that it would take a thief's entire lifespan (or more) to pay it back through community work, I think it's more productive if they spend a couple of years paying back at least some of the damage, compared to the alternative: the thief wasting away in a prison cell on your money.
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He deserves it,
also I recently found this video it is very interesting you may want to take a look it's from h3h3productions :
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someone tried to scam me a little while ago, hey I work at this website and I can rig the odds to win on my alt but I need you to give me some skins and we can split the prizes. uhm yeah if you could rig the system you would just do it. he tried for awhile to make me give him a skin but I just said no you give me a skin first and then he was like no you are just going to scam me.
anyways yeah send him to jail I hope its like one of those Canadian ones where most people just end up dying
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it could be true, i've heard of many similar instances elsewhere too, i think it is because virtual items carry real value in some countries
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Photo looks like it's photoshopped which Chinese love to do, almost as much as they love to post fake news. It would be in western media news as well if someone would get arrested for scamming people. Just type: chinese scammers arrested in Google and enjoy the view. Or go to baidu and use words: 中國騙子逮捕了消息 Steam. Nothing. Yep, cause fake news.
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Hey, I was just thinking about stealing one hundred thousand dollars!! I might have to rethink this.
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CS:GO scammer was sent to jail after scamming nearly 100000 dollars in skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGiYvDYtJxc
I found out about this because of this video, but please let me know if there's an english article about it, because it'd be better to link an article rather than a video.
Anyway, what do you think about this? Was this punishment fair? I think that steam trading scams should be considered being against the law and the perpetrators should be persecuted by the authorities.
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