Topic has already been discussed: How bad is piracy
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to go from a time when almost every game had a demo to this day i can understand why people would pirate to try something out its the people that dont buy afterwards to support the devs. Provided they continued playing and enjoyed of course
Edit: maybe steam can integrate a rent service for so many hours of play time? Not that this will stop piracy
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I'm not against it if it's used as a way to play a "demo".
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+1, and I wish there was demo's for every game -.- that would help a lot.
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skyrim is worth it, tons of hours out of the 40 euros. But some games are really short for such a high price tag.
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Games aren't overpriced - people who pirate for that reason are just cheap. And Skyrim provided me with 125 hours of play time when I bought it day 1, not to mention the fact that I'll go back and play again in the future.
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Bad argument is bad. You're not entitled to a game you don't purchase just because you think it's expensive. Piracy takes jobs away from indie devs. It takes creative original games off the market. It makes big studios add in massive DRM for paying customers.
I hated Ubisoft and their DRM, but now I think my annoyance belongs to you, not them.
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That is such an obnoxious answer. Yes Ubisoft HAD to put horrible DRM that put restrictions on their legal paying customers, like only being able to reinstall the game a set number of times. THEY chose the DRM and the restrictions it enforced. Not to mention it didn't reduce piracy in any way. Many devs have come up with user friendly methods to convince people to purchase their game and not pirate it. To blame pirates for large companies, like Ubisoft, poor and un-user friendly restrictions is incredibly silly. I'm guessing if Ubisoft decided they needed to charge double for their games you'd blame that on pirates too. SMH.
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Its been surmised that pirates actually attribute to more copies sold then none pirates. I dont want to say proven, but a link to those that pirate and an increase in sales as been seen.
DRM has always escalated, In all likely hood I think it has less to do with the "threat" of piracy and more to do with companies wanting to hook you into their own extra services. If they can snag that one exclusive that demands you join their walled garden of a service, you will be more likly to buy from them then other companies. Look at steam as a prime example, many people, myself included, wont buy certain games if it requires another service or isnt tied to steam.
Just like breaking off DLC into 10-15 dollar chunks for relatively little in the way of content is a growing phenomenon. Holding back content or ideas and assets that could have been implemented just to milk the consumer for more money. IMO price affects a user's choice to pirate/not buy a game more so then the availability to pirate.
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For software, I don't pirate anymore, with the exception of my OS. Other programs have free alternatives (Open Office, GIMP, etc).
If you want to avoid buying a shitty game, just don't buy on launch. Have some self-restraint. Wait for independent reviews, Let's Plays, and price drops.
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Indeed, but game support is lacking which is a killer for gamers.
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It's not because I have an objection to Microsoft. If I did, I wouldn't use their software. It's more an issue of cost.
They really aren't the "evil empire" they used to be. Windows 8 aside, I think they're doing a lot of things right these days. If anyone, Apple deserves that title now, but a snarky dollar sign doesn't fit into their name as well.
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Using GIMP and Open Office (and other FLOSS) is GREAT! It creates validation for the community and helps remove the pressures people have to use the proprietary software. If instead of pirating Windows, we just used Linux, it would be a Linux driven world. Take away the bad ideology that you need MS Office or Photoshop.
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Its fine for me, As long as the game is SP Im probably gonna pirate it.
Games like Skyrim, Bioshock, Dead Space, Dishonored, Etc are games I would pirate. Games like MW, BF, War of the Roses, And other MP mainly games I gotta buy :P
Publishers already have millions of dollars, And paying $60 for ~10 hours worth of fun is $6 an hour. No no... Piracy is free and I enjoy the same game. If devs want me to buy their game, They better bring something that makes me wanna buy it, because I DO buy games... I just pirate most of em.
I would actually prefer having a game legit, But paying so much for the same experience I could have for free? Nahh...
Look at this pic, To the left are my current installed games. Yellow are pirated, Blue are free, Nothing means I bought it.
To the right are ALL the games Ive pirate throughout the years (And bothered enough to keep)
Notice a pattern? :P
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Well, Honestly the main reason why Im on this site is because I prefer having the actual games than pirating em.
For example, Before pirating Bioshock 1& 2 (Like 2 weeks ago) I entered the giveaways for em. If I dont win it quick enough (Thatll never happen) I just pirate em. If its a MP-Mainly game then I enter giveaways, If I dont win I keep waiting untill one day Im like "Fuck it I wanna play, lets buy this" or its on a BIG sale. I bought most of my Steam games on the Christmas Sale.
If I have (Legit) games I dont really like, I give them away here. Afterall, Why just keep the games I know ill never play? :P
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The only thing that pisses the blazing shit outta me is when cheap motherfuckers like you try to justify their reasons for pirating. The aforementioned publishers don't make the game, the actual developer does, the one who spends a week researching the material, another week designing the character, and then another two weeks modeling and texturing the very same one character.The one who one day took his work home because he wanted to improve on it.The one who gets fired because his game didn't sell two copies enough. Buying the game is not about "feeding" the "big and evil money-grubbing corporations", it's about respecting other people's work, you dumb shit.
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Really don't understand the justification for stealing. If you can't afford the games, then don't have games you thief. This is coming from a guy that was legit poor as a kid. I couldn't afford games, but i got a job, payed for them myself. The few games i did get my hands on, I appreciated.
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They already got paid. Everytime you hear "Blah game sold 10 MILLION today!" it means that "Blah Publisher earned 100+ MILLIONS today!".
The devs get paid for their job. Some publishers give the devs a bit of the game profit, But its VERY VERY VERY low. Its mostly going to the publisher.
"The publishers dont make the game, The devs do" yes ofcourse. But the publishers get the money.
The people that MAKE the cocaine in arent millionaires are they? Theyre poor. The millionaires are the ones that supply it to the dealers. If people steal from the dealers, Only the dealers and suppliers lose cash, The manufacturers already got paid. (Dealers being shops like GameStop, Suppliers being Publishers and Manufacturers being Devs)
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Justify Theft. Thats good. You realize this is exactly why we have to deal with bullshit DRMs right? DRMs wouldn't exist, if pirates didn't exist.
Make no mistake, you're hurting the Developers, The Publishers, gamers and the gaming industry as a whole. You are a leach. Studios actually go out of business because of piracy. People making quality games, are out of a job. Wonderful quality games don't get support, or don't get deserved sequels because of piracy. This doesn't just affect evil publishers, this affects gamers.
Part of the reason these games are overpriced, is because YOU STEAL THEM. You are not a gamer. You are a whore. You are one of millions of self entitled douche bags, that ruin it for everyone.
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You realize that, just by the basics of economics, jobs are lost due to piracy, right? Like, when a game sells 10 million copies instead of 5 million copies, the extra 5 million x $60 isn't just going to the heads of the publisher. The publisher uses a great deal of that money to fund MORE games than they otherwise would have (more developers get paid), which requires them to hire MORE people in all positions (marketing, market research, accounting, and literally everything else). Not saying there's a direct ratio for piracy to lost jobs, but piracy does lead to people losing jobs.
-Thanks for being cheap LiNcKz
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Only reason he buys MP games, is because most of the time, you can't play online or get banned from online services for pirating MP games.
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Yup, Exactly. If the game gives me something that REQUIRES me to buy it, I have no problem.
I bought GuildWars 2, I bought Minecraft, Ill probably buy Chivalry or War for the Roses. Ive bought many games.
Specially PS3 games, I have 60+ PS3 games because Im REQUIRED to buy em if I want em. (Dont play PS3 anymore since I got a PC though)
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So you admit to being an asshole then. You are WILLING to buy games, you just prefer to steal them if you can. All your arguments of "The publishers can afford it. I'm a freedem fighter!" is bullshit. Its all about personal greed for you. This is why we have DRMs, because the only way people won't pirate the game, is if you force strict rules that pervents players from playing the game easily.
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You have to remember though that every single DRM is fucking useless and pirate copies do not have them. Its pointless.
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Yeah, DRM only affect legit buyers... Specially the whole Internet Authentication, Max installs per disc & Online passes.
Pirates play in cracked servers, Use cracks on their games & Torrented the install, So they got unlimited control over the game. Legit buyers just get fucked :P
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I mean, That you think your justified. That what your doing is Justice in some way. Your "Sticking it to the man". Your not.
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Well, If the money went directly to the devs sure. Like Terraria, Its a DRM free game but I bought it.
Now, If EA published Terraria... Fuck that, Im pirating.
Most devs get paid for their work & Thats it, After release their job is to fix the game while still having that fixed salary. The sales have nothing to do with em. Other devs get paid a portion of the sales, But this is VERY small. Almost nothing, Specially for a <$60 game.
Everytime people say "I buy it to support the devs" are wrong. The devs got paid, Youre just putting another dollar in the publishers Millions stack. Specially if its a best-selling game.
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In my opinion it wouldent be. Publishing is like loaning money. A bank checks what youre gonna use the money for and they decide whether or not they wanna take the risk.
If the business you want to make is bad, Youre not getting any loan from the bank. If its good though the bank is willing to take that risk and loan you the money.
Publishing is similar, But the publisher also pays for the advertisement, And other costs. But the main thing is money. They spend money on a project and expect to be paid back for taking the risk. The publisher itself barely did any of the work.
So if you really wanted to reward the MAKERS of the game, Then a check to the devs directly would be an awesome way to do that. Specially with famous games, The devs already got MILLIONS of profit on em anyways, While the devs, The real geniuses remain relatively poor.
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You ever wonder why they even use publishers then? You ever seen a AAA title that didn't use a Publisher? It's because Publishers are worth it. Just because YOU can't see their worth, doesn't mean they don't have worth.
If publishers didn't exist, neither would the game. Its a symbiotic relationship. If you hurt the publisher, you hurt the developers too.
Lets look at Devs that don't user Publishers. They're almost exclusively smaller indie titles. It's extremely difficult to grow a fanbase for your game without a publisher. Its a sad truth.
Your also right, that the Publisher takes on a great deal of risk. They take a lot of losses, for failed games. Earning a bit more from a successful game mitigates that. Is that wrong? Publishers focus on business, and making a game a success. Devs are focused on content, and making a game. With publishers, devs have an easier time making those games, and making money. Also, Devs of successful games are not "Relatively Poor". They still make a ton of money.
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Search, use the frakking search!!
Legally speaking, piracy is classified as theft. Some people oppose it, others embrace it. Some claim its to "try it out" and theyll buy it later maybe. Others just do it to save 50 bucks.
Me? Im sitting on almost 3TB of pirated media, so Ill let you decide what I feel about it.
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Legally speaking piracy is not theft. It's copyright infringement.
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From my admittedly limited understanding of civil cases leaved against individuals, companies treat it as theft, at least in the context of media/games. Maybe not theft in the way of "we lost a physical copy", but more of a hypothetical theft of "we MIGHT have lost a sale for 50 theoretical dollars". At this point though its manly semantics and still wrong regardless of how people feel about it.
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Whenever I hear Mr. Mackey I immediately default to thinking it's sarcasm.
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Well,I dont support the closed minded thinking piracy is a steal,but I dont support those that think its good too...In many countries piracy is caused by lack of money(In my country for ex:I think 70%+ of populace pirates,all my friends and people at school pirate,everyone I know pirates,why?- because of salries that are...lets say 1/10 compared to U.S.A salaries,or UK salaries-so how can you buy games if you cant afford them??)...Piracy is also caused by lacking of demos....but in my opinion the main reason are money and a lot of people living in rich countries ignore this....I stopped piracy because:1st-I have respect for the developer and since I buy only games that I like,I think they deserve the money....2nd-Multiplayer games offer a better experience if they are the paid/official version...3rd-Community(this includes Steam-community is great and Its a plus for every game)...
Nowdays I dont pirate games anymore(I get them only on sale-because of lacking of money..),but to be honest I still pirate software..(because is very expensive-and since I dont hurt anyone I use it)..
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I think in most countries piracy is caused not only by lack of money, But also because theres no consequences...
My brother knows a guy that works at our ISP, And they get letters from the big companies about "This IP has been found downloading blah blah..." but they just ignore em. Its not a law here that you gotta do something about it.
If the thing youre pirating is being tracked it doesnt matter unless youre in a country that really cares about it (I think the US is the only one?)
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Pretty much, though I think I read something about the Philippines doling out jail time or something for copyright/pirating.
In the US while its not law, as far as I know, for ISPs to help copyright holders, they are slowly bending to the pressure and are starting to become like facebook where they will bend over backwords to please their new overlords... Kinda sickening. Copyright law in the US as a whole needs to change, and should be a bit more like the classice patent system. 7-10 years of protected status, then its fair game, none of this 70 years after the death of the creator/owner bs. Completely defeats the purpose and the intent of the copyright system. Thats a discussion for another day though.
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Yeah I know, And its actually kind of funny how these restrictions only affect the legit buyers.
When a game releases, Theres ALWAYS a crack for it. Pirates just download that crack and done. Legit buyers sometimes run into problems because of the DRM (Like not having internet for games that need online-authentication)
When a movie releases, Theres ALWAYS a recording of it, Pirates you watch the movie. Legit "watchers" have to endure the ads before the movie and the many "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT" and "NO PIRATE PLOX" ads.
When a song releases, Pirates just rip it off YouTube or pirate it somewhere and put it everhwere they want. With DRM like iTunes, Legit buyers have their songs locked down. You do what iTunes lets you and nothing more. Pirates can do ANYTHING they want.
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Yes, and by your own argument, the only people to get hurt are the legit customers. You know, the only ones actually PAYING for the product you steal.
Congrats man, your a revolutionary. Fight the man! (By which, i mean piss on all the honest gamers out there).
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Yeah, Thats pretty much what I was saying. DRM is getting worse & Worse the the only ones affected are the legit buyers. The DRM does NOTHING to stop piracy, It just locks down legit buyers.
What the point of your post? Just summarize what I said? :P
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DRM is your fault. Higher prices are your fault. These wouldn't be an issue, if you didn't steal. Your having a negative impact, and all the "Legit Users" are the ones being hurt.
What exactly is your point? "Everyone else steals, so who cares"?
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Its funny, it was never as rampant as it was today until the media started "warning the people" about the dangers of piracy.
The only way to beat piracy is to offer a price or service or some function that just cant be matched by a free and limited supported product. The more government or companies or anyone tries to limit something, the more it will be sought after. The moment something is outlawed, it becomes that much more likely to be used by Joe Public. Companies need to stop spending untold amounts of money and time trying to curb an unsolvable problem and learn to embrace it to cut costs or become more profitable. How Im not sure exactly, but it needs to be done regardless.
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Its been seen that large companies actually participate in piracy as well, then quickly sue if they catch someone violating their copyright, its pretty funny.
Also, I know from first hand that at least one instance where the "pirate" MP experience was much better then the "legit" experience. Im referring to AlterIWnet which allowed people another choice for MP in MW2. Cracked down on hacks and hackers very quickly, offered more choices for matches/mods, and the community was just a lot more mature.
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If you can't afford to buy games then you don't have games. It's simple enough. Stealing something that you don't need to live isn't justified by your inability to pay. You don't get to steal cars if you are too poor to buy them. You don't get to be a rapist if women don't want anything to do with you.
That's how it is. Life isn't fair. You are hurting the developers by stealing their labors without compensating them.
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I'll find you three games without demos for every one demo you find. Easy.
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Demo versions are the pure evil!
It's the way to provoke in you desire to have the final product ("shut up and take my money") without having certainty and without ensuring that it will work on your machine.
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Oh fuck not this again. This topic usually creates civil war on SG.
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People that mostly keep the industry alive which in return produces new movies and new music.
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Never liked piracy, I think my 450 games on steam will say the same but slowly I think people should piracy some developers games, just because too many games are shit today, too many aren't even worth a penny, and too many are too frickin greedy to deserve any kind of money from their games.
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The way our civilization works right now, who gives a f*ck as to what piracy really is. If we are stealing from companies, then that probably means their products aren't really worth the hard earned money people spend on them. Plus, politics are also thieves in this world which is even worse than piracy, it corrupts people so easily. So we basically do w/e we can to get out hands on the goodies we so much want.
Why would i be buying games when a company decides to grab the previous product they made, use it, add some stuff to make it look different, gameplay remains basically the same crap and they call it an expansion to the previous title, and price it 60€. cough Activision cough
EDIT: The only thing i hate about piracy is people who do it for profit. I've met quite alot of people who pirated games for money, it actually works but i think it's rather cheap and you are taking advantage of unexperienced people who think that's actually something normal. Basically pirating for money = bad, pirating for personal use = ok/good.
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No... that's kinda stupid to say. You are implying that everyone thinks alike in this world. You know there are people who might have computers, internets and all that mumbo jumbo but don't know how to download a torrent from the internets. I've seen quite a few people of my a age, mostly girls, not knowing what to do with torrents.
And old gamers (people from past generations who like to play) are easy targets for this kinda of profits. I know a person who used to buy pirated games untill he decided to learn it himself. This was done 2 years ago or so. Kinda recent as you see.
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Well, in my opinion, it's neither good or bad, IF you do it like I do. For example, you have seen both good and bad reviews about a game, and you're not sure, wether to buy it or not. Then you torrent the game to try it out (In most games, you can't play MP with a pirate version). If I like it, I will buy it to support the devs. If I don't, I'll just leave it be.
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Seriously - following the thought that everyone is equal - some guys can not afford expense equal to their monthly(that's only example) salary and here we came into the question: "why not to try it without spending money?".
Most of the producers earn huge amounts of money on their products and losses caused by "pirates" are only a drop in the ocean of money earned by these companies.
Going to the conclusion: no, I do not think that piracy is so bad that it must be exterminated as the ultimate evil.
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What I think ? ... hmmm... Everybody loves a little piracy ... . But if seriously - piracy is a (great) way to check the game to see if it is worth .
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Piracy = stealing. And I don't give a single fuck and steal Origin's games.
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Well origin...... now that u put it that way........... F*** THEM! they screwed my Bf3 and i payed 90 dollars in total for that shit of game full with bugs :( they disappointed me deeply
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that is different, EA sucks, and they probably deserves it... also Ubi with their old "you are not going to play this game unleass you pirated it" DRM style... or Games for windows live where they don't even want to sell me the games
"Me- hey, i want to buy bulletstorm, cause, it's awesome :D"
"Microsoft - NOPE, you can't buy it, because your country :B... also piracy"
"me- But i want to buy it D:"
"Microsoft - No you don't!... you wnat to pirate it, you pirate! Close the window"
"me- What?"
"FBI guy - GET HIM!"
"me- OH SHIT!"
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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD and yeah i meant EA (they are the owners of Origin and origin is the platform of Bf3 )
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Hey guys !
I would like to have your opinion on piracy. IMO pirating a game isn't really stealing the developpers's job but it's a way to try the game before buying it. Since a few years, many games came out in the Steam store (and on other places) and they were shityy games that we paid like 25-50€ thinking it will be a great game... So by pirating a game, I can try it and if I really enjoyed it, I buy it on Steam. I did it with Terraria :)
Let's give your opinion !
PS : I'm not saying that piracy is cool, but something useful to not being f*cked by some games.
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