Do you know Touhou?
GA link addded after realizing its missing! Sorry, now You should be able to see it upon completion!
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I'm definitely a fan of the fanart, since Touhou seems to be populated almost exclusively by ridiculously cute characters.
Haven't played any of the games though- the Steam backlog is intimidating and hard to chip holes at as is without checking out franchises with dozens of games outside of it. ^_^'
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Yeah, thats a big part of the appeal, I am certain. There is even a joke among the fandom that Gensokyo (the fictive place where Touhou games are usually set) is only populated by women. XD
And the artists depict these maidens as they see fit, which results in hundreds of variations for the same character. I am honestly taken aback by how creative these people can be.
And your desire to work on your backlog and not dive into Touhou is understandable. :,3 Although if You could ever spare the time and energy, I would certainly recommend you to give it a chance! The sixth episode being a good starting point IMHO.
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Bullet-hell was unusual for me at first, as I had mediocre experience with most, until Touhou. This series sucked me in surprisingly easy. It was unusual at first, but got the hang of it sooner than I expected. If its not your cup of tea, its underastandable, although there are a few fighting games in the series, if thoose are more likely in your alley.
Anyway, thank you for the compliment. Good luck!
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I am sorry, this is the choosable Humble Bundle region restriction preset here on SG. I was not aware that Ukrain is not included in it. As I am from Europa (Hungary to be exact) and purchased the bundle here, I wanted to be on the safe side and choose the most likely restriction if there is any at all, not to disappoint the winner.
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I've just got some help from a comment below, so hopefully in the future (yes, I do plan to make more Jigi-GAs like this) I will have a better understanding of when and what restriction to set.
Also Happy New Year to you too!
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Bit of a shame you added the region restriction, given how these are region-free keys (you can always check by clicking on Gift to a Friend and then cancelling, so you get region restrictions but don't end up stuck with a potentially dangerous gift link). I am currently unsure whether SG support can lift/alter region restrictions of an ongoing giveaway.
But well, let's not delve on the negatives, it was a fun quick puzzle with a very nice image. Touhou is a series which seems extremely nice, but it is infamous as a bullet hell game, so probably not going to end up playing it ever (except for Touhou Luna Nights, as that's probably less brutal being a Metroidvania).
Happy New Year to you too, BTW.
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Oh, so this is the way to check it! I tried to follow another suggestion that led me to steamdb, but I did not find relevant info there. Good to know, thank You! I will keep this in mind, should prove useful when I get the next bundle!
I am glad that at least the puzzle seeems well chosen!
The bullet-hell genre was alien to me on first exposure, but I quickly came to like it, especially as it proved to be pretty hard and I love overtaking challenges. Also, there are fighting games in the series too, if that rings better to you, "Immaterial and Missing Power" and "Scarlet Weather Rhapsody" comes to my mind first, especially the latter was memorable with a comfortably big selection of choosable characters.
Happy New Year to You too!
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Yay, I made it :D
Thanks for that small jigidi
I know touhou thanks to Archi's group that I was part of for a few years I think. I'm not really a Touhou fan myself but already played a few of those. I played bullethells to a point where I just can't stand them anymore. They're just too much stress even if you already know the bullet patterns and kinda hurt my eyes when playing them for longer than 30 minutes.
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You are welcome!
I see. I am sorry to hear it. Yeah, Touhou games can be quite overhwelming visually and difficulty-wise, although I myself have no problem with it as I play in small bursts, rather than long sessions.
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Yes. I am sorry, will try to come up with something without a restriction next time!
Happy new year to you too!
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Happy New Year!
I'm Japanese and I love Touhou as much as you do.Very happy to know that there are people all over the world who know about it.
The game, the music, and the fan community around it are all very interesting! Touhou Chireiden Subterranean Animism is one of my favorite games!
The illustrations for the puzzle are very pretty!Finished it in a short time, but it was a lot of fun!
Your illustrations are great too! XD
PS: I already have this game, but I wrote it here because I solved the puzzle! Bump!
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Subterranean Animism is a good one, nice choice! :) I like almost all episodes, particularly Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Mountain of Faith and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
Touhou has an incredible worldwide following, thats for sure! I found it first while I was doing some translations for a hungarian anime-manga fansub team (from eng to hun; not ideal, I know, but sadly my japanese only consists of the most common sentences and words that I recognize in anime, plus some basics and the hiraganas; would love to learn more in the future though). The leader of the fansub knew a lot about Touhou and the exposure he provided got me interested in it.
I am glad that you found the illustrations good, thanks for the compliment! And for the contribution to the topic too!
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Happy new year !
Well, I don't follow touhou as much now, but I was a big fan when I was a teenager. This series got me introduces to bullet hell among other things. Tho, I still listen to the music with pleasure.
I started with Touhou 10 Mountain of Fate which is really great and hard and absolutely beautiful visually.
I didn't draw touhou characters but I did do some photoshop to have my own desktop wallpapers(even wallpapers for my psp) or my own avatars on forums, I was pretty proud of it !
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Thank You!
Yes, the music is a constant to me too. While I do play the games form time to time, its on occasion. But the musical scene is so vast, I regularly find new, unheard pieces that I come to like! Various genres, dozens and hundreds of executions for each song, it seems there is no end to the creativity of touhou fan music!
Credit where credit is due, the games' original, catchy soundtracks guarantee an exceptionally good base for any further musical, artistic interpetation. But the same can be told about the original graphics. They are quite simple, but the design choices and the overall lore provides a rich playground for anyone who dares venture into the world of visual arts.
No wonder You wanted to get some wallpapers. I set Touhou pictures as background on PC and phone regularly. My phone's lock screen is still a Youmu fanart for eg.
Mountain of Fate is among my favourite episodes too, cant agree more with your statement! :)
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Been a fan of the Touhou games for many years now, however, what truly got me stuck in the rabbithole was the fan music!
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Its still going strong for me too. :) I tend to find new songs to add to my list quite regularly. Its as if there is no end to it! :D
On top of it all, sometimes they produce fitting animations for them. And surprisingly often with pretty high quality.
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Hello everyone!
First things first:
Happy New Year to You! Here is a little celebratory jigi: LINK
EDIT: It seems I forgot to include GA link. xD I am very sorry, now pasted properly! 21.01.01 18:21 GMT+1
I wish all the best to You and hope for a better, less stressing year overall.
As for a topic of discussion, I've choosen a Touhou pic. for the jigi.
For those of You who dont know, Touhou is a fairly famous bullet-hell shooter, I'd even say cult game, with manga style graphics and a surprisingly detailed lore for its genre. It features many recurring characters in its episodes and the soundtrack is exceptionally good, often praised by people too, who otherwise dont even know Touhou.
The fan following is extremely dedicated and it shows trough the virtually infinite number and kind of fanarts spread around the web. Illustrations and music expecially. I am not overstating. Touhou fan creations are another rabbithole in the fabric of the internet where You cant help youreself but feel lost and overwhelmed on first contact. But once You are sucked in, even You feel motivated to seek out more and possibly even to contribute!
I know I did. Here is a drawing I made almost 8 years ago. Sadly I barely draw anything as of late, but thats a whole another topic.
In my opinion, its amazing how a relatively simple game could gather such a devoted fanbase around the world. The closest in scale I can remember is Undertale's fandom maybe.
Do you know Touhou? Are you a fan? How many of us are here on SG I wonder.
Any Touhou related conversation is welcome!
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